She Was A Secret Who Didn’t Want To Be A Secret Anymore

Johnson “Who do you want to kill?”  Lee “Don’t worry about it.”

It’s a sticky thing, what lengths people will go to for personal gain, to cover up their lies, be it embezzlement, infidelity, theft. Or murder.

On the morning of June 28, 2014 a young, vivacious and newly pregnant Erin Corwin set out for what she told her Marine husband would be to scout biking trails in Joshua Tree National Park. The couple lived on Twentynine Palms Marine Base which almost borders the massive desert attraction.The park itself stretches for 1235 square miles and it’s perched as a grand slope hundreds of feet above the Palm Springs basin.

Erin Corwin would not be seeking out trails though, she was going with Christopher Lee, also a Marine and the father of her pending child, on a “special trip” to the park.


Erin and Jonathon Corwin

Christopher Lee was planning the unthinkable. On June 22, Corwin found out she was pregnant. That very day, Lee paid a visit to a mine. The following week, Lee was Googling “How to dispose of a dead body”. Why would he – or anyone – need to know this? Typically one calls 911. Right? Was Lee anticipating the discovery of a dead body at some point in the future and….then what? It’s preposterous. Lee invite friends for a hunting trip in the desert that he seemingly knew they would not want to go. Sort of to create an alibi for his whereabouts for June 28, 2014.

He told deputies he was coyote hunting that day. In July, in the middle of the desert, coyote hunting. – DDA Sean Daugherty, Opening Argument, Christopher Lee Trial

Temperatures reached almost 100 degrees that day. Desert hunting is far different from say, hunting in the woods. The heat wouldn’t have been totally unbearable, however coyotes tend to be nocturnal by nature. Hunting for them in the middle of the day would be fool-hearty.

Lee would meet Corwin on side road just outside the marine base. This would be where her car would be found with Lee’s tire impressions nearby.

The following are excerpts of texts that Corwin sent to a friend, Jessica Tretham, that she read aloud in court testimony.

“He said the location is only half the surprise … He’s not sure how I’m going to react.”

“It apparently takes two hours just to get there. A long slow drive. Good talking time, though.”

“I seriously don’t know why he would drag me to a very special place … for a dumb surprise.”

Tretham had this to say about the conversation ,“Basically, I asked if it possibly could be an engagement ring. She said ‘Maybe.’ With a lot of exclamation points.”


Lee had told at least one friend that he had planned on blowing up a mine with a propane tank. He borrowed the tank from Isabella Megli, owner of the White Rock Horse Rescue (where both Lee and Corwin worked) who asked what he needed it for. Lee’s response was “To play games”. A week prior to Corwin going missing, Lee told his employer that found a mine in a remote part of the desert that “No one would ever find it”.

Erin Corwin, just two weeks shy of her 20th birthday, would not come out of the desert alive. Almost 7 weeks after she went missing, her remains were discovered at the bottom of a 100 foot nameless mine shaft in the Rose of Peru mining district. Hundreds of volunteers, Marines and professional search and rescue personnel would scour the desert and numerous mines. Corwin was 31 miles from her home.

Her exit would be in two separate body bags.




I have personally been to this particular area many years ago and it is no joke. Watch the video here.

When detectives first questioned Christopher Lee about Corwin, he told them his only relationship with her was that they were just neighbors. They said nothing more than a “Hi” or “Bye”. Interesting he would say that considering they worked together. Also in the weeks before Corwin went missing, her friend went to both Corwin’s and Lee’s spouses to tell them they were having an affair.

“I don’t care what happened to that little bitch.” Nichole Lee, wife of Christopher Lee

Isabella Megli, questioned by prosecutor Daugherty regarding wife Nichole Lee on the stand, had this to say: “Did she tell you, ‘If there is no body, there is no case?’ ” Megli: “Yes.” In between the disappearance and moving to Alaska, the couple lived with Megli.

After many arduous weeks of searching without finding Corwin, law enforcement turned to seasoned cave and mine specialist, Douglass Billings. A friend of Lee’s, Joseph Hollifield, had gone to the mine with Lee when he visited it before. Hollifield snaped a picture. That picture was studied intensely by Billings to determine where the mine might be. He was so thorough in doing so, they found the mine almost right away. That was August 16.

Erin Corwin was found slumped over a tire at the bottom of the mine. Scattered among her remains were a propane tank, empty containers that contained gasoline, more tires and a homemade torch made with a Sprite bottle, a T-shirt tied with twine. Tests would later determine that the shirt contained Lee’s DNA and the bottle both Lee’s and Corwin’s DNA. Around Corwin’s neck was a homemade garrote of rebar and parachute cord. She had several areas of her head that suffered some blunt force trauma, all but at least one was inflicted before she died.

On the day of Corwin’s disappearance, Lee was searching for places to rent in Alaska.

It should be noted that when Lee was pulled over by LE after moving to Alaska, the discovered a garrote in his Jeep like the one on Corwin. Odd choice for a weapon to be driving around with.

The Confession

Throughout the investigation, after the arrest and throughout the trial of Christopher Brandon Lee, he fervently denied murdering the defenseless young Erin Corwin. While being questioned on the stand by DDA Sean Daugherty, Lee came clean. Well, sort of. Here is part of his testimony.

Lee testified that his wife discovered some odd discoloration around their daughter Liberty’s genital area. According to the couple they immediately suspected Corwin, the babysitter.

This seems totally logical, right? The babysitter, who’s a 19 year old woman but it couldn’t be the man/father on trial for murder who was having a sexual affair with another woman. That is not to imply that men that have affairs abuse their children or women don’t abuse children.

But, come on. This is an obvious ploy of a guy facing his inevitable fate and trying to toy with the emotions of the jury.

“Did you touch Liberty? Did you molest my daughter?” According to Lee, Corwin responded with “Yes, but….”

Lee explained upon hearing this supposed confession “a red hot knife went through my heart”.

I made the decision to kill her, I was controlled by the anger. The hate I felt that day, it was something I never want to experience again.”

I’ll bet.

I came up behind her and I put it around her neck, I just kept choking her.

“I pulled and I pulled. I freaked out … I killed her. … I dragged her to the edge of the mine shaft and I pushed her in.”


“It set me off, I just felt so much hate. I wasn’t going to let anyone hurt my daughter again. I looked, I didn’t see any rise and fall of her chest …I didn’t care”.

Through all of this Lee was demonstrating exactly how he strangled Corwin. Below is a picture of Corwin with her husband Jon and on the right is Lee. You can see the petite woman was no match for the strength and bulk of Christopher Lee.

Lee: I’m no longer scared to tell the truth. People have to know what I did.

Daugherty: You lie when you’re ashamed of yourself. You lie when you’re scared.

Lee: Yes

Daugherty: Are you scared now?

Lee: Yes

Daugherty: You’re not lying to protect yourself?

Lee: No

Eventually I’ll get a full copy of Daugherty’s closing arguments. But the one line, that essentially started me on this post, is this:  “She was a secret who didn’t want to be a secret anymore” . For me, that one line could have been enough of a closing argument for Lee’s guilt.

On November 2, 2016, with less than one day of the jury deliberating, they came back with a guilty verdict. Hearings for sentencing – most likely life – will begin on November 29.

The DA’s office put out this press release following the verdict:

This was a terrible crime that showed absolutely no regard for the value of human life,Erin Corwin was just a young girl with her entire life ahead of her. And now, all that’s left is her memory. While justice was served today, it can only be a small consolation to her family and friends who will have to suffer a lifetime of pain knowing she died such a senseless death. The murder of Erin Corwin was solved by solid investigative work and devoted volunteers committing thousands of hours during the eight-week search. We can’t erase the pain felt by Erin’s loved ones, but we will do everything in our power to imprison the criminal responsible for her murder.

Here, I would like to acknowledge blogger Beth Ford Roth for her diligent reporting on the trial, as she went every single day and reported back. Extraordinarily detailed reporting and I implore everyone to read through her accounts here at  Justice For Erin Corwin. There is a lot to be found here that I did not include.

Meanwhile I look forward to DDA Sean Daugherty filleting Chase Merritt and his attorneys here in the near (yes, I mean near) future.

There are dark corners, in all of our lives. We can choose to ignore them, or turn them. We can choose to explore these dark places or invite a little bit of the darkness into our safe place, without seeing the dark. Erin Corwin did this. Joseph McStay did this. They had no idea how deep the darkness really was.

Be careful out there.

Onward to justice.


Source Material





192 thoughts on “She Was A Secret Who Didn’t Want To Be A Secret Anymore

  1. The more I read about this tragedy, I think Lee’s wife Nichole was somehow involved. Nichole was removed from court because she started screaming at Erin’s mom. The bailiff removed her.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mega,
      I’ve also heard that Nichole yelled at Erin’s mom but I haven’t seen it confirmed. Nichole has zero class so it wouldn’t surprise me, however, I’ve only seen one comment about it and it was on Beth’s blog.

      You aren’t the only one who thinks Nichole was somehow complicit. I’m still hoping that the DA will bring charges against her but I’m not sure it will happen.

      Throughout this entire ugly ordeal Erin’s loved ones, including her husband, Jon, have held themselves high. Not one time have any of them lashed out or held themselves less than stellar. They are amazing people with amazing love. I’m certain Erin was no exception. By all accounts the world lost a beautiful person the day Erin was murdered.

      Liked by 5 people

    • You are right Cornelius. That would have been the perfect opportunity for them to make Erin go away. I do not believe that she molested the young girl at all. It was a lie.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Lee continued to have a sexual relationship with Erin, too. He lied about the molestation. It never, ever happened. I’d like to know if Nichole knew what Lee was going to say on the stand and was she ready to back him up if called to testify? Did Lee’s attorney know what he was going to say? The attorney not delving into the accusation spoke volumes and the jury saw right through it.


  2. IIRC when Erin first went missing they said she had a miscarriage a few months back and was depressed. That is the time when she was working at the horse rescue center and met Lee. He was supposedly depressed also because he wanted to get deployed again but he was set to retire. He worked at the horse ranch also. She was in a very fragile mental state and hooked up with Lee. Tragic.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ve never thought of that angle. Yes depressed and she was probably going through a range of emotions. Maybe she felt that Jon wasn’t being responsive as she felt or he was working a lot. Not that is an excuse to cheat. But she was extremely vulnerable and Lee probably took full advantage of that. She probably saw him as some hero. Kind of crazy.

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  3. Nichole Lee also told the lady that ran the horse rescue ranch that “He was too stupid to keep his story straight,” referring to Chris Lee. She also said “No body, no crime.” Nichole Lee knew what happened to Erin. She needs to be arrested. I guess that her comments were considered hearsay, but still.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you. I hadn’t been keeping up with this case and this is a good lowdown on everything. Sad how many intimate partner crimes are perpetuated on pregnant women.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. O/T – remember Corn when I posted about that palmist’s prediction on Coast to Coast radio? He was right who would win. Lots more states getting the legal weed too.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Oh, he definitely won’t lock up a woman who has never been accused or convicted of committing a crime. There’s a pesky little bitty thing called the US Constitution that he will now be sworn to uphold. There will be no wall. He will not be able to single-handedly clean up all the crime in America like he said he would. He will never stop all Muslims from entering the country. He will not deport millions of undocumented immigrants. I think a lot of his supporters who took him literally at his word will be very disappointed when he gets into office. Everyone has to remember that he was a diehard Democrat way before he became a Republican. Some of his friends from those days said they wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled the old bait and switch. Whatever happens, I’m betting that it will be very interesting.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Did you, I forgot, lol. But you knew better than all the pundits and talking heads that continue to say “shocking” and boy do they all visibly look like it. And all these that say others are “afraid” and “scared”. Of what? They aren’t being specific. But apparently Canada will be getting several ex-pats. Lol

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Agentcommonsense is just…how do I say it? A fucking idiot! Sorry for the F bomb.

    agentcommonsense says:
    11/08/2016 at 12:56 AM
    HEADS UP ! There is a hearing to show cause on the 10th .. I could be wrong but trying to figure out what that is a hearing to show cause led me to believe that evidence from the defense is going to be show and try and get Chase cut . I could being reaching here but that is what is sounded like to me… Anyone know more about that type of hearing it would be appreciated

    Liked by 1 person

      • Please keep your kids away from pot. They will lose all their ambition. Most likely no more movers or shakers will be coming out of CA in the future. It can dumb down society. I imbibed when I was young and I do know all about the ramifications from smoking “herb”.

        Liked by 3 people

        • While I have known a couple of potheads who had no ambition, they were losers before pot anyway. I have known surgeons who smoked pot, after hours of course and never when on call. I know some very successful business people who smoke pot. I know plenty of very good students and grad students that are very ambitious. I agree that some people lose their ambition, but I think they were predisposed to do so.

          Liked by 3 people

    • I read that he told LE about these two bodies so he could have a visit with his mother. She lives in South Carolina. His parents divorced when he was 2 yrs old. His dad lives in Arizona. The mom sent him to live with the dad when he was 14. He then committed the sex crime and he went to prison for 15 yrs. He did his full sentence and did not have parole. When he got out of prison he moved to South Carolina to be by his mom and step dad.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sylvia: That’s OK. No offense is taken. I will never waste my time with that crap again. That was many years ago but I did learn a valuable lesson. Pot alters the chemistry of your brain, such as other drugs can do, and it can be hard to restore your serotonin levels back to normalcy.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I saw tonight on the evening news that Trump won because he got the “whites without college” vote. People seem to believe that Trump is going to be successful in bringing back manufacturing jobs to the US. I sincerely hope that can be done because people in the midwest that were tool and die makers and worked in the auto plants have lost their jobs. Many are trying to get disability with some kind of fake ailment to get money to live on from the government. They all bought into Trump’s “Make America Great Again” campaign. I truly hope that they have not been deceived. We are a democracy and Trump can not be a dictator, even if he wants to appear that way. I grew up in Ohio and they have a large presence with blue collar employment, such as Michigan.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Republican or Democrat, I think everyone can agree, a change is needed in Washington. Trump vowed to “Drain the swamp” and I hope he does. Special interests control our government and strongly influence these people in office. We do need our jobs back, that started with B. Clinton and NAFTA. Ross Perot heralded the warning that a “big sucking sound” of our jobs being whisked away and that’s just what’s happened. Trump’s first 100 hundred days will be interesting.

      Everyone is so caught up about this but this happens in every election. Social media has really made it worse. All doom and gloom. People freaked out when Reagan was elected. Throughout his presidency everyone thought we would go to war with Russia. When George W. was elected, everyone thought he was too dumb. Obama was supposed to be too inexperienced, a Muslim, not born here, etc. I think we came out alright. At least he and his administration carried us out of the great recession unscathed (sort of) which he inherited on day 1 of being in office. He had quite few blunders though.

      A side note, anyone remember Bushes last speech to the american people regarding the financial crisis? I’ll see if I can find video. But he looked absolutely sick and just beaten down. Like maybe he started drinking again.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I don’t think I’ve ever seen people freak out as much as this time. It’s over the top ridiculous to me. Since when are students allowed to ‘walk out’ in protest of a fair and square election. Too much coddling of young people these days. I know I sound a bit harsh, but please, give me a break.

        Liked by 4 people

  9. I also watched every speech in the last 24 hours live. That’s a rarity for me to be able to do that and I’m a news/political junkie. But I couldn’t help but notice that during Hillary’s speech today, Bill looked like he hadn’t slept in days. Hillary looked great LOL.

    Tomorrow’s another day folks. Don’t dwell on what we can’t change. There is a brighter side to everything. At least Fran is in Canada!!

    Liked by 6 people

    • You are so right Cornelius. We can not change things. Having an open mind is much better for acceptance. It is just life. Just live a good life and share your love. I just hope that Trump will lose some of his ego and embrace the challenge he has been rewarded with a higher conscientious of thinking.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Someone just reminded me that he was a Democrat for most of his adult life. I think (hope) he will surprise us. Now, Pence is another thing. That guy is no bueno. He is a backer of the screwed up idea that you can ‘treat’ people, or counsel people out of being gay. Which is unbelievable in this day and age.

        Liked by 2 people

  10. Found this on websleuths:

    Hearing: Order to Show Cause Hearing (OSC) set for 11/10/2016 at 8:30am in Dept. S21 – Defendant’s presence waived.
    Dispo/Reset set for 12/9/2016 at 8:30am in Dept. S21 / Defendant ordered to appear.

    Waviers: Time waived to: 2/7/2017 60 days from 12/9/2016

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow. No surprise though considering his age. He was actually a big influence on Kurt Cobain.

      “Give me Leonard Cohen after-world, so I can sigh eternally.” – Cobain, Pennyroyal Tea

      You know he’s singing “Hallelujah” now.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Leonard Cohen wrote numerous songs for people such as Judy Collins, Willie Nelson and James Taylor. He was 82 which is a long life. He also wrote some books. He has been compared to Bob Dylan with his same type of poetry, song writing style.

        Liked by 2 people

        • I have numbered record of Leonard Cohen record (LP, remember them? LOL) of him reading one of his short stories with Cobain wailing on solo guitar over it for about 20 minutes….somewhere. I bought it over 20 years ago. Wonder what its worth.

          Liked by 1 person

  11. I was compelled by the Erin Corwin case from the beginning. At first, I thought it was the husband. Little did anyone know in the beginning, she was screwing her neighbor, who had his own wife and child – and possibly pregnant by him! I never understood “those girls.” They are rampant, military whores, usually wives of another soldier, who often times look for other wives men. Shame on her for that. I feel bad for her husband, who seems like he is a good man. How embarrassing and hurtful. Sure, Erin could have been the vulnerable one, but Lee was clearly mentally unstable himself – regardless of whether Erin was wrong – and she was – she didn’t deserve her life taken from her. Lee should have just killed himself. Why didn’t he? He supposedly tried several times. He’s a coward.
    I don’t know if I blame Nichole – although she is clearly a bitter woman – who wouldn’t be after discovering your babysitter is screwing your husband and likely carrying his baby? All right before a huge move and retiring from the military! Those are huge changes anyone has to go through—and to add this soap opera to it? Sorry, but Nichole is a victim in her own right and if cops cleared her and she is innocent, she needs mental help. Definite anger issues there. I have a disgust for women and men who interfere in marriages. I have more disgust for cowardly murderers, though. Lee is a sick man, clearly a pathological liar and deserves a fist in the face for claiming false molestation charges on a woman murdered by his own hands. Sick world we live in.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Thanks to our people that served!

    Hoping it will be peaceful for all the parades. More scary to see all the Hillary supporters rioting tho. I’m not sure how I’d react if I was driving and then came across a human traffic stop of people blocking roads. Skewed sense of love, peace and tolerance.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Day three

    “The fliers depicting men in camouflage, wielding guns and an American flag, appeared in men’s restrooms throughout Texas State University: “Now that our man Trump is elected,” they said. “Time to organize tar and feather vigilante squads and go arrest and torture those deviant university leaders spouting off that diversity garbage.”

    A year after students at campuses nationwide pushed for greater sensitivity toward cultural differences, the distribution of the Texas State fliers was just one of several episodes this week suggesting that the surprise election of Donald J. Trump is provoking a round of backlash on campuses.

    At the same time, universities are trying to address more generalized fears about the country’s future, organizing campus meetings and counseling sessions and sending messages to students urging calm.

    “A lot of Muslim students are scared,” said Abdalla Husain, 21, a linguistics major at the University of Tennessee….”

    Check out this twitter feed for a running tally of incidents and hate crimes being committed in schools and around the country. No words.

    Sign the Global Open Letter to Donald Trump

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  14. Now we know from Patrick McStay’s book that Summer’s last text to Joseph was at 5:05 pm. This supports the theory in an earlier thread that Joseph’s phone was (likely) turned off a lot of that day, since his text from Summer didn’t come in until 5:47 – at the exact time Joseph (likely) turns on his phone to make that last call to Chase.

    Supports the theory they were likely arguing – Chase and Joseph.

    Liked by 4 people

      • I got a Kindle version and was delivered around 9 pm last night! I have read most of it, skipped a couple chapters but will go back to it.

        Most of the book is what we already know, having been following this case, but I wasn’t expecting anything new on the case given that Merritt hasn’t yet had his trial.

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      • I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone either, so should I not comment on some of the things I’ve read? I did want to mention something about the truck leaving the driveway at 7:47

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    • In Patrick’s book he says that the truck backed out of the driveway.

      If that is true I don’t think Merritt would have put the bodies in the bed of the truck facing out to the street. Either that’s wrong, or Merritt went back later to get the bodies.

      Liked by 4 people

      • I’m thinking he went back later, after the phone call from Mira Loma.
        Merritt’s truck backing out of the driveway makes sense to me and would explain the clear detail forensic photo analyst S were able to get of the rear of his truck.
        On the other hand, I had heard/read that the video surveillance camera was light activated which would seem to indicate the camera was triggered by headlights. Would brake lights be bright enough to trigger the camera?
        If the neighbors camera was instead motion sensitive there may be way more evidence of coming and going than we have so far heard about.

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        • I’m leaning more that way too, cause can you imagine him parking his truck in the parking spot at his apartment complex with 4 bodies in the trunk, to go into the home with Catherine Jarvis (who knows what kind of state he was in, clothes, blood, etc.)…it makes sense he went back later.

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      • I personally think that after Merritt created that check at 8PM on the McStay computer, which he did not print out, he left. He closed up the house and left the back window cracked. He probably was getting all freaked out about what he did and left the family in the home for hours. Then when he came back, either late that same night, or the next AM he started painting. That is how the paint drip got on Summer’s bra. Merritt knew that no one ever came over to that house in Fallbrook. No friends or family even lived close by and no one would drive the distance unless they could reach either Joey or Summer by phone first.

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  15. oliviaorpington he;s probably afraid a mountain more of his lies and doctored emails and fake papers along will his untold amount of lies will be exposed. So he deletes comments to hide them and he’ll most likely claim he never said or did what is proven in this book.

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  16. Spoilers please for those of us that don’t have kindle! Does he mention online bullies and stalkers at all?

    o/t I watched the parade on tv, had Rosie the Riveters, the 40 and 8, the Jewish servicemen group, antique airplanes fly over (we have a cool Museum of Southern Flight here) the riderless horse…lots of cool groups honoring all branches, and interviews with many, those that served with the WAVES. I’m going to the temp stables this weekend to see the Clydesdales. Last time I saw then was in San Dimas, CA.

    I wish any group that is unhappy with politics or LE or whatever would take that energy and make their community better, adopt a highway, clean up the beach front, join big brothers and sisters, help out at an animal shelter, clean up a playground. Gawd, parents asking what do I tell my children about the election, and then all the riots on the news. How do they explain the behavior of thousands acting like thugs vs one man that has yet to make one decision that affects the nation. smh

    Liked by 5 people

    • I sincerely hope that Patrick McStay found some comfort in telling his story. The anger and anguish that he has dealt with would be overbearing and almost impossible to live through. Let alone the media and all the crime sleuthing people that have gotten involved with this case. Some of those people are nuts and their opinions about what happened are ludicrous. I would need a lifetime’s supply of TUMS if I was him.

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  17. You know, I never thought I could despise Baker (the Buffoon) more. I don’t understand how he can live with himself. He’s got to be delusional.
    Also, he’s an idiot. He got suckered in by CM and took the bait, hook, line, and sinker.

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  18. He (Baker) stressed to Gina at least 10 times that she didn’t need to work on this case anymore, they are safe, they don’t want to be found.

    Baker quoting CM (conveniently a undisclosable source at the time) to Gina at a meeting November 2011.

    Hey Baker, how does it feel to be used? No so great, eh? Well then, perhaps you should stop doing it to others.

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  19. Hey, Baker! You know those two perfectly normal, innocent questions you just deleted because they didn’t fit your storyline? I’ve got the screenshots.

    I guess I was being annoying because he finally blocked me. For asking where ‘Silvia’ found the sales numbers on the Amazon page. Pretty nasty comment, I know.

    (Obviously, none of you are on your computers 24/7 as you’ve been accused of being since it appears I’ve been talking to myself all day. lmao!)

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    • I looked at the Amazon sight and there is nothing about how many books or e-books have been sold. Just another lie from that evil hating group.

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  20. I just sent an email to CBS 8 about Mr. McStay’s new book. I asked them to interview him. They have reported a lot on this case. I gave them the link to his book. I am surprised that the media has not picked up on this. Maybe this will get the word out to the people in San Diego. Many people locally still care about this case and they would love to hear Mr. McStay’s side of this story. Numerous local people think that SD Sheriff completely dropped the ball in this case. I know they would support Mr. McStay.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I did not send my interview request to any special reporter. I did it in the general KFMB email for a news story. It will get considered by a person that actually makes the decision about commentary. I hope they do this. They gave Baker an interview and his book was a bunch of opinion that was totally wrong. I do not know how they can contact Mr. McStay so I could not forward that info. I am sure they can figure it out.

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  21. I just saw that 48 hours tonight at 10PM is about the South Carolina serial killer. They already put a story together about it. It is on CBS at 10PM CA time.

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  22. I have spent the day reading Patrick’s book. It is written very well and is not filled with typos and incomplete sentences as that other book. I do not know if he wrote it himself but it flows and is very easy to read. It is worth the time and money to read it, IMO. That is why I went to CBS 8, NBC 7 and ABC 10, all in San Diego and told them about the book. I offered the Amazon link. I told them I did not know how to reach Mr. McStay, but I am sure they can do that. His book is way better than Baker’s could have ever dreamed to be.

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  23. I posted the book link on our local Victor Valley FB page. Since this is the area where their graves were discovered I think people will be interested in the book. I hope it helps get Patrick to the trial. After all these years of torment he deserves to see Merritt convicted.

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  24. Since we are music lovers on this wondrous blog, I have discovered a beautiful Japanese lady that plays the piano and is true jazz music, which is so nice for relaxing and background music to the home environment. Her name is Keiko Matsui and she was produced on my Smooth Jazz station on my cable TV (Cox). Here is the link to my favorite song from her 2016 album.

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  25. This just shows how desperate some people are in their trying to continually attack and denigrate the McStay’s, and for what? To harass and harm a family that has suffered such a horrific loss and such pain. Just shows the mentality of some!

    This is a comment on his blog:

    Silvia says:
    11/12/2016 at 4:25 PM
    As of 11:00a PST today, Patrick had sold 6 books in 12 days. Probably not enough for any reviews.

    This just shows how stupid they are and that they make stuff up. There is no way they could know what was sold and it hasn’t even been out for 12 days yet. Her comment is on Nov. 12th and the book wasn’t even out for pre orders really until the 6th. So it was only available for pre ordering for 6 days and 1 day after the actual release when the comment was made. Just shows the stupidity of some.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Right? Making stuff up to hurt the survivors of such a horrific loss? These people are subhuman scum sucking bottom feeders who should really stop talking and making themselves look even worse every time they comment.

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  26. I would like to encourage anyone who has ever followed this crime to please read Patrick McStay’s book. It is a very true story about a father and his love for both of his sons. Mr. McStay has been vilified by some and he does not deserve that kind of treatment. He has been very misunderstood. The book moved me to tears. I would like to apologize to him for believing so many lies and untruths that were written on blogs regarding his family. I thank him for taking the time to officially set the record straight. I am sorry for all the hate he has had to endure. I do sincerely hope that Michael McStay will read his dad’s book and see the love he has for him and just move forward. I do hope they can reconcile. They need each other after being faced with an unbelievable tragedy such as this crime. Many blessings to the McStays, living and deceased.

    Liked by 3 people

  27. I see the latest round of lies coming from the “Lying Blog” continues. You can tell the long winded comment about the amoxicillin and a stop for gas are again being thrown around by the blob himself. He tries to disguise himself as “anonymous” and wants everyone to believe his lies about the so called amoxicillin and gas stop. Why does he do this. Because he thinks since there is no information about that and he is the only one that had such great “sources” that no one can dispute his claims. Ask yourself this, if it was so true about the amoxicillin and the gas stop, how come its not listed anywhere including Detective Dugal’s Timeline or anywhere else by anyone not even in the preliminary testimony to establish Joey’s whereabouts on the 4th. With all the information that has been released or is known, not one person has ever said one word about those two items being true or ever brought up anything close to that. This man just picks a few of his old lies and tries to again get his foolish few followers to believe him. If those claims were true they would have been all over the news and listed in police reports and by everyone but that has never happened. The blogger does this because he made them up and he believes no one can dispute him because he is the only one who knew this and he is the only one who reported this. He used this as part of his findings and never had any proof at all and I don’t recall him ever mentioning the police having any such proof and if so why didn’t the police ever speak to this. So if the police had such proof why would they not release that information, they have released much more important information. Dugal put out his timeline and even later revised his timeline and neither timeline had that so called information in it. The blogger only picks this so called information to now try to prove he isn’t a liar although he has been proven to be and has even admitted to being an outright liar and even his making up false or fake papers to use against various people throughout the past years. Why would anyone write such a long comment to defend those lies useless lies unless it were the blogger himself trying to again inject himself into the case and be the one who has such great information. All this man has ever had and continues to have are a stack of lies. He knows nothing of the inner workings or relations with Michael, Susan, Dan or Patrick or what they said to each other. This man just makes up more lies to cover other lies and he says whatever he can think of and then feeds it as the truth to those few who are waiting to eat up all his lies. This man comes back into this case now trying to act as if he is friends with Patrick or that he sympathizes with him, why? Because he wants everyone to now think he is a nice guy and he can be believed and people should follow him again. He talks to himself and even writes comments to himself on his blog acting under false names and wants everyone to believe these made up so called members are so enamored with him. He uses this try to discredit Patricks book because the blob knows what is in Patrick’s book is the truth and the blob is again just using his blog to damage Patrick’s book and to again attack the family. Again they accuse Michael when there isn’t one minute piece of information, evidence, proof or even an accusation or spec of suspicion of Michael being involved with this crime. This is just perpetuated by the biggest liar and his little tag along liars to try to make the blob again act as if he is the expert in this case. All this is just more sick rhetoric from a small, small group of liars and sick people.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I for one think the amoxicillin claim for Purity is complete bullshit, for these reasons:

      NO doctor is going to prescribe antibiotics for a baby without seeing the baby, or adult for that matter.

      NO human being would give their own ADULT prescribed antibiotics to a baby.

      NO doctor is going to issue antibiotics for a baby on another person’s insurance, for example, Joseph McStays.

      NO doctor would prescribe antibiotics for Joseph’s children without seeing the children.

      Therefore, Joseph did not get a doctor to fill a prescription for Michael McStay’s toddler.

      Liked by 3 people

  28. Let’s say for arguments sake that Joseph did have an amoxicillin prescription to pick up. Either 1) it was for himself, an adult prescription; or 2) It was for either Gianni or Joseph Jr. In either case the Dr. isn’t going to issue the antibiotics for the children without seeing them first.

    A parent would have to be out of their mind to give antibiotics to a child without a doctor’s exam and dosage for that particular child.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Agreed. I spent many years working in doctor’s offices, including many years as the front office manager for a group of surgeons. At no time, in all those years, did I see a doctor approve antibiotics for someone without seeing the patient.
      Now, back in the olden days, the pediatrician used to give my mother enough medicine for all of us kids, if mom told him we all has the same cough. Then again, back then, he smoked in his office too.

      Liked by 4 people

      • The good ole days 🙂 There are refills I suppose, but if the Anonymous poster is saying that Summer never gave her children antibiotics – then they trip themselves up because Joseph isn’t going to refill a prescription for his own children (because Summer wouldn’t allow it anyway, according to the poster), and then give it to Mike for his toddler daughter. That would be absolutely crazy and dangerous.

        Liked by 3 people

    • The Meds thing so off the wall. A doctor would not write that without seeing the patient, even for something so mild as Amox. The poster earlier on his site (not mysteriously removed) sited Erin’s post about her daughter getting better at 9:30 on February 4. Considering what they were insinuating, Amox doesn’t work that fast.

      I’m guessing (hoping) these people aren’t selected for juries.

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  29. The only person that has ever made these claims about amoxicillin is Baker. In this present day of law suit happiness, no doctor would ever prescribe prescription meds over the phone. They have to see the patient first. Even then some doctors will tell you about these superbugs and flesh eating bacteria. A person can get used to antibiotics and then they will not work if you get one of these really bad infections. There would be a paper trail about the prescription and Joey picking it up. No law enforcement timeline has discovered anything. Baker just wants to put Mike McStay at the Avo house on Feb. 4. That fits his story about Mike’s involvement. If you go back in the archives on this blog, Cornelius has some very telling emails between Baker and his wife and they talk about Mike. Read those and you can see the big picture. It is a set up.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Cornelius: Maybe everyone needs a refresher. Can you post those emails from your archives between Baker and his wife when they did the radio show in Oceanside? That is old stuff but it does show a lot about their true character and many people may not know about that kind of stuff. Also, when you google Mcstay family and blogs, Cornelius’ site is front and center. That aspect alone is crucifying Baker.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Exactly Megaphone, PAPER TRAIL! Doctors keep records. LE wouldn’t rely on a second hand or third hand so-called conversations that there was a prescription picked up by Joseph for Mike.

      And especially since we’re talking about a toddler here – no way Jose is a Dr. going to risk not seeing the child first.


      • Thanks for the post on the Erin Corwin murder, Corn. It was such a sad case and I’m very glad for her family and friends that Lee was found guilty. Thanks also for the link to Beth Ford Roth’s blog.

        Baker is a liar and always has been. I’m an ER nurse and I can tell you that the antibiotic story makes no sense at all. You all are right about a doctor not prescribing medicine for a child without examining them first unless it’s a chronically ill child who is very well known to the MD. Even with the unlikely chance that Joey helped his brother by picking up the antibiotic, that doesn’t prove Mike killed anyone. Baker needs to get a life.

        Liked by 5 people

  30. I also feel the need to add that Baker is the guy that went on Tricia’s radio show and signed off and said he was leaving the case by stating that the family was beheaded. He was going away forever. He is a liar and I know that as a fact. He lied about me and that truly floored me. He is toxic.

    Liked by 4 people

  31. How about the anonymous poster who left a review of the book after admittedly only reading 1/4 of the book?!!!

    “Rick Baker says:
    11/14/2016 at 3:11 PM
    Mike had stated that the systems stopped working after Midnight on that Thursday, Feb. 4. According to the owner of the system, this is not true. She will testify at the trial so we will all hear her testimony, what she told me.”

    So she has told Rick she’s testifying? Hardly. Rick, you have NO ONE in your camp, at least not now. Just a bunch of wingnuts and ex-druggies.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Baker is the wingnut. The man is nuts. Why doesn’t he just go away? What the hell. Maybe he should find some other kind of entertainment instead of making up crap about people. No one would ever come onto him and no one even respects him any longer. He is second hand news and he is just trying to stay relevant. He should get a real job and crawl back out of his hole.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Hey Megaphone I’m with you! He is just doing this to try to draw attention and get himself on the witness list so he can claim he is relevant. He is irrelevant and everyone knows it but he thinks he can get the defense to call him to dispute the SDS. This is how a man like him thinks. Look at what he did to Mikey when he and Becky interviewed him on the radio show he had back in 2011. Then he makes an agreement with Patrick and violates his trust by reneging on that and writes a book of lies. Then he trashes the family members and insults his own members on his blog. Then he attacks friends of the McStay Family and people that support them. The man has no shame. He doesn’t honor his word or written contracts nor does he respect the rights of others not to mention how he continues to cause the families more pain and suffering with his repeated lies and allowing people on his blog to lie and defame the McStay’s. This man has and shows he has no integrity and his character certainly is in question. I guess we shouldn’t be shocked at who and what he portraits himself to be.

        Liked by 6 people

  32. I’m dying! This is too freaking funny.

    From the blob:

    Anonymous commented on Review Patrick McStay’s Book Here.

    in response to Rick Baker:

    Post your review as a comment. Here are the Amazon readers’ reviews:

    It’s really quite disturbing that TrueCrime just doesn’t understand what took place with the Amoxicillin. She doesn’t understand standard medical procedures. According to Erin’s Facebook, Purity was seen at CHOC (Children’s Hospital of Orange County) on February 4th because she was very ill. Joey later picked up a prescription for her in the Fallbrook pharmacy. When people are ill, doctors write prescriptions and call the prescription order to various pharmacies, for the patients. Mikey seldom had money. Joey picked up the prescription in Fallbrook. TrueCrime, please understand that Purity was seen in Orange County by a doctor, and her prescription was sent to a Fallbrook pharmacy for pickup. Purity was seen by a doctor. A doctor prescribed the antibiotic. Purity was not given an adult antibiotic. Joey did not get a doctor to fill a prescription for Mikey’s daughter. Summer did not approve of antibiotics, so the Amoxicillin was not for one of her boys. Doctor’s are legally required to use the patient’s name on each prescription. They could never use the name of a parent when issuing a prescription for a child, The child’s name must be on the prescription bottle, with dosage information. I fail to see why this is so difficult to comprehend. I think Erin recalls the name of the Fallbrook pharmacy on the prescription bottle.

    So, let me clarify….This poster thinks it’s more convenient for Joey to pick up a prescription in Fallbrook, Ca from a doctor at Children’s Hospital of Orange Co. one hour and 22 minutes away, rather than sending it to the pharmacy that’s *in the freaking hospital*. Or how about a friend closer to home if Mikey or Erin couldn’t swing by their regular pharmacy for a prescription that costs a couple of bucks?

    And TrueCrime doesn’t understand “standard medical procedure”?

    Liked by 5 people

      • You mean it doesn’t make perfect sense that Mikey would make a three hour round trip so that Joey could pay for a $2 prescription? Because that’s what they are saying. That it puts Mikey in Fallbrook on the fourth. I have an idea! How about, if say the hospital pharmacy was closed, that they still call it into Mikey and Erin’s regular pharmacy and Joey calls and puts it on his debit. But, that would be too obvious and simple and wouldn’t put Mikey in Fallbrook where Baker wants him.


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  33. Everyone has to remember that when you have given you blind elegance to a liar on that blog, you believe or back that person no matter what. It doesn’t matter if its a lie or if it is so far fetched and there is so much evidence proving it to be a lie and the blob wrong. It only matters that you do whatever you are told or have to in order to make something that isn’t true or provable to be believable. It can be proven made up over and over with tons of evidence that they are lying and just plain making things up, but they will lie and lie to cover a lie. Honesty and truthfulness don’t matter to them. Here we have some very knowledgeable people and they actually have experience in what they speak of or they fully research the subject at hand. As I said the others just lie, make false statements and praise a man who has been PROVEN many times and even admitted to being a repeated liar, but they just continue to lie. The so called prescription is just another made up lie by the blob that he has perpetuated and sucked his brain dead followers into. Not one of them has had the nerve or guts to confront the blob and ask him for proof of the prescription and so called gas stop. If he has the so called information and proof of the prescription and the gas stop, then it would be so simple to just produce the evidence proving his story. But for years (at least 3 years or more) he hasn’t or won’t produce any proof, he just tells you or assumes you must believe him. Just produce the proof! But wait, the next thing will be he can’t because its evidence for the defense or he has already given it to the defense. Which one do you think the blob will use next or will it be something different? It would be so simple to just produce a copy of the prescription or receipt for what he claims, but that seems like to much to ask. They are really Zombies who can’t think for themselves and take the easy way out by just FOLLOWING THE LEAD RAT BLINDLY. I truly feel sorry for those Brain Dead Blobbers.

    Liked by 4 people

  34. Alright, since this amoxicillin lie is again being brought up by the blob, I contacted Patrick to get the truth. He laughed and told me it was just another big lie that Baker is again trying to pass off on people. He knows its just a way for the idiot to try to regain relevance. There was no conversation about a prescription between Patrick and the idiot and the first time Patrick ever heard about the so called prescription was when the idiot first said it. Patrick had never heard of any such thing until the lie was first started by Baker. He said if this is true, why hasn’t Baker ever produced and email where Patrick wrote it in the so called email between them. He won’t because it doesn’t exist! Remember Baker claims he has all these so called emails between the two of them yet he has never produced any such email that Patrick even talks about the prescription, so where is the email? There is none because there never was one and Patrick said he has all the emails between the two of them and he will gladly turn them over to the prosecution and prove Baker is again lying.

    So come on Baker produce the REAL proof that you claim Patrick told you about the prescription because he never did any such thing! Produce the proof because I talked to Patrick and he is talking to legal council to have Baker produce the proof or cease and desist with the lies. If this is not complied with, further legal action against Baker is eminent. It’s time he stop his lying and allowing lies to be spread on his blog that exists for no other reason than to trash Michael and the McStay’s and to excite and cause others to continually cause harm to McStay Family Members. I wonder if Baker would like traveling to Texas to appear in court.

    Liked by 6 people

  35. Okay, let’s break it down another way:

    February 4, 2010 at 9:31pm
    Erin Gibney McStay YOU guys are alllllllllll RAD sisters and warriors!! God has heard you prayers!!!! THANKS beyond words!!!! I feel like it broke tonight. It was like a fog on her to keep her down and out of her joy and healing. I pray for you all to have peace, revelation, clarity, JOY and healing toooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you all!!

    Note the time – 9:30 pm.

    So, the Amoxicillin had worked already? Most likely a toddler would receive antibiotics in liquid form. I don’t think it would be prescribed for a fever. It takes about 24 hours for antibiotics to kick in for infections.

    Let’s see, Joseph picked up the script at 4:30 in Fallbrook, gave them to Mike. Mike has to drive in rush hour back to Orange. Did he beam them over to Erin?

    No, so he drives them over to her. How long does that take? Two hours in that kind of traffic? So he like Batman drives back to Orange gets there by 6:30 pm (or to be super generous, let’s say 6:00 pm), gives the meds to Erin, drives like a bat out of hell back to Fallbrook to murder the family and be seen backing out of the driveway at 7:47.

    Liked by 4 people

  36. Can anyone find the very first mention or comments concerning the information about the prescription and gas stop? Please find anything because it will help in legal action. I know you all are the champions of the research on the McStay Case and if anyone can find the facts and evidence, it is all of you. Please post any items here or leave a way you may be contacted if you wish. Thank You All

    Liked by 3 people

  37. Rob, I do have an archived link with an interview with Patrick on RB’s page. One question was about the gas stop, this is what it says:

    “AnonymousJune 12, 2013 at 8:44 AM

    There is a report that Joey filled the Trooper with gas at 4:30 PM on February 4th. When the Trooper was found at the border, how much gas was in the tank?

    PatrickJune 12, 2013 at 10:36 AM

    I don’t know who would have that information except Michael, Susan or Det. Dugal as they were the only ones with access to Joey’s bank statements and that would be on the ATM card records. So I would suggest you ask that of them. Don’t mean to be smart but they should be the ones who would know that. As to how much gas was in the Trooper at the border, I don’t have any idea and don’t believe anyone has ever said. The SDSD impounded the Trooper and they would know that answer.”

    I can send the link to the archive to Cornelius and he can send it to you by email, if you want it.

    Or I can post the link here, whatever you prefer.

    Liked by 1 person

  38. And re: the Amoxicillin:

    “AnonymousJune 12, 2013 at 9:16 AM

    There is a report that Joey purchased Amoxicillin at a pharmacy on his way home. Who was the antibiotic for? Was the amoxicillin found in the house or in the Trooper?

    PatrickJune 12, 2013 at 11:02 AM

    No one has verified any of that, that I’m aware of. I’m not sure anyone really knows that to be true or factual at all. The only people who could know any of that would be the SDSD or Michael or Susan because they had access to Joey’s monthly bank statements. So if you didn’t hear that information from one of them, then I wouldn’t believe it myself and I don’t. “

    Liked by 5 people

  39. Does anyone have Bakers current physical and mailing address. If so please post it, I seem to recall it was posted before and is somewhere in NC.


    • That’s not a good idea. I think it would be the wrong thing to do. What happens if some psycho decided to go visit him? Then the blog or the person posting it would be liable. Think about it.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Do not post it on this blog. Baker will call his local LE and we will all go round and round again. He will accuse a select few on this blog of stalking and harassment. Then he will start a new post about possible threats being considered against him and his family.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Good point have to figure out how to get it if someone knows. If anyone is a member of S4M maybe they can contact someone there to get a private message to someone with the information.

        Liked by 2 people

  40. Found this on a blog about Baker, its very interesting.

    Is Rick Glenn Baker on his way to jail for harassment…again?
    As of today, Rick Baker, author of No Goodbyes – The Mysterious Disappearance of the McStay family has publicly posted a photograph of a woman purported to be Justice Seeker the online blog publisher of :

    He is threatening to name her family and her home address. Considering he has repeatedly requested that others on his blog find the addresses of people who disagree with his positions and harass them, this is a clear violation of the law, and the woman has filed a report with her local law enforcement.

    Anyone who has had Rick Baker’s style of retribution is encouraged to contact their local police department and their local FBI office as this is also a federal crime.

    Liked by 3 people

  41. Is Baker at it again?

    Rick Baker’s stalking behavior

    This is the behavior of a mentally deranged person and I pray he gets mental health and psychiatric care.
    He claims that SOME people went after his wife which is 100% false.
    I can only speak for myself that I have never done so .
    Here I simply posted articles from his many failed newspapers and
    On his pathetic and mean spirited blog he posted this today trying to claim that we are not allowed to mention his wife.
    Free speech not allowed in his view of America I guess!
    At the same time he posts about everyone elses private lives.
    He himself posts a lot of his wife’s very personal info about her health issues and other details of her life with him unlike us.
    I wish he would devote as much time to her giving her the TLC she needs as he does to his blog and stalking The McStays,The Arandas and other Facebook women online.

    I have met men like Rick Baker before.
    He is nothing but a 2 bit Con Artist who preys on and bullies people especially women.
    He goes after wealthy women it seems.
    He took advantage of a widow of 7 children named A.P***ins and robbed her of nearly $32.000 after he spoke at her husbands funeral!!!
    I will continue to blog about his outrageous behavior so that other crime victims are forewarned about Rick Baker and how he has stalked,harassed and made money off of crime victims such as The McStays and Arandas.
    GOD FORBID he ever does this to other crime victims and their families!!!!
    State of Colorado beginning with
    Stalking-threat and Follow/contact/surveil Domestic Voilence !

    Now he stalks THE MCSTAY FAMILY and has threatened on his blog to send people to go stalk peoples homes encouraging stalking, bullying and harassment.

    1. Case Number: 2003CR213(District) Date Filed: 2003-06-16 People Of The State Of Colorado Vs. Baker, Rick 06/12/2003 Charges: Stalking-threat & Follow/contact/surveil Domestic Voilence Status: Arrest Only Charge Statute: 18-9-111(4)(b)(I) Class: F5 (Class 5 Felony) Offense Date From: 06/12/2003 … Court: La Plata County Division: 4

    2. Case Number: 2003C565(County) Date Filed: 2003-06-17 Creditor: Durango Credit And Collection Company, Debtor: Baker, Rick Glenn Principal: $3670.77 Judge: Martha Tinsley Minot Court: La Plata County Division: 3

    3. Case Number: 2003CR314(District) Date Filed: 2003-08-25 04/16/2003 Charges: Fraud By Check-$500 Or More Status: Arrest Only Charge Statute: 18-5-205(2),(3)(c) Class: F6 (Class 6 Felony) Offense Date From: 04/16/2003 …

    4. Case Number: 2001CV222(District) Date Filed: 2001-09-28 P.A. Vs. Baker, Rick Breach of Contract Debtor: Baker, Rick Principal: $31535.15 Judge: Jeffrey Raymond Wilson Court: La Plata County Division: 4

    5. Case Number: 2002DR106(District) Date Filed: 2002-03-29 Baker, Rick G And Baker, K.S. Dissolution of Marriage Judge: Douglas S Walker Court: La Plata County Division: 16

    6. Case Number: 2008DR5(District) Date Filed: 2008-02-05 Baker, Rick Glenn Vs. Baker, M. Dissolution of Marriage Judge: Gregory G Lyman Court: Archuleta County Division: 1Judge: Gregory G Lyman Court: Archuleta County Division: 1 (Baker, M. Respondent 1 DOB: —–)

    7. Case Number: 2007R215(County) Date Filed: 2007-08-23 People Of The State Of Colorado Vs. Baker, Rick G Motor Vehicle Judge: James E Denvir Court: Archuleta County Division: A Charges Count Date Details 1 06/23/2007 Charges: Speeding 10-19 Over Limit Status: Main Charge Statute: 42-4-1101(1) Class: TIA (Class A Traffic Infraction) Offense Date From: 06/23/2007

    8. Case Number: 1998CR223(District) Date Filed: 1998-07-01 People Of The State Of Colorado Vs. Baker, Rick Glenn Theft – Judge: Martha Tinsley Minot Court: La Plata County Division: 3 Baker, Rick Glenn Defendant 1 DOB: 04/19/1953 Gender: Male Race: Caucasian

    Liked by 3 people

    • Rob: I am glad you found that blog. It is a wonderland of commentary about Baker. This has gone on for years now with Baker. He has not changed at all. Amazing.

      Liked by 1 person

  42. Yeah. But his record doesn’t count. None of it is his fault, don’t you know? All of this is just made up by people who, for some reason, don’t admire his awesomeness. He’s perfect, everyone else is just out to get him because they’re jealous.

    BTW, Baker, I’d love to see a timeline about how Mike was in Orange then in Fallbrook to pick up a prescription, take it home and then what? Come back to murder people? He must have a time machine.

    Liked by 4 people

  43. I started reading some of the comments on his blog and had to stop. With him away for a while I guess I forgot how flipping crazy he and his followers are. Their blind stupidity is truly mind boggling.

    Baker seems to think Kerrie going to die before this ever gets to trial. Here’s what I think about that. Baker is hoping and praying that Merritt dies so there is no trial. Baker knows that every single one of his lies and all of his outrageous antics will be put on display for all to see. As we sit today it’s basically his word against everyone else and once the truths come out at trial his lies will be exposed. Every single one of them, and there are many. Too many to count.

    Liked by 4 people

      • Because of the county’s liability, I would not doubt that Merritt is probably getting way better healthcare than if he were free. Congestive Heart Failure is very treatable. There are meds and then they can do a pacemaker and they can even install a defibrillator and people can live to be in their 80’s. I do not know what extent the county would go to but he is probably healthier than when he was arrested. I am sure Baker does not want this to go to trial. He made up so much stuff and said it was from his “sources”. I wonder if those “sources” are going to testify? Yeah, right.

        Liked by 2 people

    • Rob: The State of CA just voted to speed up the death penalty process. Now they can not stretch out their appeals for many years. They supposedly are going to make attorneys take these appeal cases. Maybe people will not sit on Death Row for 20+ years anymore and end up dying of some kind of natural cause. With this new vote regarding the death penalty, one could only hope Merritt would do a tell all and try to avoid it. That would be a blessing. Now as it stands, the family of Summer and Joey have to endure the trial. How excruciating.

      Liked by 3 people

  44. Again I see the children’s sweet faces and want the maximum of justice for that whole family. Here we are planning a wedding and awaiting the birth of another grandchild. All of that has been stolen from Mike and Patrick and Susan and the Aranda’s. Everyone close to them. I can’t even imagine.
    Then to have this monster, RB, make that loss even worse. What a deplorable person.
    My heart breaks.

    Liked by 5 people

  45. It just shows the low intelligence of the people on that blog when they describe what they say are facts. Then when you ask what proof they have, they only say what they the blob has told them on his blog. They have never seen one ounce of proof just what the blob told them. So because he told them it must be true. Now how dumb are these people. Then the idiot write there’s a paper trail, there are debit card records, but he never produce one piece of proof of any kind. Not even one atm receipt, never has produced a copy of the so called prescription. So if he he knows there is a paper trail for these things, were are the copies, were is the proof.. It just shows how the blob lies, his groupies eat it up and then lies for him without seeing or having one shred of proof. It just proves those people don’t care about the truth they just see this as a big game, like some form of a video game. Not one of those people ever stands up to the liar and ask or demands he show proof, not one of them has the brains or guts to ask for proof.
    Lets see how far someone gets with the blob if they ever get the guts or sense to challenge the blog for proof. How long do you think they will last on that blog? One minute, five minutes, fit’s anyone’s guess, but I’m betting it won’t be long. He has already proved this kind of thing before. Anyone who challenged him was attacked by him and he exposed information on them and he deleted anything that he didn’t like not to mention the individual was banned. So come on all of you, lets see you ask or yet demand proof. I’ll bet there isn’t one person with the guts or decency on the liars blog to do that. .

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are very correct Rob. That is how it is. If someone questions the Buffoon (I like that, from Patrick’s book), he will not publish their comment. If he does break away from tradition and post a negative comment which questions his agenda, he will then turn it into a slam fest and beat that comment to a pulp. Stupid and extremely juvenile.

      Liked by 1 person

  46. Where did the below information originate? Is ass hat the only one who has posted this?

    Joseph Mateo McStay
    1.3 quadrillion times more likely that Joseph McStay Senior and Summer McStay are biological parents. Kinship between the three is strong.
    Gianni Mcstay:
    75,000-260,000 times more likely that Joseph McStay Senior and Summer McStay are the biological parents. Kinship between the three is weak.


  47. Isn’t it funny that out of 24 recent comments on the blob concerning Patrick’s book, there are only 4 comments made by 3 different people. with only one real name, Sylvia, the other 20 are “anonymous”. Now isn’t that interesting. Then there are a few so called answers from the blob and again no real proof just his opinions. Does any one believe as I do that all those people and comments are the “blob” talking to himself. If not where are all the so called followers he has claimed to have. This is substantial proof that that blog is a big joke and the only person there is the “blob”. Come on blob tell the truth for once in your life and be a man stop the childish tantrum and leave the grieving family’s alone!

    Liked by 2 people

  48. Watch next there will be names starting to pop up. Then you’ll know it’s the blob making up names to use because he reads here and saw this comment. He’s so pitiful and he doesn’t realize people know he’s nothing but a convicted criminal and a liar not too mention a con. So sad!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Right? What kind of pathetic P.O.S. spends his time denigrating the surviving family of an awful tragedy?

      The kind that has no life and gets his twisted little jollies from doing it. Disgusting excuse for a human being.

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  49. I don’t think he’s capable of telling the truth. There are people who lie even if and when the truth is better and he seems to be one of those people. To be honest, I still wonder if Becky was or is sick and to what degree? Sadly, every single thing that comes out of his mouth must be questioned.


  50. He really is over there asking AND answering his own questions and comments! He’s so obvious.

    I wonder if Merritt will be reading Patrick’s book?


  51. Oh I almost forgot to share this tidbit. I heard a commercial on the radio today that our own Jimmy Mattias recently purchased our local Steak and Shake restaurant. So the guys goes from top notch criminal defense attorney (sarcasm) to restauranteur. Now that’s who I want on my team! Lol

    Liked by 1 person

  52. They did not show up for work on Monday. I hope they are OK. Their friend set up a GoFundMe account and asked for $10,000 for a search effort and they have $11,700. They are loved. I hope it works out well. Sincerely hoping they did not run into some psycho. It is nuts anymore.

    Liked by 2 people

  53. I found another article about this missing couple from KTLA. They said that he is a photographer and had a job Monday in San Diego. She was going to take the train back to LA on Sunday and he was going to stay in San Diego for his photo job on Monday. They called a friend and said they were going to the Imperial Sand Dunes in Glamis. That is all kind of crazy there. People have ATV’s and motorcycles and ride the dunes. Many are extremely drunk or drugged up. The couple did not have all terrain vehicles so he must have been going to take photos. Who knows what kind of nut jobs they could have run into there. These two photos were taken at the dunes. Maybe they ran into these guys.

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    • The friends of this missing couple have acquired $14,000 in their GoFundMe account and have hired a private helicopter to search for them. The young woman is a computer engineer and the young man is a professional photographer. I am hoping for the best.


  54. sheryllikes55 says:
    11/17/2016 at 1:15 PM
    Patrick never even mentioned his only living grandson in his book??? Is this what is being said?

    ^^^and that, my friends, is how rumors get started. And repeated until they are believed to be true.
    Stop that.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Why is Sheryllikes even commenting when it is very obvious that she has not even read Patrick’s book? What is wrong with people? Not too bright.

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      • I guess these people don’t remember that the families agreed to not mention the oldest grandson and Patrick has continually honored that agreement. Patrick has always been guarded when it came to ALL of his grandchildren. If anyone paid attention they would notice Patrick has refrained from speaking about any of the grandchildren other than the two that were involved in the case. So now because of his protecting his grandchildren he is being accused of ignoring them. These people apparently don’t understand honor or loving and caring about your family.

        Liked by 5 people

  55. Rob: Every time Patrick mentioned Jonah in his book it was all about his love for him. He loves Jonah. I personally thought the book was a true tribute from a dad with nothing but love and respect for his family. I was very happy to finally read about this tragedy and was given true facts from someone immediately affected by all the chaos that has developed with this crime. I hope Patrick can rekindle his relationship with his surviving son and grandson.

    Liked by 3 people

  56. I was chatting with a friend about the case. She asked a very interesting question. Why hasn’t any of the Bakerbots posted a timeline for Mikey for the 4th? They are so adamant that Joey picked up a prescription in Fallbrook for his brother that lives over an hour and a half away (depending on traffic. Could be even longer) They are also adamant that Mikey was in Fallbrook on the fourth.

    I challenge the Baker followers to write a timeline for Mikey for the fourth. Let’s see what you got.

    Liked by 3 people

    • They won’t post a timeline for MM as it would prove their theory is crap! Baker wants so badly for MM to be complicit that he’s lost all sense of logic and his followers are too stupid to think for themselves.

      Liked by 4 people

  57. Every time I think about this statement made by Faker it makes my blood boil! If he had any inclination of what a man and a father is he never would have posted this lie. It’s more than hurtful and disrespectful, it’s wrong on every level.

    I sure home Joey’s eldest son doesn’t read the garbage Baker and his idiots post. Fortunately he’s old enough to remember his Dad and knows he was a real man and father, something Baker knows absolutely nothing about. Just ask Baker’s kids what they think of their sperm donor.

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