Hunting Rabbits

Obviously, anyone reading this blog will know that I believe in Chase Merritt’s guilt. I’m convinced that the prosecution is stringing the evidence together wonderfully, even though the majority following the trial feel they are failing. I’m holding out for all the evidence to conclusively point squarely at Chase Merritt. But with that said, I do welcome anyone who feels differently and put the evidence submitted to be challenged. One can not look at one piece of evidence and conclude guilt, or innocence. It’s the totality of everything. There are those that will point to evidence and state “That doesn’t make him guilty”. Absolutely. When I look at this spectrum of evidence, it’s hard for me to ignore some things. No one reading here should feel their voices (or words) will be vilified, if cordial and within reason.

I have to admit I’ve been moonlighting a bit and reviewing other forums on the trial. There are over about half a dozen outlets out there. I seek other’s perspective instead of relying on my own and it’s healthy to bounce theories and speculation off others deep in the weeds. There are many weeds to sift through, and among those weeds, a multitude of rabbit holes.

Image result for elmer fudd rabbit hole

There has been so much new information that we’ve received from the trial, it’s difficult to corral it all. I’m still not fully caught up on the court videos. Each one of them is fascinating in their own right. Each witness equally captivating. Dr. Alexis Gray, well, I’m enamored by her and her mind. She’s been on a project for more than a decade digging up remains in a cemetery without headstones of more than 7,000. They are attempting to find their families. The attorneys abrasive relationships and arguments, I am often appalled as much as I am in awe. I love the behind the scenes nuclear flare-ups.

I’m not surprised at the number of people that are defending Merritt, but those rather those hangers-on who just can’t let it go that their guy Mike is not on trial. Spoiler alert – It wasn’t Mike. They’ll say anything, fabricating nonsensical things in attempt to make people connected to the case to look shameful. Just petty, pathetic, angry, ugly souls. The stalwarts of Rick Baker.

Easter Eggs

Something that the defense contends is that the family was abducted (not murdered in) from their Fallbrook home in the morning on February 5th. They cite eggs left out, coffee grounds, children in pajamas. This was in their opening statement and they have been doing their damndest to drive this home for the jury since the trial began. So why would this benefit their client Chase Merritt? Because if it happened then, it couldn’t have been Merritt because his phone was pinging all over the Inland Empire from the morning of the 5th and into the afternoon. It creates an alibi. The defense suggests that Dan Kavanaugh wasn’t in Hawaii. This has become central to the argument of their client’s innocence, as if Kavanaugh wasn’t in Hawaii it somehow means he’s really the murderer, totally ignoring the fact that several thousand dollars in checks were produced and backdated to one Charles Merritt. Let’s not forget those crazy 5 (6?) pings from Merritt’s phone that pinged the tower a few miles away from 4 bludgeoned and freshly buried corpses. Is Kavanaugh really a technical mastermind able to hack Merritt’s phone to do that? Or did he steal Merritt’s phone somehow without never meeting him?

The defense wants the jury to believe the family was abducted in the morning, while Summer was preparing breakfast, because of the eggs. Sgt. Steers testified some of those eggs were broken. This would certainly be a source for the ‘rotten’ smells reported by family members. But how did those eggs get broken? Could it have been the result of a struggle or fight? Maybe. Are eggs only made for breakfast? Mostly but not always. Summer may have been prepping to bake something, a cake, a casserole, or anything really. Perhaps broken by clumsy, unfamiliar little hands. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if Gianni (both those boys were pretty bold) attempted to cook or bake something. Little Joseph had a toy kitchen in the Trooper as well. Coffee grounds? Who could forget the most adorable video to ever hit the Net?

If we go back to the night of the 4th, specifically at 7:47, a truck that should not be in the McStay’s driveway, PULLS OUT and drives past not just one but two security cameras mounted on neighbor’s house. It’s not the Trooper, not the Dodge, but a truck. Why is it even backed in at all? Minutes later a check is written to “chase merritt” from the home computer. How does the defense explain all of this? They can’t. But why not? Because Merritt was not at home with his girlfriend/wife Catherine Jarvis watching a movie. He was not standing around the bar in the kitchen of his apartment. He was not on the toilet. All of these have been floated as alibis.

What was truly baffling to me was that in the video we could fully see the truck in the video, yet after all these years were told that it only caught the bottom 18 inches. After seeing the video from the other camera, I understand now. LE really kept that locked down. And many berate SDSO for their “inept investigation”. I have posted that there was a second camera in the porch area and that it had to have caught something, but that was largely ignored. Now I feel sort of vindicated LOL.

Still waiting for them to identify the tailpipe. I don’t see it.

Nose To The Wind

According to Dan’s ex-girlfriend, who’s set to testify, Dan waltzed into the Fallbrook home (how did he know where it was?) and whisked the family away at knifepoint. Then he organized “teams” off to the desert to rape Summer and brutally murder all 4. Next, Dan had the mindset use Chase’s phone to call Cathy. Sounds like a cheesy Nicolas Cage action flick with really a super cliche script. I’m waiting for someone named “Guido” to show up next.

That’s the defense’s narrative anyway, but not directly. They are offering Kavanaugh to the jury to hang their hat on. The defense is attempting to hit the detectives hard regarding their investigation, or lack thereof, of Mr. Kavanaugh. He’s a shady character but I just can’t buy into the defense’s contention of his culpability, even if he was in Fallbrook at all. It’s as if there are two prosecutions going on, one for Chase, one for Dan.

Deputy DA Melissa Rodriguez stated that the new witness “lacks credibility”. I wonder how she came to that conclusion. Could it be that she was arrested for operating in an unsavory illegal profession in 2013?

That was in 5 years ago though. People change. Maybe that profession isn’t something though that could affect your credibility. Reportedly she filed restraining orders against 2 men as well. Late last year she was also successfully sued for $6150.55 for unlawful detainer. So she was evicted and stayed well past her eviction date, or stopped paying her rent. The money probably included cleaning and repair costs. I’m still researching this and was hoping to have more by now. It’s still unclear to me at this point if she’s been approved by the judge if she’ll be allowed to testify regarding Kavanaugh’s supposed admission. It’s sounds like she will.

Incidentally, Kavanaugh is also currently being sued for the sum of $5K by Bar World.

Detective Jason Schroeder testified that there was activity on the home computer at 2 am on February 8th. The searches were for “Dinosaur Train” “Stackstone” “” and that Fountain Valley address. First of all, if we believe the family was dead and buried on the 6th, who’s doing this? Schroeder stated that these searches could have been typed in, clicked on from a bookmark or from a previous search. It could have also been through a drop down.

It’s very peculiar. Seemingly random searches with no real purpose. Their all stacked upon each other as well, seconds apart as if the searches weren’t actually typed in but clicked on. What does it mean?

One suggestion that has been floating about is Chase was there noodling around trying to find Joseph’s password to the Quickbooks account. However if we believe he was just in there on the night of the 4th, wouldn’t it still be up? Unless he closed it out. That’s possible.

Another possibility is it was actually Dan hacking into the computer from his own. But not for nefarious reasons. It makes sense when you think it through. He’s been trying to get a hold of Joseph from the 5th at the soonest, he’s texting Summer with no reply, emails are piling up from clients, he’ll even later call Joseph’s father. Something’s up. So Dan might have accessed the Mcstay computer to see if he can find any clues to where Joseph may be. Kind of like Mike was going to try and do.

Caught in a Web

Per Mitchely’s testimony, approximately 11 minutes before the vehicle leaves the driveway, her security camera is triggered by a spider in its web on the camera. At the 10:37 mark Mitchely turned the porch light on because she “heard noises”. At 11:07 the headlights from the vehicle (truck) turn on and it exits the driveway turning left towards the camera. What noises could be loud enough for Mitchely to hear seconds before compelling her to turn the light on? Could there have been a struggle outside the Mcstay home between Chase and a family member? Was it the sound of a body being thrown into the back of a truck or a tailgate slamming shut? Remember, the cargo bed also had a top plate that was probably quite heavy. This would also provide perfect concealment.

It has been largely assumed that the Trooper was parked in front of the house just out of sight of the camera. Collectively, it is also believed the street is wide. As someone who has been there, I can tell you it’s actually pretty narrow when there are cars parked. I don’t believe the Trooper was parked in front of the house. Pay close attention to these to pictures. The first one is a vehicle passing just before the truck leaves the driveway. The second is 16 seconds after the truck leaves.

The first passing car seems to be a bit more towards the middle of the street, as where the other vehicle is more to the right. This may be because there was no Trooper or other vehicle parked there. There is something else as well. We know that after the truck left at 7:47, Merritt, or someone, was back in the home minutes later to write the Paul Mitchell (Mitchell/Mitchely, the irony) check for $4k. I suggest that this second passing vehicle could have possibly been Merritt, 16 seconds after turning around, thinking he forgot something (hammer?). The front of the vehicle looks blocky like Merritt’s truck. The check writing might not have been what he returned for, but an afterthought. By the time Chase would leave again (as late as 8:30ish), the camera would have been in sleep mode and not capturing the truck leaving a second time.

Am I reading too much into it? Perhaps. But indulge me a bit. A few years ago I made an entry in which I posted a picture of what I believed was Merritt’s Chevy utility truck. I screenshot that picture from one of Joseph’s videos in the warehouse. Someone with impeccable attention to detail noticed the stark differences of the truck bed in my post to that of what the investigators had in evidence. The suggestion was that Merritt changed the bed. It’s possible. Merritt probably did have associations with the type of outfits to arrange a swap out. I’m under the impression as of now that it wasn’t Merritt’s truck in the video, but probably another worker’s or maybe Joe Sequieda. These trucks are all too common with commercial contractors. There is however another truck in that same video, a Toyota Tundra. It’s wheelbase measures 67.9 inches.

Hello, Chase

At the start of the trial, in opening arguments, McGee argued that the truck in Mitchely’s video could not be Merritt’s truck because the tail light measured at 33 inches. This is the defense’s measurement, not the investigator’s. Merritt’s tail lights do measure 60 inches, but the defense’s calculations of the vehicle tail lights in the video being 33 inches are wrong.

Leonid Rudin presented his findings in a hearing for him to be allowed to testify. Pretty compelling guy, as well as his calculations. He co-founded Cognitech, a forensic imaging company, in 1988. They’ve been used to testify in court since 1992. Pretty impressive. Rudin also has a Phd in Computer Science, a Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics, holds numerous patents as well as several awards. The image above is part of what was used for the Mitchely video. They take a digital image of the vehicle in question and lay that image over the one in the video. Well, something like that. Rudin was much more meticulous in his description.

I feel that Rudin’s findings are not going to sit well with the jury regarding Chase. Unless the defense will argue that it can’t be proven to have been Chase’s. Good luck. I really have to laugh because in McGee’s opening statement, he felt compelled to tell the jury that the state’s cell expert, FBI agent Kevin Boles, was wrong in his calculations regarding the pings and azimuth by some degrees because their expert says so, yet they’re going to challenge Rudin’s calculations, who’s a mathematician. Really?

Here’s a quote from Rudin regarding the overlay:

“As I mentioned during that process we take that 3d model [Faroh laser scan], that’s the step number one, and we determine [indecipherable]…relevant features and we try to use everything that we can conceivably see in one that we think is in the other. Okay, because we don’t want to miss much because maybe those other ones will give us a rejection. On the other hand we can not match things that are unrealistic, right? So, so we try to do that. And you would say, okay there would be an subjective opinion involved. But actually the more points you’ve cleared the worse your life becomes because the equations are very intolerant to exceeding the data. So I mentioned there are only six points that can be matched perfectly. In this case there are only three, if you ask me a question I will tell you why, so having 10 points instead of 3 points will create inconsistent system of equations, just spit it out of the computer and everything would be unacceptable.”

In other words, the data is very precise. And accurate.

“He routinely drove vehicles into the ground and then bought “new” ones on their last leg (in cash). Chase also went to “rent-a-wreck” often to obtain temporary vehicles.”  – a close associate . 

More to come from this indispensable person. So much more.

The Old Beau

I recently had brief contact with Vick Johansen, Summer’s ex-boyfriend before Joseph. He was commenting on YouTube videos of the trial bashing Mike and Susan, whom he didn’t know from Adam. For whatever reason he has since deleted those comments. Makes me wonder.

The guy has been absolutely silent all these years. Aside from LE, there has only been one person I know of who has had contact with him. Vick was actually one of my top people that considered a viable suspect. There was so many glaring events in his past that it was difficult to not look past. Like Merritt. So much has risen to the surface on Merritt, Vick greatly pales in comparison. Vick now seems like a cagey, yet still volatile dude. I was a bit taken aback because, he didn’t lament at all about Summer or her children’s deaths. He was more concerned about throwing shade at Joseph’s family and what happened to his dog, Bear. I invited him to give some insight about Summer but he wanted no part of it. I’m not sure what to take away from that.

What is troubling is DuGal’s testimony regarding the voicemails for Joseph’s phone. They’re all missing, up until the 15th when the family was reported missing. Whoever had the phone had to have access after the 4th. Obviously people called his phone looking for him and leaving voicemails. Right, Chase? Yet Joseph’s last call pinged in Fallbrook at 8:27. At least as far as we know. So are there more pings? Where did the phone ping? Perhaps there are more surprises ahead.

Why was Chase lying about his address? There is no 1555 National Trails Highway, it doesn’t exist. WHY?

Background Check

There is something that has really bothered me (well,a lot of things) for many years. Actually, from the beginning. I’ve discussed this with many who have been around from the early days, they remember it as well. I know a little more than I want to reveal because it may be sensitive information. I have searched every article, archive, personal emails and messages possible. There’s nothing on it, yet people remember. Very early in the investigation Chase reported that he listened to a voicemail that Joseph left on his phone on that last call and but he said all he heard was background noise that sounded like “restaurant sounds”. If we are to believe the current testimony, there was no VM left from Joseph. So is this Chase caught in another lie? Maybe there is someone reading this who has that actual exchange of Chase telling the story. Or maybe it’s lost to the numerous articles now defunct.

“After the 12:52 phone call to the defendant, between 12:52 and 1:01 there are 13 frantic phone calls, primarily to his…who he called his wife, who is actually his girlfriend Catherine Jarvis. She lived with him there in Rancho Cucamonga. And if you’ll notice there’s a call at 12:52, 12:54, another at 12:54, 12:55, 12:56, 12:57, another at 12:57, 12:58, 12:59, finally she calls him back at 1:00. That’s all in a period of nine minutes.” – DDA Sean Daugherty, Opening Statements

It’s actually nine calls, not thirteen if you don’t include Cathy returning his call at 1. Regardless, why is Chase calling Cathy so many times the second he is off the phone with Joseph? What’s more, why is Cathy making her six (frantic?) calls to Chase hours later? We can’t

So much left to unravel in this ever evolving mystery. And more rabbit holes.

306 thoughts on “Hunting Rabbits

  1. Cutting the bs.

    I agree mostly on his guilt. However, I find it reckless and not in good faith when LE, just ignore things they can’t explain. For example, how did CM travel 60 miles to Fall brook, kill the family, and dispose of their bodies and vehicle with NO HELP. No matter how you slice it, he needed a ride back to Fallbrook to get their vehicle at some point and drive it over 100 miles and then get back home, 100 miles. ?!


    • The prosecution has no obligation to prove or convince a jury exactly how he pulled it off, only that he is responsible for the murders. Most cases are fraught with exactly how crimes are carried out. Knowing how he did it helps but it’s not necessary for the jury to conclude guilt, that’s where all the other evidence fills in the gaps, or at least weaves together how he is complicit.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Still can’t put the murders on him. The evidence has shown nothing to do so IMHO. Embezzlement is all I see. Also, from what we heard in the video of the pre-trial arguments on Wednesday, or Thursday, the judge basically confirmed that there is evidence that DK absconded with a boatload of money. I don’t get the impression defense is trying to pin the murders on Dan, I think they are showing or trying to show that law-enforcement zeroed in on Merritt at the exclusion of everything else. I think they’re trying to say that there was somebody else with sketchy involvement or motive, but the cops didn’t look at him or anyone else really for that matter, Not a hard look with a discerning eye anyway. They’ve got a long way to go to show that they did not act with bias against Merritt and they actually excluded everyone with hard investigation and police work. I know this is going against most of your readers and probably is not a popular opinion but this is just how I see it. They haven’t put the murders on Merritt or anyone else and I don’t believe they can without any hard evidence, they can certainly build a circumstantial case but it doesn’t show murder by any of the players so far. I don’t get the impression the defense is trying to prove to the jury that Kavanaugh murdered that family. No, the prosecution doesn’t have to prove conclusive murder, but they should at least be able to back up their facts they put out there in preliminary and opening statements unfortunately I haven’t really seen that either without lots of questions or doubt anyway. Jury has a life in their hands and they need to get it right. They need to succeed where law-enforcement and investigation has failed in my opinion.

        Liked by 2 people

            • I simply mean they need to stop, look, and listen. Stop thinking emotionally, Look at everything with a discerning eye. Listen to the testimony (from both sides). Wanting him to be guilty doesn’t make him so. I think we need more than all these different folks parading through the courtroom saying the same stuff that the previous person testifying did. You know the “aha” moment that brings everything into focus. Bottom line is this, nobody knows 100% what happened except the family and the killer(s) and they ain’t talkin’. This case has been clear as mud from the beginning and now that trial has begun I have more questions than answers. BUT as Cornelius says we have a long way to go and I am praying for clarity for everyone.

              Liked by 3 people

    • Chris, for one thing, we don’t know if JM ever made it back home to Fallbrook. Depending on whether he drove the Isuzu to the border from their home or from R.C., there’s about 3-4 buses (Greyhound, etc.) that travel from San Ysidro to L.A. and the Inland Empire. If he only needed to get back to Fallbrook, he could’ve taken the SD trolley to Amtrak to Oceanside, then N.County Transit to Fallbrook and walked a short distance, to his truck.
      CM is a two time convicted felon. Who knows how MANY crimes he’s committed, without being caught?

      Liked by 3 people

      • Rosey,
        . I thought about this perhaps he made Joseph drive to the border but then Joseph phone called his home I think like after 5 o’clock so how do you explain that

        Liked by 1 person

      • Exactly. Maybe none. Ive followed this tragic ….case for years. The past one and half mostly thru news, court reports and corn. Until today. This is the 4th post ive read and am not able to not reply. Iam laughing hysterically inside at this post as the one preceding is genuinely thought out, rational, fair and, what the rules should be (and insructed to follow) for deciding guilt or non-guilt. The time it would take to use these transit resources, at the time suggested and be where he was known to be …can you see where I’m going with this?? If not ignorance then i dont care to take a guess. I hope, for the sake of justice, jurors’ wonderfully fantastic imaginations are kept in check and only facts and the deciphering of testimony are used when deciding to vote one way or the other. Wow.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. “restaurant sounds”

    The only place I’ve found this (other than comments on sites saying they read it somewhere) is on Steph Watts wordpress in a pdf timeline of the case. Where he came up with that I don’t know. It would probably take searching every podcast, video, tv interview etc he did back then. Below a snip from his timeline-

    MCSTAY FAMILY TIMELINE (please not this is from my ongoing working file)
    8:28 p.m. Joseph calls Chase. Cell phone pings off a Fallbrook tower. It goes to voicemail according to Chase and Chase says he hears what sounds like restaurant noise.

    Liked by 5 people

      • Not sure if this was the original source, it’s not where I recall seeing it first, but could very well be. I wonder we he got it the info from (Mike), certainly not LE because he told them only that he didn’t take the call, nothing about VM. But this very statement could be why Mike very early on (I think it as in In Sessions, still looking for the statement) that “They are all caught on camera getting into the Trooper that night, they went out to dinner” or something to that effect. Obviously they weren’t caught on camera but I think with the knowledge of the video and this admission from Chase he assumed this to have been the case.

        So now, if Steph Watts were to tell LE/Prosecution that he heard this from Mike, maybe Mike could be recalled and testify that Chase told him such? Or would the defense attack his prior statement about seeing the family getting into the Trooper?

        Liked by 1 person

  3. How many times do you get to drive on a suspended license before they throw your rump in the pokey? Heck, I’ve broke in a cold sweat when I’ve realized I left my wallet at home while on the road.

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  4. So a follow up to the restaurant thing. Chase told it to Mike, that he heard restaurants sounds on the last call. Now this where it gets sticky, because I haven’t confirmed – yet – if it was the last call he had spoken to Joseph OR if it was voicemail left to Chase that wasn’t there. BUT we’ve already heard Chase tell detectives in his interview that he thought Joseph was at his desk at home when he spoke to him at 5:47.

    Based on Chase’s account Mike and Susan went to the Mcstay’s favorite nearby restaurant to see if they had been there.

    There is a lie, a huge lie, in there somewhere. The problem is, without it being in some documentation somewhere, I’m not sure it could be proven to be factual or something Mike is just making up and deeming hearsay. It’s also probably too late to call him back for this. Lost chances.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. From the Facebook Page Mcstay timeline statements. Posted April 2012

    “I already spoke to the person to see if he remembers noises in the back ground … etc… The 7 something call was for 3 mins and it seemed like Joe was at home. The 8 ish call he didn’t answer… it was only 1 min. My guess is that Joe made the call while waiting on his food. Hence, still in Bonsall area from a different cell tower.
    Absense of a crime scene at the house or car, doesn’t mean absense of a crime scene…. just could be elsewhere and my nephews could be in grave danger.”
    Michael Mcstay

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have to laugh because this is from my own FB page I created. I vaguely remember this statement. I’m pretty sure he made this statement on the old Mcstay website where Mike would seldomly answer questions. Interesting that he got the time wrong (7 when it was 5:47) and he had the actual phone records. But maybe at that time he really hadn’t studied it to the minute/hour that some of us have. Joseph didn’t call anyone else that afternoon so where is this report about the sounds coming from if it wasn’t Chase?


      • I like that page its good to look back at some of the statements made, thank you for creating it. understandable that he wasnt always exact, I am sure he was asked the same things over and over again and when you dont have the info in front of you it’s easy to make a mistake. I feel so bad for Mike, nobody could have imagained what had actually happened to them at the time, I am sure hindsight plays on his mind. He did the best he could with the skills and info he had at the time, so sad, I really feel for him. thank you for all your hard work, this is the only site I trust.

        Liked by 3 people

  6. Glad to see some people still following this case. It makes me sad that the press seems to be ignoring this trial. Very very few articles about the trial recently. It makes me think that no one cares about that poor family.

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Hey peeps. Really enjoyed the new posts here.

    Lots of Merritt insanity on that infernal machine the internet. Wanted to take a break from that to come here and describe what would be perceived as politically incorrect.

    I never cease to be amazed at how dug in Merritt’s supporters are. No matter what the testimony, witnesses laying out the obvious you have these dare I say, trolls? Or what?

    Do they see the alpha male dude wrongly accused? The child within the man?

    I feel its the lady loves seriel killer syndrome. Manson, Ramirez, Menendez bros etc before the internet crime boards, Merritt today. Trying to understand how people can see the same evidence and have vastly different perceptions.

    I refuse to believe RB is responsible for brainwashing most of these deluded individuals. Well maybe half at best?

    And there has to be a representation of trolls except that they seem more than a little invested.

    Glad to see new folks as well as the old posters here. If someone can reasonably explain how his phone pinged by the new graves let me know. Or Hey good buddy Joseph you forgot to sign all these checks and cancel QBs! Allow me!

    Liked by 5 people

    • It is the deluded “lady loves serial killer” thing. I read an article about how much fan mail Chris Watts gets in prison. Absolutely nuts. They actually want him to write back.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, it defies all logic. There are really two kinds of supporters, ones who are in the innocent until proven guilty and then those who convict Mike or Dan providing zero evidence to support their accusations.

      The Mike bashing club really started with Steph Watts and his loose *cough* ‘journalism’.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. I give up trying to watch this trial. Today the problem is “the player is incorrectly configured”, so I can’t even watch it freeze and stutter. Have tried a couple of different browsers, no dice. Windows had an update since I was last on the L&C site, so I guess that must have something to do with it. What’s weird is I can watch the other trial they are streaming on that site.

    Liked by 2 people

      • It decided to let me watch today. There were no window updates last night and I didn’t do anything to try to fix the video issue – so any configuration problem must have been on L&C’s part.

        Now, while it’s working fairly well, I wish they would move on to something else other than the DNA and NOT back to QuickBooks. In my opinion the handshake transfer is nonsense. Why would Joey be shaking Chase’s hand? Jeez, the guy was practically camped out in his livingroom. You shake hands during an introduction, a deal made or having not seen someone in a long time.

        Liked by 3 people

          • If Chase was topless or wearing a wife beater maybe DNA transfer could have happened that way. LOL. The handshake just sounds like a defense ploy to explain the steering wheel DNA. Personally, I kinda feel the forensic evidence out of the Trooper is sort of wash, with zip being found at the house. That to me is the prosecution’s biggest hurdle – convincing a jury they were beaten to death in that home on the 4th.

            Liked by 1 person

            • ABC, the biggest piece of evidence for me to date is the “backdating” of those checks. There is only one reason why. The account was frozen soon after that. The other is his Freudian slip of tongue during the Randi Kaye interview: “[I was] definitely the last person Joey saw.”

              Liked by 3 people

              • Agree, his shenanigans with the QuickBooks and if the cell phone pinging at the graves holds true – should help overcome the scant forensic murder scene evidence. I’ve seen where a lot of people have trouble with the Trooper at the border and how did he pull it off. That doesn’t bug me. He knew the areas and he didn’t punch a clock for a living + it sounds like Cathy didn’t know where he was most of the time either.

                Liked by 4 people

  9. For someone to have claimed to made $175,000 with Joey, Chase sure didn’t have any money. In my late teens and starting out on my own, my bank account balances over the course of a year were better than his. I had at least $20 in an account – Chase was in his 50s and in the negative.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. Below are notes I jotted down about Chase’s cash withdrawals from Jan 09-May 10. Basically, it reads to me he pissed away $110,000.

    $209 ATM fees
    $84 inquiry balance fees
    $252 continued overdraft fees
    $2226 NSF fees paid(29) $898 NSF fees not paid(26)
    Total fees $3669 In 15-16 months

    66 cash withdrawals at casinos $15769
    atm/bank withdrawal $35,513
    3rd party ATM withdrawals $5861 (one withdrawal in Mexico Jan 09?)
    checks for cash at bank $12,680
    checks from EIP he cashed instead of deposited $40,501
    total cash trans 110,325.53

    aug 12 09 $428 aug 14 $321 data stream

    Liked by 4 people

    • That graph showing the peak money point in February 2010 was shocking. Merritt had the nerve to say he couldn’t pay his rent is Joseph didnt turn up soon?

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      • Think of all the money Chase could have had if he hadn’t been a flimflammer. He must have some talent and the gift of gab to bamboozle so many people over the years. One of my first jobs was being an assistant at an “investment” firm. The owner turned out to be a Bernie Maddow type – swindled people in the EST community out of their money. He’s another one that could have used his charm and gifts and been a rich, rich man instead of going prison. I’ve googled him over the years and he’s still at it – one scheme after another and then ends up doing another stint in prison.

        Liked by 4 people

        • Many years ago I had a girlfriend who’s father was wanted by the Canadian Mounties for investment fraud. He stole millions. He was infamous enough to have a 60 Minutes piece on him. My gf told me that he studied up on all the Canadian and American laws to where he could defend himself. He in fact had a vast library of law books so I didn’t doubt it. It seemed her whole family knew of his escapades but never discussed it. His name was John Edwards, whether or not his true name, it’s a good name to have if you’re on the lam! He had some really shady friends as well, guys that made me feel like they could ‘disappear’ me like it would be another day at the office.

          I did track her down a few years ago and looked to see if maybe he had been caught. There was a recent picture of him, old but not frail, in his 70’s. From surrounding signs he could have been in Europe. I have since looked to see if there was a John Edwards wanted by the Mounties but found nothing.

          Side note, he and my gf lived in Fallbrook, just off the freeway. No joke. Interestingly enough their house had burned down.

          Liked by 2 people

          • He wasn’t that big of a crook, not for lack of trying. It was basically him and I was his assistant. I was so young and dumb that it never occurred to me why most of what I did was personal errands and little actual office work. It even ended kinda like Madoff, except the FBI didn’t uncover the fraud, the EST movement did and he sort of fessed up to me about it. I’m surprised the GBI never tracked me down, not that I could have told them anything vital. Found a couple of old hearings online about it and he tried to throw his brother in law under the bus because he was on the articles of incorporation. No one knew it was a big ponzi scheme but him. Oh and BTW, I wasn’t into the EST thing, I just answered the help wanted ad. I probably came across as perfect for his purposes – didn’t run in that spiritual new age crowd, naïve and new to the big city.

            Liked by 1 person

  11. Hey everyone – no more live stream for probably 2 weeks. Due to the length ($$$) of the trial and lack on online hits, they are going to cover another trial in Florida. Suppose to resume McStay when it concludes. We’ll see.

    Figures, they would decide to pull out now – when the banking and cell phone pinging evidence has been finally introduced. We’ll miss further ping info from the prosecution and McGee’s cross next week.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Today was a roller coaster. Last 15 minutes were brilliant. For example, Daugherty puts up a picture of big cell tower looming over desert: “And where was this picture taken?” Answer: ” At the crime scene”. GTFO!

    Liked by 5 people

  13. Hi guys. ABC,Corn or anybody closely following, question about Merritts phone pictures that was argued and now deemed admissable. I think.

    They say he has a picture of graves in desert. Was this photo taken before or after they were found? Same goes with tire marks. Wondering what angle the prosecution plans. Defense argued strenuously against these exhibits.

    Seems like the defense can easily dismiss these if taken after the familys remains were discovered and shrine erected.

    Liked by 1 person

      • plus the financials and phone records were out all over the web, bakers blog, bakers book, and even on this blog if I am not mistaken. It doesn’t look good but fear it can be easily explained away and the pix in the link above are clearly after the crosses were built. Also, they spoke about the search to Alaska, his step mom lived there and I believe still has extended step family living in Alaska, so I don’t know how far that will get either. I am not sure this is a good path for the DA but it will be interesting to see IF we actually get to view it. Hopefully L&C doesn’t pull their cameras.

        Liked by 1 person

      • You know that article is really something. Merritts explosive soon to be published tell all book “Afraid of the Light”, is quite a bold move on his part. His picture gives me chills.

        Remorseless, greedy bastard.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Thanks for that Daily Mail article. Joseph was probably suffering from extreme anxiety. Panic attacks. Having to deal with Merritt and Kavanaugh would overwhelm anyone. Both crooks in my book. Then they were doing a remodel and just moved to a new home. The stress level must have been over the top. Merritt was hanging out at the house and Summer was probably going bonkers. The home was all torn up and they were trying to live in it. I do not think Summer was poisoning Joseph.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I HIGHLY doubt that SM was poisoning her husband. However, I STRONGLY suspect CM of doing so, as he even admitted going down to TJ to get Viagra and I’m quite sure he picked up some date rape drug, too. The idiot probably thought that he’d take over the biz and wouldn’t have to bother with forging JM’s signature on checks, to get more gambling money. I just wish that the DA would’ve also brought charges of theft, drug smuggling and grand theft auto, against the guy. If they can’t get him on murder, they should at least try to put him away for SOMETHING.

            Liked by 2 people

  14. Thanks guys much appreciated. Cant figure why the defense is so opposed to these exhibits but guess its their job to oppose to all the prosecution stuff.

    Hoping we get to see some of the testimonies next week.


  15. Here is a list of his casino visits (per withdrawals & pings) and some notes regarding his court appearances. And added known info for May since we have no pings. Who did he kill in Feb 2009? LOL.

    (Dec 8, 2008- Jan 8, 2009 he’s in jail)
    Jan 16, 17, 23, 26, 30

    (Suppose to show 2/6 to complete jail sentence, appears on 2/5/2009
    Defendant motion for an extension to surrender is granted, due to a death in the family till the 13th- a no show picked up on Feb 18th bench warrant and remanded into custody)
    Feb 5 (5:38pm), 8, 9, 12, 17

    (March 12th released from jail)
    March 21, 23, 25, 26, 27

    April 3, 6, 10, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 27

    May 1, 4, 8, 9, 10 11, 14, 15

    (6/18/2009 Counsel represents to the court that the defendant is ill and cannot attend court this date. medical records are file and placed in the confidential envelope within the case file.)
    June 11, 12, 24

    July 3, 9, 10, 13, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28

    Aug 1, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14 17 18, 19, 22 24 25

    (Sept 29th bench warrant for no show & never returns to court till 2010)
    Sept 1, 2, 4

    Oct 3 14 24 26 27

    Nov 3, 6, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21

    Dec 5, 8, 15, 16, 31

    Jan 1, 2, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 22

    Feb 2, 9 (4:49pm) 11, 12, 13, 22, 23

    March 8, 12,

    (April 12th posts bond at 9am ordered back May 18th)
    April 12

    May 2010 (known so far)
    5/3/10 $200 Check Susan wrote to him
    5/10 email Chase to Geis – he said waterfalls were done and crated.
    5/11/10 $560 another check from Susan
    5/12/10 $250 – Susan thinks this was for his passport. He was going to complete a job in Saudi Arabia
    5/18/2010 no show at court lawyers tell judge he is in the hospital – ordered back June 4
    5/24 first verbal contact with Chase (Geis employee) says he has rec’d no money for waterfall work. May 24 an additional 2000 to CM and 1950 to Walker Sheetmetal & he agreed to ship on May 31 for June 7 delivery

    Liked by 1 person

      • Baker is like a nomad. He does not stay in one place for very long. He is probably going to a warmer climate meaning Arizona, CA or Florida. I hope he is taking care of the dogs. Widows beware, he is coming for you. LOL. The schmoozer.

        Liked by 2 people

    • I wonder how those tax liens got paid. That would be interesting to hear. I know that Jarvis got little Ray Merritt into acting. Maybe the little guy made some bucks.

      Liked by 1 person

      • She bought a home too around the same time too. Either she scrimped and chipped away at the debt or possibly her family helped her out.

        Some of these anonymous is me. My nic use to stay saved in the comment area but now it doesn’t. I forget sometimes to type it in.

        Liked by 1 person

          • Cathy did not buy a home. True she does not live in her MH anymore on the private school property but she did not buy a home. She has moved to an apt.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Then another CJ bought a small residence of some sort in San Bernardino county in 2016. That CJ is still listed as the owner as of this minute on the accessor’s website.


  16. As a soon to be law school graduate,I wanted to share my thoughts so that maybe you can see this whole case more clearly.
    First of all..I am only writing this to add prespective…I neither believe in his guilt or innocence.

    This case fascinated me right from the start in 2010…I have been following up on every piece of news and documentary…and now the trial..thus I’m familiar with the facts….Since I’ve been trained in law school…I don’t let myself choose a I can see all sides.

    if you want to see the full picture….you need to start with a clean slate & not suffer from tunnel vision…
    your statement “I believe in Chase Merritt’s guilt. I’m convinced that the prosecution is stringing the evidence together wonderfully” OR
    “Dr. Alexis Gray, well, I’m enamored by her and her mind. ”
    indicate to me you have already convicted Chase Merritt regardless of the trial outcome…It also contradicts with: “But with that said, I do welcome anyone who feels differently and put the evidence submitted to be challenged.”
    I should mention this is not addressed towards you personally … your thought process is the same as majority of people…
    As human beings, when we hear of horrendous acts & crimes (such as 2 innocent little kids bludgened to date) we want justice and we want it NOW! Thus, as soon as the police arrest the first suspect …we begin to build a strong case of revenge and justice in our mind…

    Before Working in the field of law..I too was not aware of the tremendous pressure the police force are under to find the person responsible for a big media worthy case..(just imagine..the increased pressure if that police force COMPLETELY & UTTERLY fucks up the investigation and doesn’t follow a single protocol out of pure laziness)…
    The pressure on the prosecution for a charged defendant to plead GUILTY .. or get convicted is only tenfold…(Trust me I have 3 close friends who work for the DA)

    Here is my tiny summary of analysis of the evidence:
    Evidence is the most difficult course in law school…its all about what’s allowed in, what is not, what will be prejudicial for the Defendant & on & On…It trains your brain to proportion the amount of weight you give to one piece of evidence rather than another..


    DIRECT EVIDENCE is defined as Evidence that directly links a person to a crime without the need of any interference…
    The prosecution upfront admitted..there are NO DIRECT EVIDENCE…

    evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact..State’s DNA expert testified no DNA found at grave sites, on items, bodies, etc.
    The Cell Tower Pinging is a complete web of nonsense. Here are summary tweets by @cathyrusson from the courthouse on cross examination of the Agent…
    ‘James McGee on cross examination of Agt. Boles regarding the cell phone/tower maps. Boles created maps in this case in 2014 showing cell tower pings, specifically the one showing pings on Feb 6, 2010 near burial site.’
    -He attended additional training after that.He went back and modified this map after that training, before the preliminary hearing, specifically how the tower positioned when the calls. He said in Sept or Oct 2018 he was advised he was going to be a witness
    Boles looked up the maps he made in 2014 and modified some of them to coincide with the additional training he had recd after 2014. McGee asked Boles – if your are stationary, make and end a call without moving, your odds are that it will still on the same tower?
    Boles said he wouldn’t say that odds are greater the call would stay on one tower. McGee referenced a case Boles testified in, quoted Boles saying if you are stationary the odds are great the call will remain on same tower. Boles: “I can see that’s how I testified”
    McGee went over Merritt’s phone activity in Jan and Feb. There were many calls, when Merritt was on the phone or that went to voice mail, that no cell tower data showed, yet a call right before or after would show tower data. Def able to show the data is inconsistent.

    This “expert witness” just impeached himself right out of the ballgame.. This evidence too is now out the door (not to mention the defense has a ACTUAL expert whose going to testify that this data is nonsense)

    Another IMPORTANT FACTOR that I believe just clearly goes to show the prosecution has no case is..their story is the Murder happened in the house” 4 people bludgened to death with a sledge hammer…but NO BLOOD, NO DNA, NO SIGN OF STRUGGLE, NO SOUND OF SCREAMING HEARD BY ANY NEIGHBOR…This just goes to show..they are trying to throw as much as they can on the wall.. so that something sticks..
    without a doubt..the prosecution will offer a plea deal behind closed door very soon..but the Defendant is highly unlikely to accept..Why do I think this?

    Because the pressure on DA is exteremly high and getting a Not Guilty plea will be the beginning of all types of lawsuits for them and the police department for the botched investigations & charges..

    Just some things to consider…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Please…I too have followed this case since they went missing. I’ve witnessed everyone but Chase, including the victims, being accused of this murder before his arrest. So, it is not like I or most people on this blog made a snap judgement about his guilt.

      Yes, they don’t have a video or eyewitness to the murders – how many quadruple murders are captured on tape or witnessed? Especially in 2010 before everyone and their Uncle was taping on their phones. And how many people have ended up in prison due to eyewitness testimony and later exonerated?

      I’ll give you the lack of forensics in the home is an obstacle. But no really looked until over 4 years after the murders and after another family renovated it and moved in. I don’t recall when they did testing that they even found the McStay’s DNA and they for a fact lived there. No DNA in the desert graves after 4 years. Is that really a surprise? Yet, there is DNA on the steering wheel of the Trooper, which Chase claimed he never drove (that’s on tape).

      Since I was unable to watch the trial yesterday, I’ll hold off making any assessment of Boles testimony. I’ve watched the trial and the defense has made a lot of claims that are later shot down on redirect. So FBI agents are not experts now? But some man who hasn’t testified yet is? Besides, I thought the defense said Kavanaugh killed the family, did his phone ping in the desert near the graves? Or just poor unlucky Chase the check forger, desert digging, gambling addict?

      Liked by 4 people

      • the defense never said that Kavanaugh murdered the family. Lets keep things in focus here… the defense is “confirmation bias”. The defense is attempting to show that the detectives and DA had tunnel vison for Merritt and disregarded anything that did not fit their narrative. The defense says they will show that there is at least one other person absconding with money (motive), someone with a rap sheet and sketchy past with a history of violence (unlike Merritt). This someone that was in to drugs and was friends with known drug dealers (maybe a deal went wrong). The defense is not opining murder by Kavanaugh, just the possibility that through shoddy/lazy policework and confirmation bias all other possible POI’s were tossed in the trash. There is a lot to look at here.


        • Drug deal went wrong? C’mon are they going to claim Joey was a drug dealer? The defense sure is insinuating Kavanaugh was the murderer. Their strategy is a mix of someone else did it and keystone cops. If any agency dropped the ball, it was San Diego and they didn’t arrest Merritt. Chase had been wandering around free for years after they disappeared and were discovered.

          The defense also did a fast shuffle about a team of rapists with a knife at the grave site during opening statements. Guess what, no knife. I know everyone online seems to believe Dan ripped off the business, which he may have, but he also appears to have been taking care of business too – Like transferring money to Chase to build the Geis fountain. And Chase ripped off that company and left them pieces to put together. So I’ll wait to hear testimony about Dan’s money swindling. Besides, none of it is going to matter if Dan was in Hawaii.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Right. lots to unpack here, again we need to see what the defense is going to proffer. How do we know there wasn’t a knife? if it was stated in opening doesn’t that have to be backed up? I know it does for the prosecution but how about for the defense? I can’t imagine they can just go about spouting unfounded nonsense. Just my thoughts


            • McGee used what I call weasel words in reference to a team of rapists and the knife. He never flat out said they could prove it insinuated it by bringing up that the bra appeared to be cut and the two tire tracks. Leaving one with the impression a knife was used, which is why he asked the coroner about non-existent knife wounds. And this theory IMO, appears to have dreamed up because of Dan’s tussle with his ex-girlfriend that involved kitchen utensils (think a fork and knife).


      • if you want to look at this from a legal perspective (in other words the right way), you need to weigh the evidence as they are … not add your own assumptions that support your opinion…

        As far as DNA existing inside the vehicle..READ AGAIN..”possible contributor”…Why? “because it was DNA of a White Male…that means there was no DNA sufficient enough to be traced back to Chase Merritt …If there was…don’t you think the police who found the vehicle in 2010..could’ve made an arrest?

        to better explain my point I ask you to imagine this scenario ( & I MEAN REALLY IMAGINE AND FEEL IT) … god forbid your loved one gets killed tomorrow. you will definitely be on the top of the Police’s list..Any text messages you sent when you were fighting…any drug habits..any prior arrests… Lets say you went by their house to check on them and were so concerned jumped the fence and the neighbor saw… lets say a year ago a neighbor heard yelling and saw you infront of the victims house … ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.. will be used to make a case against you.once a few of these “circumstantial evidence” are weaved together…A judge will grant the arrest warrant.. Your face will be alll over every media outlet..people will make comments wishing your death…noone will listen to your profess of innocence even when you take a lie detector test that shows you were telling the truth…Trial begins and you better believe the prosecution needs to fill the holes and sell the story to the jury..they will do so in so many different ways.. they’ll bringing your ex and her telling everyone how you one time got really angry and said Im gonna kill someone…(even though MANY MANY MANY people on a day to day basis have made such a comment as a figure of speech)…They’ll say that your DNA was all around the garage door.. which they suspect is how you entered the home..(when the DNA expert testifies they say..well yes I was introduced to 3 DNA traces and the results came as 1. the victim..2. the victim’s mom 3. POSSIBLYthe defendant..How did they conclude that ? bc the DNA must be of a white male and your DNA is too of a white male…but the prosecution doesn’t care if its not your 100% DNA that can only be you….they care for the jury to hear this…because DNA is a complex subject, the prosecution knows the jury will just accept the answer..(Just like the cell tower Ping BS that doesn’t prove anything…its too complex for even the as long as it is brought infront of the jury and made to look like real data .. it is)..
        If you were in this scenario…Don’t you wish people would not be manipulated and really weigh the evidence?
        Just look at the innocence project..look at the # of people who have served 10, 20, 30, 40, lifetime, Death Penalty sentences but then determined to be innocent..
        A life is at stake here..Evidence needs to be examined and looked into for what it is.. especially when the Police have done such a poor job in their investigation.
        It is clear to me you are not arguing from a legal aspect..thus I won’t continue to go back and forth..because its a waste of both our times.. but I thought .. even if one person reads this and considers one or two things in their job is done.


        • Unfortunately you can’t argue with ignorance Paris, you will be shot down and called a troll or a rick baker fan, but thank you for the objectivity, some of us appreciate it And want justice for the family, not to convict a man just because of all the drivel that’s been spoon fed over the years

          Liked by 1 person

        • This is from the original (SDSO) investigation? SBSO determined the DNA to be Chase Merritt, not a “White Male”.

          Per your scenario about seeing a neighbor doing A, B, and C and saying C,D and E, this was pretty much the case with Vick Johansen, Summer’s ex-bf. He directly threatened to kill a neighbor and her daughter. They never charged him with the murders, but did question him. Again, no rush to judgement.

          The evidence leads straight to Chase Merritt.

          Liked by 2 people

            • I’ve not seen that in this case yet. You can’t bring in what has happened in other cases, from other jurisdictions as being the case for all investigations. Maybe if there was a pattern for these detectives to do that? Are there other cases where they’ve done that? Is there something you want to share?

              Liked by 2 people

          • I have know Idea what “baker fan” means…& I have my reservations about Chase Merritt. but I’m sorry to say..for someone running a blog on this matter for so long…your legal reasoning rationale is pretty much zero…
            “Per your scenario about seeing a neighbor doing A, B, and C and saying C,D and E, this was pretty much the case with Vick Johansen, Summer’s ex-bf. He directly threatened to kill a neighbor and her daughter. They never charged him with the murders, but did question him. Again, no rush to judgement.”
            so because they never charged him..they must’ve reallllyyyy looked into the matter and cleared him…..specially when they literally sat on their asses for four years!
            “The evidence leads straight to Chase Merritt.”
            some facts have been questioning to me too..but definitely No evidence has lead me straight to chase merritt..specially when a month before Dan Kavanaugh wrote a threatening email to Joseph Mcstay.. to which Joseph replied well now my family and I know what type of a person you are threatening our life…to which Dan replied well than you better watch out..[unfortunately Jury will not hear this .. bc the evidence was not allowed in..]
            I’m sure you believe that you are really convincing..but you are only assuming and irrationally concluding..(I would’ve said the same thing … if you would’ve said Chase Merritt is guilty)..therefore I am unfollowing I cannot stand bias irrational opinions of any kind on any side


            • After attempting to fumble through your grammatically incorrect post:

              I’m not trying to convince anyone of Merritt’s guilt, especially someone as yourself because you already believe the detectives conducted an inept investigation. I know the defense has been attempting to suggest that but it hasn’t been proven to me. You state there is bias here, that’s true on some level but I have seen enough evidence to convince me of guilt. You can start with the backdated checks and end with the pings near the graves. There is much, much more.

              You say that you’ve followed the case since the beginning? Beginning with what exactly? If you had you would know that Joseph’s online exchange with Dan was a whole year prior to the disappearance, not a month before and not in an email. You would also know detectives didn’t “sit on their asses for four years”.

              There’s no irrational conclusions here. You might want to study up on the case a bit more.

              As a soon to be graduating law student, you don’t carry yourself (or arguments) as articulate as you should.

              “your legal reasoning rationale is pretty much zero…”

              “they must’ve reallllyyyy looked into the matter and cleared him”



              “I cannot stand bias irrational opinions”

              Double negatives, bad punctuations, misuse of grammar, lacking fundamental argument. Combative as well. I’m not a law student but I think I could write more comprehensively if I was.

              Good luck to you in your endeavors – and yes, please stop following.

              Liked by 3 people

              • I’m here to tell you all about my unbiased opinions by explaining that you are all wrong and that I am right. I am almost an attorney so obviously I’m right. I was trained to be unbiased and see things for exactly what they are…which is how I know I’m right. 😉

                Liked by 3 people

      • Hi ya ABC, that’ll preach! I appreciate you keeping it real.
        Was thinking way back when attorney Mettius was tweeting about the case and his client at the time Chase.

        And here we are, years later, when even dirtbags get their day in court. Wonder if he’ll (CM) testify?

        Liked by 1 person

        • I don’t know if he thinks he can con his way thru a cross examination. If he was so surefire of it seems like he would have continued to represent himself. We’ll see. I watched one husband kills wife trial where he testified and that was enough to hang the jury. Second trial he didn’t but the pros showed his testimony on tape and were able to rebut it. Guilty.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Paris, thank you for your insight. This is a very complex case. You would certainly know this if you have followed from the beginning. Firstly, I have to disagree about my comments being contradicting. While I wholly believe in Merritt’s guilt, I welcome any opposing views. That’s what that is. I wasn’t sure of Merritt’s guilt until after the Preliminary.

      To your first point, I don’t need a law student to “see this whole case more clearly”, because I can review aspects of the case and evidence using logic and reasonable discernment. But I’ll ignore the condescending tone for now.

      Being a law student, you do know that many murder trials are based largely on circumstantial evidence, right? Often times it’s better than direct in the matter of eyewitness accounts that are often flawed.

      You are right about the media pressuring LE to solve the case or make an arrest but this was certainly not the case here. Media attention died not long after the family was found, with the exception the CNN piece in January ’14 and Dailymail interview with Chase in Feb ’14. There was no pressure or rush to judgement. Chase was not the only person on the radar, I can promise you that.

      You mentioned there was no screaming heard. Do we know this? It could have been heard but not realized what it was. This was in a cul de sac, not an apartment building. That time of night people are usually eating dinner, watching tv, etc. Screams or yelling could be muffled. Children crying would not be out of the ordinary either. There is also the element of surprise, where there would be little or any screams. We don’t really know how this went down, so to infer something that should have been there (screams, signs of a struggle, etc) is purely based on assumption, not evidence. Items from the home were found in the graves that should have been if they were killed or attacked elsewhere.

      “McGee went over Merritt’s phone activity in Jan and Feb. There were many calls, when Merritt was on the phone or that went to voice mail, that no cell tower data showed, yet a call right before or after would show tower data. Def able to show the data is inconsistent.”

      Yes this has me curious. I wonder if the reason is because the call couldn’t connect to his phone is the reason it would not show up on a cell tower close to Merritt and only generated to the tower closest to the caller? This didn’t happen at the other times his cell phone was dark, right? I’m sure this can be explained.

      Liked by 1 person

      • AND may I add, that NO one knows, if the perpetrator had a gun or not (I have read that CM used to go shooting in Victorville).That would definitely be something I would take with me, if *I* were the sort of sleazebag to go around (LEECHING off of, backstabbing/using, then robbing and) BRUTALLY MURDERING an entire family. A weapon like that, would keep the noise down and eliminate any resistance.

        Liked by 1 person

    • “Soon to be law school graduate” OK…thank you for your lesson on DIRECT EVIDENCE vs. CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence. I’m pretty sure no one here knew there was a difference. Not condescending at all! Hey do jurors like condescending attorneys? Everyone knows that attorneys are always right..well…”almost attorneys”.

      Liked by 2 people

  17. Just an FYI. The trial L&C is covering instead of Merritt’s is being televised and tweeted live by local news stations and newspapers. So L&C thinks they are going to gain more hits than the local outlets? I hope their tweeting and equipment is better in FL than it has been in CA.


  18. Aaah, too bad, huh? L&C should have left the cameras in California. You dance with the one you came with.

    Dooley trial – Judge suspends live streaming for the remainder of the trial. We will not be able to bring you the rest of this trial.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Hey ya Corn, that pic you have of Chase in the hole he dug in the desert, was that all done with only the mattocks shown in the photo? Or maybe other equipment wasn’t in the shot?


          • well I am not corn, but I have seen the photo you refer to and he is field testing his gold machine he designed and sold to Keene. He is wearing a Keene shirt and he didn’t even build that drywasher until late 2013 early 2014. I am a member of a couple gold prospector groups and had never even heard of this guy until he started up with Keene. I saw him out at some organized gold mining trips showing how it was a drywasher/hghbanker/dredge all in one. impressive. In fact I saw him show it at the GPAA show in Vegas in 2014, in the Keene booth, met Pat Keene that trip. Nice guy. I don’t know what this 2014 photo that has been circulating has to do with the murders in 2010 but I’m no cop.


            • That Mr. Keene dodged a bullet. Chase was staying in his facility off and on when he was arrested. He was taken into custody at Keene Mfg. That must have blown those peoples minds when that happened and they found out what he was arrested for. I know innocent until proven guilty but still.

              Liked by 3 people

            • Thanks SS for your information. The reason why I was curious if that hole was machine dug or hand dug is that my husband and I had to bury our eldest dog this month.
              I’m in Alabama where the soil is not desert. My husband rented an auger and that hardly made a dent. Due to all kinds of roots. We ended up having to do it by hand, using a mattock/pick axe, hoe and shovels.
              I actually said out loud, ‘no wonder people are found in shallow graves’ and thought of the poor family.
              We still didn’t get three feet deep which was our goal.
              We worked on that hole three different days.
              And we are younger than Chase was, when that picture of him in the desert was taken.
              It just wrecked me all over again to know the McStay family was brutally murdered and the children didn’t even live twice as long as my Duncan dog did.

              Liked by 4 people

              • Sorry to hear about your dog, DL. I had the same problem when my cat died unexpectedly a couple of years ago. He died early on a Sunday morning and I was in a crying panic when I couldn’t break the ground for a hole. Flipped thru the phone book and found a funeral home that had a separate pet crematorium. They were open so I took him to them. They were very kind.

                Liked by 2 people

                • I’m sorry too for the loss of your cat. I would not have thought about a human funeral home offering that for pets. Duncan is buried next to his cat brother Rusty.


  19. WOW Cathy Russon tweets. Hearing outside of jury. LE bugged the visiting room because Chase quit using the phone and was talking thru glass. They have recording of him trying to sway CJ’s testimony. Judge is allowing in. Audio will be uploaded by L&C later. BTW, they return their camera back to California tomorrow.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Just listened to part of the testimony, sounds like Jarvis attempted to circumvent the tapped phones. Smith planted an individual device in room unknown to CM or CJ.

    Is she still involved with him or what. Heard somewhere she will testify for prosecution?


    • I haven’t had a chance to listen to it yet. If she’s going to visit him for any other reason than a problem with their children then they still must have a “relationship”. In one of the search warrants the write up made it sound like whether they were together (as in dating, living together) or not they still had a bond. If she has continued to allow him to influence her life, give him comfort/support or is emotionally attached, she’s hopelessly stupid. Put aside his being a murderer of little children, he’s a lying thief, shitty partner and father. And thanks to him, she ended up living like a hobo, in a motorhome.

      Liked by 2 people

        • She’s a glutton for punishment. Stuck with having to pay off all those tax liens and who knows what else because of his behavior – and she’s friends with him? One thing to be civil to the father of your children for their sake and another to be friends & run up to San Bernardino jail to visit him while he awaits his murder trial. It is hard for me to comprehend that after basically destroying her financially and due to him having her name splashed all over the news and internet that she is his friend. Of course, Chase claims Joey was his best friend and we see how that turned out for Joey.

          Liked by 1 person

            • I take it your a family member. Go to San Bern recorder and search the index. It’ll say grantor/grantee. You’ll see the liens in her name, his name and I Design. Also if you’re curious check out the civil cases, judgements, evictions against her and him over the years – those all online too, search court records for San Bern. You can bet the bank those are all because of Chase. This is only for San Bern county – lord knows what is in LA county.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Obviously Jarvis must think Chase is innocent. How else in the world do you explain that their dad is up for the death penalty and allegedly killed four people with a sledgehammer. Two were little kids the same age as Ray Merritt. I guess the word ALLEGEDLY pulls a lot of weight. This family is just bonkers. I would never subject young children to that kind of thing. How are they supposed to understand what is going on. We are talking a crime so horrendous that he may be getting the death penalty if convicted.


              • I was surprised Juanita/Anita changed her story. For some reason I thought she was going to turn out to be the normal-decent one in this clan. I was wrong. LOL, do you think they held another family pray circle before she perjured herself? Bunch of hypocrites.

                Liked by 1 person

                  • If she’s been so physically messed up since 2001 why was she out gold prospecting in the desert? I remember her being a member of some gold digging club. Saw a pic of her with a bunch of people. Standing out in the desert with boots on. Believe this was after Joey went missing but not yet found. Thought that’s how Chase got involved with it – thru her. The prosecution reserved the right to call her back, hmm.

                    Liked by 3 people

                • You Guys are ridiculous. The Merritt kids are not youngsters anymore. Ray is what 13-14 now? The girls are older and Taylor has been in court and advocate for her father. These kids are bright by all accounts and certainly no how to read and utilize technology. To assume they don’t know what is going on or that Cathy/Chase haven’t told them is beyond ludicrous. As parents we have to equip our children with the tools to handle themselves in the face of adversity. They would need to know how to handle any bullying that may come their way from this situation. Not mention A child’s natural curiosity… They are visiting their father in jail for god sake‘s you don’t think that they wouldn’t of looked it up by now? Come on let’s put our thinking caps on and remove the hate goggles for a minute


                  • Sorry we hit a nerve BO. You are right and Ray is most likely in his early teens. He was Gianni’s age and that was nine years ago. We do not have “hate” goggles on this site. Just because people might think that LE got the right man does not mean we “hate”. Whatever age the little guy is one must agree that it would be a very difficult situation for that young man.

                    Liked by 1 person

            • ABC, you always dig into the difficult time consuming investigative work that people like me don’t have time for. I hope that the prosecution has done as much.

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              • I usually you do it when I think a story doesn’t make sense or in words someone is lying. I’m scratching my head at the moment trying to figure out why the defense would draw out thru Anita this bull about Bennett not driving since 2004. He probably should have been driven around – cause he’s a drunk driver. But unless there are traffic records for him in another county or I’m misreading the San Bern court records his license wasn’t ordered revoked or suspended. He was tooling around and racking up traffic tickets in 2004 and beyond. Last one was 6/2007 reckless driving drunk – 2 days jail, rec’d probation, terms-he had to attend the drunk classes, pay off a big fine (which he did monthly) and violate no laws other than minor traffic. Ended in 8/2010.

                Someone must have been looking at his records because in his financial history, on 2/8/2016 three transaction assessments occurred.

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  21. His sister lied her ass off on the stand. Had a feeling she was going to develop amnesia when she pointed at Chase and said that handsome fella. Sounds like the cooked up defense is going to be nursemaid Chase driving Bennett around on the 6th. What’s with all the early health problems in this family? Due to lifestyle choices? Or rotten genes?

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  22. Just curious as we are now months into trial, what evidence so far is most convinciing for folks here? If you feel that the prosecution isn’t meeting it’s burden, why?

    Lots of good research here on both sides of this case. Would love to get your informed perspective.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Want you to know I haven’t been ignoring your post. I have been trying to catch up on parts I missed or that were too garbled when live. Almost there.

      Anyway, still the big ones for me – the Quickbook checks forging & trying to cancel the account, QB check on 4th in the McStay home, being in the high desert area on the 6th with no explanation other than at his sisters, blocks of time on the 4th and 8th when his phone isn’t hitting towers & his having memory issues after 5pm on the 4th, his DNA on the Trooper steering wheel.

      Now I just heard this today from one of the audio files and find it damning. Infor from Chase’s iPhone that was seized when arrested. On Oct 22,2014 LE asked him to come in for an interview. On Oct 23, 2014, he searched what is necessary for a search warrant. He was interviewed on Oct 27, 2014 by LE and on that same day he searched – US borders, can you get to Alaska w/o going thru Canada, Alaska.

      There’s probably more but I have to search some to distinguish what was actual testimony and not things I already knew, or thought I knew.

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      • Chases interview was on the 10/22 same day as the search. They searched the home while he was being questioned. That’s been testified to. Sorry but I don’t think looking up search warrant criteria after his home was searched is odd. I think I would look it up too.


        • Personally, I would have called an attorney ASAP if the cops showed up at my place with a search warrant. Relying on a google search for home fix it tips or do I have a cold or flu seems OK – The cops raid my house seems a tad more important and in need of an expert.

          What’s the explanation for the Dec 2013 search on how to change your identity?


          • If I remember correctly his gf at the time said nobody was home when they searched. They didn’t serve anyone with a warrant. He was in police interview and the gf was at work.


        • Jarvis moved out of their apartment and took a lot of things to her mom’s house in AZ for storage. I remember that her mom had to send a laptop to LE. I wonder what was on that laptop.

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    • I am convinced that the truck leaving the house was Merritts. But I wish that there would be a better way to tie the truck to the graves. Why couldnt they attempt to duplicate the tracks in a scientific way? Using his truck or same model and run it through a muddy road and then measure.

      Not saying this would be exact but it might establish that Merritts truck ruts were similar to those in the desert.


      • I would have like to have seen that too. Do several run tests out in the same area might yield similar results. The defense would have a reasonable rebuttal against it though. Too many factors to be conclusive. Namely time and weathering. It would be impossible to duplicate those conditions.

        Liked by 1 person

        • True it would be hard to duplicate but just to get ballpark measurements. Too bad they didnt run his truck over the existing ruts a couple years ago.


  23. Chase did have a passport. I really didn’t think he did. No details about it other than one exists. I kept thinking please ask about Saudi Arabia. Nope, they didn’t.

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  24. What became of the original robbery-rape allegations against Bennett? Not the Hillside stuff, but the suspected crime he was initially hauled in for? Didn’t he did some prison time too back in the 70s-80s?

    The male DNA in the Merritt family seems to carry the criminal gene. I hope they put Bennett on the stand – he’ll make Juanita look like a college professor.

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  25. UNBELIEVABLE! The defense isn’t ready to present their case. Pros will finish today except for one witness who won’t be available till the 12th. They were going to re-open their case and fit him in at that time or after the defense. Now McGee says he needs a week before putting on witnesses. What the hell have they been doing for 4 years?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Adding on to my comment. I will not be surprised if L&C pulls out and doesn’t come back. They can’t afford to keep sending people back and forth to California for a 100 or so viewers. The highest count I saw today watching it on youtube was 120.


      • He made some comment about eliminating witnesses. I don’t know why that would hold them up. Seems like that would speed things along for them. LOL, unless her meant eliminating in a sinister manner.

        McGee beat those truck stills to death and I don’t think he got anywhere really. The tailpipe is what convinces me it is Chase’s truck. And I don’t believe they can dispute it is a large truck – so that hangs them. Unless they have a pic of DK driving a big ass truck to trot out – who else is driving a big ole truck. Lord, I hope we don’t go down the RB slime hole of Mikey did it.

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        • if you haven’t yet, go to youtube and watch day 26, it is not choppy and shows the pretrial discussion about the defense’s witness lists etc. and how they’re case is ever-changing based on all the newest discovery being presented hours prior to testimony. I would assume this is why they were not ready to continue yesterday.

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  26. Did anybody else get to hear Judge Smith’s lengthy explanation as to why he was denying the Motion to Dismiss? I can only hope the jurors are as competent and astute as the good judge. In my opinion he’s already convinced of Merritt’s guilt.

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    • That was the most interesting part of the trial in my opinion. The judge layed it all out. How about the way he described his interpretation of the ping info, describing the vectors and azimuths and locations? He looks like he’s half asleep at times but his brain is obviously in high gear.

      His questions to the witnesses seem pretty basic like what we would ask, but the way he put it all together is unforgettable.

      Hope there is at least a juror or 2 that can assimilate and deliver in a way that comes close. If so Chaz is on his way to death row with bells on lol.

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  27. Has anyone listened to the jailhouse tapes I keep hearing about? Apparently they are recordings of conversations between Merritt and Cathy Jarvis. I keep hearing about them but don’t know where they’re posted.

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  28. Taylor-
    Javis says they did not have internet or TV at home. She said she would use their apartment’s business center if she needed to do school work. She says her dad would also use the business center.

    First off, what kind of BS is it to not have one or the other in your home? Second, what were those Blockbuster debits on Chase’s account for if they didn’t have a TV? Rent movies and take them to the clubhouse? Jeez, a TV is one of the cheapest electronics you can buy these. Third, how the hell do run a business requiring email if you don’t have internet?

    Merritt and CJ living like bums. Even the pillhead rednecks in my county have a TV and internet. Amazed Taylor turned out so well.

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    • some people I know do not believe in tv or internet and only limited cell phone access and they’re not even Amish. they just feel it is a time sucking distraction.


          • Well, if CJ was living without a TV or internet I would say that lack of funds vs some moral code is the reason why. We do know they all had cell phones at one time, even 15 year old Taylor. I don’t understand why anyone at this point is trying to make out that Chase was some great provider.

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            • I don’t think anyone is making him out to be a great provider. I’m just curious why you have so much disdain for this family, all of them. Why you have spent what appears to be countless hours to researching and fueling your disdain, hate, rage, judgement, whatever word you wish to use. It fascinates me really. The fact that there is even a blog barely disguised in “wanting to get to the truth” is fascinating when in actuality it is a self serving hate blog. All the years and time devoted to it. I mean hey it’s worth a read but it is more speculative than factual, for one can’t know the actual facts unless they were involved. In the beginning it seemed to be more to rival Rick Baker and fuel the disdain for him, now it is something different. I am so intrigued.


              • I too am intrigued that you spent so much of your time researching and reading my posts. At least I know why I’ve continued to follow this case since 2010. The mystery of a family of 4 vanishing into thin air and then the discovery of their desert graves, with the convict “business partner” being arrested. Doesn’t have a thing to do with hateful feelings about the Merritts – even though I’ve drawn my own opinions about them over the years.

                Oh and BTW – I still research news for the missing Malaysia Flight MH370 because it is another mystery without an explanation.

                Liked by 2 people

                  • Why, what’s the point if you find it so disagreeable? I never spent much time at RB’s blog and I sure didn’t read all the looney comments on it. In fact, I think you’re confusing Rick’s posters and blog with this one. Hateful, self righteous and fact free =Rick and his wingnuts.

                    Liked by 3 people

              • Your rhetoric sounds so much like a person that used to be really combative on this blog in the past. This is not a “hate” blog. Just because a lot of people that patronize this blog feel that LE got the right guy, does not make it a “hate” blog. People here just discuss facts and there really is not any speculation because that is not fact, such as search warrants, arrest warrants, etc… to discuss the case. Everyone is sick of speculation and Cornelius does not want that on his blog. Baker’s blog was full of speculation and not much fact. No one hates the Merritt family that I am aware of. Chase is the person on trial. Now that Gov. Newsom tossed the death penalty, Chase will probably be placed in general population and not the seclusion that the death penalty offered if convicted. People in prison administering justice? Have we now come to that? Prisoners kill child killers. That is a fact.

                Liked by 2 people

                • Well, speculation as long as it’s rooted in fact. I find it humorous though that someone would find my blog as a ‘hate blog’. It’s just an opinion though and opinions are not fact.

                  Chase Merritt is on trial for murder and I think we’ve covered the history up to that effectively. The next phase of that will come, the trial and post trial.

                  Btw, it’s not Mauve. Promise.

                  Liked by 2 people

  29. And we have a 3rd or 4th story about the 8:28 phone call. I can’t badmouth Taylor for lying for her dad. My daughter would probably do the same for her father. I still don’t understand why Taylor is so crazy about him. He has made her life difficult too. I’ve seen some of her social media and it appears she had to work lots of jobs at the same time to get through school. Thanks to dear old dad giving the family money to casinos.

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    • you’ve got this all wrong. sorry. I will not elaborate but it’s wrong. How can you question a child’s love for her parent? He and Mum must be doing something right.


      • I would have figured by now she’d would have wised up about her dirtbag father. She’s not a little girl anymore and I don’t see that he’s done well by any of them. But I guess if CJ is still involved with him then that would explain why, along with my opinion that Taylor has been snowed as to certain details of their past life with daddy. As some women never leave their abuser until they’re dead – it appears the Jarvis family is sticking with Chase till he has sucked every bit of their self worth, integrity, money and usefulness out of them.

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        • tell me how does it feel to be so filled with hate and self righteousness? not to mention judgemental. smh. go ahead accuse me of being a CM lover, family member or friend.


          • Hate and self righteous? No, calling it the way I see it. Yes, I’m judging someone who is a convicted thief and rip off artist who is on trial for the murder of two toddlers and their parents. And if his ex-baby mama partner sticks by him after all the financial hell and public exposure he’s put her through then she’s stupid. To be really judgmental – why would she have 3 kids with someone she wasn’t married too? An in and out of jail felon, that I’m sure the taxpayers had to foot the bills for his kids at some point.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Not your business to wonder why. Some people in your life probably wonder about you, your choices, the folks in your life, your KIDS if you have any. Everyone has dirty laundry the unfortunate part is this family is having it aired through no choice of their own. What if your laundry wS hanging out for the works to see and judge. What would we find?


              • It sure wouldn’t be that I had 3 kids outside of marriage with a thieving felon on trial for murder. Or that I had a slew of different rental residences, financial debt and ended up living in a motorhome because I stayed with an active gambling addict.

                CJ wasn’t some dumb 20 year old and Chase sure wasn’t – these were very grown adults having kids and living hand to mouth. Anyway, this topic of having kids you can’t afford is a pet peeve of mine – regardless of Chase & Cathy.

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                • I think their testimony is a Hail Mary attempt in saving dear old Crap Head from his just desserts. We know he’s guilty, they know he’s guilty, they are trying to save his worthless life.

                  His crimes are unforgivable. Murder of children is unforgivable. Merritts offspring are turd fruit of the turd tree and they and their supporters are vipers.


    • When the info first came out many years ago about that last call from Joe’s phone that Merritt did not answer, he said he was with his girlfriend and they were watching a movie. He did not want to answer because Joe was long winded and talked a lot. Then on CBS 8’s website where they used to let people comment, a lady named Mary Ann Merritt said that was not correct. Chase was actually in the bathroom. So many lies. I sure hope Taylor does not lie on the stand to try to help her dad. That is a terrible lie to have to live with for the rest of her life. It will haunt her and make her nuts. Lies to this kind of caliber can do that. Just tell the truth. It really is that simple. It is what it is. Even if the truth is unfortunate.

      Liked by 2 people

          • Remember that news clip when Chase was arrested of Bennett out in the front yard with no shirt on? He looked like a meth addict. There was a heavier woman (red hair?) in it too that’s Mary. She used some other name, I think her middle name instead of Mary on camera.


  30. Suppose this explains Chase’s multiple junkers and at times lack of transportation. Chase’s own Cash For Clunkers program. Who hasn’t been behind on the car payment and bet it all on a pair of Aces?

    Javis told investigators her dad gambled at the casino. He was a good poker player. He went to the casino sometimes to gamble to make money for car payments.

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      • so by your comment are you saying a heart attack victim can’t ever recover and come back stronger with proper diet and exercise? I believe it happens all the time and people can actually go on with strenuous activity, and even sex, without a recurrence.


        • Have you followed this case before it went to trial? Chase and his various lawyers he had before he fired them all whined about his poor health and certain death from his failing heart.
          The info is out there, and it’s noted here as well.

          Liked by 1 person

          • yes I have been following this case since 2011. Merritt has been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and is getting proper care and meds in jail, I assume, especially after this has been publicly stated in the courtroom by Mr. Ponce his first attorney. CHF is a progressive heart disease that affects pumping action of the heart muscles. CHF is Very common (More than 3 million cases per year in US), Diagnosis often requires lab test or imaging, No known cure, treatments available, Can be lifelong.


        • Chase seems to have these heart troubles when he has to surrender and finish a jail sentence, shortly before hauled in on a bench warrant, missing deadlines for shipping fountains & then ransoming them, when being questioned by cops about his best friend going missing and when he is arrested for murder.

          But yep, in between he appears to be healthy as can be.

          Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks again Corn.
      So from the Twitter feed, I wonder who is producing the documentary about Chase?
      “Jarvis testifies she has taken part in a documentary about her dad. Rodriguez asked if she has been paid. Jarvis says she was reimbursed gas for her participation. Defense objects to Rodriguez asking who will profit from this. An argument has ensued. They are approaching bench.

      1:29 PM · Mar 13, 2019”

      Liked by 2 people

      • Is this going to like that documentary on Michael Peterson? Believe it was titled The Staircase. If so, it was all geared from the defense side of things. I remember watching it on Showtime. Believe it was a French production co involved.


      • I tried to find something to answer who is profiting. My guess the defense or some perk that benefits Chase and that’s why they objected. Interview with Alexis Kendra the actress, who also a producer for the upcoming doc.

        A couple of things. Currently, we’re filming a true-crime documentary. That’s why Jon cannot be at the screening. We’ve never done a documentary so this is our first time doing this. It’s dealing with a murdered family. It’s a horrible story including two little children. There’s a man in jail accused of this crime and he swears he did not do it. The trail is starting in January, our documentary will be a series, and it’ll be a did he or did he not do it? We want to take people on that ride. That’s what we’re working on right now. I also have a vampire screenplay that I’m securing financing for.


  31. I have a question do you think the pics at these links are all the same person? Stumbled across the Instagram one today because I was looking for an older pic of CJ. The other links I knew of but decided not to share them because it was speculation on my part that it was Riccobene. I had used her Pinterest nic, Traceyeve and found these. The pic on Pinterest isn’t as clear and her face looks fuller – so I could only be about 95% certain. The Plenty of Fish has 7 pics on it, click to see them. Add the beginning url of www. I’m more curious if you think the Instagram one is the same person – cause if it is this Tracy is a bigger weirdo than I thought. Also the nic “Traceyeve” brings up online nude cams.

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  32. Looks like no live tweeting today, except Russon being funneled bits. Seriously, what’s with dragging the son into court? No school today or was attending daddy’s murder trial a better idea? Or is this for benefit of the documentary too? Always be hustling.

    “Catherine Jarvis back on the stand. She was Charles Merritt’s girlfriend/common law wife in 2010. Jarvis brought their young son to court today, he’s in the gallery listening to a recorded call between his mom and dad that’s being played”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Taylor made tweeted that the ‘young son’ is 14 and home schooled so may not have had a place to stay while mom was in court.


      • Hmm. Too young to leave at home but old enough to take to a murder trial. His father’s no less – where his mother and father will both be raked over the coals. Thank goodness, he won’t be exposed to the time sucking television though.

        Liked by 3 people

        • I would lean more to a kid’s natural curiosity. He has been visiting once a week for 4.5 years, he is not uneducated on this case I’m sure.


        • I do not believe Ray Merritt has any physical/mental issues. A few years back he had an agent and was trying to break into acting in LA. There were photos on Jarvis’ facebook with Ray and they were going to auditions. He is a really cute kid. I do not know if he got any work.


  33. SS: a heart attack is one thing but Merritt is maintaining he has end stage congestive heart failure. If so, he could not have dug that hole, period.


        • Merritt was claiming at the time he got arrested that he had six months to live. That is supposedly why he wanted to be his own attorney, to speed up the process. He was already on medication so I am not sure where he got the idea that he only had six months to live. Obviously that was not a true diagnosis. My neighbor had this progressing heart disease and medication only helped to a certain extent. There is no cure. He just passed away at 81 yrs. old.

          Liked by 2 people

            • Thanks Murphy. It really is beyond sad for me. He was my best friend. We had a shared love for reading books and to talk and discuss them. He was an amazing man. A true self-made millionaire. He sold a circuit board to IBM that he had invented and the millions just came a rolling. He was very conservative with his money and he and his wife bought the house next door to me for $480,000 fifteen years ago. He grew up with his family across the road from the ranch where Roy Rogers boarded Trigger. His first job was shoveling horse poop from Trigger. Just a really interesting man. He was a young man in his 20’s and went on a date with Jane Wyman, Ronald Reagan’s ex wife. You would never believe his real life tales. The night he died, hospice was brought in that day. I could not sleep so I was having chamomile tea on my back patio. It was August 1. All of a sudden at 3AM this huge wind blew in like a blizzard. It blew my patio umbrella over. The next day I found out that Chuck died at 3AM. His spirit was carried away by the wind. I just love that man. A true life hero. Each of his 7 kids got a million dollars. Unbelievable. I wish he would have adopted me. LOL.

              Liked by 3 people

  34. I have listened to part 1 & 2 of CJ’s cross. And what I heard made up my mind as to who was dumber, CJ or Mechele. CJ. The leech Chase hitting her up for money still and it sounded like she was giving it to him. And in the same breath mentions the 40 he needs only covers what he spends calling Mechele. Coupled with the Oct 2014 recording where she is in anguish after being grilled by LE & threatened she could lose her kids and everything…his response is, “sorry about that” (in a tone like oh well too bad) while more concerned about what LE knew.

    There’s a lot in those two tapes. Especially when she says a lot of the same things we say on here about him. my notations-

    CJ to Chase-who haven’t you pissed off? everyone you come into contact with customers, business associates, you piss a lot of people off. you’re too reckless you don’t think about consequences – and she feared someone coming after her and him. you didn’t care to keep your family together, you won’t quit doing bad things, you don’t listen to other people trying to tell to do the right thing.

    Liked by 3 people

    • What the hell is wrong with that woman, Cathy Jarvis. She must have such low self esteem that she is in the toilet. Giving money to a guy facing the death penalty. What a complete moron. And he has a new girlfriend. Priceless. On the other hand it is so sad. This is a wonderful example how these creeps commit these kind of crimes and why we have shows like 48 hours and Dateline. A true tragedy.

      Liked by 3 people

      • I’m listening to tape 3 of cross and depending on how Mechele behaves after CJ’s testimony – she may knock CJ out of the dumbest spot.

        CJ-They’re friends and he has indicated to her he is still interested in a romantic relationship and that he still loves her. Rodriguez said Chase smiled and winked at CJ when leaving the stand.

        Liked by 2 people

        • That is so unbelievable to me. How in the hell can she still be loyal to that “turd” (thanks Schlitze, I like that). How can she be so blind? Who cares if he is the father of your children. A true creep is still a true creep. Even if he was not involved in this murder of a family, Chase would still not be a keeper. Jarvis is deluded. She has some serious issues.

          Liked by 1 person

  35. ABC: I hate to ask for help but your expertise with the court stuff is amazing. Can you tell me what is going on with these two felony criminal numbers. This is my second cousin and her dad is my favorite cousin. CD280763 March 1, 2019 and M256196 March 1, 2019. My favorite cousin that lives in Ohio is dealing with this catastrophe. His daughter is my second cousin. She and her enabler mother moved to San Diego. She is a drug addicted heroin addict. I have tried to help her but she is homeless and I can not invite her into my home. She is violent. She got stabbed and will survive but I can not find anything about the fact that the people that stabbed her were granted bail. She is a total loser but I am trying to at least keep her alive. Can you help here. Many thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My cousin, her dad, came out here from Ohio and convinced her to go into a rehab facility. She is lashing out on facebook and hating him. She needs to detox and then maybe she will be a real person again. Holy Moly this shit is over whelming. Thanks. She has been addicted to drugs for over half of her 44 yrs of life. Just a true tragedy. How does this stuff happen?

      Liked by 1 person

    • She is still in jail on attempted murder charge and assault with deadly weapon. Her bail is $750,000. The DA has her case schedule for hearings on April 4 & 11.

      You can check the San Diego Sheriff’s jail website and type in her name to see if she’s still there. Or Vinelink offers an automated notice to inform when an defendant is released. Also the San Diego DA’s office offers an email option to keep one updated on court appearances.

      Look for Who’s Jail on the right hand side of website

      Link for DA


      Liked by 2 people

      • Thank you so much. I appreciate it. The whole stabbing thing is that my second cousin was buying drugs and with the other woman’s boyfriend. I guess it was sex for drugs or some kind of thing like that. I am afraid that when she finally gets out of rehab she will go back to drugs and OD. That happens a lot with these kind of cases. The detox cleans them up and they go back to using and that is all she wrote.

        Liked by 1 person

        • You’re welcome and I’m here anytime you need help locating info. Hoping the situation will work out positively. But I understand the odds.

          Drug addiction is a more visible problem now since big pharma started pushing opioids. Spread to all classes, poor, middle class and wealthy. Article last year in our local paper that close to 60 people ODed and died here last year. That’s a very high number for this community. I now automatically assume when someone here under 50 dies with no hint in the obit as to why (donate to cancer or heart disease charity) it was an OD.

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  36. I understand areas of California are sky high when it comes to real estate. Back in 2008 was $2500 for rent in the area Chase & CJ lived in reasonable? I could never afford to live in CA if it was. What kind of place would it be? A shack, middle of the road or swanky?

    Oh I wish I could have seen CJ’s face when Rodriguez confronted her with the chart of Chase’s casino spending. And her excuse that he would withdraw funds from casinos for the next day’s working supplies is such obvious BS. They can’t seem to keep straight when he was gambling. First it’s just 2007-2008, didn’t the defense know the prosecution had the goods and could rebut it? Personally, I doubt he ever quit until he was locked up in 2014.

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      • Thank you. I could buy 3 houses as nice for that selling price where I live. As much as I gripe about this backwards place where I live, it is very affordable. Hope it stays that way. Charlotte residents and out of state retirees have started to build this area up bringing new businesses and subdivisions – it is creeping down my way. I love that it is now only a 15-20 minute drive to finer restaurants, shopping and entertainment – but it is also bringing more crime, higher taxes/fees and traffic.

        I noticed that the Filkins property was taken over by Duetsche Bank on 10/31/2008 and recorded on 11/7/2008. Is this the property that Chase was squatting at or was there another? I see where they were still trying to get them out of it in 2009. Wonder if the 11/1/2008 check from JM for $3000 really went towards rent now.

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            • The rent could have been cheaper at the apartments – but they were living in a foreclosed on home. The bank took title on 10/31/2008, so I’m sure foreclosure process started long before that date. The bank took CJ to court in March 2009 to get her out. Feel free to check San Bern court records if you doubt me.

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          • I don’t remember who it was now. Someone on this board claimed they were squatting in a home at one time. Maybe if you used the search on this board you might find you made that claim. I know the long timers on this board will remember it.

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    • Baggage. They could get in what they wanted about him w/o calling him to the stand. Then if the defense calls him to testify they’re betting they’ll be able to dismantle whatever points the defense makes with him.

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        • Believe they got in what they wanted without him. What’s Dan going to contribute? That he raised the alarm and that Chase owed money to JM? Susan and other evidence got those points in. Even the testimony about Chase wanting to wring Dan’s neck during an explosive argument.

          All bringing him in on direct was going to do was let the defense go down conspiracy rabbits holes on cross. Probably their feeling was let the defense call him and then look like jackasses afterwards. Which I bet is what will happen if they call that ex-girlfriend of his to stand. And I haven’t gotten thru all the audio tapes for the last 2 days yet – but what I’ve heard so far, CJ was a great witness for the prosecution.

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          • I’m not sure I understand, whether Dan testifies for the DA or the defense, both sides can illicit the same testimony from him. If the DA called him they would be able to support assertions that Chase was about to be fired, and that his debt was an issue for Mr. McStay. Why wouldn’t the DA want to present the strongest possible case?

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            • I’m not sure how to explain what I think any clearer. The defense wants to claim Dan killed the family. They are banking on an ex-girlfriend-hooker, Dan’s past DMV and what sounds like a lot of online theories. If I had been able to hear all of Maline’s opening statement I would be able to pin point what theories exactly. So if the defense calls Dan and the nutjob ex and the prosecution blows torpedo holes in these defense claims – then it looks like the defense’s case is all hocus pocus. Like dominos, one by one they fall when on cross – First Taylor, next Cathy and so on. That benefits the prosecution more than calling Dan on direct.

              Liked by 4 people

              • I think I understand. If the defense calls Dan, they reveal their hand, so to speak, then the DA knows what they are up against, and have the advantage in that there won’t be any surprises. But if the DA relied so much on Dan Kavanaugh’s word, should there be any surprises for them with him?

                Last question. What is the strongest evidence so far?

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                • What do you think it is? I believe a combo of different evidence including, desert pings, quickbooks, check back dating and the 4th computer activity of a check made out to chase.,,and lies about that stuff. You’d have to be pretty stupid to believe that Cathy refused to share a checking account with Chase, but Joey would let him have free rein of his.

                  Liked by 3 people

                    • I believe the defense wants you to believe Chase had permission to take blank checks, back date them and draw off the EIP account. And call QuickBooks to make changes and then delete Joey’s account. Yet, Cathy would no longer share an account with him because he was untrustworthy. Joey knew he was in and out of jail, plus also having to bail his ass out of financial jams – but he gave him access to his funds? Sure. Once again, anyone would believes that is being willfully blind.

                      Chase is and has always been a crook.

                      Liked by 3 people

              • I did watch all of Maline’s Opening and the defense is not saying DK killed the family, they are saying the state did not investigate all parties that may have had motive. “confirmation bias”. They are not going with the “somebody else did it” defense. My take away was the defense feels that DK and possibly/probably others had motive and/or benefitted from the disappearance but that LE did not look at anyone else but CM, that they made CM fit the case not that they did their due diligence and found that the clues/evidence led them to CM.


                • Weren’t there quite a few people who the McStays knew who had police records and some even had arrests for violent acts, true?


                • How did you watch it, did you attend? Russon was only able to film a portion with her phone. Anyway, if the shoe fits is all I have in response to their claim of confirmation bias. Also quacking ducks and all. And that duck quacking was Chase.

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        • I don’t know. He sounds like an asshole but most of what I know about the guy is online chatter. And a good deal of that originated from Baker – who has turned out to be absolutely wrong about everything. Dan was never high on my suspect list. He struck me as too much of a wimp to be able to take out an entire family.

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          • The last interview I listened to where the father Patrick McStay spoke about this case he seemed to still suspect Dan Kavanaugh of something. Thoughts?

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            • I don’t know if Patrick was really aware of everything going on with EIP. So far that aspect of things (EIP) as not been entirely cleared up for me. What I’ve gotten so far is they tried to finish projects, keep the business going and failing then finally closed the bank account and gave the money to Jonah. If that’s so there wasn’t really anything left to steal. Speaking of Patrick, the prosecution didn’t call him either.

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              • They didn’t call Patrick McStay or Gina Watson or any of the witnesses mentioned in search warrants. They didn’t call the owner of Metro Sheet Metal, either.

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                • If they called everyone that has been involved or discussed since Feb 4 the trial would last a year. I do wonder if Sequeidia Sr was up to testifying he is in his late 70s. He sounded like he could be a cantankerous individual.

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                • Raymond, imo, they may call the owner of Metro Sheet Metal as a rebuttal witness. DK could be used as well. As the trial has progressed it has become clear to me that these prosecutors know exactly what they are doing. I loved the way they turned CJ into a witness for the prosecution.

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  37. Father of the Year, Chase, didn’t pay child support on a regular basis when they broke up. He just gave her money here and there when needed. My lord this woman is stupid. Damn if I would be living in some crappy motorhome and he’s laid up with some other woman and let him skate on taking care of his kids.

    BTW, Raymond I don’t know how long they’ve been together. Listen to the first audio of her and I’m sure it comes out. I haven’t listened to it yet as I understand the quality is crap. Taylor is 24, so they at least knocked boots 25 years ago.

    More Always Be Hustling-
    Documentary – Chase told her about it. He indicated he could make money off this case through media. She claims not to know if Chase will make money off doc. He mentioned book deal and interviews. She participated in doc reimbursed for gas and parking lot fees.

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    • The defense may have put Summer’s sister and Patrick on their witness list in an effort to prevent them from sitting in on the trial everyday. I’m sure the defense team doesn’t like the idea of the jurors seeing the grieving family members in the gallery on a daily basis.

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  38. I’ve listened to all the tapes of Taylor and CJ – except Taylor’s direct, which was suppose to be titled Part 1. Anyone know if it was ever downloaded? One question I didn’t hear them ask either was did Chase injure his hand at work or was he in the hospital with heart trouble. In one tape with Cathy it filled with loud clack, clack, clack, noises so I didn’t catch everything.

    Got the answer about their relationship. Met in late 1993 while dancing somewhere. Dated, she got pregnant and they split up mid 1994 thru mid 1999. So sounds like Chase ran out on her shortly before or after she gave birth to Taylor. She acknowledged that Chase was not in Taylor’s life until they united in mid 1999. The final breakup came in 2011 – or really when they quit living together since it sounds like he’s been stringing her along since then. So about 10 years together.

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  39. Some points I thought interesting.

    Chase was sleeping on the couch and not with Cathy when JM went missing. (Guess their sleeping arrangements worked out well for Chase’s late night/early morning disappearances.)

    CJ took a lie detector test and the longest interview with LE was after that test.

    They changed phone carriers on Feb 17th. (This is the same day as they were first interviewed by LE.) Chase’s truck was repossessed about a year after JM’s disappearance. (About the same time they were being evicted from Filkins. Which she also said was a rent to own and that doesn’t make sense to me, Duetsche Bank doing rent to owns?).

    She said JM occasionally gave CM signed blank checks to pay for supplies. CM said he started signing them after the family went missing and that surprised her because it wasn’t standard practice.

    I don’t think we didn’t have TV means no actual television, it means no cable. Because both Taylor and CJ talked about watching movies at home. CJ does say they had to go to the clubhouse for internet.

    The rehearsed line is Chase was creative, hard working, with his head more into his inventions/art and living in the moment than being responsible, accountable and forward thinking. Cracks me up. A desert rat Picasso.

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  40. I’m having a difficult time believing Joey gave Merritt signed BLANK checks especially when Joey had to have some idea about Merritt’s addiction and thieving. He may not have filled in the dollar amounts but I’d bet he filled in everything else on the checks and that’s only IF any part of that story is true.

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    • Yeah, that’s the only way I’d believe it too. Sure wish I could have seen her testify. She’s not a very good liar. I could sometimes tell by the sound of her voice when she was fudging it. And I bet the defense had a cow when she blurted out that stuff about taking a lie detector test and the next interview after it was the longest one she had. I took it that she must have shown some deception.

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        • Yes Rosey, that whole “birds of a feather” thing. It makes you wonder about her and telling the truth even under oath. I find her loyalty so strange. Chase has been arrested for a horrendous crime. He had to be insane to kill the family, allegedly at this point, of course.

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  41. O/T I saw a tv ad over the weekend announcing that Court TV is returning. I believe it might be coming to the Justice Network channel.

    Maybe they will cover some of Merritt’s trial if it’s still going on when it returns.

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    • The judge told the jury he thought they’d have the case by the end of April. Of course since then they’ve had about 6 hours of court in 2 weeks, so who knows.


  42. Just another cuckoo thing regarding Baker. He listed his Clemmons home for sale for $410,000 about a month ago. He reduced the price twice since listed. $390 and then down to $370. Now it is currently off the market. The photos show that the house is totally vacant. Maybe he was hoping for a quick sale because he did do some improvements since Becky died. New paint, new carpet, new kitchen. Too bad she didn’t do all that for herself and had time to enjoy it.


    • Apologies, the autopsy results have been revealed on Freda Black’s COD. She passed away last July at the age of 57.


      • She hit bottom hard. I remember being shocked the first time I saw her mugshot on a Raleigh news site. It looked nothing like her, she had really aged. Believe she was arrested twice for DWI and the police report listed her employment as a laundry.


        • And I didn’t even know that she had been arrested before! Such a shame, as she seemed so well put together during the trial. Figured she still had a long career ahead of her.
          God rest her soul.


    • Hi Lil. I have no idea where Baker is living. ABC mentioned a while back that he may be in Durango. That property is a really good deal at $370,000. A whole lot of house and land. Maybe it does not have a good vibe. I could say something about burning sage on a walk through, a priest, holy water blessing, you get the idea.

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      • Thanks hon. I do recall he did post pictures of his wife’s garden house and the area looked nice.
        Speaking of bad vibes, an investor in my dad’s neighborhood just bought an all brick house and had it completely painted black. Doors, shutters and all. Looks gloomy and scorched now.


      • Meg, you’d be surprised how cheap real estate in the south is compared to other parts of the country. That is, outside of a major city and into a more rural area. Personally, I think the market here is starting to bottom out. What goes up will eventually come down. And looking at how home prices have rocketed near me in the last 5-6 years, I feel like a correction is coming. The homes in my neighborhood are selling for 60k more than I paid for mine. I see ads for mobile homes aka trailers selling between 80-100k, a fricking trailer! I have never understood why not pony up another 10-20 grand for a stick or brick home. But whatever reason living in a tin can in the woods is a thing here.

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  43. I personally find it kind of significant that when Cornelius mentioned a mole, all of a sudden no more questions about anyone’s opinion about the progress of the trial. Very interesting. Would the defense stoop that low to ask on a blog?


    • Yes, thanks for bringing that up. I could see right through it. Apparently it is quite common for both sides to do this. They want to gauge the trial to grasp the direction it’s going. There’s a term form it that escapes me now. It’s sort of like crowd sourcing.

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  44. There has been some exciting developments (on my end, not the prosecution) that I will share with you in the next day or two. I know I sometimes take a while when saying that but I’m going to try and have something done and up tomorrow.

    6 weeks left in the trial, all kinds of surprises can be revealed.

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  45. I want to thank ABC for all the time and diligence of covering this trial. I appreciate all your daily reports that have gone on. It takes so much time to listen to the trial either live or the you tube recordings. It is very time consuming. Thanks again.

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