ALIAS: Who is Charles Ray Merritt?


Wolf in Sheep


I started this
It’s all for me
What’s yours is mine and mine is mine
That’s plain to see

-Faith No More, Be Aggressive


“The Chase I know is a real con artist, real good at lying, yes he has a shady past.

Is Chase Merritt a killer or is he just a thief? Is he just misunderstood?

“I mean, hey I was a wild thing in my younger years, got in trouble with the law. We’ve all done bad things”.

No Chase, we all haven’t. Not even a majority.

Let’s take a good look at Charles Ray Merritt, from the people who knew him.

“To make the long story short, we gave him a check since he claims he need to buy some materials and when done pay the rest. That done part did not happened, excuses after excuses. So we confront and finally sued him.”

“He ripped a lot of people off. He lived in San Dimas, and at the time I left the business his family was living at the shop we worked at, and was squatting in some house in Rancho Cucamonga. He actually ripped off a few of his employees. He took taxes out of our checks but never reported it to the IRS. [As far as violence] He punched walls at both shops I worked at and would throw stuff, but not directed at anyone in particular. He told me a few violent stories that he said he went to jail for when he was younger. He said he saw a guy hit a woman in the grocery store so he took a liter of vodka in a glass container and beat the guy with it. He said he went to jail for it, I didn’t ask questions.”

“Chase is incredibly “personable”. He can make anyone believe anything about him. There are many things that we witnessed. He ripped many people off. Character-wise, he was very egotistical (when you really got to know him). He was proud of the things that he got away with. He flaunted it. That is why we ultimately cut ties with him. He was a terrible businessman.The taxes, he bragged about having not paid them in over 20-years. He lied to us about the dumbest things….Such as his age. He told us he was 50-something when he was actually 40-something (back in 04).”

“He was very manipulative and often had outbursts at the shop where we worked. He cheated on his children’s mother. I have been witness to a few different times of infidelity. Chase is no saint. I remember him telling me about times when he was younger and was doing construction, him and friends would get into fights and leave before the police showed up to arrest them. He is not a nice guy.”

“Next thing I know, I was his piggy-bank and he owed me over $4,000.”

“You know for a fact about of him taking the kitten and swinging it around by its tail until it ripped off. Also if the children involved still spoke to you than you could ask them what he did to them and why it took 12 years for them to get over being so terrified of him that they could speak about the horrible things he did in secret to them.”

“The Chase I know is a real con artist, real good at lying, yes he has a shady past.


“There was one time Bennett and Chase got into a fight where Chase beat his brother with a lead pipe that lay nearby.”



Chase with a puppy


“On one occasion, the subject of murder came up and I said something like “I couldn’t kill someone, let alone figure out how to get rid of the body”. Without a beat Chase retorted “Oh that’s easy, you just bury them out in the desert”.


“My brother’s not guilty” – Bennett Merritt


Duck, Duck…..Goose Chase, Catch Me If You Can

Chase has quite a record for cheating. Cheating the system, cheating business partners, cheating his employers,  cheating with his women. Not a good trait for a Gambler.

Here’s a timeline of Charles Ray Merritt’s incarcerations. Notice I used his actual name.

02-04-77 Burglary 66 days in jail

07-28-77 Petty theft 60 days in jail

10-24-78 Criminal trespass 30 days in jail

11-18-78 Burglary 2 years in prison

04-16-85 Receiving stolen property 1 year in jail

02-04-87 Receiving stolen property 16 months in prison

05-21-88 Receiving stolen property 14 days in jail

06-17-88 Parole violation

04-02-01 Burglary, Grand theft 6 months in jail

Aside from this Chase Merritt also has a juvenile record. He was well on his way to being a career criminal. By the time Chase had reached adulthood, his brother was serving time in prison for Grand Larceny.


“Despite all my rage I’m still just a rat in a cage” – Smashing Pumpkins 


Take note.

Chase Charged


“Somebody could. have said “Hey man – just like happened before, Chase said “Oh my shop got broken into, I got, I can’t finish your jobs, I’ve got thousands of dollars to get out” Maybe my brother was going to give him money again, who knows”. – Michael McStay


Chase Ripoff report 1

I just wanted to let everyone know what a HORRIBLE company this is. Their owner, is Charles (also known as Chase) Merritt. He doesn’t know how to run his business, or the meaning of customer service. He sells and manufactures high-end and VERY expensive indoor and outdoor waterfalls to the general public as well as to people who want to buy wholesale from him and retail his product.

Waterfalls by Chase and Chase Merritt took my money, and never delivered my waterfall after weeks of Chase lying to me about it. My wife and I were so upset about this. We spent over $3000.00 on this thing! He is a jerk, and was very rude and unprofessional. He never returned my calls, and when I went in to his office, the only person in his “office” had no idea who I was, and she had nothing on file for me. This was not her fault, as she had only worked there a while, and didn’t know much about past clients. His office suite was extremely dirty, and it smelled like feces and urine. The floors were very visably dirty, and the walls were covered in grime and dirt. It was absolutely DISGUSTING! I can’t believe he could actually call that a business. I drove around and noticed many things about his shop that were not OSHA compliant.

I researched this company some more, and I have discovered he had ripped off clients for thousands of dollars, all over the USA. I have high connections, and I was priveledged to receive the following information. I also was informed that there are currently many lawsuits filed against him, but he doesn’t pay what is demanded of him. Even after it being ordered by a court of law. This man is a con-artist, and nothing more. I also found out he had past emplyoees whom he stole tax money from, as well as not paying some of them out for their last weeks of work. He actually took tax money from employees paychecks, and never paid it to the IRS! From the people that I have contacted or become aware of, he owes about $200,000 or more in money he has stolen. From attending trade shows and Home and Garden shows, I have also been told that he likes to copy other people’s ideas and waterfalls. I spoke to MANY distraught people that have not had good experiences with this company. Do yourself and your pocketbook a favor, and DO NOT BUY WATERFALLS FROM WATERFALLS BY CHASE or CHASE MERRITT.

Newport, California

Chase Ripoff report 2

I have just read a report about Charles Merritt, AKA Waterfalls by Chase and wanted everyone to know that I was also a victim of Charles Merritt. I hired him to do a custom water feature at a shopping center. He delivered some of the materials and disappeared with $31,000.00. I have been trying to reach him ever since. All phone numbers have been disconnected. Like Dan, from Newport Beach, I agree, Do Not Give Charles Merritt your money, he will take it and dissappear! The man is a FRAUD! He frequents Home and Garden Shows, so beware!

Northridge, California


Chase Ripoff report 3

Wasn’t surprised to see other reports of this guy on here. He should not be allowed to do business anywhere. He plays a good honest game, but you should beware of doing business with Chase Merritt. He’s a fraud and you will lose your money.

I learned the hard way.

I see on the other reports he is called Charles Merrit too.

Last known Address:

I Design 4U
1649 E Mission Blvd Suite C,
Pomona, CA 91766
(909) 620-1010

Good luck contacting him. I’m sure he owes you money if you are reading this.

Los Angeles, California


Interesting stuff, huh? I haven’t found any Ripoff Reports for Michael McStay.

Remember seeing that Chase (or Charles) was listed having different aliases in his charges? You might also recall him listed in court records as Charles Jarvis. I don’t believe that was by any accident. Just how much did Cathy Jarvis really know about the father of her children and the man she spent so many years with?  How many lies had she caught him in?

Chase reportedly stole a firearm from a family member and used it in a robbery. No word if anyone was hurt or if the gun was fired. I can’t provide the source but just know this is an extremely credible source.


“When I visited him one time, he opened his closet and out tumbled tickets (about knee high–stashed in the closet) issued to him (I recognized his handwriting) with various aliases and other addresses.”


You think you know someone. Then, you realize you never did.

What’s the name of Chase’s book, “Afraid of the Light”?


I started this
It’s all for me
What’s yours is mine and mine is mine
That’s plain to see
So give it up
I’ve got to have
Be aggressive
B-e aggresive
What someone else
Would leave behind
And spit it out, let’s go to waste
I claim as mine
You’re my flovor of the week
Tall and reckless
Ugly seed
Reach down my throat
You filthy bird
That’s all I need
This empty pit
I’ve got to feed
To prove I’m fit
A healthy man
I’ve got to be
Malnutrition, my submission
You’re the master
And I take it on my knees
Be aggressive
B-e aggresive
Go, Fight, Go, Fight, Go, Fight, Go, Fight, Win


379 thoughts on “ALIAS: Who is Charles Ray Merritt?

  1. Corn that is not all of Merritt’s criminal record. Remember he was sentenced to 46 days in jail in January 2009 for violating a court order of his attending anger management I believe as part of his probation. He never completed the court ordered provisions and he was ordered to serve 23 in I think February 2009, then released for 30 days and then served the remaining 23 days around March or April 2009. That was when Joseph supported his family even though Merritt was in jail and not doing any work. That was when it has been reported that Joseph supported Merritt’s family. So there is more to Merritt’s record that is missing.

    Liked by 3 people

      • Add this one too!

        “Hi ladies! Well one thing thats shaddy is the business Chase established was in his wifes name (catherine-dont remember her name.)They operated under the name “idesign” or “idesign4u”. Examples of him being a thief: an ex employee let him borow his credit to buy jet skiis. Chase was behing on payments on it and the employee wanted to take them away. Chase wanted me to write a contract stating the jet skiis were his. Wasnt about to happen so I walked out. Another example Joey bought expensive high quality pumps for the water features built for him and had them at Chases office. Chase would use them for water features for other clients, never paid Joey for them.
        He’d call Joey on fridays telling him sertain water features were ready to be shipped just awaiting payment from him. Most of the time they werent. Chase would talk him into tranfering money. Id tell Joey, all the time. Joey would say “oh wow, so sad…this sucks” but Joey knew it was our pay day and Chase needed to pay us so Joey would do the transfer just so we could feed our families. (Joey is a great human being)
        Shady past: He had a box in the office full of things from his past- court ordered pay notices, paperwork on his arrest etc. Oh and a binder full of things he claims he invented such as hand cuffs. I came accross this box one day when I was filing papers. On the day I left I came back with the police to pick up my last check. I was affraid of him. He hid and then called me said I didnt need to bring the police and he would meet me to give me the check. I went with my dad of course.
        Anyway yes I have always thought he had something to do with it because of him being the last person to speak to him and because he is a thief, and a very good lier. But there is nothing else linking him to Joey missing. I wish I could remember more things that might help….Because of the fear I felt, my mind seems to erase things. (my built in defence mechanism):-(“

        Liked by 2 people

    • Anger management. This was a condition of his probation for the 32K grand theft of tools? So the business owner that Merritt stole from most likely reported to the court that arguments between the two of them became heated and Merritt was behaving in a physically threatening way. So the violent behaviour was starting to leak out and was showing up in court records. And he chose to do a 43 day jail penalty over attending a self improvement group. That in itself is very telling.
      This might be brought up at the trial.

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Merritt was also on probation for damn near 10 years for one of his charges. I remember reading through the court documents and the Judge kept issuing arrest warrants because Merritt kept failing to appear when he promised the Court he would do so.

    I’m also curious to know if Merritt/Jarvis ever had any dealings with CPS. If they lived an unstable life there’s a good chance CPS got involved at least once. Unless it comes out at trial we may never know due to confidentiality laws.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Robbery with a firearm? So your source knows that he stole the weapon from a family member and carried out an actual robbery? Obviously he was never caught/charged for that, and I’m guessing the family member didn’t report it stolen…

    So there’s an unsolved strong-armed robbery out there that he’s likely responsible for?

    I’ve always thought his criminal record was the tip of the iceberg, what he got caught for, imagine what he got away with…

    And yeah, his quote was 9 out of 10 people have a criminal record. What planet was he living on?

    Liked by 5 people

    • You are so right True Crime. I also wonder what else he has done and has gotten away with. Chase is a really bad dude. His crime career finally escalated to murder. I really think that Joe and Summer were going to report his quickbooks theft to the authorities and Joe told him so. Chase is so full of himself and most likely has gotten away with other crimes. He thought he could pull off killing the family and get away with it. He almost did. It just shows that there is no perfect crime and criminals do slip up. Chase was too confident that he would not get caught. I also wonder if he has killed someone before and never got caught. That might be why he had so much confidence all along. He truly did not seem flustered so much after the family went missing. Jarvis kicked him to the curb but he found a new lady in Mechelle. She needs to forget about him and move on. The guy is a loser.

      Liked by 4 people

          • I just noticed that Rob on this blog has that same icon. Rob is a great conversationalist and he/she definitely is not Mattie K and her 7 (or more to come) aliases. Cornelius how does that icon thing work on wordpress blogs? Baker’s blog is wordpress and so is this one. She has that icon on Baker’s blog and when she comments here the icon transfers over? Yikes.


            • There seems to be only so many gravatar icons available, at the beginning of a blogs life the first few to comment who dont have their own gravatar get five or six to choose from then once those are gone there’s only one left, the blue one.
              Lots of commenters have the blue gravatar that doesn’t mean they are all the same person.
              Rob is Rob lol.

              Liked by 3 people

              • Thanks Fran. So that anonymous person may not be the wonderful Mattie? They are saying we are slandering Merritt. The guy is in jail awaiting trial for brutally murdering a family including two toddlers. He is facing the death penalty. Who even cares about slander talking about his criminal career.

                Liked by 2 people

                  • I’ve seen Maeve post on Baker’s blog using the name Voir Dire as well.

                    I guess I was wrong about the avatars and them all being Matty K, although she still may post using various names.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • Lol, Fran. As far as I know nobody has sleuthed you. The way Maeve writes is a dead giveaway as to who she is. She was posting as Voir Dire on the semi new McStay blog that is dormant at the moment. Sorry, I can’t remember the name.

                      Plus, there’s nothing to sleuth about you. You already told us about your stinky eggs in the case. 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

        • Well, I did preface my comment about how CM may have met JM with the statement that it was a THEORY. The criminal record is not made up. Some of the quotes in the main body of the post are comments from news articles and some are from unnamed sources.
          There’s a couple of blogs that speculate about Merritt being innocent and how the DA’s case is full of holes, maybe you would prefer to read there.

          Liked by 1 person

          • But Maeve, Richard, Jennifer, Gravatar claims she does not comment on other blogs, only her own. Yeah right. She absolutely loves to debate pro or con. She is very similar to Baker, actually.

            Liked by 2 people

            • Here’s the real issue for me. Who in the world tracks someone down, or tries to, only to invade their privacy and post threats? That takes a “special” type of person. I’ve known three people who have their own blogs that have done so, and another one in a missing child case. She never threatened me but she invaded the privacy of a friend of mine, just like Baker did. In my experience these are very flawed, pitiful characters.

              Liked by 1 person

    • Does anyone know what was Chase’s choice of gambling? I do not see him as a slot kind of guy. Was it cards? Poker, Blackjack. Maybe craps or roulette? I could see Chase getting into a card game and losing big time and following the person that took all his money out to the parking lot and stealing his money back. That is very believable for me.

      Liked by 3 people

        • This guy, Les Cohen, bone cracker extraordinaire. Chiropractor in Victorville, and not a good one from people I know who have used him in the High Desert. Plus he is a slum lord that pays questionable dudes to destroy rentals so he can collect the insurance. I knew a couple that rented one of his houses and the septic backed up and the toilets could not be flushed or something, so this ass told them to put bags in their toilets to collect the shit, piss and paper and then dispose of it. She said they did this temporarily thinking he would come and pump tank or fix toilets but he never did. Then a thug showed up to assess the situation and miraculously a water pipe broke. After that the house flooded out and had to be renovated, they were told it would take some time and then there was mold and still nobody showed up to fix. She said they were so concerned about the menacing dude that showed up, with a face and body full of tats, that they decided to move out. This jerk slumlord apparently filed a claim with a bogus quote he got from his thug buddy, collected the money and did the renovations (done by the tat guy under the table on the cheap) and re-rented the place. She told me she found others that this happened to or were forced out, then the place would be destroyed and rehabbed. This guy is not a nice guy either, In my research I found out roofied (sp) this other chick and he and his buddies passed her around in a vegas hotel room. I think it’s interesting what he is saying, according to locals at some of the local hangouts he would have Merritt do steel and fence work at his home in spring valley lake and never pay him. This guy would buy the materials and Merritt was the labor, in fact, this guy was the slumlord of the place Merritt lived in Apple Valley and supposedly Merritt did home repairs for this guy in lieu of rent. From all accounts he is bad guy, hangs with bad guys, is arrogant and thinks his shit don’t stink. So what would be in the deal for one bad guy to bash another bad guy? No honor among thugs?


          • Cohen was most likely telling the truth about Chase. Cohen might stink too but he was talking about his experience with another crook. Crooks get mad when someone rips them off. Maybe madder than the average person.

            Liked by 3 people

  4. So what I’ve heard is that Joseph met Merritt at a home and garden trade show. My theory is that Merritt regularly trawled these shows in LA and San Diego Counties looking for marks. When he didn’t have a booth of his own, he hung out near other water feature booths and promoted his own work. He may have had a few brochures and business cards, he had an office address and seemed legit. He would talk up prospective customers and if he got lucky after an hour of bullshit conversation he would be drawing up a water feature design and pocketing a check made out to him for a deposit. Depending on who the customer was he either filled the order or didnt bother. That’s my idea of how a crafty con man would operate.
    When he met Joseph he must have felt like he hit the jackpot. A nice, relatively naive guy who had a legitimate business and was willing to invest start up capital to get Merritt’s end of the business up and running. Merritt must have been in top form that day and he must have made one hell of a good impression on Joseph. And he must have delivered some top shelf fountains in the first few months.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I remember reading that he and Jarvis would take their motorhome to these trade shows. That is probably the same motorhome that Jarvis lives in on the grounds of her kids private school. She does house cleaning for the school owner and janitorial duties at the school to pay for her kids education.

      Liked by 1 person

        • Their son, Ray Merritt, has an agent and I think he has done some acting and print. Maybe he is making some money. It is weird how Ray has Chase’s last name but the two girls, Taylor and Jaye have the Jarvis last name. Is Chase father to all three?

          Liked by 1 person

    • To give Merritt some credit, he may have tried to make this a turning around point in his life. He may have really tried to be a better person but was unable or unwilling to do the hard inner work that that required. He quickly succumbed to the bad habits and attitudes he had developed over the years. His gambling addiction, his sense of entitlement, his contempt of the law and his resentment of people more well off than himself.

      Liked by 3 people

        • I would like to find out how many missing people are on the books for that high desert area. How do you find that out? I really think Chase has killed before and gotten away with it. He is way too smug and confident. Even when he appears in court now, he looks like he is full of himself.

          Liked by 3 people

          • I think he may be responsible for the death another human being as well. I think his smugness and confidence in court is in part because he is a narcissist who enjoys the attention, and because there is damning evidence, destroyed or hidden, that LE has not found. For instance his bloodied clothes, the tarp or containers he used, the cutting instrument he used to cut the electric cord, the phones and purse…

            Liked by 5 people

            • The list does go on, Fran. Because none of that stuff has ever been recovered he is full of himself. He is just like those losers that think the worst about LE. They think their minds are superior. They are above the norm. I know two people like that. My poor husband has them both in his family. Needless to say, we have no contact with them and have even installed a security system in our home.

              Liked by 5 people

  5. I have looked at every missing persons report or remains discovery in the high desert I could find. There are fewer reports than you might think there would be. Sometimes a person is never reported missing because it is assumed they ran away from their lives and/or succumbed to a life of drugs and lives on the streets.The latter is all too common, especially for that area over the last 20 years. Back in the 70’s when Merritt (and Bennett) started their crime sprees, there really was no organizations to report and catalog these cases. One just called LE. Then the Jonny Gotsch and Adam Walsh disappearances put a massive focus on missing people and a need was realized.

    On that note, we found that Chase Merritt was incarcerated during the time that Brian Carlstrom disappeared. I could never confirm from family members if Carlstrom knew Merritt either. Just another bizarre case that most likely will remain unsolved.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Expert forensic scientist Rich Guerreri shares a personal journey through the history of DNA in America and the promise new DNA technology holds for identifying missing persons and exonerating wrongly incarcerated individuals.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. When the family was found in the desert, a wonderful lady was a part of Baker’s blogging community. Her brother-in-law’s skull was found on the desert floor not far from the McStay graves. It happened prior to the family’s findings. She was a part of the blog because she wanted answers. It was amazing how she told first hand, of her families stress and anguish after searching for him for years. His case is still not solved as to who might have killed him. No grave was found, just the skull by itself.

    Liked by 5 people

    • That is interesting to say the least but I don’t recall the poster.

      I remember a more recent event where a skull was found in a sort of neighborhood dumping ground.


  8. Let me answer this for you, Sheryllikes55. Regardless of what Baker asserts, nobody outside of the privileged parties can answer that question as nobody has seen Michael McStay’s phone records, especially not Baker. Michael is not charged with any crimes therefore, his phone records are of zero relevance. You’re welcome 🙂

    sheryllikes55 says:
    08/23/2016 at 9:13 AM
    To me nothing Mikey says can be taken as the truth. Just to many odd discrepancies going on in this case. Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the same day the Trooper was found the same day Mikey’s phone was off?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Didn’t the info about Mike McStay’s phone being off originally come from Baker? This is a prime example of how Baker’s false or misleading allegations have impacted this case. Correct me if I am wrong about Mike’s phone but I can not recall any LE stating his phone was off.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Yes it did. Strange that Rick is supposedly given access to subpoenaed records for a murder trial. I wonder what kind of accountability that contains legally. Regardless, if true, Mike didn’t have his DNA in the Trooper, didn’t write and cash checks to himself and didn’t have his phone ping SEVERAL times off the tower near the graves, the area that Chase knew so well and claimed he had not been to.

        Funny how those bits of truth are continued to be ignored. Sheryl Likes is the poster child of Gullibility.

        Liked by 6 people

        • So many from that blog are gullible. There was a time when they kept quoting from Baker’s book like it was gospel. If they would just think for themselves and not buy into everything that Baker has stated about this crime, maybe they would begin to believe that LE might have the right loser in jail awaiting trial for a case that is eligible for the death penalty.

          Liked by 2 people

        • On one day the 6th, one of the only days out of 3 that he could have buried the bodies AND made the tracks…AND the only day out of the year that he pinged in Victorville. What a coincidence – NOT!

          Liked by 6 people

          • Isn’t it interesting that as said above, no one has ever seen Mike McStays phone records but Baker has said his phone was off on the 8th. So again we have fools listening to a known out right liar who has no proof of his so called information yet they follow him like rats following St. Patrick. When will these fools wake up and realize Baker is nothing more than liar and a con who uses them like pawns. If LE had any questions or concerns about Mike McStay it would have been known by now with all the coverage this case has had and all the different LE that have been involved. Just more of Bakers lies and continued spreading of false information believed by ignorant totally gullible no nothings.

            Liked by 5 people

            • Baker also claimed to have pages of discovery from the case that was supposedly given to him by David Farrell. We do not know if that is true. I would think it was extremely unprofessional, if not illegal for Farrell to give that kind of info to Baker. Farrell knew that Baker had his blog and of course, Baker would publish it. Baker wants to appear as the “all-knowing” guru on this case. When really he is actually a charlatan. Here is the meaning of charlatan for those others: “A person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud.”

              Liked by 3 people

              • On this same topic about Baker and his dealings, he claimed that Mettias wrote David Farrell a bad check for his compensation on the case before Farrell was given the ax. I am having a very hard time even believing that a defense attorney would write a bad check. I just can not buy that one, either.

                Liked by 3 people

  9. On another subject, I was watching the news and there was something on there about Scott Peterson and him having some connection to the Turkey coup the other day LOL. Anyway, I Googled his name and up came something totally different, someone made a documentary proclaiming his innocence that was at the Palm Springs film festival — yadaydayada

    There was something interesting though – Mark Geragos, the attorney for Scott Peterson, was talking and said that the biggest mistake he made on that case was NOT allowing the trial to be televised – that if it were televised Scott Peterson would be free today (don’t believe that). Here’s the link it’s within this article, if you want to hear what he said:

    But in connection with the Chase Merritt case – I wonder if the trial will be televised, is it up to the defense side to push for it being televised, or is that solely up to the judge?? Anyone know?


      • Go to this facebook link and see how Baker is arguing right and left with people. He is on a roll. My question is: when was Baker main stream media and went to the DNC? He is slamming people on facebook. Lori Kaye Roberts makes a comment also with her real facebook persona. Baker is one uptight person.
        Baker is always the antagonist. For the others because I know they read here: “A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.”

        Liked by 3 people

        • I read through every single one of those painful comments just so I could see if Lorie Kaye Roberts sounded as ridiculous as she does when she posts on Baker’s blog and guess what? She didn’t disappoint. What’s her obsession with the Taliban 5? First on Baker’s blog and now on his FB page. Hmmm

          On another note, some of the commenters had Baker pegged, especially the ones who called him racist and a bigot. Oh how I wish those people would read his blog so they could know the real Rick Baker instead of the Faker he wants them to see.

          Liked by 4 people

          • LOL Just Me. I read some.

            “Rick Baker Dayna Rutherford don’t get all wound up. I understand now the trouble our country is in. The democrats are not interested in reality, the truth, the facts, and most certainly, morality. They are not worth getting riled up over, Dayna. Thanks for your comments here!
            Like · Reply · August 16 at 5:39am”

            I can’t say I disagree with some of Rick’s comments (I know, I’m in agreement with Rick on some things, crazy). Maybe I’m a moderate independent? Conservative independent? Self independent? Republican democrat? Do these terms even exist? I can’t count how many politicians that say something that when I hear it, I know they are full of it, or I disagree. On both sides. Both presidential candidates just puppets, part of a grander scheme. Then you hear them from two years ago support something that they are now totally against. Puppets. It’s all votes and we’re all fools.

            I almost think that either one is desperately trying to get the other elected but I still can’t figure out who that is. Pretty funny when you think about it. But nobody wants either of these clowns. I remember recently Trump in an interview saying something about it all being a big joke, that he didn’t think it would get this far. In an interview recently, Romney stated he really didn’t want to be President.

            We are still in the early part of the century and so many things change so fast in these times. Remember the Whig party? Nobody does. 100 years ago they were embroiled in World War I and approaching the Roaring 20’s. We can now Facetime anyone, anywhere in seconds. We put a man on the Moon…..47 years ago. Yay. And today? We still have world hunger, families struggling to feed their young and so many Vets struggling to get medical. This is only a fraction of problems in the world. Obama was supposed to be the “Great Hope”. 8 years later and economically, sociologically and racially, we are the same or worse off than we were before. And he’s a Harvard professor. The alternatives, if voted into office, would have probably fared the same. The time for ‘Make America Great Again’, that horse left the stable at least a generation ago.

            Ok off my soap box. What I wanted to say was Rick Baker is the least to talk about “interested in reality, the truth, the facts, and most certainly, morality.”

            I mean, you’re kidding right?

            Liked by 4 people

            • It really is hilarious to read his facebook rant. Some people are claiming “Rick Baker for President”. Well folks, you do not even know the real Rick Baker. With his criminal record he would never, ever get elected. He is not even qualified to lead a Cub Scout Group.

              Liked by 3 people

              • Then he won’t be able to achieve his goal of deporting all obese people and shutting the doors on Frito~Lay and razing mobile home parks.

                Liked by 4 people

  10. “Anonymous
    AUGUST 23, 2016 AT 2:40 PM EDIT
    All of you have no idea about any of this. You are just making itu p as you go along. It borders on slander.”

    Ok Anonymous, since this is my blog and I own it, I will answer.

    I admit, before the arrest, I was the last to believe that Chase Merritt was responsible for the family’s disappearance. In fact many believed they did just up and leave. I know quite a few people deeply involved with the case believed the same. True Crime, a poster and admin here, is the only one I have come across who believed Chase had anything to do with it. Well, except for the many people who actually knew and worked with Chase intimately. Those people, many of them, believed without a doubt he had something to do with this. Even before the family was found.

    It’s a puzzle. When you take everything that has been exposed at the preliminary hearing, it ll fits nicely. I mean of course it’s not the whole puzzle. It’s something like, we have all the pieces of the framework, the outer edges of the puzzle complete, fit together. Now we (at least the prosecution) will work together to piece together the rest of the puzzle that we know is there, it just has to be pieced right.

    I know that I have been wrong in some things I have stated or surmised, as many have, We’re human in that respect. Chase Merritt can certainly speak to that. But to say we “have no idea about any of this”? I digress.

    Let me be perfectly clear, this is not a witch hunt. This is a collection of facts presented and known, witness accounts, as well as theories based on the aforementioned. This is not the same blog that is attempting to crucify family members that have nothing to do – or have been arrested – for said crimes.

    If you are a family member of Chase’s, on behalf of the members here, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I can’t fathom your position or can I pretend to know what you’re going through. You see, I can’t condemn someone based on what their family member has done. I hope you are open to some possibilities, open to that Chase may be guilty. Of course we have not been presented all the evidence, or a rebuttal from the new defense, but the evidence so far against is not just damning, it’s overwhelmingly damning.

    No one is making up anything, that’s the other blog. I would implore you read a bit here, it might be enlightening.

    This blog is really not a blog to condemn, it’s more a narrative. I guess maybe it is more a pro-justice for the McStay family? Probably so. Anonymous, you are free to respond or just give your point of view for rebuttal. No one will attack your response unless it gets nasty. Or you can just email me privately. If not, thanks anyway for your input.


    Liked by 8 people

    • Cornelius that was delivered with dignity and grace. Well done. We are not haters. I believe that we are just a group of people that speak out for the abused that are vilified by the true people filled with hate.

      Liked by 5 people

    • How can Anonymous say that we border on slander? I think they have this blog confused with Baker’s. We try our damnedest to stick to the facts and clear up the lies and rumors.

      Btw Corn, where was the comment posted? I didn’t see it when I was scrolling through.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Very well said Corn. America has free speech and we can speculate based on the facts that we do know, and through contacts and reliable sources.

      I have to wonder why the people, such as Anonymous, do not jump in to defend the terribly horrible level of defamation/libel and erroneous accusations thrown out over at Rick Baker’s blog – stuff he presents as fact – which later turn out not to be factual. One example would be Summer does porn movies. This accusation may even have been made by Chase himself for all we know. After all, he did see her p***y right, apparently he told that to Baker and was quoted by Baker on his site. It bothers me to even write the above sentence its so disgusting. I don’t see people like Anonymous jumping down Bakers throat.

      What I actually think is that what we say hits a nerve – because we are probably hitting on a lot of truths that hurt.

      Liked by 4 people

      • You have to remember that Baker’s blog is censored by him. It is almost impossible anymore to get a comment posted on his blog that is challenging what he is stating as fact. He simply will not allow it to be posted. That is why people do not even bother to comment on his blog anymore. It is just a waste of one’s time. If you are not agreeing with him or his 5 followers, just forget it. Baker claims all this free speech crap but it just is not so with his blog. If by chance one does get by the gatekeeper, he will claim you are a troll and proceed to ridicule you. Then his 5 gals go crazy with their “hen” talk. It is so juvenile.

        Liked by 3 people

  11. If you are a family member of Chase’s, on behalf of the members here, I am so terribly sorry for your loss.

    I’m not. I personally am not sorry for your loss. Your “loss” is likely a murderer, and if not, he’s still a bum ass fool, who sucks as a father and partner and was a menace to society. The world is a slightly better place with Merritt behind bars.
    I am sorry though, that your paths had to cross Chase Merritt, at all. CLEARLY, he has not done anything to enhance anyone’s life. I feel bad for you, but not for the same reasons.

    Liked by 6 people

    • It would be like the death of a family member. Chase Merritt is an idiot and most likely a murderer. Some of his family members are not. I really feel for his children most of all. They have to live with this for the rest of their lives as well.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Taylor seems like a lovely young lady. One of the reasons I think Chase kept changing his counsel was because he does not want his family to find out all the evidence against him. Right now he can say that he is innocent and his people may still believe him because they have not heard it all. Merritt wants to delay the trial for as long as possible. Plus he is in the county jail and can have weekly visitation and can make daily phone calls. He is local and his family can come to see him. If convicted he may even be as far away as San Quentin. I do not even know if you can make phone calls or get visitation on death row.

        Liked by 3 people

  12. Does it ever occur to these people that perhaps Mike learned about the missed calls from the police? And also when talking with police Mike learned what the police thought happened? That the family was verbally abducted or somehow lured out of the home by someone familiar to them? The lolice had access to the phone records. Mike spoke with the neighbours.

    “When you listen to Mike, he throws out a very odd story using Chase’s name with a past situation about Chase calling several times about coming over. That in itself is odd and we later find out that Chase DID come over that evening. Mike also says he feels certain they were lured out by someone they were comfortable with. Well, Mike is saying the murders didn’t happen in that house and we later find out NOT a single drop of their blood is found in that home. Then there’s a big “slip” .. Mike has knowledge about 5 missed calls on Joey’s phone around 8:39pm. With T-Mobile in 2010 the ONLY record of those missed calls that Mike would of had access to would be in the phone itself. ALL missed calls, even if they went to voicemail, with T-Mobile in 2010 did not register on the bill. I KNOW this to be fact! However, his phone would have pinged with those missed calls. If this turns out to be true, it will be interesting to hear Mike explain himself. Don’t you find it strange that these two are pointing the finger at one another? Mike from the beginning, and Chase after his arrest? These two know exactly what happened to this family!”
    Let me ask you this… Mike is “somewhat” telling us what happened that evening, family left to see someone they knew and Chase came over to the house. Do you think an altercation ensued with Mike and family somewhere in Fallbrook and he called Chase to lure him to the house to set him up? (from a case investigator)


    • Baker’s “case investigators” are a bunch of derelicts. If they concede to something logical and rational then that would destroy their conspiracy theory or their MM did it theory. It’s much easier for them to live in la-la land and dream up a bunch of what if situations. Can’t really blame them though, the reality of the facts are really ugly.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Just popped in, will read the rest of comments later as still getting things done to help my dad. In reference to this quote ( and Fran it would help if you let us know where the quotes come from, lol) question – has Chase himself actually said who is guilty of the murders, named names? Not talking about his mouthpieces/azz kissers, but from Chase directly?

      Liked by 1 person

      • HaHaHa!! D’Lil you crack me up! Chase has conveniently lost all memory of that night. Because of that, I’m not even sure the shit storm comment can be attributed to him. I will remember to let people know where quotes are coming from, thanks for the reminder. And I’ve decided to take Just Me’s advvice and stop reading at Gravs blog. Her self righteous attitude grates on my nerves.

        Liked by 4 people

  13. Let me throw my 2 cents in here from what I know and have learned with contact with family. It’s interesting how these people are suppose to be “investigators” and work for or with Baker yet they have no credentials. So as far as I aware of they are just ordinary people who have no special training or contacts. That makes them just plain people listening and reading what they want to and believing only what they want too. Let me point out a fact that has been overlooked by those so called investigators. Whether good or bad Mike and his mom used an investigator that did have actual experience searching and investigating missing and abducted people. He at least had that experience and had contacts in le and in business such as the media and other investigative practices. Now I remember that it was that investigator who got Joey’s cell records and he also was said to have contacts in the FBI and with TMoblie. That was how he obtained the cell records as it was reported. So the next logical thing is (logical is not what those fools on Bakers site use) that maybe just maybe the PI was able to get cell tower bing information and told Mike and his mom. That makes as much sense if not more than anything the fools have come up with and that would explain a lot of what Mike may have known in 2010 and now. So if they believe all that bs they put out then they have to consider what Mike may have known and learned from the le and the PI. He certainly had more direct contact with reliable sources than Baker or any of those fools over on that blog.

    Liked by 8 people

  14. Sorry folks, have to do it.

    August 24, 2016 at 10:03 am
    Who is Voir Dire? Someone thinks that is you.

    August 24, 2016 at 10:09 am
    I saw that. I think they are just saying that, because if they don’t know who Voir Dire is, they really are clueless.
    I know exactly who Voir Dire is, and she is part of their inner circle. So if they haven’t sorted that one out, well, actually, that explains a few things.
    Explains why they haven’t figured out why I don’t post on other people’s blogs anymore. (Copyright, morons.)
    She is all over the McStay FB pages, and she is very good friends with Murphysings–in fact they are FB together.
    VD also bops over to a Merritt family member’s FB page on a regular basis, and pretends to be friends with her, whilst returning to McStay pages and blogs and stating they wish Chase Merritt would be convicted immediately.
    Duplicitous much VD?
    So the Angry ones are full of shit on this, or just truly dumber than I thought.

    August 24, 2016 at 10:10 am
    By the way, whoever Anonymous is on that blog, you are correct, there is an aspect of defamation happening on the Angry blog, but it’s LIBEL, not Slander.

    August 24, 2016 at 10:11 am
    None of the idiots on that blog even caught that error. What a freak show.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Can somebody please explain why this blog is referred to as the “angry blog “? I have never seen someone’s post deleted, no one has been threaten to be removed from the group, there has never been ugly accusations amongst each other, etc. So whose angry? Baker?

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Gravitas, the link you posted about touch dna implicating the innocent is interesting, but it doesn’t really help Mr. Merritt. In the one and only case they used to support their arguement the accused was convicted soley on his DNA being present at the crime scene. That was the only solid evidence the prosecution had against him. That is more about a hurried LE investigation and an over reliance on DNA evidence, which became apparent upon reinvestigation by the innocence project. In comparison, the forensics team that processed the McStay trooper had not been in contact with Merritt and were not in a position to transfer any of his DNA to the scene.
    IMO, the DNA evidence in the McStay murder trial is one piece of evidence amongst many pieces. While Merritt’s DNA in the trooper does appear to be, so far as we know, the only piece of evidence that links Merritt to the moving and staging of the trooper at the border, the trooper is in itself linked to the murders. Who else but someone involved in the killing would have motive to move the trooper?

    Liked by 5 people

  17. LMAO, “Bombshell”??

    That video was made in March 2010 – there had already been investigations going on for over a month, of course Mike knew from sources what calls were made.

    Now, had it been the “day of” or prior to them being officially missing, there might be something to it.

    Newsflash! ALIENS have also landed on earth.

    Stop with the tabloids!!

    Liked by 4 people

      • He had obviously looked at Joseph’s phone log (which would have been retrieved by the time that video was made, again in MARCH 2010) and could see the five calls Joseph made after leaving the meeting with Chase and starts making calls again at 3:01. Five calls total. Of course Mike McStay would have known by then (MARCH 2010, a month after their disappearance) and didn’t need to be “looking” at Joseph’s cell at the time to have that information, in MARCH 2010 (a month after their disappearance, did I emphasize that enough?), lol

        A thought occurred to me as to a possible explanation as to why Mike McStay could have run Joseph’s credit report, because since LE said they had left voluntarily, Joseph’s credit report would show any activity, such as taking out a new credit card, for example, in Mexico. That would be a way to trace where the family went to. Otherwise, what would be the point of doing that? I think this points to Mike McStay not knowing they were dead.

        Liked by 6 people

        • Could Mike have run the credit report to get the credit card information and account numbers to call the credit card lenders to ask about any recent activity on the accounts? I do not know if the card issuer would give him the info but he could say how his brother and family are missing and take a chance they would help him.

          Liked by 4 people

          • That could also be a good reason Mo, since Joseph’s wallet was missing, and he may have wanted to check if something nefarious was going on with other people (possibly abductors) going crazy spending using his credit cards.

            Liked by 4 people

        • I agree but I think Mike was looking for anything he could to find out if they were in Mexico or anywhere else. It’s just one of the ways to search as the SDSD did when checking the credit cards and bank account for any activity since the 4th of Feb.

          Liked by 3 people

  18. From the SDSO SW of the McStay residence and pick up truck

    At approximately 10:39 am the morning of Feb 15, 2010 SDSO communications received a call from Michael McStay
    On Feb 16, 2010 I (Troy Dugal) went to 1187 Walnut Avenue in Chula Vista to seize the white 1996 Isuzu trooper from the Western Tow Yard.

    So the search of the residence was on the 15th? If the trooper was seized on the 16th the search was conducted prior to that. Or was the 15th a walk through only, the detectives observations (popcorn, eggs on the counter, the state of the mb closet) were noted, and then another search was conducted after that? Susan and McGyver were in the home cleaning on the 17th?

    Liked by 1 person

      • Right, the 17th when Merritt (among other things) infamously said he hoped Joseph would be back soon or Merritt wouldn’t be able to pay his rent – after he had just stolen $20K plus…and knew he wasn’t coming back…

        Liked by 5 people

        • There were several times that Charles Merritt used the
          3 past tense when he referred to Joseph or Summer McStay. There
          4 were also times when he used present tense, but he frequently
          5 would use past tense.
          6 Q In fact, didn’t he say there on the 17th that Joseph was
          7 one of his best friends?
          8 A Yes.
          9 Q Didn’t he say that Joseph definitely loved Summer?
          10 A Yes.
          11 Q And didn’t he say she was a verbal person — was a verbal
          12 person?
          13 A Yes.
          14 Q And she didn’t believe in corporal punishment?
          15 A Yes.

          Liked by 3 people

  19. Max Hill is a renowned barrister who has worked on many high profile criminal cases. He explains how forensic expert witnesses are crucial in court for presenting clear analysis and interpretation to the jury of evidence found at the crime scene and beyond… A forensic scientist explains the proceedures and peer review her work is subject to before being signed off on.
    He’s British but I figure the U.S. has the same or higher proceedures and standards.

    Liked by 1 person

    • High five to California forensic photo and video surveillance scientists!!
      I was watching an old year 2000 Law Society of Upper Canada video lecture series (which I won’t bother posting because it’s outdated and boring) on the use of forensic evidence in court and it turns out at that time Canada was, may still be, about 10 years behind the US in forensic photographic and video use in court. And, of all the states, California is the leading state, with the most advanced analytic technology in forensic photo and video evidence.

      Liked by 4 people

  20. Having said that, as I mentioned in my thread, there are a total of I think 13 missing calls from Chase to Joseph (if the prelim is correct), we just don’t yet know when that was having not seen Chase’s phone log.

    Mike is making an analogy and he got it wrong, the five calls made from Joseph’s phone from 3:01 to 8:28 to Chase are likely what he is talking about.

    But please feel free to go on wild goose chases.

    Liked by 4 people

  21. I just heard back from CBS 8. Here is the reply: I don’t believe it will be televised and our station won’t be covering the entire trial perhaps portions of it.

    I have forwarded your information to our field producer who has been following this case to find out more will let you know what I find out

    Liked by 8 people

  22. My, my, my. Fran copies and pastes some posts and miss snooty gets all up in arms.

    I know exactly who Voir Dire is, and she is part of their inner circle. So if they haven’t sorted that one out, well, actually, that explains a few things.
    Explains why they haven’t figured out why I don’t post on other people’s blogs anymore. (Copyright, morons.)
    She is all over the McStay FB pages, and she is very good friends with Murphysings–in fact they are FB together.
    VD also bops over to a Merritt family member’s FB page on a regular basis, and pretends to be friends with her, whilst returning to McStay pages and blogs and stating they wish Chase Merritt would be convicted immediately.”

    So she calls us all stupid, because we haven’t figured out who Voir Dire is.

    Then she turns right back around and states that she doesn’t know who VD is. LMAO. This is how to utterly make a complete ass of yourself.

    August 24, 2016 at 2:32 pm
    Here’s the thing Cluemore, I don’t know for absolute certain that Murhpy is who I think she is, Voir Dire either. I did not contact either person and confirm this. I just have a lot of archived posts from various places that lead me to believe this.
    So perhaps, this is my bad.
    But what I am certain of is that both those people know that I’m not Voir Dire.
    So why are they allowing that fabrication to continue?
    I also find it very interesting that no one is claiming that I am mistaken in my assumptions. I’ll be happy to write a retraction if even one person on that blog tells me I am wrong. They don’t even have to prove it.
    If I am mistaken, my apologies.”

    So a whole day of drama this person wasted on really, nothing. Gravatas, nobody really give a f**k if you are Voir Dire or not. No really, it’s not that big a deal. In fact, I was the one who made the claim as an anonymous poster because I knew it would get a rise out of you. Guess what….IT WORKED. Hook, line and sinker. I think you had an idea who VD is or you were trying to allude to someone, someone I know well. On that, you would be wrong as well. VD could be you, Rose, Duly Noted or Jack in the Box. None of it matters and nobody cares. But I’m so happy you wasted a chunk of your time responding!

    “There is no reason to know who anyone is. I never tried to find out anyone’s identity, but you archive a case long enough you just begin to know.”

    So who is stalking who? You said you’ve gone through and screenshotted pages here and elsewhere. Thousands and have done for years. A little obsessed? You’ve claimed that you’ve been stalked, threatened, been harmed, defamed (not true, no one knows your identity) and been called names (which you yourself have done). But you have also stalked, threatened and defamed. I have enough of your posts here to prove it. You’ve copied posts and pasted from Baker’s site as well. You’re not all high and mighty and guiltless. And, you are on my site, every single day. Stop telling people you’re not. You are the most frequent visitor to my site – behind myself – by far and that is saying a lot. You have 3rd place beat by almost 2,000.

    So continue to threaten me with your copyright BS. I don’t really give two shits. So good luck with that. You’re very smart but you’re also drama-filled, obsessive, full of yourself, unstable, severely insecure and very paranoid. I imagine you don’t leave your home much.

    If Gravatas or Maeve doesn’t know her own faults and continues to further exploit them, that explains a few things.

    Liked by 7 people

    • and that, my friend, is how you cut through the BS.
      Job well done, as usual.
      I am very curious as to who Maeve REALLY is. Scientists could learn a lot by studying her/them. Everyone is abnormal, but these online games are on another level!
      I believe there is more to RB, Maeve & Cheetos. Can anyone confirm Maeve’s thoughts on Cheetos?
      It’s likely that the “people” who post on RB’s blog that are dumber than poop…are simply Maeve trying to disguise her amazing grammar and thesaurus skills by appearing to be dumb, thus leading us to think that it simply can’t be Maeve. So, I’m beginning to think Its just Baker and Maeve over there & I wouldn’t doubt if Baker was Maeve.
      Again, I just want to reiterate: there is medication for this.

      Liked by 6 people

        • I think that Maeve is actually a man. I have thought that for a long time. Something about the writing style and the choice of words regarding certain topics. Is he one of those guys that live in their parents basement their whole adult life?

          Liked by 3 people

        • I know I’m in the minority when I say this. I really enjoyed discussing aspects of the case with Maeve Gravitas (but not Richard or Jennifer, they were too antagonistic) because they are smart and detail oriented and get me thinking about things. That’s the only reason I read over there, not to stir up trouble or troll. It’s just that when she flips the switch she goes from being interesting to being mean and paranoid…then she says things, like what’s copied here, that make me wonder. Why would she be stalking and harassing MurphySings? None of her site is public now anyway. Oh well, the crab has crawled back under her rock.

          Liked by 4 people

          • He/She will be back. Numerous times it has taken its toys and gone home in a huff. Just like Baker. It will not be gone for long. Probably just going to spend a little alone time inventing a new personality.

            Liked by 4 people

            • Does that not give all a BIG sign who Maeve really is! Who else reacts the same way in so many things. Think people who gets in a huff and then disappears for some time or announces they are taking a break not to mention the number of times they just say they are shutting down their blog. Just look at the similarities and THINK!

              Liked by 3 people

          • I do understand, Fran. Maeve is sharp and detail oriented but for me these qualities are usually eclipsed by her profound obsessiveness, rudeness, rigid thinking and intolerance. She has great difficulty accommodating view points of others because she thinks she is smarter than everyone else. I actually feel bad for her now because she has laid bare her true colors. She has admitted she has collected and archived all types of information on many of us, and it is clear she is not above cyber-stalking. She is no better than Baker, imo.

            Liked by 5 people

            • Yes. The cyber stalking is ugly, and as you have said it’s a special sort of person who does that. I am not a member of facebook but I imagine that many peoples profiles are private and one needs to be a “friend” or “a friend of a friend” to be able to view their pages. So she must be lurking on these pages with a fake profile as a “friend” and compiling data…why? So she can try to connect them to one of us and one day out them/us because she feels rejected by us or something? That’s bizarre and abusive. So at the same time she’s doing this she is also claiming to be a victim of stalking by us, and feels threatened and worries about being harmed and might need to call the police or a lawyer. She is deeply troubled. That actually is a lot like Baker.

              Liked by 4 people

          • Fran, in my real life I have had to finally drop people that are bipolar, as just like the girl with the curl on her forehead, “and when she was bad she was horrid”. When they are predictably unpredictable and veer off from stable, adios. (Now diabetics can also have this up and down too)

            Liked by 1 person

  23. Regarding 5 so-called “missed calls” “bombshell” evidence.

    Chase’s phone was turned off at 5:48 until 9:32, so Chase did NOT call Joseph during that timeline and say, “hey I’m almost here”, or “I’m at the bank”, etc., etc., five times – because Chase’s phone is OFF. If there were any missed calls from Chase (the prelim indicates there are 13 unaccounted for calls from Chase to Joseph that day), then they were likely when Joseph’s phone was turned off intermittently throughout the day (which is partly evidence by Joseph picking up a total of 8 minutes of messages when he retrieves them at approx. 4:30 pm).

    So when Mike McStay (in that video) said Joseph received a 8:39 pm call from Chase, or “hey I’m almost here”, or “I’m at the bank”, etc., etc., – he was mistaken – there was no 8:39 call from Chase because Chase’s phone was turned off at that time and there were not other missed calls from Chase in that timeline.

    I think it is ironic that the posters there are taking verbatim/gospel what Mike McStay is saying on that video, rather than being objective and using common sense – but I know why, because it can be twisted to fit the narrative that they are so desperate for. Besides, Mike McStay doesn’t say in that video that there are 5 missed calls from Chase. So, obviously they are assuming something and stating it as fact – when that is far from accurate.

    No one knows at this stage when Chase made those 13 missing calls to Joseph other than those that are privy to Chase’s phone log. My guess is some of those missing calls were likely within the time frame of 3:01 pm-5:47 pm until Chase himself turned off his phone after receiving Joseph’s final call that day.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I still believe Merritt had a burner cell and he used it to call Joseph after the meeting and while he was on his way to Josephs house. Joseph may have answered a few of Merritts calls but I believe he stopped answering and that enraged Merritt. I think Merritt was trying to talk Joseph into forgiving him and it did no good. So you can put the rest of what happened together from that. These are just a few of my thoughts of what could have transpired that afternoon and evening of the 4th.

      Liked by 6 people

      • Possible, a burner phone # would show up on the log wouldn’t it? I do think having looked at Joseph’s phone log that his phone was turned off a lot – Joseph picked up a total of 8 minutes worth of messages left for him at approx. 4:30, and if Chase did call him from a burner phone then those would have showed up on Joseph’s log – but no unidentified number showed on Joseph’s log that could be a burner? Unless a burner was used when Joseph’s phone was off and not receiving.

        I do agree though that earlier in the day between 3:01-5:47 Chase was calling Joseph (but from his own phone) because there’s a total of 13 missing calls that don’t show up on Joseph’s log, because his phone was off, that the prosecution contend exist.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Rob, I agree with your theory that after the lunch meeting Merritt called JM repeatedly trying to get back in Joseph’s good books. In response Joseph shuts off his phone meanwhile Merritt keeps calling. Joseph listens to the messages and calls Merritt to say, forget it, ain’t happening, it’s over. He may have also told Merritt that he would be pressing charges or contacting a lawyer the following day.

        Liked by 5 people

        • I agree Fran, and I wonder if that is exactly what Joseph conveys to Chase (either by voicemail or on the phone) in that 5:47 call – when Chase takes off in a rage from RC to Fallbrook, either that or under the guise of “bringing money to appease Joseph”…

          Liked by 5 people

          • The “bringing money to appease Joseph” may have been what the voice messages or phone calls from Merritt were about. I think by that time Joseph was fed up with the whole thing and didn’t want anything more to do with him. I’m speculating of course. How many times in the past had Merritt been advanced money for supplies for a fountain order, and spent that money gambling or for non business purposes and had to get more money, or Joseph just purchased the supplies himself? I’m sure Merritt always had a new excuse, always apologized to Joseph and promised it wouldn’t happen again and he’d pay back the money… Yada yada yada.

            Liked by 6 people

  24. Oh goody! I can hardly wait to see what Baker fabricates next.


    Coming tonight…

    Liked by 3 people

    • It’s up now. What happened to the bullet proof evidence of the family being seen alive on the seventh by the neighbour? This guy can’t keep his story straight. At all.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Oh he just goes to the next lie so everyone will forget the lie before and not ask. That’s Bakers mo he just lies and then starts another lie to change the subject. He has no proof an never did, only more BS!

        Liked by 7 people

  25. The thing is…if Joey was so angry and fed up and done with Chase, then don’t you think he would have told a few people? Or don’t men do that? I know I would have, at the very minimum told 2 people. My mom and my husband.
    I always wondered why Chase brought up how a woman was all over Joey, but Joey loved Summer. I can’t help but think slimy Chase probably encouraged a woman to come on to Joseph, so that way he would have a way to silence Joseph once he started stealing from him and in case if the sh*% hit the fan. To me, those comments are just odd. And it seems like Joey was silenced that day, in the sense that he apparently did not tell anyone just how angry and done he was with Chase…..

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think he may have talked or texted to Summer on the way home. He may have been so upset that he was going to wait until the next day before he began dealing with it. Changing his password, getting legal advice or contacting the authorities.
      I had thought that maybe Merritt was encouraging other women to come onto Joseph in the hopes that Joseph would divorce Summer.. But your theory makes more sense. Something to blackmail Joseph with.

      Liked by 1 person

    • From what I know of Joseph and what I have learned from family, Joseph was a very good thinker. He would think things through and then act. So I would think since he had just learned that day of the money being stolen by Merritt from his account and he probably found the other QB account and he was putting things together before speaking. It has been said that his father did know some of the problems Joseph had with Merritt and so did at least two other friends of his not to mention Gina who had spoke with Joseph about Merritt and warned him. I just think this was the day it all hit the fan and Joseph was thinking it all over and gathering facts for the police. Joseph wasn’t known to just run out wildly and go of half cocked, he thought things out as I understand it.

      Liked by 5 people

      • That does sound like Joe, Rob, considering all the things I have read about him and his personality. He was a true easy going type of person. Summer seemed to be the exact opposite and they say opposites attract. Joe probably told Merritt that Summer wanted him arrested for the embezzlement.

        Liked by 1 person

      • What I find ironic and kinda funny…is they cannot eliminate or deny that Chase is guilty, no matter how they spin it as he got roped into helping Mike, yada yada yada, is they can’t resist connecting Mike McStay to Chase because it fits their narrative.

        Rob, do you know from family members if Mike met and talked to Merritt at Joseph’s wedding, as a certain blogger is alleging?

        Liked by 4 people

        • I can only speak for myself about the wedding. I was there and I don’t remember meeting Merritt or seeing him there. I’m not even sure that Joseph and Merritt had met at that time but it could be possible. If they had met I believe they hadn’t done much business together at that time and I don’t see how Merritt would have been invited to the wedding.

          Liked by 7 people

    • From my experience with men, they do not talk about things like women do. They tend to internalize everything. I am sure Summer knew what was going on but others might not have known the extent of Chase’s dealings costing Joey a lot of money. A lot of men would feel that it is somewhat their fault because they misjudged this person that they were in business with. Joe probably knew some of Chase’s criminal record but wanted to give the guy a chance because Chase might have convinced Joe he was a different person now.

      Liked by 4 people

      • I claim this statement about men because I have been married for 25 yrs. I also have a very large extended family and that is how I have drawn this assumption about men in general.

        Liked by 4 people

        • My dad is a rare exception, I often tell him to quit telling people his business! He has been taken advantage of before to the point where I said to one of the jobbers that came around to offer to clean gutters, etc. that I could count 7 guys that had ripped my dad off (tree cutting, etc) but there wouldn’t be an 8th, as I would shoot the 8th one.

          Liked by 3 people

      • That, or if others had already spoken to him that they thought Chase was shady, or taking advantage of him, he might not want to hear the “I told you so” lectures.

        Liked by 2 people

  26. I have anger issues, so this idea that anyone would get taken advantage of and continue to be passive, quiet and whatnot just seems very odd to me. But, it is also very admirable. It just seems to me that Joseph had many acquaintances and people he spoke to, but no real confidants outside of Summer, which obviously happens in real life once people get married and have kids, and I’m sure Chase LOVED and was waiting to exploit that part about him.
    Sometimes I want so badly for this family to still be alive that I forget that murder will never make sense to me. I want so bad for someone to have gone head to head with Chase Merritt over the disappearance— but the reality is he fooled everyone…and the family is dead, no way to bring them back or make anything right. The only thing left is for the prosecution to go head to head with a known liar, manipulator and thief. I hope they are half as passionate about justice for the McStays as some of the bloggers and their crews.
    We talk a lot about Chase and the defense. Do we know much about the prosecution? Is it a good team? Anyone that sat in on the prelim or hearings or whatever…are you confident in them, do they seem passionate about this case? Do these lawyers and whatnot actually have morals and feelings about justice for the victims, or do they just tend to look at this as a case and keep personal feelings out of it? I’ve never been in court, but from my family it seems like they are just there to do a job and nothing else. (Of course, none of these are murder related) I could never be a lawyer, I’d punch Chase in the face the first free chance I got and I would probably have a break down.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Usually the prosecution is passionate about finding justice for the victims. They seem to have more compassion for the victims and their families also. The defense attorneys are a whole different ball game. They just want to win the case for their client who is paying them. A lot of defense attorneys do not even want to know if their client is guilty and would actually prefer not to know. Their ambitions are questionable, to say the least. The whole process is more of a game for the defense. IMO

      Liked by 5 people

  27. I think the state is going to be extra passionate about this case for several reasons, the first being the kids. The boys were so young and innocent that no matter how you slice it they did not deserve to have their young lives cut short and in such a brutal and horrific fashion. Also, Joey and Summer were simply living life. They didn’t run with a bad crowd or put themselves in dangerous situations. Murder is a horrible thing to happen to anyone but let’s face it, people like drug dealers and gang bangers put themselves in situations where they know the end result can be murder.

    I think the State is going to go after Merritt with a vengeance simply because he played games and thinks he out smarted and fooled everyone. He will be proven wrong on every level and everyone will see the con and murderer that is Charles Ray Merritt.

    Liked by 10 people

  28. So now we know Baker’s theory on how this crime went down:
    chs84 says:
    08/25/2016 at 7:56 PM
    Maybe it went like this. Mike was in Fallbrook, things escalated, and someone got seriously injured or accidently killed. Mike is now in a very bad situation. Fearing going to prison he kills the entire family and covers it up. He then calls Chase and says, “They got them.” “They” as in cartel/drug gang. Chase believes it because they really were involved in some form of drug/money laundering scheme. That would explain why Summer’s friend, Diane, in an interview on Feb 18th asked that her last name not be revealed, said she feared for her life. It is during the McStay investigation that the FBI uncovers “bigger” and more “important” information and they have chosen to keep quiet. Mike may have had some minor injuries and that’s the real reason for the 10 day wait.

    Liked by 4 people

    Rick Baker says:
    08/25/2016 at 7:58 PM

    So were are going back to the cartel and some kind of drug/money laundering espionage. The FBI is covering for some kind of bigger deal that needs to stay hidden right now. Mike is in this with Chase and Chase is going to go to trial and try to beat this thing instead of exposing Mike McStay’s involvement. I say too much drama and those people on Baker’s blog watch too much netflix and TV shows. They have a warped sense of reality. They have no idea how stupid they sound to rational people. Just a complete blog of nutcases.

    Liked by 3 people

  29. So if we are to believe Baker’s latest crock of shit (LMAO) why was he so upset some months back because”Joey and Summer got the boys killed”? Or was it the Cartel or drug smuggling or porn or straw there or? Baker is doing something I never thought was poss; making an even bigger fool of himself. I know his followers are pretty dense but even they can’t really believe that Mikey and Merritt got together for a big murder cover up conspiracy, can they? It makes zero sense.

    On a side note, I noticed that Baker is now talking shit about Merritt which must mean that Merritt, et al won’t give him the time of day now either. Poor Faker, how’s he going to get the inside information now?

    Liked by 6 people

  30. “The only connection I have with the two prior to February 4, 2010, is when the both attended the block party on Joey’s cul-de-sac. According to a neighbor, both Chase and Mike “obviously knew each other.”

    Originally, years ago, Rick claimed that this neighbor said the block party was on 4th of July. Of course we know that the family did not move to the house until October 2009. Notice he left that out. I’ll see if I can find the original quote.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Let me add this Corn, IIRC Mike has also said he was never at his brother Joseph’s house prior to February 15, 2010. Mike stated in past interviews he hadn’t been to the house since his brother moved in.

      Liked by 6 people

      • Yes Mike met Chase at the gas station before going because Mike didn’t know where it was.

        I wasn’t able to locate the exact quote for the block party, but he did state it was 4th of July. Otherwise, no one holds a block party in the fall or winter. Not even for Halloween.

        Rick is really grasping for this Mike/Chase co-conspiracy thing. He is that obsessive in wanting to see Mike take some fall. what a sad existence.

        Liked by 7 people

      • I think the first time Mike was at the house was the day he met Merritt there and Mike crawled through the window. Was that the 13th? Then again on the 15th, the day Dugal swept the house and requested a sw.

        Liked by 1 person

        • On that note I wonder if at trial we will hear from the neighbour who fed the dogs and eventually called animal control. Also the Animal control employee who left the two notrs and called Mike.

          Liked by 4 people

      • My mistake it was February 13th, 2010 that Mike said was the first time he was at his brothers house not the 15th. Sorry my mistake.


  31. As I have said many times before, this is all a BIG GAME to them and the more outrageous and stupid the theory, the more they love it. They could really care less about the victims or Merritt. It’s all just fun to them, hurting and trying to destroy the living and the dead is their pleasure and Baker is the head instigator in all of it.

    Liked by 9 people

    • Rob that is so absolutely true. To Baker and the people talking trash on his blog, this is like another TV show. They have no empathy. They might claim they do for the boys but not their parents. Extremely weird folk on that blog. Too much ID channel. To them this is just norm and they truly love true crime and all the gore.

      Liked by 2 people

  32. With all that we have just pointed out, just that you would think would be enough to wake Merritt’s Family up to how Baker could really care less about Merritt and anyone else. You would think they would get smart and drop him like a heart attack (no pun intended).

    Liked by 3 people

    • I think the Merritts are gone from Baker’s blog. It is just the people that see no wrong with Baker and his wacky findings. Complete misfits. It truly is only about five women and their numerous aliases. Maybe a “drive-by” now and then but just the same old handful of weirdo women.

      Liked by 3 people

  33. Great comments and discussion . I don’t believe Joey told anyone about Chase screwing up , or on the murder day about Chase stealing from Joey’s business account . Joey hated facing what an idiot he’d been concerning his kindness and gullibility towards Chase . Joey knew Summer was going to be outraged and red hot furious and he’d have to hear endless ” I told you so’s ” from her , he was dreading telling her and first went to meet Chase that day to cut him loose and hoping to get the full picture before telling Summer . But I believe even if it wasn’t mentioned that day , both Chase and Joey knew Summer would never let it drop and would insist on law enforcement involvement , even if Joey didn’t want them involved , although I believe he too was furious and fed up with Chase . Whatever happened at that meeting the last phone call when Chase turned off his phone – he was driving to murder them . I think if Summer knew , there would have been multiple phone calls to Joey that day and a long phone call between them while Joey was driving home . And considering the timing of Joey calling the bank and finding out there was money missing and then leaving to meet Chase soon after – there wasn’t time for Joey to tell and discuss with Summer . She would have been livid and I can’t imagine him telling Summer – oh wow I just found out Chase stole money , sorry gotta go .

    Liked by 2 people

  34. And the thing about Patrick speaking to Joey before Joey called the bank and Patrick saying Joey was in a fine mood , casually mentioning he was meeting Chase . I think Joey called the bank – freaked out and left to meet Chase . I bet Chase came up with a thousand excuses / lies and promises to pay it back or insisted it was all a banking mistake . But finally Joey wasn’t buying it . And Chase had to murder them before Joey or Summer had a chance to tell anyone . just my opionin

    Liked by 4 people

  35. Kind of off topic…

    Did anyone catch Caitlin Rother on ID last night? She provided some commentary on a show about a husband killing his wife. I was wondering if she still intends to write a book about this case so I emailed her. This was her response:

    I’m still hoping to write it, but it depends on the timing of the trial. I’m under contract to write a Charles Manson book right now, which is fascinating, and totally engulfing me… Have they even set a trial date yet? I haven’t seen anything on that…

    Liked by 6 people

  36. Not to change the subject but does anyone have any current pictures of the Grave site that they can post here or share a link too. Is anyone keeping the crosses and site up?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rob,
      I emailed a picture to Corn last week, I think. A local man posted it on our local FB site and it looks like the graves and crosses are being beautifully maintained. I also sent the pics to Patrick via FB. If you speak with him will you please let him know?

      Liked by 2 people

        • I sent it to him as a message on FB 8/20/16 and it shows he saw it at 12:42. I don’t know how to post it here but I bet Corn can do it for us 🙂


      • Oh I am so sorry, completely forgot about that. Let me get that. I’ll put it in the post,

        What was the name of Merritt’s book, Afraid of the Light?

        I think someone on another blog claimed that the crosses were removed. This picture was taken last week. I recall Mike posting recently that His mom Susan visited the site and placed solar lights.

        I’m sure some blogger will make this out to be a cover-up of guilt.

        Liked by 2 people

  37. The further one moves away from the prosecution’s theory and LE’s evidence the more ridiculous the story becomes.
    After Joseph shows Chase how to cut a check on QB, Chase leaves and a group of abductors subdue the family with drugs and cover their eyes and mouths with painters tape….
    Mike killed the family because of an arguement over a medication prescribed for one of his children and called Chase on Joseph’s phone…
    Summer stole a black corvette from a cartel member and he murdered the family as payback. He framed Chase….
    Joseph kicked butt on the soccor field and a member of the opposing team took out their revenge on the family…they framed Chase

    Liked by 5 people

    • But buried the bodies where they would never be found…but just on the small chance in 4 years they are found…or if Chase pisses us off at any time we will send over a motorcycle driver to “find” the bodies and Chase would be framed :- @@

      Liked by 4 people

  38. In the words of my dear friend, Fran, oh for f*cks sake. It doesn’t get any more absurd than this.


    February 4, 2010:…

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  39. At this point, I’m beginning to think RB was abducted by aliens and a full brain removal was performed and then replaced with glowing green alien shit. He is now posing as a blogger, as a part of a big government conspiracy to free Chase Merritt because the government wants to use him again to set him up for another average family of 4’s murder, because the government secretly works with the cartel and allows them to practice heinous crimes on American citizens while they sit back and consume the cocaine the cartel supplies to them.
    Rick Baker now knows what happened on February 4th 2010, folks. No shit for brains at all there!

    Liked by 6 people

    • Yes, that would explain Chase’s phone pinging near the gravesite 2-6-2010! Only the gubberment would be able to mirror cell phone ID’s like that! They used their spy satellites to beam Chase’s phone’s serial # down to that tower closest to the gravesite…..and voila, perfect setup!

      Liked by 2 people

    • I think what happened to Baker is that this last road trip where he stopped in Colorado and said “hi” to his son was all set up so Baker could purchase hemp oil with pot in it for Becky. You can get hemp oil now legally everywhere but not the hemp oil with the pot essence containing a slight amount of THC which is the type needed for cancer treatment. He also bought some herb to smoke and drove it all back to NC. Now he is sitting back and smoking her stash and taking her hemp oil. He is as high as a kite and that is where all these ridiculous crime scene stories are coming from.

      Liked by 3 people

  40. “Mike then uses Joey’s phone to call Chase, after 8pm, and that’s why Chase didn’t answer.”

    No, I think not.

    “Backing up to February 4, is there any record on the
    12 defendant’s cell phone records of a call received at 8:30 P.M.
    13 from the victim?
    14 THE COURT: From who?
    15 MR. DAUGHERTY: From the victim, Joseph McStay, Sr.
    16 THE WITNESS: At 8:30 P.M.?
    17 Q (By Mr. Daugherty) Right.
    18 A No, sir.
    19 Q Sir, is it your opinion that the phone was either off or
    20 in airplane mode at that time?
    21 A That’s what it appears, in my experience”

    Liked by 2 people

  41. When I go look at faker’s shit blog, I’m at the point that I actually skip his bullshit and roll on down and read responses to get my giggles going for the day. I’ve pretty much lost interest (and energy) in whatever he has to say. Guess you can only take so much when someone is so full of shit. Now his few (if any) followers come up with some stupid stuff that it’s actually hilarious and leaves you scratching you head. Never in my life have I ever asked myself so much “what the hell”?!!

    Liked by 4 people

  42. There is no possible way that even Baker believes his own crap. Does he or his followers realize he truly ludicrous his story sounds?

    I don’t particularly care for Rose but I will say she usually seems pretty level headed and I’ve noticed that when Baker posts something this outlandish and unbelievable Rose is pretty quiet, meaning she doesn’t by the BS. This latest post is no exception.

    Liked by 2 people

  43. When you read Baker’s latest scenario it is hilarious (or just sad) how his followers buy into another one of his made up crime scene stories. They completely disregard all the previous stories that he has told and right away are more than happy to believe this new revelation. They add a little here and there and no one even seems to question his latest outlandish story.

    Liked by 3 people

  44. I find this absolutely fascinating and wanted to share it here even though I haven’t thought it through very well yet.
    It’s a basic outline of three theories of typology of crimes and criminals.
    It’s easy to see in these lists the classification of crimes that Merritt was involved in prior to the murders. His criminal experience and knowledge would have assisted him in covering up the crime of murder and helped him with misleading the investigation. Its also easy to see the crimes that were committed alongside the murders, for instance forgery and embezzlement, and that they fall into the same categories as his previous crimes.

    An excerpt from
    Criminal Behaviour Theories Typologies and Criminal Justice by Jacqueline B. Helfgott.

    The crime classification manual (ccm) classifies violent crime into three categories : homicide, arson, rape/sexual assault. Offenses are based on victimology, crime scene characteristics, staging/nature of the offense, and forensic findings.

    A typology is an abstract category or class (or set of categories and classes) consisting of characteristics organized around a common principle relevant to a particular analysis.

    FBI organized disorganized typology :

    distinguishes between offenders who leave organized mixed or disorganized crime scenes and tells something about the offenders criminal sophistication and personality. The organized offender has psychopathic characteristics, needs power and control and exhibits controlled and organized behaviour during the commission of the crime such as planning and staging, brings weapon, hides evidence.
    In contrast, the disorganized offender is said to display characteristics of psychosis, commits crimes out of passion, compulsion, frustration, or anxiety, and engages in reactive violence, using whatever objects are found at the scene as weapons.

    Multi trait Typology is organized around 5 theoretical dimensions :

    1. Legal aspects of selected offense
    2. Criminal career of offender
    3. Group support of criminal behaviour
    4. Correspondence between criminal and
         legitimate behaviour
    5. Social reaction and legal processing

    And following 9 theoretical types of criminal behaviour in relation to these 5 dimensions

    1. Violent personal (incl homicide, rape,
    2. Occasional property (incl forgery,
         shoplifting, theft)
    3. Public order (incl prostitution, drunkenness
    4. Conventional (larceny, burglary, robbery)
    5. Political (conspiracy, political
    6. Occupational (workplace, theft,
    7. Corporate (incl insider trading, false
         advertising, environmental pollution)
    8.  Organized ( incl. racketeering, organized
          criminal activity in legimate business)
    9. Professional (incl. counterfeiting, forgery,
         confidence games)

    Routine activity theory multi trait typology offers a typology of crime organized around 5 dimensions :

    1. Offenders criminal career
    2. Offender versatility
    3. Level of crime planning
    4. Offender motivation
    5. Target selection factors

    The authors apply these dimensions to each of seven crime categories :

    1. Murder and aggravated assault
    2. Sexual assault
    3. Personal and institutional robbery
    4. Residential and nonresidential burglary
    5. Motor vehicle theft
    6. Occupational and organized crime
    7. Public order crime

    Typologies are used at all stages of the criminal justice process –  from profiling in LE to expert testimony on categories of criminal behaviour in adjudication and sentencing, to offender classification in corrections, to dangerous predictions at the parole reentry stage, typologies of crime and criminals make there way into the criminal justice system…
    Criminal justice policymakers, practitioners, attorneys, jurors and citizens have to know something about how offenders whose behaviour falls into one or another category of crime are alike and different in order to respond meaningfully to crime.


    Liked by 1 person

  45. More BS

    Rick Baker says:
    08/26/2016 at 2:37 PM
    Tim told me that he knew beyond any shadow of doubt, that Mike McStay “knew what happened to the family.” He has not talked about it publicly since he was defrauded by Mike and had to pay almost $5,000 of his expenses that Mike said he would pay. Add to this that Mike tried to raise money using TES on his website and Tim has washed his hands of all of it. He will not talk about it publicly because it is a black eye for him and TES and he has donors and a good reputation to keep up.


    • This is real interesting when you consider that Patrick and Tim Miller are good friends. Also Patrick has attended several fund raisers solely to help raise funds for TES and the awareness of his families case when they were said to be missing.Remember Baker made that phony bill he claimed that Mike and Patrick owed TES money and later Tim said it was a lie of Bakers. Then Baker finally admitted he made the bill up but he said he wasn’t lying about the bill which Tim totally debunked. So now we have Baker making up more lies about TES and Tim Miller involving lies about the McStays. I’ll be sure to forward Tim Miller and TES a copy of this so he has evidence of more of Bakers lies.

      Liked by 2 people

    • This again? Sigh. Go to the TES website and read for yourself. TES takes zero $ from any family searching for their loved one (s).

      Another load of complete crap from Baker. This one has been, and is still super easy to prove the lie, and yet his synchophants lap this crap up like candy.

      You folks are being made the fool, again and again, on a daily basis. Wake up and smell the stinking pile of bullshit that is Rick Glenn Baker.

      Liked by 1 person

  46. I’ll post about new “Revelations” recently made at a later date. It will take some time to get through the crazy stuff. Or maybe not. We try to focus on the truth here but at the same time, cut through the BS. It’s an arduous task when you face the biggest piece of bullshit on a daily basis.

    Meanwhile, I have kids to raise.

    Liked by 3 people

    • On that note, I got some great news today. My daughter and granddaughter are moving into an apartment in my building! It’s going to be fantastic having them so close by. She will be starting kindergarten next month. They are only moving from across town, but still it makes baby sitting and meal sharing so much easier. Some parents can’t wait until their kids grow up and move out, but I am happy to have them near me for as long as possible.

      Liked by 6 people

  47. Stop press case solved by rick baker (again) …. What I find really shocking is that there are people dumb enough to think his comments are anything but the sick fantasy of a deranged mind.

    Liked by 5 people

  48. I noticed last night that Baker began his typical removal of posts that either weren’t in agreement with his BS story or people questioning him. Now I see this morning that he’s rewritten his garbage to not include the obvious questionable things and he’s moved it down on the blog.

    See, even he doesn’t believe his own crap. Too funny, Baker.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Internet hhigh five and gold stars to Just Me for calling the melt down!!!! From Baker. He will probably be back. Geez


      My only purpose in any of this was to bring justice for the McStay family, especially the boys.

      I now believe that the McStay case is solved. I have had this proven to me privately and I am satisfied. It matters not to me what the DA, or others say, or if Chase is convicted of the murders. Our prisons are full of wrongly-convicted men and women. I don’t believe Chase killed the family, but he was involved, and for that, I hope he goes to prison for the rest of his life. He is a filthy criminal, a manipulator, a blight on humanity.

      As for Mike McStay, well, he makes Chase look like an altar boy. I believe his day is coming. He knows what he did, how and why he did it, and a few others know what he did. One day, everyone will.

      So, there is nothing left for me, or this blog to do. Yes, it is a good place to meet and talk for those hooked on the case, like me! But there is nothing left to solve. It’s over. The boys have their justice, as far as I am concerned.

      I bid you all a sincere farewell.


      • Hmmm both Maeve and Baker have announced they are moving on… Is it just a coincidence or is it a conspiracy? lol
        Maybe they are both just trawling for attention and accolades from their blog participants.

        Liked by 2 people

    • He’s such an internet savvy dude. Someone needs to explain that buying friends is a big ass fail. That same someone could perhaps introduce him to all the wonderful privacy features Facebook has to offer. What a tool.


  49. I just saw what Baker is saying about the so called prescription. I also saw the accusations he is making that Patrick told him about the prescription. I know this is another of Bakers lies because I remember when Baker started that lie and asked Patrick. He said it was the first he had ever heard any such thing and knew it was just another Baker fantasy. I see Baker goes on saying Patrick told him about the prescription and naturally Baker claims the information came from a SDSD “source” and the information is “fortunately” in the case files. First how would Baker have any idea what is or isn’t in the SDSD case files. Also tell me why no one in the SDSD, SBC, FBI, US Customs, Border Patrol, Family Members, Friends or anyone else has ever said a word about evidence of there being any such prescription. Now also if as Baker say Patrick told him and Baker has post what he calls emails between Patrick and him. Then he needs to show us were Patrick told him that, show the email. Bet he can’t and the next thing he’ll say is “oh no he told me verbally” any bets? Also who in the SDSD was the so called source, we know Baker only claimed to have spoke with Det Dugal and Dugal has said he never told Baker or anyone else not even the family of case information. So Baker, Patrick and know you read here and so, produce real documented proof and not your fake or phony papers you always forge. There was no such prescription and as Patrick told me there never was and he didn’t know about it until he read that Baker had come up with the story of the prescription. Baker spin spin spin lie lie lie the truth always comes out and it is coming out again. How many times is Baker going to lie and then lie to cover a lie? When will he grow up and become a man and leave this family alone and admit he knows nothing? Such a poor excuse and waste of a human life Baker is as I see it.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Each time he comes out with these stories it just makes the past and present stories less and less credible. First it’s irrefutable unequivocal proof that Joseph was alive on February 7th because a neighbor saw him on Super Bowl Sunday. Now the neighbor is mistaken because the narrative is being written to implicate Michael McStay in the murders, in association with Chase Merritt, so the neighbor has to be wrong. It’s just laughable at this point.

      Look, all you have to do is look at the track record – has one accusation “case solved” type thread ever panned out – I can’t think of one.

      I cannot wait for this trial to start so this bullshit can be put to bed.

      Liked by 4 people

  50. I’m waiting for the lawsuit against Baker and his deposition that will prove all his lies and forged papers. It will be a big laugh! Baker doesn’t seem to realize he will have to testify in a civil lawsuit and he can’t refuse to give testimony like he probably did in his criminal cases. You have to testify in a civil case and I doubt anyone suing will stop any action without making Baker testify and use all his blog words and statements to question him and get his answers under oath. At the worst he will be on record in a legal case proving all his lie. People are just waiting for the trial to end and then Bakers HELL will begin!

    Liked by 7 people

    • Perhaps Patrick or family members could contact Dr. Phil – bet he’d take it on. It’s a fascinating subject, the mentality of bullying family members of victims of homicide.

      Even more vicious than the bullying, is aligning with the accused murderer, AND accusing the brother of murdering his own family, re-victimizing Summer over and over, etc., etc.

      Liked by 3 people

      • I know the Dr. Phil Show contacted Mike and they also contacted Patrick. Neither of them wanted to give Baker the pleasure of being on TV with them. They didn’t want to help him get the attention he wanted and knew that they could give him and they certainly weren’t going to give any suggestion of any recognition to Baker. I say this because Patrick and I have spoke of this very subject (Dr. Phil Show) but I don’t speak for Mike as I haven’t asked him about this subject. I do know that neither are going to speak of much if anything until the trial. I know Patrick says it will all come out in the trial as to the truth and all the lies that have been spread.

        Liked by 5 people

    • I forgot the real fun will begin when Baker is on the witness stand in the civil suit against him. That is when all the lies from his blog and the continued or added lies form his deposition will be used against him to prove how despicable and disgusting a person he is. It will be a comedy of such a magnitude and Baker will show the world the vicious and vile person he is. It will last for eternity and be all over the internet for infinity the loser Baker is!

      Liked by 4 people

      • I have been waiting for someone to sue Baker. All the implications that he has written and spoken about against Susan and Mike McStay are going to find Baker in a civil suit. I have believed this for a long while now. It is certainly defamation of character. I could even see Patrick McStay suing Baker, also.

        Liked by 4 people

  51. Steph Watts ” Chase Merritt is a sociopath” and no, he doesn’t make any mention about the stepdad.
    Uploaded Nov 14, 2014

    Bip says:
    08/25/2016 at 11:08 AM
    Perhaps the friend was there to help Mike from making a slanderous statement about CM, etc.
    As to Steph Watts – Obviously, he met Mike McStay in person, toured the home, interacted with Tim Miller. Yet, if memory serves correctly, when CM was arrested, SW seemed to think The Stepdad was involved. Anyone else recall it that way?


    • Steph Watts was on Baker’s blogspot radio show. He did state that he thought the stepdad was involved. He talked about McFadden for quite awhile. He did not say much about Merritt. He also never implied that Mike McStay had anything to do with this crime. He basically just went after McFadden. Steph never mentioned the cartel either. Soon after the radio show, Steph had some kind of a falling out with Baker which is usually what happens with Baker. I think it had something to do with Steph working with Tim Miller and Patrick.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Mo. Do you remember when that show was taped? I’m sure when the graves were first discovered people had a lot of different ideas about who may have been responsible for the murders. I would have suspected McFadden as well because of his criminal record.


        • Fran, I do not remember the date of the radio show. I have to agree that McFadden did have a lot of people questioning if he was involved. His past criminal record is quite telling. McFadden really fought back with all the true crime blogs. You can not blame him. The CPS stuff should have never been published. That was so wrong. McFadden’s livelihood was even threatened having the jewelry store. He makes beautiful jewelry, by the way.

          Liked by 1 person


    My only purpose in any of this was to bring justice for the McStay family, especially the boys.

    I now believe that the McStay case is solved. I have had this proven to me privately and I am satisfied. It matters not to me what the DA, or others say, or if Chase is convicted of the murders. Our prisons are full of wrongly-convicted men and women. I don’t believe Chase killed the family, but he was involved, and for that, I hope he goes to prison for the rest of his life. He is a filthy criminal, a manipulator, a blight on humanity.

    As for Mike McStay, well, he makes Chase look like an altar boy. I believe his day is coming. He knows what he did, how and why he did it, and a few others know what he did. One day, everyone will.

    So, there is nothing left for me, or this blog to do. Yes, it is a good place to meet and talk for those hooked on the case, like me! But there is nothing left to solve. It’s over. The boys have their justice, as far as I am concerned.

    I bid you all a sincere farewell.”


    Liked by 4 people

  53. Adios mother fucker!

    Sorry everyone but I just couldn’t resist. 🙂

    By the way, after his FB hissy fit yesterday we knew this would be next. He is so damn predictable!

    I think the reason he’s taking down the blog is because he looks like a complete fool and he knows it. Plus there are so many contradictory things he posted that he doesn’t have the answers for. I suspect he’ll regroup, come up with more lies and reopen his blog. Anyone care to make a friendly wager?

    Liked by 6 people

    • His ego could not take not having all his old followers anymore. He just had a handful of people and some posted under numerous aliases just to show some activity on his blog. It was killing him. It is his own fault because he has been spiraling out of control for some time and making just outrageous claims about how this crime took place.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Baker bailed because the only way his theories about this case could have happened is if LE was lying and involved in a big conspiracy cover up. He covered all his bases, so to speak. He said if Chase gets convicted, the prisons are filled with innocent people. If Mike McStay does not get arrested for killing his brother’s family, it was a big conspiracy because of drugs and the cartel involvement. He just might not be back. He summed it up on his part and can always claim the conspiracy crap and he knows he “solved the case”. This way with him gone he will not be subjected to the facts and evidence that come out in the trial. He posted his adios hours ago and only has three people begging him to stay. One is “sally dally”(which may be Rick himself), Agent 99 and JII that just posted on this blog with her info about Cohen.

        Liked by 4 people

  54. I tried to post two comments and because he’s a total douche I can’t handle the truth (insert Jack Nicholson voice 😝) he took them down. I thought you might enjoy them so here you go

    Liked by 7 people

    • I have to admit I almost contacted someone to ask them how they felt knowing Rick Baker has solved the case, but then I didn’t want to bother them with such nonsense responding to my message, or have them focus on the post instead of doing their actual jobs, so I decided against it. His title literally says MCSTAY CASE SOLVED.
      If I were investigators I’d be pretty angry this nutjob is trying to downplay the hundreds to thousands of hours spent on the actual investigation.
      In case if he’s in NC and needs mental help, I’ve included this link.

      Liked by 3 people

  55. Woah! We all know he’s doing this for the ego stroke he so needs. For some sad reason, he needs people to tell him they really need and want him, even if it’s because of his blog. It’s really sad and concerning. Was he always this unstable? I mean I totally have been through two meltdown cycles alongside him, but before that was he like this?

    Liked by 2 people

      • I would bet money that he is bipolar and has never been treated for it. He is in the confident manic phase of that illness and then will cycle into the depressive state. He may not actually appear depressed when in that state. He may just appear more normal. It is good that he will be gone. He is exhausting with all the phases that he goes through. If he did get the hemp oil from Colorado for Becky and is smoking pot himself to keep her company, he may be self medicating and could be coming to the reality that he needs to let this crime go and move on with his life. So many people would be very thankful if he truly did go away. I wonder what poor soul or topic he will become obsessed about next.

        Liked by 4 people

    • Baker has always been a bit off but he has gotten progressively worse through the years. It started out that he just loved all the attention that he was given by having the blog. Then he realized that if he made comments that were dramatic and unbelievable, his blog got more hits. It became all about the numbers on his blog and being rated first up when googling the McStay crime. His ego soared. It just got worse and more dramatic and inflammatory as time went on. He didn’t like when his blog went private because it was just the same old few commenting. He liked the drama that being public on the internet created. He is closing his blog now because he does not have the fan base that he once did. It is just plain and simple.

      Liked by 3 people

  56. I don’t think it has anything to do with Becky. I do think it has everything to do with his untreated mental illness. Hopefully he’ll take this time to get his desperately needed psych evaluation.

    Liked by 4 people

  57. All the evidence they offer as to Merritt’s innocence is either hidden because people are afraid to come forward or not explored because the prosecution and defense aren’t interested. Its riduculous.

    Agent 99 says:
    08/28/2016 at 3:04 PM
    Before the blog goes poof I want to go on record for the hundredth time saying that they were not buried on the 6th .. I know this because I live in those mountains and deserts and I know that unless he had a military type jeep or some kind of Monster 4×4 he couldn’t get across that wash.. And even more frustrating to know this is all I need is a day of rain in Victorville to prove it by going out there and recording it… But that isn’t going to happen ARGH !! And I don’t trust the defense to even explore this … Its not in their wheelhouse

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not in their wheelhouse…. That’s what expert witnesses are for. Maybe the defense can hire Agent 99 to explain to the jury about the weather and driving conditions at the gravesite Feb 6.

      Liked by 5 people

      • What’s so funny is I’ve been at the site many times and you don’t have to cross the wash to get to the graves. The tracks were on the west side of the wash which is accessed from the road west of the grave site. So 99 is so full of it I have to LMAO.

        Liked by 5 people

        • I think that parcel of land has been surveyed, extensively, for a variety of different reasons. There is most likely a collection of data that documents historic rainfall and flood patterns. It would be a fairly simple project to put together a powerpoint presentation for the jury showing the amount of rainfall over so many hours for that day and the estimated effect in the wash. Was it a torrent that drained away quickly? Was it a steady downpour that created streams and puddles that lingered?
          Agent 99 lacks imagination in my opinion.

          Liked by 1 person

    • But she doesn’t live in those mountains or desert. And there wasn’t “a day of rain”, certainly not enough to cause flooding as this dimwit is suggesting. Also, rain in a wash can disappear as fast as appears. There is proof that a vehicle matching Merritt’s wheelbase made those tracks in muddy conditions.

      Liked by 6 people

  58. Rick posted this on his FB page, the same one that he says he deleted his FB pages because of their bias.

    Rick Baker
    Yesterday at 4:26am ·

    The Most Destructive Weapon On Earth – The Tongue
    (by Greg Laurie)

    More people have died from the power of the tongue than by any weapon humanity has ever devised.
    The world saw the massive destruction of the atomic bomb, as it was called in World War II, when it was dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. And we have seen what can happen when stringent safety standards are not followed after what took place at Chernobyl.
    Yet the most dangerous weapon and the most toxic pollutant on earth is left unchecked: the human tongue. What we need is tongue control, because the tongue, or our words, can do more damage than any weapon that has ever been built. Behind every weapon ever used is rhetoric. Persuasion is what brings certain events about.
    The Bible describes the power of the tongue this way: “Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell” (James 3:5–6 NIV).
    James goes on to give a number of different pictures of the tongue, including that of a bit placed in the mouth of an animal (verse 3). With a bit and a bridle, one person can control a whole team of horses. Without it, a hundred men could not do it. It’s an amazing thing that even a child on the back of a large, muscular stallion can essentially control that horse – if the child understands how the bit and bridle are to be used and knows how to hold the reins.
    Some years ago I went to the Rose Parade, and one of the most memorable sights was seeing a man riding down the boulevard on the back of a buffalo. I had never seen anything quite like it. I have seen buffaloes out in the wild, but I had never seen anyone ride one. With nothing more than a bit and a bridle, the rider came galloping down the street on the beast. It looked like something out of “Star Wars.” It was unbelievable. It just shows you what a small bit can do.
    A powerful animal controlled with nothing more than a bit in its mouth can render a great service. But uncontrolled, it can do much harm. In the same way, a controlled tongue can be a great blessing. But uncontrolled it can do much damage.
    Just as a horse is controlled by a bit, we are controlled by our words. Think about how one word or one statement can set the direction of life. The single word of a judge can condemn us or forgive us. Saying “I do” to someone means marriage. Saying “I don’t” to the temptation of an extra marital affair can mean the saving of that marriage. Saying “I will” to the claims of Christ can change your eternal destiny. Our words so dramatically affect the course our lives will take.
    James points out that the tongue is “a small part of the body,” but it can do so much damage. We might size up someone who appears to be a threat. We’ll notice their bulging biceps or their strong chin or their muscular legs. But what we ought to be worried about is that little two-ounce slab of mucus membrane in their mouths. The tongue can do more damage than anything else.
    Adolf Hitler is a classic example of what can happen when someone dedicates his life and, indeed, his words to darkness and evil. His powerful and persuasive speeches sent an entire nation down the road to hell because they believed in the rhetoric of a madman who dedicated his words to Satan. The result was the senseless slaughter of millions of Jews – and committed Christians as well.
    James went on to say, “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell” (verse 6 NIV). In other words, the uncontrolled tongue has a direct pipeline to hell. As Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (NIV).
    You might be surprised to know that some of the greatest people God ever used had a problem with their tongues. Take Job for instance. God himself called Job blameless and upright. But Job had trouble controlling his tongue, as revealed in the final chapter of his book when he said, “I am unworthy – how can I reply to you? I put my hand over my mouth” (Job 40:4 NIV).
    Isaiah certainly was one of God’s choice servants. But it’s interesting that when he came into the presence of God, he said, “Woe to me! … I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty” (Isaiah 6:5 NIV).
    As Isaiah stood in the presence of a perfect and holy God, the first thing he became aware of was the fact that he misused his words, that he had used his tongue wrongly.
    Without question, Moses was one of the greatest men God ever used. But he, too, had trouble with his tongue at times. It was written of him, “Rash words came from Moses’ lips” (Psalm 106:33 NIV). Apparently, Moses, too, struggled with controlling his tongue.
    Even the silver-tongued orator of the Christian church, the apostle Paul, had trouble with his tongue. On one occasion as he stood before Ananias, the high priest, Ananias commanded that Paul be hit in the face. When that command was carried out, Paul retorted, “God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the law, yet you yourself violate the law by commanding that I be struck!” (Acts 23:3 NIV)
    It gives me hope to know that even God’s greatest had struggles in this area.
    To whom is your tongue dedicated right now? Dedicated to God, our words can be a powerful force for good. But dedicated to the devil and left unchecked, our words – and our tongues – are the most destructive power on earth.


    • I saw that on his twitter yesterday. He is such a hypocrite. Or a complete dumbass if he doesn’t see how that relates to him and his words.
      I’m watching The Mummy and Benny totally reminds me of Rick lol

      Liked by 2 people

    • He is writing about himself. He is the one that has always talked trash about this crime. He has no reading comprehension if he does not get that the whole diatribe he is referring to is all about him. His quoting of the bible is disgusting. He is so far from being part of the Chosen Ones. Pastor Rick that got the boot from his church because he was committing adultery.

      Liked by 4 people

  59. Bring a bobcat but dig shallow graves by hand…@@
    Does anyone know if tool marks on the grave edges would still be visible by the time the graves were excavated?
    sheryllikes55 says:
    08/28/2016 at 5:29 PM
    On the subject of the bobcat, could the McStays bodies have been taken to the gravesites in a raised bobcat bucket on a trailer?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can see what look like hand held shovel marks on the side of the grave that is lit by the sun. Bobcat marks would look different..wider and more scoop like. These people don’t think much at all about if their theories even make the smallest amount of sense.

      Liked by 2 people

      • champagne124 says:
        08/28/2016 at 5:36 PM
        staged. I think they were moved. This was not the original burial site. It just doesnt make sense

        Agent 99 says:
        08/28/2016 at 6:10 PM
        In the prelim one of the detectives said that the Medical examiner told him that the bodies had been there for at least a year maybe two but could have also been there to fit the State’s timeline.. It wasn’t the exact words but basically it was shady way to say it just like this below .. I guess all you have to say at a capital murder case prelim is . “Oh he told a lot of story’s sorry..

        Why do I even bother? We all know the bots are full of it and don’t bother to check source material. Here’s what was said…at least two years
        Oh, and look Changris conferred with her colleague and they peer review.

        3 Q Did you speak with her about the condition of the remains
        4 as she was looking at them, in reference, using as a reference
        5 point the time period by which we know the McStays went missing?
        6 A Yes, sir.
        7 Q And what was that time period which they were believed to
        8 have gone missing?
        9 A So, Changsri and Gray both conferred and believed that it
        10 was consistent with the victims being in the ground for at least
        11 two years. But they said it was well within the time period of
        12 having been there since 2010.
        13 Q And 2010 as being the what?
        14 A The time of death.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Here is just as ridiculous query.

        August 28, 2016 at 10:42 am
        UNLESS, as I suspect the family was subdued first. Then the glasses aren’t broken they are removed for the purposes of binding the victim’s head.

        August 28, 2016 at 10:42 am
        I still don’t get why the killer wouldn’t have just thrown the glasses into the grave.

        August 28, 2016 at 10:43 am
        Maybe they did. It coudl be this wasn’t told at the prelim or maybe animal activity happened. If the glasses are broken maybe a desert rat carried them away.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Yep. That’s part of the theory that the family was abducted from the home using chloroform or some other drug and painters tape, then bludgeoned to death somewhere else.
          Personally, I think the SBSD looked for evidence of any other possible crime scene before returning to the home and conducting a forensic search there. They must have found evidence that confirmed their suspicions beyond what was found in the graves. Evidence of a massive clean up beneath layers of paint. Just because it wasn’t brought up at the prelim doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
          And, just because the defense has said there is not one shred of evidence linking Merritt to the home doesn’t mean it’s true either. Scott Peterson’s defense said the same thing before his trial as did Drew Peterson’s.

          Liked by 1 person

        • These theories are partly stemming from a disbelief that one man could have overpowered the family in their home. But two of the famiky members were small children and the perp was a large well muscled man armed with a sledgehammer. He took them by complete surprise and once he gained control he maintained it.
          Here is Laura Pettler talking about this.

          I wish she had more talks online.


  60. I think we all forgot the next part in Rick’s cycle after claiming he’s closing down – the masses come out, begging him to stay, telling him he can’t leave because without Rick there will never be any true justice, so Rick will feel sorry for his followers and stay around a while longer because he is much needed on the case. Be patient, he usually closes down shortly after the first bluff.

    Liked by 4 people

      • I am sure that Baker is disappointed in the posters on his blog. Their mentality is questionable. They have all these ridiculous theories. Just like SherylLikes wondering if the bodies were transported in the scoop shovel of a bobcat. Just stupid, stupid, beyond stupid stuff. All the good intelligent people from his blog have hit the road. They do not comment anymore. Baker is stuck with about five misfits that are as goofy as he is. Hopefully he will be gone forever from the McStay case. He has been a complete blackstain on this tragedy. Good bye, goofball, Baker. He needs to take care of his wife and cherish his home life and learn to appreciate the small things. It is time for Rick to consider his blessings and stop bashing innocent people. Move on.

        Liked by 3 people

  61. So many people hooked up with this crime years after it took place. I have been on it since day one and the family went missing. Numerous people do not know the basics of this disaster. There were flyers hanging on every pillar at the post office with the family’s picture on it in Bonsall. The grocery store had the flyer in the window. Susan and Blanche walked the town of Fallbrook for days wondering about their children. Numerous articles were written in the Fallbrook Village News about the moms wanting any kind of info. They were begging for information about their family. It just breaks my heart that after Baker heard of this tragedy in a coffee shop in Fallbrook, while he and Becky were living here doing his “hot shot radio show” that was a complete failure, everything about this disappearance got distorted. The more the media got involved, the more absurd the whole crime became. Baker latched onto this tragedy and would not give it a break. He brought out all the horrible cartel allegations and trashed all of Summer’s and Joe’s friends. He is a true Satan incarnate, if I can borrow from one of his biblical terms and preaching BS. Now all these new people have only heard about this tragedy from all the media produced shows. Too much ID channel and true crime arm chair people trying to add their two cents. LE has arrested someone and we need to see what they have because it is substantial. Chase has been through two sets of attorneys and they are defense lawyers, mind you. If their was one iota of evidence that could get this trash bag released from custody, do not you think these defense lawyers would have worked on it? That is the big question. It will all play out at trial and in the meantime, Baker is bailing because he can not face the truth and evidence that will be unfolded at trial. Too much heat in the kitchen, hey Baker?

    Liked by 4 people

  62. Agent 99 says
    “How can you have minor DNA from a person who has said they have been in the auto before and no fingerprints if he was wearing gloves he wouldn’t leave his DNA on a COLLECTIVE SWAB yes collective they don’t really know where his DNA was IMAO”

    IMO he most likely wore gloves to avoid leaving prints but touched his face scalp or neck and transferred the dead skin cells to the steering wheel gearshift and ac/radio controls. At least that’s the most logical and straightforward explanation I can come up with. Regardless his dna was found in those places in a vehicle he said he didn’t drive.

    I’ve been curious about what a “collective swab” is exactly. Here’s what I’ve figured out so far by reading about the recommended way to swab firearms. Anyone with an interest or more knowledge on this than me please weigh in. I know you’re out there.

    The steering wheel, a relatively large surface was swabbed individually and the swab was sent to the lab and analyzed separately. They obtained two clear dna profiles. So they know that Merritt and Joseph touched the steering wheel, but not Summer.

    The radio/ac controls were swabbed together with one swab, and the gearshift was swabbed individually with another swab. In the lab the individual swabs of the controls and shifter were combined and analyzed together because this method of collective analysis has been shown to yield more complete dna profiles than had each individual swab been analyzed separately. They obtained a high enough yield of dna from the ac/radio controls and shifter to get the three clear profiles. JM, CM, and SM.

    Liked by 2 people

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