Field Work: A Visit To Ground Zero

I had the opportunity this past week to visit Victorville and the McStay family graves site. That sounds quite chilling as I write that – family graves site. The first thing you should know is just how confusing it is to get to the location. I’m pretty good at direction and finding my way around. I wasn’t using GPS, just orientation of landmarks I was familiar with. As much as I studied maps, I almost got lost. I first ended up on the road to the dump. So I turned around and wound up on a dirt road that could not be it as I knew the first part of Quarry Road to be paved. Mind you, there’s no street signs.


Entrance to Quarry Road on the right. Confusing, huh.


Once on the right road I did use GPS as I didn’t want to pass the site and I wasn’t about to drive through the wash. I stopped once I knew I was close, got out and hoofed it over the little hill. The crosses quickly came into view.




I was surprised by just how many tire tracks and ‘roads’ was at this spot, in front and all around. No way to know if they were here before the family but most looked pretty fresh and some looked like they were done when it was wet.

I was also shocked that I was close enough to the dump to hear the beeping of the tractors moving debris. It wasn’t faint at all. If Chase Merritt buried the family there on the 6th, it might have been very risky thing to do as the dump is open on Saturdays. However, the position of Merritt’s truck, if someone were to look in the direction from the dump, they would only see the top of his truck. That might even require binoculars.

Viewing pictures verses actually being there do not provide the best perspective. I couldn’t get over just how close the cell towers were to the graves site. That mountain and antennae seemed to loom over like some gigantic boom.




The proximity of the tracks and the graves site were a lot closer than I imagined. I think that being over-exposed to seeing the pictures with the canopies made the area seem larger than it was. The site and the gully was incredibly small. But I could see how perfect a spot it was. It was totally concealing.





This amazed me as it was quite stunning to see the town of Victorville in the distance.


After some meditation it was time to scout around. I was eager to get to the “Third grave site”. If you remember when the family was discovered, there was another ground disturbance just over the rise from the initial graves site.





This really wasn’t far from the graves site. If you recall, there were tire tracks leading to here. However I discovered that this was not done by a standard vehicle like Merritt’s truck. They were made by – surprise – a dirt bike.





Take away from that what you will as it has been stated elsewhere there were no bike tracks. There were actually a multitude of tracks made by a dirt bike but these were the more prominent. Merritt’s truck really wouldn’t have been able to navigate the wash here either as it was choked with brush all the way from the mouth.

Here are some other things I found of interest.



Empty bag of dog food. It looked like it could have been out there for 6 years. I imagined how maybe Chase had replaced the old food with a new bag, took it with him. However the expiration date was for July 2017. I doubted dog food would be good for 6 years. So I checked the dates on one in the store just to be sure. It was dated for August 2017.


Part of a rental agreement.



This was kind of near the third ‘site’. There were other random impressions around this, almost as if someone was wrestling or in a scuffle. I put my foot in and it was slightly larger than my 11 1/2 shoe. Obviously made during muddy conditions.


Wider view.



It was right next to this sort of road that I believe lead to Gas Line.



This appeared to be some casting material. It was in the wash.


This intrigued me. It was to the left of the crosses, behind a bush. It looked like it was made recently.


I said earlier that I went out to pay my respects to the family. Once I was there, that seemed wrong. I mean, they weren’t there. This place of dread no longer held onto these people. It was just an empty gully now. I imagine that is how Mike or Patrick McStay may have felt, this ground no longer holds them, we’ve found them. Unfortunately, so many other family members of the missing are not afforded even that.

This family has been brought home and it’s only a matter of time before the wheels of justice trucks Chase Merritt off to his destiny.




525 thoughts on “Field Work: A Visit To Ground Zero

  1. Thank you, Corn. These are the best pictures I’ve seen of the McStay’s desert graves and the surrounding area. It makes me so sad for them and really puts things into perspective when you see Rick Baker making such a fool of himself. It’s all about him. smh

    Liked by 8 people

  2. You said the top of the vehicle would have been in view from the dump, is that the same for the freeway? Or does the hill cover that view entirely? Also, are the crosses placed directly over the graves? Or off to the side, etc?


  3. That’s why Merritt moved his truck to the second grave. To conceal his digging from anyone who was driving those big trucks at the dump and happened to look his way.
    Thanks for sharing the photos Cornelius.

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  4. Sorry to muddy this thread with Baker BS. I want you guys to know that :
    So according to Mo, who spoke with the police in NC, Baker did file a report of him receiving “anonymous threats” of harm to his dogs and wife unless the posts about Lynne and Sandra were removed from his blog. Since I am positive that no one here has authored such threats and Baker needs to show the cops something to substantiate his claim, he must have created these threats himself. That’s just insane, IMHO.
    So exactly what kind of person are we actually dealing with here? I just lost all sense of humour about the situation, thinking about the possible ramifications. Framing someone or several someones for having committed threats of violence. Would he go so far as to harm one of his dogs as further “proof” ?
    Maybe Cornelius should also be proactive and call the NC police to get his story out front? IDK. Just a thought.

    Liked by 2 people

    • There’s nothing here about his dogs or wife so unless he can provide something tangible he should probably just shut up about it. Falsifying claims to police is an offense that they will take very seriously. However, if Baker did receive actual threats then by all means he should take it to the authorities and contact his service provider. For him to blanket multiple people with accusations without any proof is irresponsible. But we already knew this about him. I’m in no way concerned about myself. The right people have been contacted, by the right people.

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        • I’ve had my photo posted to his blog and he extorted his followers to dig up my information so he could make it public. Fortunately we are talking about the folks who couldn’t figure out bullet points so they came up with exactly zip.
          He’s the only person to threaten others. Oh, the irony.

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      • Corn it would be wise for you to contact the police in NC as you own the blog and provide them with proof that there were no threats coming from your blog as Baker has claimed. You can offer your assistance that Baker has threatened you and your wife and her employer. If the police hear this information along with MO’s complaint it will take away Bakers control claiming of the treats coming from a member of your blog. I am contacting Patrick McStay as well so he can call the police in NC and information them of the threats and Baker’s making false claims about Patrick and Mike.

        MO please post the police information in NC and the Deputy you spoke with. If you filed a complaint and have a report number please post it as well as Patrick will need it if he contacts them which I believe he will if you all have. Remember there is strength in numbers and it will show the police the person who is the real problem. Also if Baker really was threatened it would seem he has really pissed someone off. It sounds more like someone in his local area why else threaten the dogs. That makes no sense if they don’t have access to the dogs.

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        • Rob: Please tell Mr. McStay to call NC LE. I called the number Baker posted 336-727-2112 and mention the report# 2016-08503. I talked with a Deputy Wooley. He was going to get with his supervisor and said that they would talk with Baker. I told him the whole story. I mentioned about both blogs and everything. I told him that no one from this blog threatened his dogs or his ill wife. If Baker submitted documentation that myself, Jason Parmelee or Lynne Marquardt, made such a threat, then it is a fake document. I told how Baker has published that Mike McStay is a murderer even though Merritt is in jail and facing the death penalty. I told him about Baker lying about my wanting to have an affair and meet with him. I also stated the threat that Baker was sending someone to my home at 4PM yesterday. Baker made an illegal threat against me for the “sending someone to my home” comment and created defamation by publishing an untruth that I made romantic advances toward him. That is against the law. I have to file my claim with the San Diego Sheriff since I live here.
          Please have Mr. McStay call NC LE. I talked about Mike McStay and the more people that call to substantiate these false claims the better it looks against Baker. He went way too far this time and needs to be stopped. I told the deputy about how Baker is and his mental instability and that I am afraid someone is going to get hurt. I could not file a claim against Baker in NC so there is no report number. I will take care of things on my end. I was not going to share this info but have since changed my mind on Mr. Patrick McStay’s behalf. Please have him call.

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          • I talked to Patrick briefly today and he said he would take the necessary steps and asked me if others were going to call as well. He said it is necessary for anyone that has been attacked, harassed, defamed or slandered by Baker to call and at the least get it on record. Whether a report is filed or not the police still must write down the information and keep it on file in case something happens. I will let you all know what happens with Mr. McStay.

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      • It’s all so ridiculous. If Baker feels that threatened, why doesn’t he just delete his worthless blog along with his 4 followers. That’s the first thing I’d do, if someone on the internet was threatening my family or pets. Rick is vindictive. He hates that this blog has an intelligent following. He wants people here feel uncomfortable. Police reports! sheesh This blog has done nothing wrong.

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          • Your correct redgrave all this is, is another of Bakers ways of trying to make it look as if he is the victim. He goes around filing reports when he is caught in more lies and tries to use the reports as evidence that he was victimized. Believe me the le agencies I’m sure are on to him just as the FBI Agent Robinson was as you can read in her email to Mr. McStay above. It’s also on record how Baker makes forged documents like the fake TES Invoice, emails and other documents. He thinks he can cover his behind and turn the blame toward others. The trouble is he is a known repeated liar and has admitted to many lies as well and anyone who needs any information about Baker what he has and is doing only needs to call the FBI Agent Robinson, Lt. Chris Fisher and Sgt. John Gaffney with the .San Bernardino Sheriff’s Office along with Lt. Giantonio with the the San Diego Sheriff’s Homicide Division. That is just some of the people who know about Rick Baker and they are the very same people Baker has accused of being in a conspiracy against CM and him. Be assured that the NC police are being alerted to Baker and his attacking and harassing people then calling the police and making it seem as if he is the one being victimized. Stay tuned LE in other areas will be alerted to Baker and he can answer to them.

            Liked by 4 people

            • Well said, Rob. I agree. Anyone who has followed this case for a while has seen Rick Baker in action before. He’s done this many times and there’s a long list of people who can corroborate that Rick is a stalker of victim’s family members who spreads lies and manipulates just to create unnecessary drama. The Laspisa family is another example. I do think people here are wise to use caution with Baker, though. He seems to want to wreak havoc right now and I don’t think he cares if someone gets hurt.

              Liked by 3 people

              • Yes Red, that is the reason I called NC LE. Baker is instilling fear for some and it needs to be documented with the authorities. Saying that you are sending someone to my home was the last straw for me. I will not be his new victim and I will exercise all my options to stop this neurotic individual and all the lies he is saying about me.

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      • I’ve taken breaks from the McStay blogs here and there, but for the most part, I’ve been following from the beginning. One thing is nagging at me after reading the latest of his shenanigans. I mock him all the time because for the most part, I think he’s a giant joke but I’m aware that his craziness does cause actual harm sometimes.

        I think everyone can agree that he is a mentally disturbed man, the only question would be whether or not he’s an actual danger. One thing that has been consistently true about this jackass is that every single time he accuses anyone of anything, it is a perfect description of his own actions. Whenever he talks about the latest atrocity the “trolls” have just committed, invariably it’s a mirror image of something he’s just done.

        A lot of times it’s funny because he’s such a caricature and has less self awareness than a jar of jam, but when he starts accusing people of actual threats and actual violence, I get kind of an uneasy feeling. I don’t think any of his slander victims here should walk around in fear or anything, but I think it’s good to take it seriously and be reasonably cautious. I doubt he’s a real danger when he doesn’t have a keyboard, but his last post really was kind of alarming. I know he’s posted similar things before, but this guy’s mental health has been declining rapidly. He’s lost his following and he’s lost his influence, except for the few commenters on his blog, most of whom are probably him.

        When he reaches the point of complete despair and humiliation, his usual reaction is to create a scenario where he is a victim/hero, then courageously, bravely, with great fanfare and melodrama, he steps away from his post while his people beg him to stay. I’m hoping he just sticks with that script this time too.

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  5. Fran, I believe you are right. And got these same feelings 10 or so posts ago. He cries for attention too loudly and I don’t quite understand which mental illness he may have, if he has one. At first, I thought he was just angry, but when you verify for the zillionth time that he posts pics and lies about everything, it is kind of freaky and I am concerned for those around him.
    I have neighbor kids whose 5&7 year old do this same thing.
    Its a problem for me. Because they are kids, adults tend to just shrug it off and think “rough parenting, kids will be kids…” But as a 60 year old doing this kind of thing, it appears like it could be a very serious mental illness.
    I dont know much about liars, is it possible to be a liar without being mentally ill?? I don’t think so.


    • And when MO mentioned a male calling her laughing and telling her to contact “so and so,” that’s crazy. I don’t care if you are mean or nice, don’t call me if you don’t know me. I honestly think it was Rick himself calling you.

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      • It was not Baker. Just a man sharing his idea about how to get the “real Rick Baker” front and center in his hometown. That is where he lives and those people have no idea what a creep the guy truly is.

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    • He has edited the posts about JP and SJ (which we know are. Nothing but lies) so they appear to have been posted on Sept 11. We know the SJ was created prior to Sept 11, I’m not sure about the other one. . Then today he posted that he contacted the Sheriff and needs help monitoring social media, particularly this blog, which a few days ago he said was hacked and unsafe to even browse, and urged people to avoid it. Its just weird, because on the same day he posts about receiving anonymous messages that his wife and dogs lives are in danger he also posts an inconsequential thread about the new train route.
      If I received a message that I believed was a real threat against a member of my family the last thing I would be thinking about is posting a thread about a proposed train route. Especially on a blog I had said I was going to close because I was satisfied the case was solved. (and, why is trying to solve the case anyway? It’s been solved, Merritt is awaiting trial where the evidence will be presented before a jury of his peers to decide his fate) It’s plain weird. He’s either a pathological liar, mentally ill, or suffering from dementia or senility. Something is not right.
      Because what normal healthy person does this kind of stuff?

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      • And, his priorities are all messed up. IF the threats are real he is willing to risk the lives of his loved ones for the sake of publishing a libellous post that contains personal information such as phone numbers and a menacing threat.
        This alone tells me the whole drama is a pack of lies. And, it tells me he is off his rocker crazy. IF this all an invention of his imagination what does he think he is going to gain from all this?
        Ugh. I really hope that that author, whose name presently escapes me, is following along and will include a hefty chapter about this creepy charlatan.

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  6. I also spoke with Deputy Wooley and guess what? Baker lied! Insert shocked look here. My name was not included in the report. I guess Baker can’t decide who supposedly threatened him because his story keeps changing. Par for the course.

    Without getting into too much detail about my conversation with the good deputy suffice it to say the deputy is more than a little confused after perusing Baker’s blog while I was on the phone with him and will be speaking to his lieutenant about the alleged threats against Baker. Thus far Baker has not provided any type of written documentation to support the allegations as there isn’t any.

    I’m actually embarrassed for him having called the sheriff’s department and getting them involved. Come on, it boils down to two blogs with differing opinions of who and how the McStays were murdered. Poor Patrick, I hope to God he doesn’t read this nonsense about Baker. Fortunately or unfortunately, I think he knows Baker all to well and realizes this is just another day in the life of Rick Baker. Smdh

    So, in a nutshell Baker is doing what Baker does every day of the week which is lying and making up shit. He’s to the point where he should almost be pitied. Almost.

    Liked by 4 people

    • After Baker’s brutal trashing of LE and claiming they are so corrupt, he calls LE and asks for assistance. What part of this story makes any sense? Thank you Just Me for taking the time to call. I appreciate you doing so.

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    • He thinks he can bullshit anyone including the police. I think this was a ploy to make anyone planning on sharing his past online antics think twice. Much like posting pictures, jobs, phone numbers, names and addresses of people he has a problem with is his way of intimidating them. Each time he does that, he later wants apologizes and promises to take it down and cease.

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    • Does Baker not realize every week he discredits himself more…not that he had that much left. He’s got to know that people view both blogs and compare the info. The energy he is spending on such ridicules threads is sadd. Becky needs him a hell of alot more than Merritt, his blog, and four followers. Come on dude, take care of your wifey. My eyes are bad today sorry for typos. Mo, you did good. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, he can’t go toe-to-toe with you, or the whole group for that matter.

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  7. Notice he claims someone from an unknown number was calling making threats. Sounds a whole lot like his claim that someone with a blocked phone number called him and said they were Joey McStay.

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  8. Mr. Baker seems to think he has something to do with the format being changed here. However I stated a week ago that I was going to make some changes for easier navigation. This is something I had been wanting to do for a while. Nothing has been deleted. But he doesn’t know that because he doesn’t read here.

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  9. I tried the link and then filled in the information and nothing happened. It asked for the address and when I entered it asked for the city but it only allows NC cities so it wouldn’t work. Patrick just told me he contact the Deputy and had a very good conversation with him. However he can’t and won’t go into what was discussed but it was very productive.

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    • I thought he had already bothered them. Didn’t he say he spoke with a detective who advised him to install a security system? Two weeks ago, I think. No police report of that – I looked all the way back to August 1.

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    • It’s is weird that 98% of the time he posts off the wall, crazy things and then also has the ability to make posts that *appear* to be sane by posting what appears to be logical, normal, victim laden comments when he knows someone in LE may read his blog. (Oh, I’m so sorry LE had to be bothered, I was just doing as recommended and trip wiring my 70 acre compound after installing missiles that strike anything that comes within a quarter inch of my chicken wire fence, thus endangering my hairy HooHah.) You can hide crazy for all of 2 seconds.

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  10. I’m sure LE will take what Patrick McStay says seriously. After all, why would the father of the murdered McStay family bother with something like that unless it was a serious ongoing problem, what Mr. Baker has done to this family. Thanks Rob for following up with Patrick McStay. Keep the truth out there and squash the vicious lies and victimization of the McStay family.

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  11. OK, sorry but I just have to do this.

    HOW LONG until Baker says he is shutting down his blog again? Or shutting off comments? Just could resist myself! LMAO

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    • The other pattern I’ve noticed is that anytime this blog has a serious or interesting topic about the case, Baker does something to shift our discussion back to him. He hates that we actually have interesting and accurate case related material.
      That he would actually file a false report with the police then post lies on his blob about what he said to the police so people here would respond and engage with him is beyond anything I’ve seen in my daily life.
      There is no mention of Becky on the police report, Rick is the only victim listed. The deputy must have been a little confused when he read the lies on Baker’s blog about Rick’s wife’s life and the dogs being in danger and who Rick thinks may be responsible. I’m sure Rick made no mention of any of that to the police.
      Maybe back in my grade school something like this happened. Some kid might have gone to the principle with a bogus story to get some other kid in trouble. But an adult going to the police?
      I think he’s suffering from early stages of dementia.

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    • Well, everything is following previous patterns. Some very inspirational, rousing speeches by Mr. Baker can be found in the comments of his most recent posts. If you take the time to read them, I hope they move your bowels like they did mine.

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    • I call BS, wouldn’t the filer of the report say if it were a man or woman (allegedly) calling? Then accuse multiple people on his blog of making “threats” plural, when in fact (if true) it was one random person?

      Maybe the guy who called MO…:-)

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  12. There are several apps out there that allow you to record phone calls. The legality of it, I don’t know or care. Rick has his number posted ON HIS OWN BLOG at the bottom of the page. So, for him to say specifically on his blog that it was Lynne, Sandy, and Jason when he claims he has 50 thousand hits a day on his blog from 84 continents (lol) is crazy in itself!

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    • Now it appears he deleted it, probably because he knew the police would wonder why he put his number there. He just deleted it within the past few days, this can be proven.

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      • If someone truly did call him and make a threat, it is probably killing him now because he knows it was not the three people from this blog. Many, many people hate Baker. He has over six years of enemies out there. I hope he gets a migraine wondering about who it was.

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        • True Mo! From what I’ve seen, Baker’s blog attracts some real characters. Maybe he should look through the deleted comments on his own blog. Didn’t he accuse the FBI of stealing email addresses from his blog just a week or two ago? Haha! I can’t keep up!

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  13. Wonder if Caitlin Rother will mention any of his attention seeking antics in her book. Her investigators may come up with real reasons for his rabid defense of Chuck. I just get the feeling we are missing something.

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    • I think if Mikey McStay weren’t in the mix Baker’s stance would be completely different. He wants MM to go down. His exact words were “Burn, Mike McStay, burn”. Look at the About section on his blog. Those are some of his final words on that page.

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    • I feel the same way, Shlitze, like we are missing something. Think about it. The only people he has chosen to malign and libel are the McStay family members, including the boys, by bashing their parents and suggesting they were victims of their parents, and anyone who has ever tried to do good things for the McStays. Like Sandra, Cornelius, the various law enforcement agencies, Gray, websleuths, CNN. Etcetera. He started with NG where he deliberately omitted any mention of Merritt’s criminal record, and business rip off reports. Why? He included everybody else’s dirty laundry and made up shite where there wasn’t any. Why exclude Merritt from the shite fest? I’ve often thought when he first began “investigating”, he was threatened or felt threatened by Merritt or one of his associates. But then why not just drop the whole case? Why cover up for the most likely suspect?
      There’s a piece of the picture I’m missing.

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  14. I would think it would be more likely that it’s a friend or family member of his son he just wrote a post about last week on his blog, telling everyone he had nothing to do with his son now, or during throughout his childhood…and how he is wayward & basically just saying he doesn’t claim him. Um, hello….how would that not piss anyone off? Especially IF that is the same son whose mom has filed charges against Rick for stalking, threats etc. in the past. I imagine family and friends are not thrilled when the name Rick Baker is mentioned.
    It could maybe have even been a relative or friend of Chase Merritt, since he’s been now baiting them by taking bashes at Chase.
    Or it could be *anyone*, because it seems there are only a handful of people that like Rick Baker, and that’s because they have no clue about his online life and mental disorder or they love Charles Ray Merritt and refuse to think that he did it, regardless of evidence.
    He posts political things about trump and gets in Facebook spats about that, it could be any crazy wacko from that! Some of his commenters on his blog seem like real nut jobs, so who knows, could be one of them.
    OR maybe he just made up the call because he is seeking attention, again and wants to play victim. Let’s face it Rick, you’ve been a fuckface to all the real victims in this case. You, are NOT a victim. It’s so twisted.
    I get the feeling he may mention his blog to his golf buddies, but once they act like “wtf are you doing with your life, man?,” he shuts up and doesn’t mention it again.
    These are just my thoughts, I hope his games are over now and he can really focus on spending time with the people in his life that matter he most. Life is too short to talk out of both sides of your mouth, bathe in hypocrisy and start shit where there ain’t shit.
    No one on this blog that has made threats to you by means of hands and feet. It’s just ridiculous.

    Liked by 6 people

    • After this little grand finale shitshow, I am no longer giving Rick Baker any more of my time. I have seen enough.
      This blog is awesome!
      I look forward to the trial, to new thoughts about this case, Patrick’s book he mentioned in his interview and ultimately, justice being served for the McStays!

      Liked by 5 people

  15. Baker goes to the golf course to play eighteen holes. The golf pro sets him up with 3 guys he does not know. The one guy asks Baker what he does for a living. Baker says “I am a blogger. I have a hate blog on the internet and I spend all day trashing the surviving members of a deceased young family of four. It doesn’t pay anything but it sure is fun.”

    Liked by 6 people

    • If it is the new human condition, these troll types, who have no accountability and live in front of a monitor will move on to some other case to do their dirty work. My question is “When are you moving on Baker?”

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    • I want to add that we DO want justice for the McStays as well, both living and deceased. Part of that justice is not sullying their names and reputations. Another part of that justice is making sure that the facts and truths are out there and not Baker’s version of what he thinks are facts and truths.

      I feel very strongly that his lies and false accusations need to be countered. After Baker shuts down his blog or it gets shut down by force then we’ll get back to discussing only what’s important to the case. Until then we will fight for ALL aspects of justice for the McStays.

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  16. I don’t think he has any idea of what has and is taking place. It just shows the stupidity and how he is so bent on hurting and defaming not only the McStay’s, but their friends and supporters. All for some sick idea that he deserve attention and no one in the media or le as well as family and friends wants or has anything to do with him. He is nothing but a pariah on the backside of humanity.

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    • Very well put Rob. Everything you said is true. My personal opinion about Baker is that he first came on board when he was going to write his book. He started working with Patrick McStay and then the bottom fell out with that relationship. Baker published his book of inaccurate assumptions without Mr. McStay’s approval. Baker wanted to make a name for himself. He self-published his own book and the language usage and everything about that book screamed “amateur”. It was a horrible composition. Baker is just jealous of all the support Mr. McStay has now. Mr. McStay has done numerous TV shows and all the people involved with those shows speak kindly of him. Baker is not invited on TV shows. Nada for him. He is going after Mike McStay to hurt Patrick. I truly do feel this is what is going on with him. Baker wanted to be some kind of hero and impress the media and absolutely none of that happened for him. Baker is lashing out because he wanted this case and his book to be his claim to fame. It all backfired on him and now he has a hate blog on the internet and 4 followers.

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  17. Rob: I have been doing quite a bit of research about being a victim of cyber stalking and internet crime. It is a pretty much new avenue but there are people out there that will help. Please forward this link to Mr. McStay. It is all about a number of lawyers that will take on these cases, even if it is a contingency. Maybe Patrick can talk with these people regarding the defamation of reputation and character that has been done to his son Mike by Baker and his internet blog. It is worth a shot and maybe something is there. I am only trying to help.

    Liked by 4 people

    • No problem MO, I will pass it on, I know he will do anything to help his Son Mike. He is not happy with what is being done to Mike. If you or anyone here has a way to get that link to Mike it may be that he can contact them as well.

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  18. He destroyed his own blog.He had a good thing going allowing free (somewhat) debate until he quit taking his haldol . Then the true paranoid FREAK began his reign of terror.

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  19. I am going to post the legal definition of libel. A few comments up, I stated that what I was going to say was my opinion, which is not libel and is not against the law because I stated it was my opinion. Baker does not do this with his pummeling of Mike McStay. He never says that it is his opinion when he says that Mike McStay is a murderer of his brother’s family of four. He states his comments as if they are fact which is totallly illegal. That kind of thing is absolutely against the law. This cyber crime stuff is new but there is info out there about it if you know where to look. I have been pointed in the right direction and now I am onto something way more serious than some ugly man claiming that I wanted to be romantic with him. I am onto something good here and I will pursue this course to help Mike McStay, who I have never met. Maybe we will see “sweet justice” all the way around with this catastrophe.


    • Oops. Forgot the link to the definition of libel:

      Browse: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

      Enter a Legal Term

      all wordsany wordsphrase

      Look It Up!

      Search the Definitions

      all wordsany wordsphrase

      Look It Up!

      1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander, which is oral defamation. It is a tort (civil wrong) making the person or entity (like a newspaper, magazine or political organization) open to a lawsuit for damages by the person who can prove the statement about him/her was a lie. Publication need only be to one person, but it must be a statement which claims to be fact and is not clearly identified as an opinion.

      Liked by 3 people

  20. Mike McStay has been interviewed by three LE agencies and the FBI, I would assume. He has not been arrested. Someone can not say things such as Baker has and not have to suffer the consequences. Baker does not know the current law. I do. I am just passing this info along. There is something here for Mike to regain his reputation. He should talk with the attorney from CA. Mr. McStay could do the ground work for Mike. Mike might have to wait until after the trial but he could have all his ducks in a row and then go for the slam dunk after Merritt is found guilty.


      • Sheila: I am nothing special. I am all about good people that I surround myself with and they are helping. This is no way about anything about me. I have been a good courageous person since I saved a woman from a burning house fire when I was 16. It was my neighbor that forgot about the bacon cooking on her stove. Mrs. Knight only had superficial burns even though she was engulfed in flames when I pulled her from her kitchen. I did not have a scratch on me and my clothes did not burn. It was written up in my Ohio paper as a complete miracle. To myself, that is hocus pocus. It was just someone being in the right place at that right time and doing the right thing for their fellow man. Maybe that can explain my need to help the McStays. The surviving family members have been vilified and it must cease. Maybe I can find some kind of info that can help. At least I can share all this legal info that I am learning.


  21. What everyone has to understand is how Baker operates and thinks as I understand it. He thinks he can say whatever he wants because no one will do anything and don’t have the money to take legal action against him. He also thinks that since things are in his wife Becky’s name and LLC’s or foundations, that no one can touch their holdings. He thinks he has the money and others don’t and so he can get away with defaming and slander people not to mention he stalks them and harasses them. As some others here and on other websites have said about what in legal terms is referred to as “piercing the corporate veil”. The legal definition is: “The judicial act of imposing liability on other-wise immune corporate officers, directors, and shareholders for the corporation’s wrongful acts. – Also termed disregarding the corporate entity.” That is just the beginning of how he misunderstands the law. What he also doesn’t seem to get is if his wife and the LLC, Foundation, Corporation or any other entity is named in a legal action, then he and his wife or officers are all held libel and will have to defend the filings. So for example, if ten different individuals for i.e sue them, then they have ten different suits to defend against. Now with all these ten people living in ten different states and filing in their jurisdictions, it will be very expensive to hire ten different law firms and defend suits in ten different states. They can try to get the suits combined but that will fail. Then they’ll try to move them to their jurisdiction, but that will also fail. Now the one thing that is hard to predict, is the cost to defend ten different lawsuits in ten different states. Anyone have any ideas how much that will cost and how quick or how long it will take for them to go broke? Remember just as the link provided, there are many lawyers that will take a case on contingency and even on principles, especially if it breaks new ground and can bring great recognition. But it seems he never thinks of all this or just plain doesn’t understand much. Just a few of my thoughts.

    Liked by 3 people

  22. What we have to remember is that numerous people are somewhat familiar with Mr. McStay. That man has been on numerous TV shows. Everyone knows what he looks like and they know his voice. When Mr. McStay goes to bat with these new sources that I have disclosed he will be somewhat familiar to the lawyers. This will work and I am assured of it. I have been counseled in how to present this new avenue of justice. I started out just finding justification for my own wrongs and then through conversation did a 360. As I stated, I do not care anymore about some ugly dude and his delusional dreams about me wanting to be romantic with him. That is so far from the truth. I am on a new tangent and I will do what I can to make this right for Mike and his dad.

    Liked by 4 people

  23. Corn the pictures are very much appreciated. Viewing them is almost overwhelming. Thank you for taking your time to visit, take pictures, and post them.

    My husband passed away in April and, as many of you have experienced the death of someone you love, it is very hard to deal with. I cannot begin to imagine the loss of four precious beautiful family members. Their lives viciously taken. First of all wondering where they were. Then once they were found – everything that has transpired.

    RB isn’t it enough that they are gone from their earthly home? Why sadistically torment remaining family members? Why continue on with your lies? Don’t you get it that you are WRONG? Do you ever think about how it would feel to be a McStay Family member? No, selfish people don’t, and you are the most selfish person living and breathing. There will come a time when you will have to answer for your bullshit. You should be ashamed but aren’t man enough to figure that out. What is wrong with you RB?

    In the end the truth will be told. I know it in my heart.

    I wish peace and send love to all McStay Family members and all of those who support them.

    Liked by 7 people

  24. So many of you have been very busy and productive getting the wheels in motion, applause! A slow day for me, I did find a snakeskin in the garage, it was over 5 feet long. Didn’t see the snake tho. Did RB shed his skin? Nah, snakes do serve a useful purpose. It doesn’t appear that he does.

    Liked by 3 people

  25. I find this somewhat baffling and wonder if this is a crime in filing a false police report and lying to a officer of the law. Notice Rick says in the official police report that the threats were against him. The report shows only him as the victim. Also it says that the assailants identity(s) are unknown and threats were made from an unknown number. So that means there is a phone number, it is just unidentifiable? So then why does his blog say that it’s JP, LM and SJ? He knows there phone numbers so why is he blaming them? He says the phone number is unknown? So isn’t this lying to a Police Officer in filing a Criminal Report? That’s a crime in most or all states. So why isn’t he being charged and arrested for filing a false criminal complaint? Because maybe the Police don’t know the real truth about Rick Baker?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Anonymous,
      You bring up some great points and very valid questions. Personally I feel that Baker should have consequences for filing a false report. We all know that nobody threatened him and law enforcement knows this as well which is why the closed their case immediately after speaking with Mo and myself.

      In Baker’s post he leads people to believe that I was one of the three reported to the sheriff’s office, however, when I called them I learned that I was not named so I don’t feel as if I can make any calls to the sheriff’s office. If my name had been in the report I’d be talking to the sheriff himself to have Baker pay the price of filing a false report. He needs to be held accountable for his actions or he’ll continue to pull crap like this.

      I’ve already taken the necessary steps for him to be held accountable for the false post, JASON PARMELEE, SANDRA JONES, LYNNE MARQUARDT THREATEN TO KILL MY DOGS, HARM MY WIFE, because he has zero proof this happened. Perhaps one of the other many people who despise him threatened him but it was not one of us and it’s a false and defamatory accusation.

      Baker and ultimately his wife are going to learn very quickly that he can’t make libelous statements without some very serious repercussions. He thinks he’s untouchable otherwise he would’ve already removed the several defamatory posts so I guess he’d rather learn the hard way that he is, in fact, very much accountable for his actions.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Just Me: I just got off the phone with Deputy Funkhouser from NC LE. The case is closed now. He told me that Baker did not name any one person in his report. He only claimed to have some potential suspects that he thought made the call. It is not a false report because he did not actually name anyone and accuse them directly of making the call. He is posting something totally different on his blog than what he actually filed with NC LE. There is no mention of me until I called in to LE. I am stunned at the loser.

        Liked by 3 people

  26. Just Me, depending on the state, filing a false police report can be either a misdemeanor or felony. I guess it depends on the extent of deception. By Baker listing specific names put people’s reputation on the line Especially when they did nothing wrong.

    Liked by 3 people

    • The question is, When did he lie, did he lie to the le or is he lying on the blog? Or is he lying both times? I believe it’s all lies. The real question is does he ever tell the truth? When he’s caught in these lies is he either guilty of defamation or is he guilty of filing a false report? Or is he guilty of both? My vote is both. But wait there will be new crazy topics shortly with more lies and diversions. I guess now he’s back on the conspiracy theory kick of the FBI lying and conspiring with everyone. Throw something new out and change the direction away from his believed false report.

      Liked by 3 people

  27. NICE TRY? Here he goes again. We already know that he lied repeatedly and gave the FBI false information claiming Joseph McStay was at a little league game in Spring but never followed up sending them all the so called pictures. Remember this is just one of the many things he made up and told the FBI. We know he got a woman to harass and lie about Mr. McStay and take pictures of his house and to drive by many times to harass him. So now he has to find whatever he can to make them look like liars. Just another of his ploys, change the topic and make up some outlandish lie and try to spin the facts. Just more Baker Bull.

    “Where Are The FBI Reports? Why Does FBI Continue To Lie? (And Why Does It Not Surprise)”

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes. He is a forked tongue twister of facts, a liar, and an idiot.
      He’s spinning the facts with the evidence of the DNA samples from the trooper by posting 99’s erroneous interpretation of the prelim testimony. Merritt’s dna was found in minor on the steering wheel. The steering wheel was swabbed and analyzed separately from the other swabs. The collective swab was for the a/c radio control knobs.
      TC and I talked about this a while back.
      I think he’s only posted it to try and win back his old commenters. It doesn’t seem to be working.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s correct Fran, the steering wheel was a minor contributor for Chase and Joseph as major. Summer’s DNA was trace on the steering wheel. Proof Chase drove it. The gearshift was trace. They were separate swabs for the steering wheel and the gearshift.

        “Let’s start with the profile obtained from the steering wheel of the Isuzu Trooper.
        A Yes.
        Q What did he tell you his results were?
        A That it was — the way he described it, there was a, a
        major contributor. He extracted Joseph’s profile from that. There was a minor contributor. And then was a trace contributor. He said he extracted Summer’s DNA profile as the trace contributor. And that left Merritt as the minor
        contributor to the sample obtained by Williams from the steering wheel.
        Q Did he tell you it was a match, or —
        A I’m sorry. He said it was a match for Charles Merritt’s DNA in the profile.
        Q As a trace contributor?
        A As a minor contributor. And then, on a second set, he
        obtained a trace contributor.
        Q Did he do the same for the swab taken from the gearshift? AYes.
        Q And what was the result of that?
        A The result of that was that it was a trace contributor
        for a match for Charles Merritt.”

        Liked by 3 people

        • And, just to be 100% clear. The “collective” swab was the gearshift and the radio controls. The steering wheel was a separate swab.

          “Did he do the same for the swab taken from the gearshift? AYes.
          Q And what was the result of that?
          A The result of that was that it was a trace contributor
          for a match for Charles Merritt.
          Q Did he also do the same analysis with regard to the
          heater and air-conditioning controls?
          A Yeah, it was — it was a match. It was, I believe it was
          a collective swab.
          Q Oh, it was all one swab?
          A It was a collective swab.”

          Geez…the name of this blog, cuttingthebs really is so f’g appropriate – I don’t know how many times we’ve had to squash a person taking minutae and twisting it to fit their narrative/story.

          Liked by 4 people

        • Yes. The use of “collective swabs”, and the combining in the lab of two or more individual swabs for analysis of touch dna, is routine procedure for certain objects. More dna is gathered this way, and that allows for the development of more complete profiles.
          I’m obviously not very well versed on the subject. We will learn more from the testimony of the expert witness at trial who will explain the entire process in layman’s terms.

          Liked by 4 people

          • You seem pretty well versed to me!

            The most telling piece for me is the minor on the steering wheel vs. Summer’s trace. If Chase, as he said, was last in the Trooper 2 weeks prior when he was a passenger – and the fact that Summer probably had been in the Trooper (and drove it) many times and therefore her DNA should have been more than Chase’s – tells clearly that Chase was the last person to drive the Trooper. He probably wore gloves.

            I would like to know more about what “minor” means in terms of how much DNA that is as opposed to “trace”.

            Liked by 2 people

            • It was actually something like six weeks prior to the disappearance that Merritt was a passenger in the trooper. If Merritt did touch the steering wheel while he was a passenger, six weeks of Joseph driving daily, handling the steering wheel and gearshift, should have reduced Merritt’s dna to almost nil. Imo. It’d be a different story if the trooper was parked for long periods of time and only driven occasionally.
              I believe he wore gloves as well. He didn’t think about small particles of his skin getting on to the outside of the gloves.

              Liked by 2 people

      • That’s exactly why he won’t allow anyone on his blog to question what he says. He won’t allow anyone to disagree or dispute him even when they present facts proving he’s wrong. he won’t allow any discussions about anything he doesn’t want too. He just won’t post their comments and facts. He even attacks and rants at people about what they say that he doesn’t like, but he won’t even post the comment he’s ranting about. So then people have no clue as to what he’s talking about. He says he will let all comments be posted and won’t monitor them, but then never does it and the next thing is another rant about a comment we again don’t even get to see. He claims he’s honest and forthright but does this seem like an honest and forthright person? I think not.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Just Me he has to defend the murderer or he would have nothing to say. If he didn’t defend CM he would just be another person like all of us and then he would be actually even less because he doesn’t research anything thing. He relies on others to to the work then he claims it as his. Then as we have seen when so much of it is wrong he blames the person who gave him the information.He has to have the information sent to him for just that reason, so he can have someone to blame when it’s wrong. If he did that and was advocating for the victims he wouldn’t have anything and would be an even bigger nobody than he is now.

      Liked by 4 people

    • I don’t understand how he can even imagine they don’t have a case. As if they’ve shown everything they’ve got with the warrants that were released and the small amount of testimony from the prelim? He’s not even reporting the preliminary accurately. He’s repeating a misstatement from one of his groupies.

      If he thinks that’s all they’ve got he’s got another think coming.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Interesting now he is attacking CM family members again. He’s attacking Merritt’s siblings. Whats with all that? It all boils down to the fact that no one wants to or will talk to Baker. They all know he’s a liar and anything they say will not be what Baker reports. They all know he has lied and continues to lie. So why in the world would anyone speak to him? They would have to be out of their mind to talk to Baker.

      Liked by 5 people

  28. Is he suggesting that one swab was used throughout the vehicle, causing transfer DNA, and they started with the radio knob?

    ” This means that Chase’s “minor” DNA could have come from the radio knob and can no longer prove that Merritt ever drove the Trooper.”

    This didn’t happen. First of all, they wouldn’t start with the radio knob. They would start with the door handle or steering wheel. It was testified that the parts were swabbed individually. The defense would have jumped all over this if the saw (they’ve seen the evidence) that there was only one swab.

    To his other point on the double swab collecting, it is recommended it be done that way as a means to get as more DNA. It’s not a mandatory practice.

    Liked by 3 people

      • It’s unclear to me if the swabs of the gear shifter were analyzed separately. Rereading the prelim, I think they were. I think only the a/c radio dashboard control knob swabs were analyzed collectively. So that makes three separate DNA results?


  29. Someone else here said it best, they said he just makes stuff up and throws it at the wall to see what sticks. I think they are right. Then he takes that and tries to build on it. He lies and then lies about the lies and forgets all of what he saya and then lies some more to cover his lies. I take about 0.001 percent of what he says as being possibly true but even that is just a guess. Look he can’t even tell the truth about what he says happened files a police report of a so called threat. I’m trying to remember how many threats he has claimed he has received in the past. Can anyone her recall all the threats? I seem to remember a cartel threat, a Chavez threat, then he said Patrick committed a threat. Then there is supposedly a JP threat. Anyone know of any more he claimed? Now we also have his threats to individuals and there work, customers and families that Baker made or had his goons threaten. We have JP and his wife, we have MO, JM, a lady in Hawaii, Patrick, Mike, so are there any more? This is the guy who lies so much it is unfathomable.

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Wrong again. Special Agent Kevin Boles worked very closely with SBSD. He was singled out and thanked at the arrest PC, and testified extensively at the prelim.

    I’m employed as a special agent with the Federal Bureau
    11 of Investigation.
    12 Q And how long have you been so employed?
    13 A Since 2005.
    14 Q Ask you, do you have any particular education, training
    15 and experience in cell phone record analysis and/or cell phone
    16 tracking analysis?
    17 A Yes, sir.
    18 Q I may be using the words wrong. If I am, don’t hesitate
    19 to correct me.
    20 Could you please describe that for me?
    21 A Yes, sir.
    22 Well, part of the basic FBI training does include the
    23 exploitation of phone records and learning how to do that. In
    24 2009 I took a position within the FBI as the coordinator of a
    25 fugitive task force. A large amount of my job every day since
    26 2009 has been the analysis of phone records for the purpose of
    27 locating fugitives, as well as assisting local law enforcement
    28 with homicide cases and other types of cases.

    Rick Baker :
    “According to the prelim, the SB detectives have had no working relationship with the FBI on this case,….”

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are so right, Rob. With him it’s easier to figure out when he’s stating facts and telling the truth as it rarely happens.


  31. Fran I’m going to post the pressor you were talking about, specifically at the 1:46 mark with reference to the FBI. It’s also a good refresher to remind of how very thorough San Bernardino’s investigation was. They didn’t jump the gun in charging Merritt. There is a mountain of evidence against Chase Merritt.

    San Bernardino Sheriff, John McMahon:


    Liked by 3 people

  32. There it is PROOF POSITIVE BAKER LIES AGAIN! Over 200 interviews by the SBCSD, warrants served and all leads followed up. Evidence from DNA, forensic, along with cell phone and accounting records all examined by experts from the SBCSD and FBI and others. Baker claims little was done and he doesn’t believe le and he accuses the le of conspiring against CM. Go crawl back into your hole Baker it’s clear you know nothing and you absolutely don’t know all of what evidence the DA has and you certainly have shown your ignorance in deciphering the evidence. You knock the evidence experts and the le without knowing or ever seeing all the evidence which you are a no body and have no right to see until trial. That to me is definite proof of your ignorance.

    Liked by 5 people

  33. Baker is delusional if he thinks that the evidence the public has seen thus far is all that exists. I am confident that the DA has built a very strong case against Merritt. There isn’t a chance in hell that the DA’s office is going to put their reputation on the line and hold someone on charges unless they’re 100% sure of the case. Be patient, Baker, the DA will prove at trial that your boy is a murderer. After all, isn’t it you that keeps saying it will all come out at trial?

    Liked by 4 people

    • Merritt has been through a couple of different defense attorneys also. If there was any way possible that the DA did not have enough evidence, those defense attorneys would have stated it and got him released. Chase is being held with no bail available. There also was enough evidence for this to become a death penalty case. It is not a conspiracy set up like Baker and his cronies claim. That is just delusional and speaks of complete paranoia from Baker’s crew and shows their stupidity. That is why every one has pretty much bailed from Baker’s blog.

      Liked by 3 people

  34. This request is for Rob. Could you ask Mr. McStay if he would be willing to share some of his happy memories of his life with Mike and Joe? I love to hear that kind of thing from survivors after a tragedy. It truly humanizes the deceased and it would be nice and refreshing. It also would show any newcomers to this blog what a great friend to all Joe was. Just a suggestion, if Mr. McStay is able.

    Liked by 3 people

      • Fran: I know, you are correct. I have listened to that twice. Somewhere it was published about this fantastic indoor fountain that Joe built for some Texas folks. It was a whole wall, if I recall. I would love to see a picture of that.
        After the memorial bench fell through with Baker and he had set up the donation site and I told him to refund all the money, I got this bright idea to do a water fountain feature at the recently built Fallbrook Library. I contacted Patrick Malloy and he was going to give me a huge discount for the fountain. Patrick Malloy loved Joseph McStay. He said he was a wonderful man. It was going to be a glass etched fountain and I was placing it in the children’s reading room. It was going to have the boys names on it. I met with Rebecca from the library and she had to get county approval. Well, when going for county approval they said that a viral bacteria can grow in indoor fountains and they had to say no. What a disappointment. It was going to be a beautiful fountain and Patrick Malloy was selling it to me at cost.
        The reason that I am asking for more stories from Patrick is that Baker has tarnished Joe’s reputation with all his accusations and lies. I am just trying to set the record straight and honor the deceased. It is respect and they deserve it.

        Liked by 4 people

            • What about dinosaur footprint castings set like paving stones in the earth somewhere on the library grounds? I know it’s not as glamorous as a fountain, but Gianni loved dinosaurs. I think it might be a relatively inexpensive project as well.

              Liked by 3 people

              • Fran: I never heard of that. What is it all about? There might be space outside of the Fallbrook Library for something like that. They have an outdoor seating area. It is a beautiful library and very modern. It even has a plant garden on the roof. Tell me more about the dinosaur pavers. I have never seen them for sale. I will check into it.


                • You may have to make your own mold and use concrete instead of plaster. There are dyes for the concrete. On amazon there are dinosaur fossil casting kits for kids. You may have to get creative. Haha. Maybe find a mason who makes artificial stone from concrete for ideas. Or a sculptor to help with the mould. I will look around the web and see what I can find. 💞

                  Liked by 2 people

  35. This is especially for Rob.

    Liar, liar, pants on fire. Lightbulb going off in head. Can you picture it?


    There is not enough fire available for them lying pants.

    Okay now go back to reading. 👀

    Liked by 5 people

    • I read about 6 months ago on Baker’s facebook page a comment from some guy that he knew in the past. The guy stated how much Baker’s looks have gone by the wayside and how old Baker looked. Baker replied that it has been a tough couple of years for him. Well, if he would quit bashing the McStay survivors maybe things would look up for him. You spread evil you get evil. That statement is absolutely true.

      Liked by 5 people

  36. Mo, it turns out there are lots of pages on line on how to make fossil paving stones. And I thought I was being so original haha.
    I think it depends on how fancy you want to get. The basic supplies are a piece of plywood cut into the shape of the dino footprint, concrete, and a paving stone frame. The frame is filled with concrete and the plywood shape it pressed into it to form the print. Then the print is worked to look more realistic, foot pad impressions etc. I’m good at visualizing but lack the artisic skill to actually create things.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. I think one way is to make a mold say rectangular or some shape, pour in concrete but don’t fill it. Then press the plywood you cut into the shape of a dinosaur and hold or leave it till the concrete start to set. Then remove the plywood form and trim the excess concrete (before it hardens fully). That’s how I would do it.

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  38. OK this is for everyone as MO asked for a story about Joey. There is s story Patrick tells and I heard it several times. This is funny! When Joseph was in high school he cut school one day and went to Galveston with some friends to surf. The surf was up and he could resist. So later that evening when Patrick came home from work, he asked Joseph how his day was. Joseph said it was as usual and nothing new. Patrick asked him why he cut school and Joseph was shocked and asked his dad how he knew. Patrick wouldn’t tell him and he never did until Joseph was about 35 years old. He would every now and then through the years ask his dad how he knew he cut school. Patrick always said the same thing to Joseph, “if you think it, if you dream it, if you imagine it”, “I’ve already done it”! For all those years it bugged Joseph and then when Patrick was in California with Joseph in 2005, he told Joseph how he knew about his cutting school years earlier. Patrick left for work after Joseph had left for school that day. On his way to work Patrick remembered he hadn’t give Joseph money for lunch that day, so he drove the school and went to the office to get Josephs class room. The lady in the office asked his name and then check the class attendance record for that day and said Joseph had a doctors appointment that day and he brought a letter from his dad. Patrick didn’t blink and said to the lady oh that’s right I forgot. Joseph never tried to pull any of that again, but all those years he later realized his dad was smart enough to keep it from him and that made him think before he tried anything again. They laughed when Patrick told Joseph and they have always had a great relationship.

    Liked by 7 people

  39. The A hole has actually added the Sheriff’s report to the side bar of his site under Report Threats. This will be an ongoing issue for him.
    Fortunately we have the truth here and a copy of the report which is now closed.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I wish he’d post a copy of the report as well so his readers can see for themselves what a huge liar he is. Him reporting a phantom call with anonymous threats is a joke. I’m sure if pressed he wouldn’t even be able to show the incoming call on his phone. He lied to law enforcement so why not lie to everyone else?

      Liked by 2 people

  40. The most horrific aspect of Baker’s stance is he’s only doing this because we support the McStays and the SBSD. He hates the McStays including the boys. That’s his biggest most horrible lie. That he cares about the boys. He is using that lie to prop up all his other vile lies and actions.
    I hope he rots in hell.

    Liked by 1 person

  41. The above dinosaur is an actual stone. A lady in West Virginia paints them. Each one is unique as to the shape of the stone. They are garden stepping stones. I could let Rebecca make her choice of the stepping stones or the dinosaur eggs.

    Liked by 3 people

    • If she chose the garden stones I could have the boys names painted right on the front. I not only have to have Rebecca like one of these ideas, then I have to submit it to the San Diego County Library Board. It might take a while but hopefully it will work out.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Mo I remember you on his disastrous infamous so called radio show. You seemed like such a sincerely nice person during your attempt to get a bench. You are really good people. I too got caught up in one of his explosive headline as he fed his various theories. Some thoughts like the turd in the toilet thing amonst other horrible accusations but in that stanky instant I knew that the guy was insane. And I’m so glad you are here, way too nice to give him the time of day

      Liked by 2 people

  42. For those who are avoiding the cess pool that is Rick Baker. This piece is titled “WHO WILL, WILL NOT, BE ON MCSTAY TRIAL WITNESS LIST?”. For some reason he thinks DK won’t be called to the stand. And for added bigotry and immaturity he’s posted a picture of an obese man with DK’s face.

    Liked by 3 people

  43. LOL I just saw Just Me has found problems and questions on that blog. I also found problems If you look at this blog and follow the entries you will see that they are in order by date and time. I wondered if a reply would interrupt the order or how they would line up. When looking here I find they are in order but when you look at the other blog the times are out of order. This appears as if they have been manipulated and not simply replies. Replies still are put in time order automatically by the program. So to be out of order someone is playing with the comments. Could it be Baker? Are they really these people or are they all Baker? Things just don’t add up just like most of his stories and what he claims as evidence. Always something wrong, always some unnamed investigator, always an unnamed source, never any proof or documented backup for his claims. Just to much monkey business!

    6 thoughts on “Why Has No One Challenged Dugal’s “Latent Fingerprints” Testimony?”

    sallydally says:
    09/15/2016 at 10:25 AM

    Rick, kindly elaborate why the UTAH FBI question?

    sheryllikes55 says:
    09/15/2016 at 12:30 PM

    Believe that is headquarters?

    sheryllikes55 says:
    09/15/2016 at 9:33 AM

    Yup! I believe they are totally lost or just don’t care. With Mikey’s reluctance to even report a missing brother & his family when he first should have & his odd behavior of doing things he should have let investigators handle should really bring on the red flags to them. Clueless.

    Liked by 2 people
    agent 99 says:
    09/15/2016 at 3:04 AM

    it seems that San Bernardino detectives have no relationship with anyone outside their own cocoon. They don’t really have a clue to the dynamics behind this tragedy, they seem to be out of touch. They think they know what is going on but they don’t. They think they are all that and really they are going to look more inept that San Diego by the time this ends. I am concerned for Chases safety. I don’t think they have interviewed anyone. I don’t think they have interviewed McGyver or McFadden or Heather or even Mike or Susan. They are going down the wrong road.

    Liked by 2 people
    Anon says:
    09/15/2016 at 12:15 PM

    Why should they? It’s been solved and props given, remember?

    Liked by 2 people
    sheryllikes55 says:
    09/15/2016 at 12:32 PM

    Ha! Some more investigators of the year. What a joke.

    Liked by 1 person

    Leave a Reply


    • And how in the world would Agent 99 even know who SB LE interviewed? She is just a LE basher like Baker. I wonder about her criminal record? Is it like Baker’s? Usually people who talk trash about LE have been in trouble with the law and that is where their dislike comes from. It is a known fact.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Or they have family members (usually kids) that have a criminal history. Found that to be true of a lot of crime board members who fell into the never saw a guilty defendant camp.

        Liked by 3 people

    • You’re right, Rob. The replies are all screwy like they’ve been manipulated. Maybe that happens when Baker deletes the comments that he doesn’t like or disagrees with. I’m laughing at the lack of posters and comments. Looks like he’s having conversations with himself again. Lol

      Liked by 3 people

      • Just Me that’s what I think screws up the times, because it’s Baker using their names and making comments. Remember when he is on the blog he doesn’t sign in like we do and he controls what and how things are listed there. My bet it’s Baker playing with the entries.

        Liked by 3 people

  44. There are many good and decent law enforcement professionals on this case and I am so thankful for them and their tireless efforts. All to find justice for the family living and dead. And this moron, this insensitive psycho has to just keep putting his implausible fantasy conspiracy out there. Shut.the.fuck.up. already. Some of these actual REAL investigators will go down in history with their brilliant books and transcripts which will describe in fascinating detail the result
    in the death sentence for “poor Chase”. Again Thank You LE,.,.!

    Liked by 6 people

      • SB found something substantial on Chase. They certainly did not rush to arrest anyone. They seem to have worked methodically step by step to come up with enough evidence that Chase has no bail and he is looking at the death penalty. SB did not rush to judgement, in my opinion. We do not know all the evidence and believe me, neither does Rick Baker.

        Liked by 3 people

  45. Got caught up now. Love either idea for the library! Had a day where I enjoyed my Big Maybelle cd in the car. Needed that as it got a tad confrontational today at the hospital. Here’s one of her songs

    Liked by 5 people

      • I love that song too! I hadn’t heard of her either (I have heard of Moms Mabley) but I was looking for some peppy jazz or big band while at the thrift store last week and saw this one and figured for a buck, I’d try it. Was so glad I found it.

        Liked by 2 people

        • We’ve come pretty far from listening to 45’s to watching/listening to music on a little black box at the kitchen table. Or your phone. Some things I don’t miss about the ‘Old Days’ lol.

          Liked by 3 people

      • He got moved from icu yesterday into a regular room. They have him up and walking. Still in pain, as they separated the ribs to get to the middle lung lobe. Thanks for asking. I had to take the puffy mints away since the nurse said his sugar was too high (dad just cannot use self-control,instead of one mint, he will eat a handful). I found out yesterday that Medicare won’t cover another rehab stay as you have to have “60 days of wellness at home” before they cover another stay. The place he was in charges $160 a day. Which he doesn’t have.


  46. O/T anyone watch Hollywood today live? Well I’ve been bummed that the original host Kristen Brockman is no longer on the show. I occasionally check in to her social media to see what’s up. Her sister had been very ill and hospitalized. I just now read that her sister did pass away from cystic fibrosis.


  47. The gash on Merritt’s hand – would it have been there still from the 4th if it happened during the murders?
    My son cut his finger while we were camping on a Thursday. He’s 8 and it was his pointer finger. I debated leaving camp that day, but after my husband cleaned and bandaged it, we stayed. On Tuesday, I took him in for a tetnus shot because I was not positive he received his 6 Yr. DTAP. His cut was still kind of rad on Tuesday. It took at least a week to get his cut to a significant amount of healing – the point where it starts drying up, etc. So, perhaps it would be possible for an injury on the hand to still be there on the 17th? Im just so curious how he got this and if Mike noticed it on the day they met?
    I can’t help but think Merritt waited until he had enough healing before contacting Mike. He would not want to go there with a bandaged hand. jarvis would have had to have noticed the wound. Granted, I’m guessing chase started a fight with her that weekend so he would have an excuse to be out of the house cleaning up and digging graves, but she would have noticed it after he parked the trooper and Chase’s life started calming down. I hope she is an honest woman and tells the truth about everything. Unfortunately, she has shown in the past she is a puppet of Chase and a liar.

    Liked by 5 people

    • How about Susan, Joseph’s mother, didn’t Merritt go to her house on the 8th as he claimed when he told her he was worried and going to Joseph’s house to check on them. Did Susan see anything such as the cut or injured hand?

      Liked by 4 people

    • If his hand was cut during the attack and murders it may have taken much longer to heal than it would have normally because two days later he’s digging graves and all the cleaning and painting would have slowed the healing process.
      I think his hand was injured when he dug the graves and that’s why they were so shallow.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Maybe the teller who cashed his check on the 5th remembered if his was bandaged. It’s a long shot, but if he used that bank regularly it’s possible someone noticed him that day.

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        • If LE found someone who saw him with a bandaged hand on the 5th then it reduces the time frame of when his hand could have been injured. He says he was at home for the afternoon of the 4th. He doesnt remember what he was doing the evening of the 4th so it wasn’t then. He was on the road for the morning of the 5th. Maybe he will say he injured his hand on the 3rd.

          Liked by 2 people

  48. Some more questions: Why would Chase refuse to go upstairs with Mike? Or did Mike ask him not to go all over the home? Wouldn’t he have wanted to touch a lot of stuff, so Mike would have to say, gee….we were in there touching everything… Why avoid the upstairs? Why was the media not allowed up? Was something out of place upstairs and they wanted to keep it off limits? Tim was allowed up And allowed to take video up there…
    Did the downstairs bathroom have a bathtub?? Was their laundry room downstairs? (Mine is upstairs, but I know this isn’t the norm)
    Was painting only being done on the ground floor???

    Liked by 1 person

    • Maybe Summer and the boy’s were killed in one of the upstairs bathrooms. All the bedrooms used by them were upstairs. So was it one of those things that made Merritt afraid to go back to the place he killed her and the boys? Is that the reason he couldn’t go there? Seems very odd that he could go through the downstairs and not want to go upstairs even if it’s just out of curiosity?

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  49. It is evident from the warrants that Merritt began making statements that raised red flags in the minds of investigators early on in the investigation. In the days after the McStay family’s disappearance, Merritt told investigators he didn’t like Summer McStay or Dan Kavanaugh and said, “If I were ever going to commit murder, it would be with him,” referring to harming Kavanaugh. But according to the warrants, at the time Merritt made that statement, there was no evidence that the McStays had been murdered.
    This came from this link/article:

    How did this never “click” before? (Well, I know how…I’m slow)
    Chase made that comment about murdering DK before they were even known to have been murdered. In the days after the McStays disappeared, Chase made that comment about murdering DK. That is crazy.
    I thought he said that after the bodies were found, not in February 2010. That is sick.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Chase was pissed Dan knew about the money Joey was borrowing him. He probably asked Joey not to tell anyone about his financial issues, and thought he had Joey in his pocket and that no one knew. That’s really the only explanation why Chase slipped up, had a moment of rage inside – when confronted about the debts or anything else Dan said…No normal person would say that. Chase flipped for that moment there. I wonder exactly how the investigators brought up DK to Chase in that interview….
      DK and Chase probably hated each other because they were both busy screwing Joey out of money and I’m sure at times Joey had to turn one of them down to help the other. This could have created tension, even without them ever meeting each other.

      Liked by 5 people

    • Remember the le said he would speak of the McStay’s in the past! So when he speaks of killing DK before it was know they had been killed, you start adding these little things up and yo start to see the bib picture. Then add the cut, not to mention the CNN statement about Joseph ” I was most definitely the last person he saw”. I’m sure there are many more clues and statements by Merritt coupled with other evidence such as the qb, the forged checks, the deleted but printed checks and much more. Put just this together and the picture starts to come in focus.

      Liked by 4 people

  50. I was wrong about the sink being in its own stand, it’s built into the countertop. Listening to Joseph’s commentary and his plans for the house, he’s so upbeat. I think Merritt was extremely envious of Joseph’s success and couldn’t stand that no matter how much he leached, begged borrowed and stole from Joseph, Joseph always seemed to come out ahead.

    Liked by 4 people

    • You are right Fran. Remember that in December 2009 Chase and Jarvis were sued by their landlord for $10,000 in back rent. That probably helped to fuel Chase’s rage against Joey. I have also wondered about how Chase might have gotten enough money to purchase that Land Rover he had when he started working for Keene. Even used, they are not cheap. Did he sell his gold mine digging invention and equipment to Keene for that or did he steal money from someone else? Did Keene buy his patent if he had one?

      Liked by 3 people

    • I wonder if the employee(s) from Union Bank who spoke to Joseph on Feb. 4 remembered what that conversation was about – more likely to remember if Joseph was upset after finding out what Chase had been doing in the last few days – and if there were any account notations about that conversation, like there were notations with Intuit when Chase called to try to cancel Quickbooks.

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      • “Because I don’t have a crime, everything I do is ‘I’m a detective, please, please, please help me,’ instead of saying, ‘Here is a search warrant, you must help,’ ” DuGal said. “There are things I would really like to know, but may never know.”

        IMO, DuGal seemed very pleased to be testifying at the preliminary hearing.

        Liked by 4 people

        • SD certainly had a big stack of papers that they handed over to SB. When this all comes out at trial, it will be interesting to find out how much info was given to SD. Thanks for the article!

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        • “For example, at 2:36 p.m. on Feb. 4, Summer McStay’s credit card issued at a Ross Dress for Less in Vista to buy beach bags and baby clothes.”

          Were these items ever recovered?

          “At 4:25 p.m., someone, probably Summer, made an outgoing call from the family’s home phone to Joseph McStay’s cell phone.The cell call pinged off a Fallbrook tower.”

          This is a little confusing. This 4:25 call from the landline didn’t show on Joseph’s phone log right? So if that’s true, how could his cell ping in Fallbrook, if for example, Joseph’s phone was turned off when Summer made that call from the landline? I guess if she left a message?

          Liked by 1 person

            • Yes, messages were picked up, I think it was a total of 6 minutes.

              The incoming text from Summer came in when (assuming it was Joseph) turned on his phone to make that 5:47 call to Chase. In my article I wrote about the phone calls, I wondered when exactly Summer sent that text because if Joseph’s phone was off a lot (which I think it was) it would have come in at 5:47, but not necessarily that she sent it at 5:47.
              So, if you analyze that 4:25 call, why didn’t Joseph ever call her back? We could assume because his phone was off and he just arrived home shortly after that…

              The messages he picked up right around 4:25…will go look exactly when.

              Liked by 1 person

        • This is where I disagree with Dugal and agree with Mr. Mcstay. I believe had they really pursued the evidence and information that was evident at the time. They had enough to prove probable cause that would have allowed for warrants to be issued. They had the Trooper parked at the border, the fact no bank/credit cards were used in the two weeks since their last know contact. No groceries seemed to have been purchased, no gas purchases. No contact with family or friends, Joseph missed two of his Friday night soccer league game and that was highly unusual. The condition of the house and the perishing food, clothes strung all over, the paint can open and hardened brush and dried paint in the paint pan, which it was known Summer always cleaned up and McGyver said he taught Summer how to clean up. The cadaver dogs were never used inside of the house. I could go on and on but you see the facts. All you have to do is put them together and you come up with the SDS didn’t really investigate this case or withheld taking the proper steps. They can say they did but that’s not what the facts show. For example why did it take almost a year for Dugal to find the charge at the Ross Store. He had the bank and credit card bills or invoices and that didn’t take a year to get them. The invoices or bills would have been sent to the house or email account and that didn’t take a year for then to be sent. That wasn’t found until January 2011. I believe someone higher up told Dugal to back off! Just think about this, less than a year after the McStay are reported missing Lt. Brugos, without any fanfare, retires. Then Sgt. Martinez takes over and the SDS doesn’t replace the Lieutenant which is what the position requires. Then Mr. McStay has trouble with Sgt. Martinez and some higher ups and he has to vile a complaint with the internal affairs department. He also then had to file a complaint with the California Citizens Law Enforcement Review Board. Then Lt. Giantonio is put in charge of the case. Shortly thereafter the case is turned over to the FBI. No, I’m sorry I think the case was never really investigation and the facts proved it should have been given much more attention. What I do agree with is Fran, when she pointed out that she thought Dugal was glad to testify. I think he was because he wanted to in some way let it be known he was held back and could have found a lot more if he hadn’t been stopped. I have talked extensively with Patrick and I agree with him and this is what I have learned and determined from all that is know in this case.

          Liked by 3 people

          • Rob, I agree. They didn’t dig deep enough with the forensic exam of the computer or the QB accounting program. They found the travel search and language tapes and appear to have stopped there.
            Merritt is in part to blame. He knew precisely how to not make it look like a burglary or home invasion. He knew to lock the car. He knew to lock the house and still leave a way in so nothing got broken.
            Also, in the previous weeks there had been some violent residential break ins and cased burglaries of tools and equipment in the Fallbrook area. Doors and windows kicked in. I have a gut feeling that Merritt was responsible for some of these violent break ins. I know it’s not his MO, but it would have been an expression of his building anger AND it would have created contrast to the appearance of the Mcstay home. I can’t explain it very well,except to say Merritt was very crafty in the way he executed the crimes. I believe the murders were premeditated, that Merritt had been thinking about details of the crime for some time before the murders. Traveling back and forth th

            Liked by 2 people

          • I agree too about Dugal. It sounds like he suspected foul play all along and was forced to drop it and classify as voluntarily missing. Had he been able to obtain search warrants he would have found the evidence of the murders (and prior to those floorboards being removed!). I agree there seemed more than enough probable cause to get the warrants for the home. They wouldn’t have had the bodies though.

            Can’t believe the idiot comment on CNN special by Jan Caldwell saying after the bodies were found that they still think they went to Mexico, that there says a lot.

            Liked by 2 people

  51. If there was a gash verses a large scratch, it would have to be large or deep enough for someone to notice. The same with the bandage depending on the size. Working with metal it would not be uncommon for Merritt to have an injury. If he had it over a week later (the detectives noticed it), it would have to be pretty bad I think. But there is also to consider Chase has CHF which would mean he would be on medication, anticoagulants or a blood thinner, and that may slow down the healing of a large wound.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Telling that the article doesn’t mention specific lies or wrongdoing by LE, only the suggestion that they must be covering up something because SBSD took the case because of the location of the gravesite and not SDSO. Very thin opinion piece with no substance, IMO.

      Liked by 3 people

    • There are so many things wrong with this piece. For starters the title is a lame pun attempt and bares no relevance to the point they are trying to make. The entire piece tries to make some argument that the DA’s office is hiding some secret evidence from the defense. The argument fails horrendously as the writer never produces the golden egg or the goose, just aimlessly rambles about the possibility that there is some smoking gun that could set Chase free. This could be said about any DA’s office or prosecuting attorney in the country. This of course has happened many times in the past but there is nothing supporting this argument.

      I enjoyed this part especially.

      “Do not talk in mysterious tongues of circumstantially incriminating factoids, when a similarly selective showing of so-called “evidence” would implicate anyone, or just about anyone, you, me, the guy down the street, the garbage man, the local drug dealer or maybe even the prosecutor himself.”

      Um, really?

      Liked by 3 people

    • That guy, the Count, has written a couple of article that I’ve read and he’s a hot mess that has no credibility and neither does the Sentinel. It’s basically a San Bernardino county bashing rag.

      Speaking of days? Did anyone else notice that Baker no longer has blog at the top? Now it says The Original Rag …

      Liked by 1 person

    • Another anonymous writer on a rag paper that will post anything. Very good source there Baker.(that’s sarcasm for you Bakerbots) Could even have been written by Baker or one of his followers. Does not qualify as proof or documentation. Just more tin hat conspiracy.

      Liked by 5 people

  52. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see and hear the family so happy and upbeat, especially the little boys. Their young lives weren’t even started when Merritt bludgeoned them to death. How do the surviving family members begin to wrap their heads around that? Is it any wonder MM stumbled over his words a few times? I don’t think I would have the wherewithal to even speak let alone on camera. My god, this family has been through so much. It really is a shame that one of the threats made against Baker didn’t come to fruition.

    Liked by 4 people

  53. Wow that’s funny! So now Baker finally tells the truth and puts the proper heading on his RAG! That’s exactly what it is a RAG full of lies, misinformation, forged doc’s, crazy theories and hatred toward the victims and there families. It’s all about what has been said all along, Baker seeking attention by using anything he can whether true or not and the more outrageous the more attention he thinks it will get him. Many have said he needs medical help and I have to believe they may be right. But it is the most truthful he has been in over 5 years when he finally admitted his site is nothing more than a RAG!

    Liked by 6 people

  54. The definition of rag;

    noun: rag; plural noun: rags

    a newspaper, typically one regarded as being of low quality.
    “the local rag”

    Middle English: probably a back-formation from ragged or raggy.
    verb: rag; 3rd person present: rags; past tense: ragged; past participle: ragged; gerund or present participle: ragging

    make fun of (someone) in a loud, boisterous manner.
    rebuke severely.

    noun: rag

    a program of stunts, parades, and other entertainments organized by students to raise money for charity.
    “rag week”
    a boisterous prank or practical joke.
    plural noun: rags

    mid 18th century: of unknown origin.
    noun: rag; plural noun: rags


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  55. “You’re so off. He didn’t do this.”

    I would like to believe that. I would like to believe that the father of three did not brutally murder his “best friend”, his wife and their two children. We might be a little off from time to time but the evidence is pretty overwhelming when you actually look at it instead of dismissing it because it involves a loved one.

    Liked by 7 people

      • It was a comment a little bit up. I feel they have commented here before.

        I don’t slight them for it, I welcome them do more, here or privately. My only issue is for someone to come on and say that we’re wrong and then fail to provide a credible argument why Chase might be innocent. Where was he that weekend and why? Why did he all of a sudden have all this cash flow and visiting casinos when he was not able to pay his rent and told detectives as much? Where is the accountability? Why is Cathy (presumably) protecting Chase as to his whereabouts that weekend? There are currently about 3 different stories floating around about where he was when Joseph’s call came through yet at the time Chase’s phone was off.

        If the person – or Chase’s supporter – were to continue commenting using the same IP address, I could not know who they were because they are using an IP blocker. So they are welcome to say what they want and we would not know who they were. I just want to hear from the other side. The side (Baker) they have been using in the past has been biased.

        Let’s hear from Chase Merritt’s side of things but unfiltered from Rick Baker. And I have no desire to hear about mushroom farms. Just sayin.

        Liked by 7 people

    • I found the comment and they only say that one statement. It would be nice to hear more. What makes them think Chase is innocent? LE does have evidence and without Baker being in the mix, LE did not fabricate all that evidence. There is something there and this whole thing is not about a feather in Ramos’ cap. It would be nice to have an intelligent debate with some substance as to why they can make that claim about Chase and not just be wishing and hoping that he is innocent and passing their opinion on. What people have to learn is that Cornelius does not run his blog like a dictator. He is very unlike Baker in that regard.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Now that I read Fran’s comment above that person’s statement, maybe they are claiming that Chase did not do the break ins and stealing of the tools from job sites. That was a huge crime wave going on here for a couple of weeks. They did catch 2 druggies that had some stolen property in their possession. They were pawning the stuff for money but the really big crime at the home building sites was never stated that they did that. That was where criminals were taking the contractor’s tools. Power tools and expensive home building tools. These were things that you could not take to the pawn shop. I wish the person would have said more in way of some kind of explanation. Maybe they will post again.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Mo, that was my thought as well, that the comment was directed toward my speculation of Merritt’s possible burglary.
        The comment got posted before I finished it. I was thinking that from the end of Nov 09, when he helped the McStays move to Fallbrook, Merritt would have been travelling to and from Fallbrook fairly regularly. He may have checked out or cased a few properties. More of a gut feeling with no evidence to back it up.

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  56. I would like more than anything to know that a man Joey trusted wasn’t the brutal killer of his family. Unfortunately everything I’ve seen and heard so far points directly to Chase Merritt.

    If Merritt was my family member I’m positive I would be in serious denial. Nobody wants to think that they share the same DNA with a vile monster. Please, convince me he’s not a killer.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I can not even imagine how tortuous this crime is for Chase’s family. Some of them do not have a stellar crime record but from everything that I have read about the huge Merritt family, this crime is way out of character for them. I might state that none of the female Merritt family members have criminal records. Nothing that I read about. Not even some small stuff. Bennett has previously, many years ago and his stepson and son are troublemakers now. That is about all I have heard of. Juanita Merritt was a regular employee of the Johnny Carson show. She was very beautiful and would refill Johnny’s drinks. The good old days of some wonderful late night entertainment. Johnny would always say “Thank you Juanita”.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Oh my gosh, that’s amazing. Thanks for sharing. I actually have a close family member who was convicted of something that was so awful to believe. He denied and denied, then finally confessed. It tears a family apart. I can tell you that. It was completely inconceivable initially but I knew it was true when I heard all of the facts. It’s terribly hard to face. I can actually sympathize to a point.

        Liked by 6 people

      • From what IRC the son and stepson of Bennett have both been arrested and convicted of beating a man and hospitalizing him. They also had other charges and there were suspicions of other crimes. To beat someone so bad they are hospitalized sounds to me as if it isn’t far from murder or is definitely a violent crime.

        Liked by 3 people

  57. Sylvia, you don’t have to answer if it’s uncomfortable, but did your family member try to blame an innocent person? Or try to blame the victim? Or go online and create crazy scenarios? Or get a compadre like Trick Faker to be his mouthpiece/henchman/spin doctor?

    Liked by 1 person

  58. I have twin cousins in Los Angeles who are in a gang. One took the fall for the other one murdering a rival gang member. Pretty sure that’s the only killer in my bloodline.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Wow, I didn’t see your post when I was composing the one to Sylvia. I have a few young extended relations and step family members that have been in the system for drug charges. But wasn’t raised up with them so no relationship to them. Oddly there have been several suicides with older blood and step family. I can’t recall hearing stories of any violence. Except with my maw (maternal grandma) that split open the head of her first husband and then had the doctor come to the house. He came home drunk and caused a stir.


      • Irrc, my grandfather was choking her and she reached up and grabbed an oil lamp or something heavy off the mantle and clocked him and it cut his forehead.


    • My family have been victims twice. My maternal grandmother was at a birthday party. Two brothers started fighting and the one brother swung a beer bottle to hit the other brother and he ducked and my grandmother got hit in the temple with the beer bottle. She was killed instantly. That was 70 yrs. ago in Cleveland. My husband’s nephew, who was 42, got beat up in an alley in Tucson 3 yrs ago and died from blunt force trauma to the head. His case is unsolved to date. We are in touch with Tucson PD but there is nothing yet. The man had 5 kids. Bad stuff can happen.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Mo, that is so tragic for your family and for your husband’s. Your story the party reminded me of a cute guy I had dated during high school but we were no longer dating when he was at a party and tried to break up a fight. He too got hit in the head with a beer bottle and died.


  59. Okay, in a few minutes Alabama plays Ole Miss. So will be tuning in. Just earlier this week outside the hospital I chatted with a lady and a fella walked by and said to her “War Eagle” and she replied back with the same. I didn’t even notice that she was either wearing blue and orange, or an Auburn logo. I’m a Roll Tide fan! Oh, leaving this link for Sheila, and for any fans of ufo sightings.

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  60. Drat, Alabama is behind. Well the Mizzou Tigers play Georgia later, maybe they will win. (Missouri I’m hoping)


  61. While working in my yard today I began thinking about where Merritt buried the bodies. I wonder if h chose where and when to bury them in part because of the weather? I don’t remember how much rain there was but maybe he thought the ground would be soft and easy to dig in?

    The ground around here is ridiculously hard! I tried digging a small hole for a plant and even after soaking the ground with a hose for a while I had to have my husband help me.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Lil, I hope dad is better today. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Just Me you just made me wonder about something. You know how Chase has a hobby of digging for gold in the desert? We have seen pictures where he shovels the sand into a machine and sorts it for gold nuggets. I guess that is what he is looking for. Maybe the graves were areas where he had previously worked the soil for his gold sifting machine. That would explain the third grave also. When he was done he shoveled the soil back into the holes that he dug. The soil in those spots would be somewhat looser and with the rain he could dig deeper. I do not know but it would make sense.

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    • The soil out there is pretty loose. At least on the surface. But I really think he knew the area. Remember the turn off and how easy it is to miss? Although he could have drove around for a bit trying to find a spot. I really believe Fran struck onto something about Chase moving the truck to have better coverage. Maybe there is another spot (within a mile) and he realized he needed better coverage and moved to the wash.

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      • I think the BLM is somewhat lax because the four crosses and memorial are on their land and they have not had it removed. Who knows what he might have been thinking when choosing that spot. Thank goodness that he did not dig deeper or the family might not have been found. The not knowing can make family nuts.

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      • Even though the land is private property, I do not think that would discourage a crook like Chase. As long as he does not get caught, that is all he cares about. If he looked for gold on private property and found some, he would not do anything legit about it. He would just reap the benefits. He is a bad man with a horrendous reputation.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Just Me. He is doing better. The tubes are out now. I know what you’re saying about the hard soil. Earlier I was trying to reset the small metal garden fences and gave up. I didn’t have time to soak the ground but may resort to that.


  62. As you all know by now, I’m a True Crime podcast junkie. There is something to be said about missing persons cases that fall off the radar after a couple months, weeks or even a few days. Social status has a lot to do with that. Blond haired, blue eyed girls rise to the top. If you are a black girl, you might get a couple days of coverage. If you’re a prostitute, forget it. Nobody cares, they’re sub-human. No matter what a person’s lifestyle or their social stamina, all these people are human and not a single one should be ignored.

    I would like to turn you onto a case that is a bit more of the high profile but lesser heard. I stumbled onto this podcast and it has a serial sort of format. It’s on the 3rd episode and it’s pretty good. Podcasts are a good way for me to pass the time until the trial and I get a little bit of a different aspect on other cases and how they play out.

    If you haven’t already heard of it, check out the Missing Maura Murray podcast as well. Some of it is redundant but it is very thorough and the guys are doing a documentary. The father has not stopped searching for his daughter for 12 longs years and has suffered his own scrutiny.

    Here is another truly heartbreaking one where a child disappeared hiking on a trail being accompanied by multiple adults. The father has been through hell and a lot of red tape. I have recently become friends with the man. He has quite a story to tell.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Do you do research and try to find the killer? That is a talent and it does take some kind of intuitive knowledge and expertise. Can you help me with my husband’s nephew’s case? I want someone to pay for his murder. I am just like any other person that is wronged by a loved one being taken.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the recommendation. Missing persons cases grab me like none other and I think it’s because there is always some hope to hold on to. Although I believe Maura Murray’s disappearance probably has a sad but simple explanation, there are some cases I have been following closely for years, just hoping. When the McStay’s were a missing family, I leaned pretty far toward believing they’d left voluntarily and would be found alive someday, because the idea that someone would slaughter an entire family is preposterous, unthinkable, and outrageous. In fact, even though my brain knows that is exactly what happened, it still doesn’t seem true.

      Liked by 2 people

  63. I am living in an area where there is a gas shortage now. Our governor has declared a state of emergency. We went and filled our gas tanks late yesterday before all the gas is gone. I am now concerned about driving anywhere. The rumors are flying that we won’t have gas for 3 weeks. My nephew works part-time at a QuikTrip in Georgia and he says they were told might be no gas for that long.

    Reckon I am gonna have to ride my broom.

    Liked by 4 people

  64. Corn and all who read here – sorry for the off topic. Folks here are panicked about the gas situation and it is unnerving. Small town I live in but word gets around quick. It is a little scary.

    I hope everyone here enjoys this blessed day. Beautiful, sunshine, little breeze, smell of fresh cut hay.

    Love to all of you. 💞

    Liked by 4 people

    • I remember many years ago when I lived in Seattle we went through a period of time where we had a gas shortage. For a while we were only allowed to get it on certain days and the lines and prices were insane. We never realize how much we rely on something until it’s gone.

      I’m glad you filled up when you did. Maybe keep topping off when you can just in case. I hope the situation doesn’t last too long.

      Enjoy your beautiful day!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Sorry to hear that Time. Hopefully it won’t be anywhere close to the 3 weeks. It’s not like folks can stock up on gas like you would canned goods.

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  65. LMAO!!! I love whoever posted this on Baker’s rag.

    Anonymous says:
    09/18/2016 at 6:46 PM
    He digs the graves weeks in advance…then why are they so shallow?
    Where’s the evidence to support this theory?
    Rick’s grey bearded hoohaw could come up with a better theory.

    Liked by 5 people

  66. The picture of Chase in the hole with gold mining equipment – do you have more of these? Where were these photos taken? They look to me like they could be in the desert in VV. It does not look like Lytle creek area….


    • One reader with numerous alias’ if there are other comments on the thread. She is probably knocking herself out to make numerous comments with numerous alias’ and differing opinions. The comments are still kosher enough for Ricky boy to post them. Those two fools are just conversing. Why doesn’t he just take the rag down and find some actual purpose in life? That is the question. Is he too stupid to dig his way out of the hole that he has dug? He needs to move on.

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  67. Just watching the Ramsey Program and the two Forensic Pathologist Just agreed that JonBenet was killed by blunt force trauma. Now they also agree that the blunt force trauma killed her but the blow was enough to break the skull but not case the skin to be broken and therefore no blood would be present. This is exactly what was reported and decussed in the McStay murders. There was no blood present in the house because there was no blood. The skull bones broke but the skin was not broken. If you watched they went through extensive examination to prove that a flashlight could very well be the weapon and there was no blood. This is what has been repeatedly said of the McStay Murders and the dummies on that stupid blog have called people stupid and said that couldn’t happen. Well I guess they have just been exposed for the real fools they are!

    Liked by 6 people

    • If that’s the one on CBS, I wanted to see that. It is headed by Jim Clemente who is now retired from the FBI. He was involved with the case a year after the death as part of the Sexual Behavior unit. Dr Henry Lee was also involved. This is the only documentary that actually investigated the murder and is still investigating it. The other shows are merely interviewing people. We stopped watching regular TV a while ago so I have to wait until it hits the internet.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes and Dr. Lee is on of the two Forensic Pathologist that confirmed blunt force trauma does not have to cause the loss of blood in order to kill someone. It’s a three day 2hr 3 part program.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Corn, have you listened to Jim Clemente’s podcast with Laura Richards, Real Crime Profile? They’re both so smart. I’m interested to hear what they think about JonBenet’s murder.

        A couple other well done true crime podcasts FYI: (there are many)

        In The Dark – newer podcast that discusses the abduction and murder of Jacob Wetterling

        Breakdown – podcast that discusses the upcoming court case of Justin Ross Harris accused of murdering his little son, Cooper, by leaving him in a hot car.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Rob you are correct. My husband’s nephew died of blunt force trauma to the head due to a skull fracture and brain bleeding. His skin was not cut on his face or head. He had no open wounds. Everything was internal.

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    • It’s true blunt force trauma doesn’t have to produce blood, especially if it’s just one, maybe two blows. The blows to Joseph’s head would have produced a lot of blood. Imo. There’s a logical explanation for the blood not being seen in the house.


    • Wasn’t hair found embedded in Summer’s skull? That and the amount of times Summer and Gianni were hit tells me there was blood. I believe the explanation of no blood is the floorboards and base boards from the entire downstairs was removed and replaced by the new owners, plus any and all furniture, rugs, etc, etc., that were disposed of could have had traces of blood. There may be evidence of a bleach clean up on the walls.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I have never read anything that when SB LE went through the McStay home after the bodies were found, that they tore up flooring. The house was a cement slab and there could be something as blood in the concrete. I do not think the new flooring was disturbed. LE must have found enough evidence that they did not have to keep searching and destroying the new owner’s home.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Hi Mo it was in the prelim. Let me find it. The new owners replaced all the downstairs flooring (not sure about kitchen) after the McStays disappeared, so any blood evidence that might have happened where the floorboards were could be gone by the time LE went in with their warrants in 2014. They didn’t test the home in 2010 before it was bought by new owners, unfortunately.

          Liked by 2 people

        • “Did you speak to the new owners?
          Q What conditions about the house had changed, according to
          A They removed all the property, any leftover property that
          was in the residence. They changed the entire downstairs flooring. Put in hardwood flooring and changed the baseboards.
          They painted the walls in the downstairs bathroom and changed the flooring to tile.”

          Liked by 2 people

    • I watched the CBS special Rob. The plywood or balsa wood I was meh about. Wood is wood and bone is bone, flat vs curved. But when they had the boy use the mag light on the skull covered with pigskin and the over the top wig, yes. Except, they still didn’t have anything to stand in for living tissue with capillaries. The McStay family had multiple blows. So, any front facial blows will bleed, imo. Think of a boxer – brow bone, nose, mouth, they get cuts from a padded glove.

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  68. Oh goody, tomorrow we get to learn about “Super Troll Jason Parmalee”. Yawn. Me thinks someone is a bit obsessed.


    Coming tomorrow afternoon.

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    • Oops. There are some days I should just keep my fingers away from the keyboard. That’s probably because he read here that I wrote that comment about the hoohaw.
      TrollfromAK has been calling him a vagina for a week or two now but I guess that escaped his peabrain.

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      • So is Baker, the true internet troll, going after you next Fran when he gets through making up crap about Jason? Just remember for you and Jason, Baker makes things up. He lies. His accusations are generally all made up. I have not seen a recent picture of Baker but his nose must be about a foot long by now with all the lies he has told lately. I am thinking the Pinocchio concept.

        Liked by 2 people

      • He doesn’t mess with me because he has nothing on me. He tried to get his people to get information on me, and he said he personally was going to expose me, and he failed. Trust me, if he did, he would. I was cautious to protect certain things in case he ended up being a psycho, which he did. I still stand firm that Rick Baker is a pussy, and after the whole MO thing, i have nothing more for him – he is really crazy. I will donate money for someone to take action against him, i would even be a testament to a 5150 for him, but I’d rather discuss truth. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is truth.
        If you knew what exactly he did and how him and I fell out, it would further solidify the fact that he is truely a psycho and is playing sick games with this case – with all of you, with the McStays, the Merritt’s and anyone else he can get his claws on. He is not normal.
        I saw a photo today of Susan, and Summer’s sister at the announcement when they spoke about it being the McStays they found buried in the desert. She was so broken, bawling. You can see Summers sister was, too, but she had glasses on and so it wasn’t as obvious, but you can still see it – you can feel the pain if you have any sort of empathy. And to think there are people out there who would make their or their supporters lives worse…that’s some sick shit.
        Rick only has what you give him and what his IP identifier gives him and whatever he can find out from Google and Facebook. If he finds nothing, he makes it up. Like, Nissan. He uses websites to generate signs saying he is protesting at Home Depot, he files generic police reports to “up the ante” in this big game he is playing. He’s a fucking whack job.

        Liked by 5 people

        • Yes. He has nothing on me either, otherwise he would have posted it already. He is a wacko. He reads here and then creates a post using info he’s read here but twists it to be the exact opposite. Just to raise hell and get attention. The latest comment on his blot says Patrick isn’t really a part of Joseph’s family and has inserted himself into the case as another scam. It’s hurtful to see these types of comments go unchallenged and uncorrected. He is sick.
          On another note, My “tablet” broke last night. I lost my email account,my Adobe reader files, my twitter, basically everything on it, because I didn’t write down any passwords. So I’m back on a my tiny phone trying to remember how it works.

          Liked by 4 people

    • Well, I sure hope that he posts Jason Parmelee’s photo from his facebook. Nice shades, baseball beard and driving around with someone taking his picture. Nothing wrong with any of that. Baker only dreams that he looks as good as Jason. Total jealousy from Baker because Jason’s blog is successful and Baker’s blog is in the toilet. That is also why Baker hates Mike McStay. It is because everyone loves Patrick and Baker just wants to hurt him more by saying unbelievable accusations against Patrick’s only surviving son. Insert knife and turn. Baker is evil incarnate.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Lmao.Drama Queens never fail to use every little incident to their, precieved, advantage.
      Did anyone else listen to the podcast about the hideous NZ stalker? Years of death threats through email and social media and sent directly to her and her family’s home. As far as I can tell the stalking and threats started when the stalkers short story was poorly critiqued? Interestingly, the target never said anything about the threats publically,even as she persued every legal avenue possible, including the FBI.
      Oh no. The news just came on…pipe bombs and a stabbing rampage. Stay safe everyone.

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    • Do you have the question or comment that he was responding to? If so can you post it.
      The date is interesting, almost one year to the day the family was found. So many dates in this case are in November or February. It’s a little uncanny.

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    • “Hello. I have been following the case for a very long time. I want a safe return home for Joseph and the family. There have been quite a few people that have tried to discredit you, namely a guy named Rick Baker. I believed that just because you have only spoken to Det. Dugal and not to the media or went on any shows, didn’t mean you were hiding anything. Many people have condemned you for it. I am wondering if you could entertain some questions regarding Joey, Summer, Mike. Please, willing or not, let me know. Thanks for your time.”

      Liked by 4 people

  69. I saw Baker’s resent stupid comment about Mr. McStay and his extended family. How much more dumber can this guy get. He admittedly has no contact with any family members (they wouldn’t speak to him anyway). No one knows the family dynamics that isn’t a part of the families. But this fool thinks he knows everything. So now he throws this latest come on lie out solely to create more controversy and try to get family members to respond. He’s been trying now for years to antagonize family to get them to respond to him so he can give them more grief. If that isn’t just one sign of a sick person, what is? I see Baker’s lips moving, oops here comes another lie! This guy has admitted he has no contact with family or their friends, but he makes these stupid comments. Is the one person that’s following him really that dumb as to believe Him? I hope that person wakes up soon from the lie-athon!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Baker does not want anyone to talk about his family. He feels it is OK to talk smack about everyone else’s family. If you happen to read any articles that Baker has ever published in his Free Press publications, he is always going after people. He moves into a town and starts his Free Press paper and digs up whatever he can on all the people in the town and then the LE for that town. That is what he does. He has made enemies everywhere he has lived. He can not publish his Free Press paper where he now lives so he stirs up crap on the internet. He is like a whirling dervish. Just disregard his hateful speech. Even though it is “free speech”, it does come with a steep price to pay.

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      • That stands to reason MO about him and his family. He is a criminal and a felon and along with misdemeanor charges. He has been charged with stalking and harassing, not to leave out fraud charges. He’s a criminal con artist and a hate monger. He has never been a success at anything and it’s sorry to say he was not even a father to his children. He has multiple failed marriages and has been a failure at all the businesses and jobs that are aware of. He has been known for plagiarism and an author of a book filled with lies and hatred toward a murdered family of four, including to little children and he has attacked the living family members repeatedly. Not only has he harassed, stalked, bullied and defamed the living family members, he has created a number of internet sites solely to continue these actions against the living family members. He never produces any proof or documents other than fake or forged documents he has admitted to authoring. Claiming he is the sole expert and investigator on this families case when he is neither by a long shot. If you call a criminal who has used the internet for the sole purpose to lie, defame and harass people for his gain of fame, that seems to define him by his own actions. This is a criminal, con artist, failed husband multiple times, failed father who wanted to give up his parental rights that seems to be to avoid paying child support. Now he tries to claim he has a relationship with his son, but the son doesn’t seem to support those claims. The shame of it is that the son now has problems of his own and it maybe that is understandable looking at who gave their sperm in his creation. This is the man who attacks the Laspisa Family and posted lies about the mother the father of a missing young man who is still missing to this day. This is the man who claims the FBI, SDS, SBS, SB DA and other Le are all involved in a conspiracy to convict a man he claims is innocent. He also attacks, defames, slanders, stalks, bullies, harasses and lies about the brother, uncle and brother-in-law of four murdered victims. This man tries to blame the brother for the murders and he has not one bit of evidence, nothing but his lies and information he creates and makes up trying to crucify the brother not caring on bit about the pain and suffering of the brother not to mention the pain he causes the family members and friends. This is the person who claims he is the expert and great investigator in this case. HE IS NEITHER! Just a LYING, BIG MOUTH CRIMINAL! What does that say for all the people who claim to be his supporters and followers?

        Liked by 4 people

  70. Here is the definition of a whirling dervish from the Urban dictionary: “The actions of the whirling dervish are irritating and annoying, often exhausting other people in the immediate vicinity”.
    Is that not the full truth and a very accurate description of Baker and all his annoyance.

    Liked by 2 people

  71. Tasmanian Devil
    A Looney Tunes cartoon character, an oafish slobbering gibbering beast able to devour everything in its path, travels like a whirling dervish, and is often seen pulling a temper tantrum at Bugs Bunny.

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  72. Did you ever give him a reason to chat with you, like he asked? If so, why not? Again, we see the lower case chase merritt. It’s very odd, even my tablet wants to capitalize Merritt automatically. What was he selling on etsy?

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  73. Corn and Mo, could you confirm that this statement by Det. Joseph Steers from the prelim is then incorrect, there were no floorboards removed from the home after the McStays disappeared??

    “Did you speak to the new owners?
    Q What conditions about the house had changed, according to
    A They removed all the property, any leftover property that
    was in the residence. They changed the entire downstairs flooring. Put in hardwood flooring and changed the baseboards.
    They painted the walls in the downstairs bathroom and changed the flooring to tile.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Okay now I think I get what you’re saying, the owners removed the vinyl and carpet flooring, then installed hardwood flooring throughout?? The detective did include “baseboards” as to being removed also – where would the baseboards have been?

      Liked by 1 person

        • I see, now I get the picture, I think!

          When the McStays had the home, in the downstairs it was carpeting and vinyl, with baseboards all around. They were in the process of getting ready to replace it with hardwood flooring but they never got around to it.

          After they disappeared and the home was eventually bought by the new owners, they pulled up all the downstairs flooring and baseboards and replaced it with hardwood flooring.

          The bathroom downstairs was retiled and repainted by the new owners.

          The detective didn’t mention the kitchen area, whether that changed.

          My question is, could there be evidence of blood underneath the original flooring – you would think that when the work was being done after the McStays disappeared, contractors would have noticed?

          When detectives went in in August 2014 with the search warrant to test for evidence they didn’t rip up the new flooring to test obviously? Sorry if these are stupid questions – trying to get a big picture.

          Liked by 2 people

    • True Crime: I think the misunderstanding is that when saying “floor boards” regarding the McStay home, which was a cement slab, the hardwood flooring is what is meant by “floor boards”. That is my take on it. I meant that when SB went through the home they did not tear up the new owners flooring and look at the slab for any blood stains. Cement is porous and could have absorbed blood.

      Liked by 3 people

      • We don’t know for sure what was done in the house about the flooring. I mean we have no idea what the LE did. Whether they took up flooring or not. I don’t recall anything being confirmed as to that. Now my next thought is this, since the original warrants, have anymore been issued? Are any of the remaining sealed warrants for the flooring being removed? Has the flooring been removed since all the talk of the blood or after the last visits to the Fallbrook home? We don’t know or have these answers and neither does anyone else. Has anyone seen or know of any payments by the SB County or State of California being issued to pay for repairs at the Fallbrook house. The state or the county have to repair anything they remove or destroy in their search. So if that happened there has to be records for payments to repair the area of the house that was searched. I sure don’t want numb nuts now claiming he knows or has proof of any of this, because we know if he had the information before he would have blabbed it all over the place already!

        Liked by 5 people

      • Thanks Mo, for the clarification!

        I wonder if the carpeting upstairs was replaced? I have wondered about the play houses being upstairs when LE went in, and if Merritt may have cleaned the carpet and then covered it with the play houses, because I’d heard they were normally kept outside?

        Liked by 1 person

  74. Does this statement from the prelim mean that they could tell from an examination of the remains, what caused the injuries, that they were consistent with the weapon being a sledgehammer?

    “Changsri said that the sledgehammer was consistent with
    the weapon used to cause the injuries to all four victims, or
    the three victims she could see the remains of.”


    • I would think that McGyver might be able to recognize the sledge hammer. They were probably using it to put the lid back on the paint can and tap it down.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Mo, I think that is spot on re the sledge hammer, and if that’s the case then McGyver will identify it.

        The prosecution hasn’t yet revealed it’s witnesses, but you can be sure that McGyver will be one, and that kind of observation would not be part of discovery – if McGyver did see the sledge hammer and even used the sledge hammer. All speculation of course at this point.

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  75. Two interesting things from the ID Discovery Mystery at the Border video about the McStay’s. I just scanned through the video and McGyver does not say anything about the boys and following him with their paint brushes. But what I did catch that was interesting is something I had caught before. At 16:46 Det. Dugal of the SDSO explains Joseph’s day of the 4th. Now there has been a lot of talk about Joseph and his making it home that day. All that talk is just that, talk. Now listening to Dugal now I caught what I had missed many times before watching the ID video. That is, Dugal never says Joseph made it home that day! What Dugal said was ” the cell phone towers showed that Joseph made it to the FALLBROOK AREA in a direct line from RC area that day. I find that very interesting that Dugal uses the words “FALLBROOK AREA” not to his house or home. He doesn’t say he stopped anywhere or anything else, simply he went in a straight line to the FALLBROOK AREA and that is what the cell tower records show. That to me is very telling because Dugal and the other LE have been very selective with their wording.

    Liked by 4 people

  76. OK. I just watched the first few minutes of Disappeared and McGyver doesn’t talk about the boys but does say he was there painting all day Sunday.
    However,I listened closely to Susan and Mike talking about the house being visited by Merritt, who was supposed to be checking on the dogs. Susan says “If the dogs were there it’s not unlikely for them (J&S) to take off and do something between Superbowl and Valentine’s”…because Merritt reported that the dogs were being fed and the bowls were moved they thought Joseph and Summer had hired someone to watch the dogs.
    My question is ; did Joseph and Summer go away in early Feb of 09 and 08? Did Merritt know this and was he counting on the family thinking they were just away for a few days? It’s a small thing but all the little things start to add up to premeditation.
    I’m also struck by how Merritt is never mentioned by name by anyone. In fact it seems his name was deliberately omitted from the narrative. I think LE and the family had their suspicions about Merritt’s involvement right from the very beginning.

    Liked by 6 people

    • That’s what I said. Didn’t Chase lawyer up right away? Were they told to leave his name out of it?
      He claimed his attorney told him not to take a lie detector test in the beginning, but he wanted to anyway, to get them off his back to find the real killer, like OJ.

      Liked by 3 people

  77. LMAO “comment of the day” for sure.

    fpod0711 says:
    09/19/2016 at 3:59 PM
    Hi Rick, I am having an issue. When i first see one of your posts that is the way it has stayed. I am sure people have commented. At least i would wager some have since i’ve first saw the posts. It is like they are frozen. If one has 3 comments that os the way it stays. “Leave a comment” same. I get your new posts but none (no new comments)since i first saw them. And it has been days for some. Can/will you give me advice as to how imigjt fix this issue i am having. I have copied and pasted so you see what i see. Thanx.

    Coming tomorrow afternoon.



    Good article on the case, worth reading again.









    Coming soon…

    Never had this happen before. Thanx again.Dave

    Liked by 2 people

    • He has lost it if he thinks anyone threatened to kill his dogs or harm his wife. He is so full of himself that he does not realize that it is him that we dislike. Even though he should get the “Troll of the Year” award, no one has stated that they wanted to harm him, either. We just want him to go away with all his hateful postings. He is evil.

      Liked by 3 people

      • I’ve seen this happen to so many people now, the false accusations. The ones he made against Gray Hughes were completely false, and let me tell you what RB did to him was particularly bad, because RB’s “people” all ganged up on him and made tons of false accusations. I knew they were all lies because I personally knew the truth. The ones about Jason and Mike McStay were not only juvenile but obviously completely false.

        So let me tell you, we all know they are complete fabrication meant to try to get a reaction and deflect off of the bad that he is doing.

        Liked by 3 people

  78. Pack of lies. So “Jane” has been perusing every forum JP has ever posted on, where JP uses his own name no less, and forwarding it to Rick. Baker is attributing other nasty comments posted by anonymous posters found in these threads as having been made by JP. Prove it. I don’t believe it for a nanosecond.
    “Jane” must consider herself an expert in syntax and forensic linguistics….like someone else we know.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The one comment that is from JP sounds just like JP. And I think there’s nothing wrong with the content of the comment. It sounds like the thread had been poorly moderated and was allowed to degenerate into name calling and gossip. JP called them out on it.
      But it’s plain wrong for Baker to then say that JP sneaks back in under assumed names to partake in the name calling. How can he and “Jane” possibly prove this? They can’t.
      My Bullshit meter is off the scale on this one.

      Liked by 2 people

  79. Some guys live their blog lives like their sex lives. A bit of excitement and promises at first, but so very limp before climax. Yawn. That was vanilla.
    Anyway, when is the next hearing?

    Liked by 5 people

  80. 99.9% of that article was about super troll, Rick Baker. I’m with you Fran, my bullshit meter went off the charts.

    Baker is showing his jealous side again. He must be butt-hurt that his couple of semi normal readers have jumped ship. Awe poor Baker. You mad because you got caught in yet another lie and your running to the police backfired?

    Shhhh, if you listen carefully you can hear the sheriff’s office in NC still hysterically laughing.

    Liked by 3 people

    • When I talked with Deputy Funkhouser from NC I was so tempted to ask him “how many times can Baker cry wolf”? I didn’t have to because he said that Forsyth Sheriffs are here to serve and they get calls like Baker made all the time. He said it is nothing new. Baker did not name his caller and did not offer any kind of explanation. That in itself proves that Baker knows no threats were made and he just wanted something to blog about. I almost told the deputies that I talked to (twice, I called) that Baker hates LE enforcement and says that they are corrupt. I was surprised he even called them. I did not say that, even though I wanted to. I was gracious. Dickhead did not deserve it.

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      • I do not go to the blog of hate and evil. I do not want the negative energy, personally. But from what I am reading, Baker is just mad at Jason Parmelee. It is extremely childish on Baker’s part and just shows that he, Baker, has no kind of decency. He is a total loser and has spiraled out of control in the last two years. Just disregard his stupidity and do not give him the time of day when slamming other members of this blog. His blog sucks and this one has good people on board. That is what all his hate is about.

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      • Mo, you didn’t need to tell them how Baker feels about law enforcement, they looked at his rag. Why do you think they closed the case so quickly? His accusations were unfounded bullshit and they saw right through him and his hate.

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      • My daughter works dispatch in SoCal. They had multiple calls from people who didn’t understand what the thunder and lightening was last night. Not. Even. Kidding.

        This is how stupid the world has become. People calling 911 for lightening.

        Think about that when you have to dial 911 in an emergency. They may be stuck with idiots. But because idiots can sue if they say the wrong thing they must be uber careful with the idiots.

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      • The Agent person commenting in the past is the only person around any more and I also believe is authoring the new topics as of late.
        I am surmising that R Baker must not pay much as everyone he has had assisting him has moved on.
        The last two months he lost many. I read here sometimes but do not comment.
        I am wanting a trial to start and so weary from all of the stalling.
        I only commented in reply to some of the above comments. Also, thank you for the site photos I have only seen what is been online since they were found.

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  81. Sylvia: My husband’s cousin and his wife work 911 for a major western city, which I am not naming because of creeps like Baker. They get so many calls from wackos. Their stories are so funny and enlightening when sharing a plate of nachos and a brew. Crazy as crazy can be. The story about some dumb woman calling 911 for someone to come kill a spider in her apartment. I am serious.

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  82. Wow, lots of comments today. Corn, I keep meaning to ask when you were out there in the desert, did you happen to bring any hand tools to check the ease or difficulty to dig?
    And I hope you do get a chance to see the cbs tv special online about Jon Benet. I watched part 2 and, dang, it is looking like the brother. Even tho I saw two of the three part Dr Phil show, still have the 3rd to watch.


    • It’s not a case I have followed at all. That said, I watched the CBS special and it was very convincing. Then I watched the A&E special, and it also is very convincing. Next is Dateline… I haven’t seen the Dr.Phil show.
      I’m inclined to believe the conclusions of the police officers and detectives who were actually at the scene and involved with the family from the very beginning. But, during their initial search of the home they didn’t find Jonbenet so right there their investigation of the crime scene and victim was compromised, IMO. The DNA needs to be retested and the list of suspects from the outside officer’s investigation needs to be gone through. I can’t remember what jurisdiction he was from, but his superior seemed to think that the Boulder police were suffering from “group think”.
      It’s a dreadful case. I would like to read the transcripts of Burke’s police interview prior to the discovery of Jonbenet. The detective who talked with him thought he had no knowledge of her whereabouts or that she was dead at the time of the interview.

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      • Don’t get me started on the Jonbenet case. Having followed the case from the outset, I can tell you that the “experts” on CBS were cherry-picking items that were biased against the Ramseys. Experts cease to be ethical experts when they twist truths and half-truths to fit their own biases. One egregious example: when they said Burke had “already hit” JonBenet with a golf club, implying it was on purpose and should be taken as evidence of his guilt. Years ago, a witness who observed the incident said Burke was practicing swinging the golf club when, unbeknownst to him, JonBenet stepped behind him. He took another swing and accidentally hit her in the cheek.

        Besides, LE have stated several times that Burke was cleared very early in the investigation. These guys on CBS are going for ratings at the expense of an innocent. Who does that sound like?

        That said, I believed Patsy and John were involved (buying all the info LE leaked to the public) until I saw the autopsy photos. Any experienced forensic expert who saw the garrote, the ligature buried deeply in her neck, and the black duct tape that had covered her mouth immediately suspected this was the work of a sadistic, predatory pedophile, not a “staging.” The black duct tape and the cord used to bind JonBenet were never sourced to the Ramsey home.

        Okay. Rant over. 😊

        Liked by 2 people

      • Yes Murphy I agree. The autopsy photos shown in the A&E show tell a horrific story. They kept me up for hours last night and when I did finally get to sleep, gave me nightmares.
        I didn’t like how the experts on CBS completely dismissed as irrelevant the DNA and blood found on the panties.
        Someone could have snuck into that rambling house and hid out unnoticed waiting, maybe even for days.

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      • Glad you did get to see some of the programs, when is dateline? Haven’t seen the A&E yet but do have it recorded. For years I thought intruder. And the original airing of Lou Smit I saw and he convinced me. But, a kid could do the skull impact. Don’t think all the hands, neck tie up- unless watched a lot of deviant crap on tv. Burke’s interviews were eerie, even the footage from the funeral. The denial by son and mom about the snack bowl and tea glass…why lie about a snack. Weird.


  83. Lol, is he for real, has he just exchanged His name for Jason’s as he seems to describing himself perfectly.

    Why doesn’t he just be a father and put away his computer? – pot, kettle, black

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    • Because he isn’t a father, never was and never will be! Remember he tried to give up those rights after never being a father. He is to stuck on himself to be anything but the nobody he has made of himself!

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  84. Traditionally, when RB has one of his now-commonplace meltdown rants (queue the words “vile” and “spew) I smirk my way through, but it’s usually an accurate reveal of what he’s up to.

    But the more unglued he becomes, the more seriously I’d take his veiled threats.

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  85. Just read the SUPER SUPER TROLL Rick Baker’s accusations about JP. I am not JP, I am not a great fan of JP, I have followed the McStay case and some others and do not agree with everything he says or does. But I will tell you this, he is in NO WAY anywhere near a disgusting and vile thing that Baker is. I say “thing” because I can’t even call him human because of all the pain and hurt he has caused the family members of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Little Joseph McStay. He has continually attacked the Living McStay Family Members, Arranda’s, Friends and their Supporters. He has maligned, degraded, defamed, continually lied about the victims and there families and friends. Baker has made up so called (by him) evidence, emails, invoices, a book, a number of blogs and websites all created just damage the McStay Victims and their Family and Friends. Baker has relentlessly continued these actions for over five years!

    When I read his attack on JP, I thought I was reading a autobiography of Rick Baker! I thought he was looking in the mirror as he wrote his own biography. He continues to attack supporters just as he does the families. He has only accusations and NEVER any proof, just a bunch of lying comments he makes up knowing they are lies and he just says anything he thinks will get people to go to his blog and get him followers and more hits.

    Don’t kid yourself this isn’t about JP or the McStay’s or even the Laspisa and Mayer’s, this according to Baker is about Rick Baker. That is what he wants this all to be, promoting Rick Baker, it has nothing to do with the McStay’s or anyone else. No it’s just about a narcissistic NOBODY who wants to convince the world he is a somebody.

    Just read what he writes, he has never said one good word about the Dead McStay’s or the Living McStay and Aranda Families. He just attacks and tries do defame and accuse them of whatever he can dream up. Look at Bryce Laspisa and his Family, what did Baker do to him and his Mother and Father, he attacked them and accused them of all kinds of things including drugs and drugs sales. Does that sound familiar? It should, Baker has over the past more than five years repeatedly claimed Joseph McStay was involved in drug sales and with drug cartels. Even when all the LE, SDS, SBS, FBI, US Customs, Border Patrol, SBC DA, all have said Joseph McStay was NOT INVOLVED WITH DRUGS he was a good business man. They have said this a number of times but Rick Baker kept bringing it up and at times still does knowing there was no drug involvement by Joseph McStay or any of the McStay’s. But Baker keeps lying and not just accusing them, but states it as fact with absolutely not one spec of evidence or proof. That is called defamation and libel.

    Baker has harassed other family and friends along with their supporters. He and some of his followers have called people and harassed them, they have post their place of work on line and urged protest outside their work. Some have even called employers and customers of the McStay supporters. False Police Reports have been made by some trying to accuse McStay supporters of threatening people when in fact the only real threats have come from RICK BAKER. This all comes from a convicted criminal and person who lies and plays the system because he knows the system from his being arrested and charged a number of times. So if you choose to listen to a criminal and known and even admitted liar like Rick Baker, then I think you may want to rethink who you associate with.

    This is just a small, small portion of this man and I could go on for hours, but I think you can understand who and what defines Rick Baker, he does in his actions and words. You can also read up on him and all his vulgar and despicable acts on the internet and by just going to many of the websites he has been on and kicked off or ran off. Although it may be hard to find all his alias’s on these sites because in many cases he is a multitude of different screen names and in some cases he controls the conversations by taking control and he is the only trolls commenting and keeping others at bay. Heck even some of the people commenting are all Baker under different names talking to himself.

    Well it only takes an intelligent person to see what Rick Baker is and what he is doing to harm so many. So put on your thinking caps and weigh the facts not the lies of Rick Baker.

    Liked by 8 people

    • I agree with everything you say Rob, and I know from your writings you are a good friend of Patrick’s and can say this all first hand what you’ve seen your friend, and other family members, go through. Having to deal not only with the murders of their family, but the ongoing re-victimization of the murdered Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joseph Jr.

      I’d also like to add:

      We’ve seen this repeat so many times now with different people. It’s always the same. Takes a shred of truth and embellishes it beyond belief. The tactic of threats and intimidation is to try to draw out the victim of this latest “expose” into an email exchange (because he himself feels under threat of being exposed), and we all know that has happened many times and how it ends.

      Rumor has it that there are 2 or 3 people who enjoy smear campaigns. These are people from way back from defunct or very old forums that have a reputation for being particularly vicious, who have from day 1 had a campaign against Mike McStay, they don’t care about the facts, they just have one mission – RB has aligned himself with them.

      The best we can do here is counter the untruths about this case with the hard facts, to stick up for the victims and victims families, who are being victimized over and over by this particular evil.

      Then when Chase, and only Chase, is convicted for the four brutal murders of this family, they can eat crow – or spend the rest of their lives digging to China looking for dirt on Mike McStay.

      Liked by 5 people

    • Rob
      I agree with everything you said except from everything I know about JP he’s a great guy. He’s very passionate about missing and murdered people, especially the McStay family, both living and deceased. 🙂

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    • I don’t know much about Jason P but what I do know is that Baker is a spiteful little man. This is not the first time he’s ranted about Jason P and others he likes to call “trolls.” This case was suppose to catapult Baker into the true crime limelight. His blog was popular and he probably had visions of Patrick and himself doing media interviews when his book was released. He was going to be a contender (cough cough) but it all fell apart because he has no integrity and because he’s a bully and a liar with no real talent.

      I don’t think Baker even really research the McStay case in depth. He found some perceived dirt on Mike McStay, Susan and Dan and he rolled with it because it’s juicy. Same with smearing Summer. All the while, he was pursuing Chase Merritt just to get more dirt on the McStays. He never asked Merritt any hard questions because it never occurred to him that Merritt might be involved. “The man who lost the most” That’s what kind of investigator Baker is and that’s why he’s so bitter toward anyone who calls him out on his inept BS. Reality is, no one has trolled harder than Rick Baker himself. It’s all over the internet because he can’t delete it like he does on his blog. Anyone who’s been around this case, even for a short while, can see that.

      Delete your account, Baker and go away!

      All just MHO.

      Liked by 5 people

  86. I know sometimes I rely too heavily on videos to express myself but I have to share this latest video from Chris Floyd who writes The Empire Burlesque blog. It’s so very appropriate to the current situation with Baker. All of the lyrics are in the first minute of the video

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  87. Lordy, that fella needs some psychological help. I’ve interacted with JP for a number of years and have never known him to be anything but inquisitive and thoughtful. He has done more real investigation than Baker ever has. Baker has his minions fake being “insiders” with information no one else has. Everything over there is bogus. They rarely use the known facts. Baker came out here to meet a couple of them and a con artist and never went to the gravesite or tried to get face time with his buddy Merritt. Investigative journalist my white hiney.
    What a loathsome being he is.

    Liked by 6 people

    • That is a wonderful statement True Crime but it is hard not to react. It is not like the bully is saying these horrendous things to your face where you could punch his lights out. It is extremely frustrating and maddening. Baker needs to spend his time shoveling up the dog poop on his seven acres. Just figure 4 big dogs and at least 2 piles a day. That is over 56 piles in one week and then it goes to 112 if you leave it for 2 weeks. The place must be covered with land mines. Step away from the computer Baker and take care of your home. Geesh.

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  88. If you want to see the real Baker just look at his blog and all the attacks on the McStay’s, especially Mike McStay. The one thing you will never see there is anyone who disagrees with Baker allowed to post there. He won’t allow anything but that which tell the world how great Rick baker is. Don’t dare present facts and evidence there or it will be deleted just like anything that doesn’t praise the Almighty Rick Baker. It simple to understand him all you have to do is look for anything or anyone who disagrees with him. You can’t find it. What you can find is Rick Baker attacking people and harassing and bullying the McStay Family, Friends and Supporters. That’s easy to find, Wait maybe not I forgot Baker deletes stuff he later thinks shows the real Rick Baker he can’t have you seeing the real loser Baker.

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  89. I think this personality disorder describes what is going on with Baker’s recent character assassinations against people on this blog.
    Sadistic Personality Disorder Criteria
    This disorder is characterized by cruel, aggressive, manipulative, and demeaning behavior directed towards others. Abusiveness and violence are common in the sadist’s social relationships, because the sadist lacks concern for people and derives pleasure from harming or humiliating others. There are similarities between sadistic PD and the more aggressive antisocial PD, however, the antisocial person does not generally hurt others just for pleasure. There may also be an association between sadistic PD and sexual sadism, in which the person derives sexual arousal and satisfaction from sadistic acts and humiliating someone.

    There is something very serious going on with him. I am finding it way too nuts for myself.

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  90. Don’t people who go to his site wonder why there are no questions or comments questioning Merritt’s guilt and no questions or comments regarding MM and him being innocent of everything Baker has accused him of? Aren’t they just a little curious about how one-sided the posts are?

    People have got to be dumbfounded when they go to a site presumably to read about the murdered family only to find the blog owner bashing the family of the deceased and supporting the man who has been charged with their murders. Color me crazy but something is not right.

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  91. No Just Me because the very few that do go there that support Baker seem to enjoy seeing innocent people being hurt. They as Baker think it is all a big game and they enjoy being in the game.

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    • Rob: That is true about Baker hurting the McStay family members but now he is branching out to going after other people, such as he has done lately. He has done this kind of thing before and now there is nothing new to report on this crime so he is back to his old tricks. The people on his blog are actual haters also and have numerous personas. Crazy breeds crazy in the Baker camp.

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    • Rob,
      How is Patrick doing? I think of him often and feel so horrible for him. Can you please ask him if I can introduce myself to him if we ever meet up at the courthouse again? I said hello to him when he was at the first prelim that didn’t happen but he was with Randi K so I didn’t want to intrude. I won’t stalk him, I swear, I just want to say hello and maybe give him a hug. I feel like he’s an old friend in a weird kind of way. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      • Just Me just saw your comment. I don’t see any reason you can’t say hello to Patrick if you see him. He is a very open and friendly person and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. I know that the last time he was out there at the prelim he did speak to several people that said hi and he spoke with them. As to how is he doing, well he’s letting the trial take it’s course and has contact with LE and the DA’s Office. He follows the hearings and keeps up on the case. But he as the other family members are not speaking to anyone concerning the DA’s case pr the evidence. He is letting the facts and evidence speak for itself. I will tell him you asked about him.

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  92. It seems that the N.Y. missing person case gets a mention by the jane persona via the other site ( while following JP ) who follows it on topix (Robert Meyer case). Topix was linked on cheri’s corner for the missing for that case. Wife is odd, his sister and mom aren’t real enamored with her, irrc. It’s been awhile since I’ve revisited the case. Here’s info on Meyer


  93. Thanks Fran. It didn’t give me option to reply to your comment. I will try to watch that dateline this weekend. Dad came home earlier this evening, so very long day. I did read the book Perfect Murder Perfect Town years ago on the Ramsey case. After the final cbs airing Monday night I teared up at the end for her. Some of Burke’s responses to Dr Phil didn’t sit well with me “where’s the proof” vs “no I didn’t” and such. No fear as a child for potential harm by the perp…

    Liked by 1 person

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