Postmortem: Summer McStay

summer 1

We explored in detail about what may have occurred in Joseph McStay’s brutal attack, and lightly touched upon how Summer and the children could have been murdered. Murder, it’s an ugly word I know. This is a pretty ugly case. These people were not just killed, they were pummeled until death. That’s a cold hard fact. There is no doubt that the DA is going to cover this fact in much greater detail.

I envision Summer being murdered as much I did with Joseph. It’s hard to determine whether Summer (and Joseph) were standing, sitting or laying down when they received their hits. Without knowing exactly how the bones were fractured or broken, it’s simply impossible. However it doesn’t make it wrong, as some has suggested, to theorize based on what we do know. I do have a “moral compass”, I just don’t choose to see things through rose colored glasses.

Preliminary Hearing, pg 24

Q Can you please describe what she told you in regards to
the adult remains taken from gravesite B, that Detective Avila
assisted in its excavation?
A So, at that point the remains weren’t identified yet.
But they were later determined to be Summer McStay, through DNA.
She received the set of remains and she performed the autopsy in
conjunction with Dr. Alexis Gray, the forensic anthropologist.
During that autopsy she inventoried the remains and noted
several injuries she identified as being antemortem, or prior to
Q And what were those injuries?
A To quote Dr. Changsri, she had multiple fractures of the
jaw, a fracture of the left parietal bone, two fractures of the
right frontal bone, the fracture to the parietal bone with hair
embedded in it, and the fracture of the left frontal bone.
Q You’re referring to the identification — to the remains
identified as Summer McStay?                                                                                                                                  A That’s correct.

Let’s get right to it. Summer McStay hated Chase Merritt. Summer could have been seen by Chase as the person to his (possible) firing. Summer was someone who would stand her ground. Summer on more than one occasion expressed fear about Merritt.

Summer McStay was beaten savagely.



Summer received two separate fractures to her skull on the right frontal bone. This means her attacker was most likely facing her, and, was left handed. She did have a fracture to left portion of the same bone but I contend that this was most likely due to frantic movement. As she just received two hits to the right side of her head, she would have held her head down and to the right in her hand. Then Chase hits the left side of her head. This would have been the third blow. The fact that there are two fractures on the right front side of the head points to a left handed individual.

“She had multiple fractures to the jaw”.

Multiple is a broad term. Since he didn’t say two or three, I would assume it would be more than three and less than a dozen. The jaw bone is a very fragile bone. People can get broken jaws in a simple fall to the ground or a fist fight. Summer could have suffered multiple blows to receive multiple fractures. It’s my belief that Summer’s jaw was shattered with one single blow with the sledge hammer. It would be a very powerful strike, mostly likely spinning her around and sending her to the floor.

Chase would do this as the fourth hit. His last two hits would be to the back of her head, on the left and right. Then, he would turn her on her side to ensure she was dead.


Preliminary Hearing, pg 42

18 Q In comparison to items that were found in or near the
19 graves, was there any indication of paint-type supplies or
20 painting activities consistent in those graves?
21 A Yes.
22 Q What?
23 A There was blue painter’s tape in the graves, in a white
24 shop towel. There was paint on Summer McStay’s brassiere. And
25 paint on the sledgehammer.
26 Q Was there something unique about the paint on the
27 brassiere?
28 A Yes, it was horizontal across the brassiere, consistent
1 with either Summer McStay painting sideways, lying sideways, or
2 incapacitated, or a drip falling on her brassiere.
3 Q So had she been wearing the brassiere it would have gone
4 from left to right or right to left across the body, is what
5 you’re referring to as horizontal?
6 A Correct.

It seems every time I read the transcripts, I find something new. Or something to ponder. So, the paint on the bra is more revealing than just the color or the trajectory of the paint. They did determine she had to be laying on her side while this transference occurred. I mean, nobody believes that she was painting just wearing her bra while laying down. Although, given the outlandish theories out there right now, some probably do.

Let’s think about environment. The murders took place sometime between 7ish and 7:45. It was a cool night with rain in the forecast for that weekend. With these conditions it would take a while for paint to dry. When, in that 45-50 minute time frame, did Chase have time to effectively murder 4 people AND paint? It could have been done, but not that night. He would have to clean off the blood first and then dry. Then paint.

Chase could not paint that night and here is the piece pointing to why.

The detectives were able to determine the trajectory of the paint on Summer’s bra. So, the paint dried on the bra. There is no way they could do that if Chase moved the bodies in that narrow time frame with the paint on the bra because it would still be wet. That paint drop would have been smeared. Moving a dead body would be very difficult, even for Chase.

Try doing that without smearing a drop of wet paint.

The painting was done on another day and Summer, at least, was left in the home.

True Crime Addiction

From The New Yorker – “TRUE CRIME ADDICT” AND THE SERIOUS PROBLEM OF INTERNET SLEUTHS, an article on author James Renner and his book.

“Cold cases have long attracted hangers-on like Renner, who work for years on “solving” the crime but never do. In cases that broke before the advent of Internet sleuthing, they often called themselves “private investigators,” which represented a shockingly diverse category. Now many of these people gather on the Internet, posting on sites like Renner’s. The result is a complicated morass of uncontrolled speculation. It certainly isn’t justice, not for Murray or for her family. I’m frankly surprised that a major publishing house decided to release Renner’s book.

After all, crime “addicts” such as James Renner rarely, if ever, solve crimes. They are drawn to the most dramatic possibilities and ignore more tedious solutions. For all that Renner has written on Maura Murray’s case, both in his book and online, I’ve never seen him seriously investigate the most plausible theory: that, fearing a D.U.I. arrest, Murray walked away from her car in the New Hampshire cold, got lost, and died.”

340 thoughts on “Postmortem: Summer McStay

  1. Astute observation that because the paint drip was not smeared it had to be dry when the body was taken from the home. This reaffirms my theory that Merritt returned to the home sometime after that 9:32 pm call from Mira Loma and before his phone is pinging in Uplands at 7:30 am.
    His vehicle is seen leaving the home, then moments later he is back in the home on the computer and gathers the phones. He didn’t necessarily leave in a panic and run away from the scene in horror and shock, or if he did he got over it fairly quickly, in ten minutes or so.

    If his hand was injured in the attack he may have needed suppies to clean and dress the wound before doing much of anything else, except use the computer in a failed attempt to establish an alibi.
    He may have driven to his shop or storage to get supplies, a large container, gloves, coveralls, a tarp or tie downs.
    He may have picked up some bones for the dogs or fresh meat, maybe even a tranquilizer for them.
    He may have returned shortly after midnight and stayed until 5 am. There may be video evidence of his return or second departure from the driveway or street.

    Liked by 4 people

    • I think his plan was to create and print off the checks on the McStay computer on the fourth. He would later claim he received them from Joseph at the lunch meeting. Because he was unable to print them he created them the following day and backdated them to the fourth.
      It’s so bone chillingly cold.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Good catch re the paint pattern. I think he was scouting for burial spots on the 5th, that’s why he went to Santa Clarita mountains. I always thought he put the bodies in the storage space the morning of the 5th after having left them in his truck the night of the 4th. He could have left them in the home that night and went back to retrieve them after he turned off his phone on the 5th. Much riskier though. But he was taking risks all over the place.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Have we ever heard anything about what LE might have found in the storage area? I know about an extra key in Joseph’s pocket in his grave, I believe. There also is a picture of the workshop where Chase built the fountains. It shows what appears to be a large freezer. Does anyone else remember that photo? I think it is a you tube video of building or assembling a fountain. Maybe he took them there. It will be good to have some of these type of questions answered at the trial. There is so much more evidence that we are not aware of yet.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Joseph partnered with MSM to build his fountains and Merritt assembled and packed and shipped them from there. Did Merritt also have his own shop?


          • Here is a quote from a guy who worked for him.

            “I haven’t had contact with him or his business in over 10 years or more. We built custom indoor waterfalls. He used to do ornamental welding and construction.I worked for him roughly from 2002 to 2004. He ripped a lot of people off. He lived in San Dimas, and at the time I left the business his family was living at the shop we worked at, and was squatting in some house in Rancho Cucamonga. He actually ripped off a few of his employees. He took taxes out of our checks but never reported it to the IRS. [As far as violence] He punched walls at both shops I worked at and would throw stuff, but not directed at anyone in particular. He told me a few violent stories that he said he went to jail for when he was younger. He said he saw a guy hit a woman in the grocery store so he took a liter of vodka in a glass container and beat the guy with it. He said he went to jail for it, I didn’t ask questions.

            He is not a nice guy. I am pretty sure of that.”

            Liked by 2 people

            • This comment is really interesting. So many people have claimed that Merritt did not have any violent tendencies. They said he was quiet and not a fighter. If he injured a complete stranger and went to jail for it, he was violent. He probably was able to suppress his rage but watch out when he cut loose.

              Liked by 2 people

              • Very very old segment I know, still very much interesting. I am a neighbor from the McStay family. I am very curious about if Chase did leave Summer behind, I would think he must have left her in same position after painting drip? Is this what you’re thinking? Wouldn’t it have been risky? Maybe not actually, bc the family wasn’t reported missing yet. You would think CM truck would have been searched eventually then have detection dead bodies being present.


          • What about this scenario
            JM meets CM in 2007 they partner to build and sell fountains. JM rents a shop for Merritt, essentially providing the start up capital for Merritt to be on board with eip. Only Merritt never is able to stand on his own two feet, business wise, and continues to rely on JM for pay advances, rent, utilities… There are many excellent fountains but also lots of expensive screw ups that cost JM thousands of dollars. Merritt claims to have lost tools in a break in and JM learns that Merritt’s shop is uninsured,. JM pays for the replacement of tools because they are needed to finish fountain orders. JM starts looking for an alternatives.
            Joseph hears about Metro Sheet Metal, a professional fully insured and licensed fabrication shop and decides to partner with them. JM keeps Merritt on as his main creative welder. Merritt is slowly losing control and is now more of an employee of JM, instead of a full partner, and is confined to working in someone elses shop. He has to follow their rules and work within their shop hours. He also is losing a cut of the profits to MSM. Merritt must have realized it was only a matter of time before he is cut out all together. JM may have had negative reports from Dave at MSM about Merritt and Dave may have recommended another welder that was as good or better than Merritt.

            Q Did he say that, did he describe the nature of the
            5 relationship with Metro Sheet Metal and Earth Inspired Products?
            6 A Yes, he did.
            7 Q What did he tell you?
            8 A He said that Metro Sheet Metal had been contracted, he
            9 arranged the contracts with Metro Sheet Metal, that they were
            10 doing the fabrication of the fountains and he was helping. He
            11 was kind of a middleman, where he was helping ship out the
            12 fountains. Metro Sheet Metal was actually creating the
            13 fountains.
            14 Q Did you speak with anyone at Metro Sheet Metal?
            15 A Yes, I did.
            16 Q Did you speak with David Sequieda?
            17 A Yes, I did.
            18 Q What did he tell you about the business relationship
            19 between Joseph and/or between Earth Inspired Products and his
            20 business?
            21 A He stated that he had a partnership with Joseph. That it
            22 was between him and Joseph to create these fountains, and that
            23 Charles Merritt worked in the shop, he helped do the creating,
            24 the materials, and shipping out the product.
            25 But the primary area of the business was between Joseph
            26 and David Sequieda.

            Liked by 5 people

            • JM did get a negative report. He received an email from David saying Merritt hadn’t paid for his shop time. So whatever problems Joseph was hoping to solve by keeping Merritt on and having him work at MSM, were not being solved.
              Joseph gave Merritt every possible opportunity to make a go of it but Chase kept screwing up. Every time. Because Merritt just didn’t care about anyone except himself.
              So at the end of January
              JM has an email for an outstanding bill from MSM. MSM may run their fabricating shop the way hairdressers do, renting out space by the month…
              Merritt owes JM money for charge backs and an enormous personal debt. And can’t or is unwilling to pay JM. And in fact is asking for another advance from JM.
              Merritt has an explosive argument with Summer.
              JM learns of Merritt’s theft directly from his QB account.

              Liked by 5 people

              • I do not think that Merritt necessarily had an explosive argument with Summer. I never noticed anyone claim that Summer ever called Merritt. It could be, but I think that Joe being an easy going type of guy and not liking conflict, told Merritt in their discussion about his owing Joe money and not up to par work, that Summer has had it with him. She wants me to notify LE about the stealing of the check. Or maybe something along those lines. I think the homeopathic anger medicine was for herself. I think that Summer might have been pressuring Joe to get rid of Merritt. Merritt was not the kind of person that they needed to help EIP thrive and grow.

                Liked by 4 people

                • Mo, the explosive arguments between SM and CM that I refered to were the ones about immunizations and the pizza story with the yelling screaming that CM told daily mail about.
                  I also have never read anything about SM calling CM.

                  Liked by 2 people

                • Merritt being a huge con man, maybe when Joe told him they were going to notify LE about the stolen check, Chase said that he will get some money and pay it back. This might be how he got into the Avo house. He was let in by Joe. Merritt could have said he would be coming over to give the money back if they did not notify LE. Joe was ambushed when he let Merritt in the home and Summer was upstairs bathing the boys.

                  Liked by 4 people

                  • I completely agree. I do believe JM let Chase into the Avo house himself. Only permitting to this because of payback. I think Chase immediately took JM down first by the break of his knee. Then it all went down quickly


  3. I’ve always wondered if Merritt hit Summer in the jaw to shut her up, literally at the moment he killed her and figuratively for her speaking her mind to him and about him. I think in his head he thought Summer was the reason his gravy train with Joey was coming to an end.

    I very much admire women like Summer who aren’t afraid to speak their mind and stand up against for what’s right, even if she had to go up against a big, burly “cowboy”. I think Merritt wasn’t used to women like her and felt that a woman’s place is to keep her mouth shut and do as the man says.

    I’ll be curious to see if it comes out at trial whether or not Summer had any defensive wounds. We know she would’ve fought like hell to protect her boys, even if it meant getting killed. The one thing that’s crystal clear is Summer loved those boys with every ounce of her being, as did Joey. I guess if there’s a silver lining in this horrific tragedy it’s that the family is still together.

    May you rest in peace Joseph, Summer and their precious boys. Justice will soon be yours.

    Liked by 7 people

  4. Summer’s injuries are just heart breaking. They made me cry reading about them. I agree with Just Me that Merritt was not used to a strong woman that did not hesitate to speak her mind. Merritt hated Summer and he showed it when he would talk about her in his interviews. I think he does blame her and probably justifies this crime in his head by thinking that Summer made him do it and if not for her he would not have done this.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. It truly is such a shame that San Diego LE tagged this case as a missing family for so long. I can only imagine all the evidence that might have been found right away against Merritt if they would have searched his warehouse shop and also the storage area.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Is it a fact that Summer texted McGyver about not coming to paint and do we know specifics of that text? What day it was sent, what it said? What day he was NOT to come?


    • Troll, I think it was the other way around. McGyver texted Summer about not being able to paint because he had another prearranged appointment he needed to keep. He texted and called late Feb 4 trying to set up another time, and he kept texting but never got a reply.
      This will also help the prosecution to narrow the window of when the murders occurred. When McGyver sent the first text or call that went unanswered.
      I remember, on one of the CNN shows, McGyver holding up his old phone with the texts still on it.

      Liked by 2 people

    • I completely agree. I do believe JM let Chase into the Avo house himself. Only permitting to this because of payback. I think Chase immediately took JM down first by the break of his knee. Then it all went down quickly


  7. Here’s what was said at the prelim.
    A So, he went over like two to three days, for sure on
    9 February 2nd and February 3rd. He went there and he helped
    10 Joseph and Summer and the boys paint the lower portion of the
    11 house.
    12 Q Was there something that prevented him from being there
    13 on February 4th?
    14 A There was. He had a prearranged function that he was
    15 supposed to go to. That he ended not being able to be there on
    16 the 4th to continue painting.
    17 Q Did he indicate how he attempted to — to contact the
    18 McStay family in order to return and help finish the job?
    19 A He did.
    20 Q What did he tell you happened?
    21 A He tried getting ahold of both Joseph and Summer. Both
    22 their phones went to voice mail and he was unable to get in
    23 contact with them. He sent them text messages and called their
    24 phones.
    25 Q Did he say when that occurred?
    26 A I believe on the night of February 4th he started. And
    27 then February 5th he was trying to continue to get ahold of them
    28 to make arrangements to go out there.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. So he starts leaving texts at 6:40 pm on the evening of the 5th and through the morning of the 6th when Summer’s phone went dead around 11 am. He wonder if initially he was mad and thought she was ignoring him.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Possibly, but I do not think there was any reason to do that on the 4th because he had gotten confirmation from Summer by text on Feb. 3 to meet Saturday, and he appears to have just checked in on the evening of the 5th to confirm what time on Saturday.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. I just need to correct MC. Baker will only publish comments that are flattering to him, support Merritt being innocent and Michael McStay being involved in the murders. Baker DOES NOT support freedom of speech and very much supports censorship on his blog.

    On this blog we support the facts and truth. Period.

    MC says:
    08/15/2016 at 2:51 PM
    maeve should have blocked fran and not engaged with her. there is nothing good about the trolls. their mission is to shut down any discussion that focuses on the weaknesses of the da’s case. glad rick has a blog here where public speech is not infringed upon.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Frankly, I’m glad those days are over. She was a huge concern troll, after she lost interest in lambasting Baker she insisted we should all follow suit and only discuss the case. Then she insisted we could only speak about the case within very specific parameters. We all had to stick exclusively to the facts as if we were the jury and not believe that Merritt was guilty. And, she was moody. It was ridiculous as well as annoying.
      At least that’s how I remember it. ©

      Liked by 4 people

  10. I am always amazed how Baker and his cronies call people that comment on this blog trolls. His followers fit the definition for a true troll. They speculate about the victims and their surviving family in such an unflattering way. They make things up about rape, affairs, prostitutes, drug dealing, porn, cartel and the list goes on and on. There is no proof of all these accusations. They are really just bullies.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I looked up some info in Psychology Today about internet trolls. I thought that this sounded like someone we all know. “Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response”. Rick Baker may be the biggest troll of all with his hate blog.

      Liked by 4 people

  11. I’ve been thinking about the main weapon, the 3 lb mini sledge hammer.

    Ramos has said one or two strikes was enough to kill. That’s why I think we have not heard about defensive wounds. One well aimed stike, delivered with force, was enough to take Summer down. Rendering her unconscious. The other fatal blows were delivered in quick succession, maybe in a frenzy. Possibly after the first stike her body was dragged somewhere else before the other blows were delivered.

    I believe that Joseph was first struck in the chest which would have completely incapacitated him. His heart may have stopped beating temporarily or at least his heartbeat would have been disrupted as would his breathing be laboured.

    I think the attack of the entire family only took minutes.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. There are a few variations, one has no black slip-resistant handle cover. Another one has a cover over the head to dampen the blow, for working with chisels and stuff. CM could have had either in his shop. JM could have had either for home renovation.
    The detective only mentioned rust and paint, so I am assuming the head had no cover.


  13. Is the Disappeared episode on them accurate? Or is that a known flop? Reason I ask is there were some interesting things said on there. For instance, when Mike McStay talked about going to the house, he makes no mention at all that Merritt called him or met him and was with him. Nothing. That seems odd to leave out. Did someone tell them to not speak about Merritt at all on that episode & why?

    Liked by 1 person

    • He may have said lots more. They tend to film a lot then edit it. That extra film would be interesting to watch. Of MM and Merritt. I imagine that it’s been requested by both sides.

      Liked by 2 people

  14. So I just noticed Summer’s engagement and wedding rings and realized I’ve never heard whether they were found in the grave? Or Joseph’s for that matter? If missing, is it possible Merritt could have pawned them back then?

    Liked by 7 people

    • I have always wondered that same thing True. Maybe Merritt did pawn them up in Santa Clarita on the 5th. I would not doubt that Summer also had other jewelry. Maybe that is why the Master Bedroom closet was ransacked. He was looking for valuables.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Just a reminder or for those that haven’t seen this, from a former employee of Chase, written prior to the bodies being found:

        “Hi ladies! Well one thing thats shaddy is the business Chase established was in his wifes name (catherine-dont remember her name.)They operated under the name “idesign” or “idesign4u”. Examples of him being a thief: an ex employee let him borow his credit to buy jet skiis. Chase was behing on payments on it and the employee wanted to take them away. Chase wanted me to write a contract stating the jet skiis were his. Wasnt about to happen so I walked out. Another example Joey bought expensive high quality pumps for the water features built for him and had them at Chases office. Chase would use them for water features for other clients, never paid Joey for them.
        He’d call Joey on fridays telling him sertain water features were ready to be shipped just awaiting payment from him. Most of the time they werent. Chase would talk him into tranfering money. Id tell Joey, all the time. Joey would say “oh wow, so sad…this sucks” but Joey knew it was our pay day and Chase needed to pay us so Joey would do the transfer just so we could feed our families. (Joey is a great human being)
        Shady past: He had a box in the office full of things from his past- court ordered pay notices, paperwork on his arrest etc. Oh and a binder full of things he claims he invented such as hand cuffs. I came accross this box one day when I was filing papers. On the day I left I came back with the police to pick up my last check. I was affraid of him. He hid and then called me said I didnt need to bring the police and he would meet me to give me the check. I went with my dad of course.
        Anyway yes I have always thought he had something to do with it because of him being the last person to speak to him and because he is a thief, and a very good lier. But there is nothing else linking him to Joey missing. I wish I could remember more things that might help….Because of the fear I felt, my mind seems to erase things. (my built in defence mechanism):-(“”

        Liked by 3 people

  15. Sucks that M didn’t just show up on Saturday to paint, since they both agreed that early Saturday was the plan. But, I can understand if he lived a ways away wanting another confirmation before driving out there, especially on the weekend when a lot of people want to relax.
    Chase somehow just aced being a murderer for a few years, but can’t succeed at anything else in his life. Had he just put that much effort into being a father, and not some loser bum in and out of jail constantly, or more effort into working harder for the things he stole instead of choosing to take what someone else worked their butts off for. Makin mama proud. He’s a nut.
    If that record of his that is posted is correct, Chase spent straight up like 5 years in jail when you combine all the dates. He’s on dailymail acting like 90% of the population has some criminal record and he’s some one time offender of an accidental taking of a pen when he signed his name on a receipt or something. What a man of deranged thinking, honestly…
    I am holding on to a smidgen of hope that before he dies, as a favor to his family, for once in his life…he will be a man and tell the truth about what happened on February 4, 2010.

    Liked by 9 people

    • If you consider criminal profiling regarding this crime, Chase does fit. I think that is why it just irks me that some people can not accept that just maybe, this crime was simple greed. Some “sleuthers” so want this to be a big conspiracy that was all set up by Mike McStay and his mom, Susan. They convinced the San Diego LE and the FBI to go along with their plan. If you sit back and think about that scenario, it is just totally ridiculous. Then we have the cartel theory and the list goes on and on. Fruit Loops.

      Liked by 3 people

      • When Chase was arrested, if you look at the picture of him in cuffs and being taken into custody, he was sweating profusely. It was not hot in November for him to be sweating like that. It was guilt and fear because he finally got caught.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Mo, I agree there’s no way it could ever be Mike or any other family member. The crimes show a mixture of the criminal being organized and disorganized, which may have been why LE first thought more than person was involved. Evidence, including the bodies and the weapon, was removed from the scene. The scene was staged. The trooper was driven to the border and the bodies transported hundreds of miles in the opposite direction. Which shows thought and planning, either before ir after the murders occurred. Yet it appears the weapon was one of opportunity, and the graves were shallow and placed near a busy highway. More than two people OR a person with criminal experience who is progressing from one type of crime to another. An experienced criminal who used his knowledge to cover up the crime and mislead the investigation but made lots of mistakes because he was a first time murderer.
        So who has criminal history? Who has enough local knowledge of the high desert to choose that particular location to dig graves? Who was the last person to see JM and the first at the house? Who stole money and covered it up?
        Its a damning picture.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks for the reminder, Corn. The parallels between Renner and the blogger are eerily similar. The huge difference between them is Renner had a book published by a known publishing house and the blogger, not so much.

      I’d love to know if there are similarities between them in their personal lives as well. It sounds like Renner has caused a lot of unjust pain in the Murray family much in the same way Baker has with the McStays.

      They are two very creepy peas in a pod or rats in the gutter, take your pick.

      Liked by 3 people

      • They sure are. Check this out.. We can all imagine that Baker is also capable of this.

        True-crime writer James W. Renner was jailed for five days by Lakewood Ohio Muncipal Court Judge Patrick Carroll for contempt of court after Renner apparently disrupted courtroom proceedings in which Renner’s sister, Barbara Bressler, was a defendant in a misdemeanor case.

        Renner claims a Lakewood Ohio Animal Control Officer, Kurtis Bialosky, was stalking his sister. Renner was later indicted for having assaulted a Lakewood police officer and currently faces the felony charge in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for 7/24/2013.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Rick Baker has attempted to do this same thing, only using one of his followers instead of himself. And they chickened out last minute and ended up making Rick look like a fool because he tweeted Joe Nelson and then had to take it back. It is ridiculousness.
        I can’t believe that some people actually gave Baker facetime in the beginning. I read an article yesterday where they interviewed him on the McStay’s like he wasn’t straight from the damn looney bin.
        It is very sad for the families, and i don’t condone physical violence, but in the wrong family, these guys would have had a beat down!
        I am positive their personal lives are similar. Filled with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, paranoia, obsessive behaviors, seeking approval from anyone that will stroke their ego in the least and using it to bolster their feelings of superiority, and childish rants/outbursts when someone calls them out.
        There is medication and therapy for this.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Renner’s blog is not quite so insane but Renner is still a creep. IMO I do think he’s caused Fred Murray just as much heartache as Baker has by smearing Maura’s name with trash rumors and speculation. He even called Maura a sociopath because it somehow justified his theory. He did retract it but only after a lot of backlash.

        Fred Murray slammed the door on Renner from day one when he asked him for interviews for his book. Like Baker, the rejection by Maura’s family made Renner angry and vengeful. I think Renner may just be better educated than Baker, but he has no more consideration or concern for Maura’s family than Baker does for the McStays.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Yes he did retract the sociopath accusation, something Baker has never done throughout this case, other than he was wrong about Summer killing Joseph (obviously). But he did some Baker like moves and said Maura was possibly pregnant and sleeping with the track coach, more rumors he lifted from the internet. Sounds vaguely familiar.


    • Oh. Wow.
      “Like most of us, Renner encountered Murray’s case many years after her disappearance, on the Internet. Unlike most of us, he promptly set up a blog and started publishing his “findings” there. He did some shoe-leather reporting, going out to the crash site and visiting witnesses’ houses. Almost everyone slammed the door on him or else granted only limited interviews. The people who did not block his way, who wholeheartedly embraced his methods of pursuing the case, were other people on the Internet: the commenters on his blog and the people who e-mailed him tips—rarely anonymously, but never with any real connection to Murray. And, perhaps because those were the people who accepted him, Renner embraced them in return. He posted every rumor sent his way, no matter how scurrilous or unhelpful.”

      Still reading the rest of the article.

      Liked by 3 people

    • And this quote from the article:

      “Now many of these people gather on the Internet, posting on sites like Renner’s. The result is a complicated morass of uncontrolled speculation. It certainly isn’t justice, not for Murray or for her family. I’m frankly surprised that a major publishing house decided to release Renner’s book.”

      Liked by 4 people

      • And finally this quote:

        “After all, crime “addicts” such as James Renner rarely, if ever, solve crimes. They are drawn to the most dramatic possibilities and ignore more tedious solutions. ”

        And here is where this blog differs from that one. We attempt to extrapolate from facts and employ Occam’s Razor while they speculate from pure bullshit.

        Liked by 5 people

  16. You know, maybe LE has found photos or video of Merritt using the sledge hammer in the McStay home. Joseph liked to document things, who knows, maybe he took photos of the countertop being dismantled or the shed being assembled, perhaps Summer took photos of Joseph using the sledge. Or maybe there is a photo of it laying around in the garage.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thinking about it the only other person who was in the house with them around that time was McGyver, and he may have seen Merritt use it. Or maybe the previous construction people that were in there. Merritt was over there a lot.

      Liked by 3 people

  17. Unlike Rick Baker, Renner is an actual journalist and author. He has real credentials. I first listened to an interview with him regarding the case before I really knew much about it. He comes across more level headed than Rick. The guys that interviewed him were somewhat in his corner but now after really stripping down to the bare bones and getting to the real facts, their not even in his arena, Because they they didn’t fall into the trap of confirmation bias.

    This is a term that I keep running into. Basically it’s a lot of what people who buy into conspiracy theorists will do. over analyze the case at hand and assume there is an underlying truth being withheld. Think JFK, the Moon landing, 9/11. No matter what the person with the person is shown, they will always believe their preconceived notions. Or what someone is telling them that falls within their view of things.

    There is a label that these people have:Crackpots. Theories like the gunman on the grassy knoll or the government has a secret shadow government have gained traction over the years because they get repeated over and over with new “evidence” and theories proposed. You repeat a lie enough it becomes fact within the consciousness of those who already susceptible to being easily duped.

    This from Science Daily explains it perfectly.

    “Confirmation bias

    In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions, leading to statistical errors.

    Confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias and represents an error of inductive inference toward confirmation of the hypothesis under study.

    Confirmation bias is a phenomenon wherein decision makers have been shown to actively seek out and assign more weight to evidence that confirms their hypothesis, and ignore or underweigh evidence that could disconfirm their hypothesis.

    As such, it can be thought of as a form of selection bias in collecting evidence”.

    Remember the how they tried to push (and still are) that the biker was some informant who was knew where the remains and was making some deal with the FBI? Now they’re pushing that McGyver was in on trying to defraud using Pat Boone. Get out much?

    There could a good case study on Rick Baker and his tin-foil-hat-wearing band of coin-operated pony riders.

    Liked by 9 people

  18. I know Merritt does not smoke now but maybe he did at one time. I know people that do not smoke anymore but when they get overly stressed or intoxicated, they will buy a pack. I even know some women that never smoked regularly but will when drinking alcohol, occasionally. I think after killing four people and having to dig graves, one would be stressed to the max. Merritt is also known to not drink much or at all. There was a beer can in the grave. I wish we knew what brand. That would be circumstantial evidence if it was known to be a brand that Merritt would drink once in awhile. He did hang around bars because there was an article written about how great a country western dancer he is. He also met Jarvis at a bar and she had won a dance contest many years back.

    Liked by 2 people

    • There was a beer can or bottle nearby. It could have been thrown there by off-roaders cruising through the wash, even before the family was buried. There was nothing in the news reports about cigarette butts but I seem to recall some desert guys going out that way to find the graves. Did did not find them but a lot of other sort of strange things and I think there were cigarette butts.


    • I don’t think he ever smoked, I recall reading a post by his g/f Mechele that he never smoked and helped her quit smoking. Who knows if true or not, but I didn’t think there’d be any reason to lie about that…

      Liked by 2 people

  19. I can not seem to find the info but I believe it was a search warrant that talked about how Jarvis stated that she was storing some belongings with her mom in Arizona. There was a laptop in that storage that belonged to Chase. She had to move when she was still with Chase and took a trip to Phoenix where her mom lives and put things in storage in mom’s garage. The search warrant stated that they wanted mom to send the laptop to SB so they could analyze it. I wonder if anything was found.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. One thing we can all be thankful for is the FBI taking custody of all the evidence early on. I no nothing about how SD handles or stores evidence, I’m just saying the FBI probably has a solid reputation for preserving evidence and maintaining a strong documentation of chain of custody, invaluable in any cold case.

    24 BY MR. TERRELL:
    25 Q Detective Bachman, could you please tell me how long was
    26 the FBI the lead agency in the investigation?
    27 A I believe San Diego held the investigation until roughly
    28 2011. And then they assumed it between then and when we
    1 recovered the McStays’ remains in November 2013.
    2 Q And during that time did they take custody of the vehicle
    3 we’ve described and various other evidence?
    4 A They did.
    5 Q And you yourself, you’ve spoken to the FBI agents that
    6 were in charge of that investigation;
    7 Is that correct?
    8 MR. DAUGHERTY: I’m going to object as to relevance.
    9 THE COURT: Overruled. He can answer.
    10 THE WITNESS: I have not, no, sir.
    11 Q (By Mr. Terrell) And as the lead investigator, have you
    12 seen, is there from the FBI, for example, on DNA swabs and all
    13 that material, was there a chain of custody given back to San
    14 Bernardino?
    15 A There was. And when I spoke to Don Jones, when he
    16 received them the swabs were still sealed and appeared
    17 untampered.
    18 Q And when you picked up the investigation from the FBI,
    19 did you receive any of their reports and findings?
    20 MR. IMES: Objection. Goes to discovery.
    21 THE COURT: Overruled. He can answer.
    22 THE WITNESS: To my knowledge, no, there was no reports
    23 turned over.
    24 MR. TERRELL: Thank you.
    25 I have no other questions, your Honor.
    26 THE COURT: Anything else?
    27 MR. DAUGHERTY: I do, if I may.
    2 Q Are you familiar with the work on this case of Special
    3 Agent Kevin Boles?
    4 A Yes, sir.
    5 Q Did he prepare a PowerPoint, or presentation in this
    6 matter?
    7 A I stand corrected. Mr. Boles, he did assist with the
    8 investigation.
    9 Q Additionally, were there —
    10 MR. DAUGHERTY: Well, nothing further. Withdraw that
    11 question.
    12 THE COURT: Okay. Anything else?
    13 MR. TERRELL: Nothing else.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Now on Baker’s blog he is stating that the FBI did not turn over any findings on this case. A comment on his proclamation is wondering about “June Bug’s claims”. Unbelievable.
    Here is Baker’s statement: “Now, the FBI denies that they ever “investigated” the McStay case at all. “There is no file,” they say, “to turn over.”
    So here we go with the big “conspiracy theory” and then they will talk about the cartel and how LE is afraid to get involved because of their own families. The trial can not come soon enough for me. Talk about always going down the rabbit hole. I find it very exhausting.

    Liked by 3 people

      • Cornelius you are absolutely right. No one is posting there. I think the ladies became appalled with your latest posting about giving up parental rights regarding children. He had a total of one comment today from his loyal follower and latest emotional affair crush, Agent 99. He rotates his gals. The guy is a true player. I wonder if Becky has any idea. She needs to look at his phone. She would flip.

        Liked by 2 people

            • My prediction for his next thread: That other blog is attacking my wife again!

              Dude, we’ve seen your act. Over and over again. It’s time to shut it down until you get some amazing new reason why you’ve been drawn back into the case.

              Liked by 4 people

              • His next approach is that he is so involved with this case that he is now clairvoyant. He has talked with Joe and Summer and he is definitely doing good in assisting the solving of this crime. Just give him some time and he will reveal all. Stay posted to his blog. He is like the Wizard of Oz and is “All knowing”. “Oz the Great and Terrible”, he masquerades as an all-knowing wizard.

                Liked by 3 people

          • He mostly calls his gals and they look forward to it daily. I think he calls them while he is outside on his seven acres scooping up dog poop. Four big dogs, two piles a day, the poop adds up. Lots to do.

            Liked by 1 person

              • Fran I just saw that. Thank you for detailing things. That is how I believe that LE investigators come to their conclusions after interviewing possible suspects. Maybe that is why LE kept interviewing Merritt numerous times. Each time his story changed and he could not recall all the previous facts that he stated as to his happenings. Remember LE said that Merritt’s “story was all over the place”. Merritt even wanted to bring in his notes so he could keep his story straight. When people lie, it is a known fact that they can not remember the exact story when retelling it again. That is a true known fact about humans.

                Liked by 3 people

                • Yeah. LE probably listened to Merritt’s previous interviews for tells that he was lying and then asked him more open ended questions, just let him yak away. Let him believe that he was fooling them. Each time the story would be a little different and maybe he might slip up or admit something.
                  Plus LE probably reviewed the entire two hour cnn interview with Randy Kaye. There were lots of visible tells that Merritt was lying and taking pleasure in his lies.They could probe those areas too.

                  Liked by 4 people

                  • Fran remember there is so much more that CNN asked in the interview that was never seen because they edit the video. My bet is that LE has all that video that was never seen and we have no idea what and how much Merritt said. Also remember there is so much on that interview that Merritt probably can’t even remember he said and who knows how different his answers were to what he told LE in their other interviews. I’ll bet he and his defense team are wondering whats on those videos and what he said, although they could subpoena the video. But the problem there is that if they try to rebut the CNN interview, Merritt would have to testify in court as to what they have problems with and what he claims now.

                    I think So so much will come out at trial and we will all learn there is much more than we can even imagine.

                    Liked by 3 people

                    • Yeah. But if LE has the video interview in their discovery and if they use it at trial then doesn’t the prosecution have to hand it over to the the defense with all the rest of tbe evidence?
                      I have much respect for Randi Kaye and how she put Merritt completely at ease and didn’t over react to his digusting comments about Summer. I bet by the end of two hours he forgot he was in front of cameras.

                      Liked by 1 person

  22. Fran I’m not sure that the prosecution would have to turn over the CNN video since it is in the public view. The fact that the prosecution has the video doesn’t mean the defense didn’t or doesn’t have access to it. All the defense has to do is as I said subpoena the video. It isn’t that it isn’t available to the defense, no, it’s common knowledge of it’s existence and has been seen by the public. It’s known and it’s public and it’s available. So I see no reason the prosecution would have to turn it over. Also maybe the prosecution won’t even decide to use the interview video until later and then if the defense already has the video, there is no reason to turn it over. Just not sure the prosecution would have to turn something over that is readily known and available without the prosecution having to turn it over to the defense when they clearly are aware of it’s existence.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I just read at Bakers “blah-g” for the first time in a while & the post about the magazine cover is hilarious. Fran, congrats, you made the cut, too!
    Baker is trying to gain sympathy before his next fall. We are soooo mean to him. .???
    No one can call him a homosexual, but he is free to call Summer, a dead woman – a porn star, slut, mental case, and insinuate that her husband, Joseph was sexually immoral, banging prostitutes, laundering money and into drugs and cartels. All with no proof. LOL
    I don’t know if he is a homosexual, but I do know that he is a pussy. No man should be bullying any woman, let alone a dead woman who was murdered and had her skull/jaw bashed in in front of her own children. What a psycho!
    And what’s with this “Fran and corn claim to be bible believe Christians” thing? Christians are imperfect people, if you didn’t get the memo. Yes, they are called to change, but they will still fall. Baker himself professes to be a Christian, even attempted to author some books on the subject, admits to pretending to be a Christian and leading many people through being a pastor while being a fake, has attempted to relinquish his parental rights, has threatened/harassed People’s wives, has a criminal record for harassing his own wife at the time, divorced, has outbursts where he treats people like children, is full of pride, takes low blows and has an internet addiction like no other. So, I don’t know….maybe more time evaluating his own walk with the Lord would be time better spent?

    Liked by 6 people

  24. Dierdre…HA! She actually created that screwy Bill Gore conspiracy blog?

    So let me get this straight. She says the FBI is able to sneak bodies across the border using Sentra cars? Oh gawwwwd…LOL! So what’s the deal with Sentra cars? Do they have a mystical black hole portal in the trunk compartment where you can secretly hide stuff? Those cars must also have a sooper-dooper air conditioning system that instantly gets rid of any odors inside the car. And Sheriff Gore’s Sentra must be a special turbo edition so he can escape all those foreign criminals he’s double-crossed, right?!

    So then, did Gore choose Merritt to be the scapegoat because Merritt took all his money at the poker table one night. Ah, that must be it! Sweet revenge!

    Liked by 4 people

    • I think she misspelled ‘Sentri’. It’s a special pass to cross the border. We have it. It saves a lot of time but it does not guarantee that you won’t be sent to secondary and searched, it appears she thinks.

      Liked by 1 person

          • I did some research today about Deirdre. Her whole spiral into insanity started with the fact that she actually lived with her husband and two of the 9/11 bomber guys and a confidential informant for the FBI. When 9/11 happened she was questioned. The 9/11 bomber guys were in training for flight school in San Diego. They were not on the 9/11 flights but were part of the whole group that had infiltrated the US for mass destruction. The reason that she is against Bill Gore is that she claims he knew about the 9/11 people from his informant and did not report it. Her son was taken away by CPS. Her husband at the time was involved in human trafficking. She is constantly going after the authorities. I think she went insane, to tell you the truth. Quite sad actually. Her whole thing against San Diego CPS is that her son was placed in a foster home and he got sexually abused while there. Now she latches onto certain crimes like the McStay crime and tries to preach her conspiracy propaganda against the US Govt. and the authorities. She is an American citizen born in Georgia.

            Liked by 4 people

  25. This just shows the mentality of Baker that he allows all these mystical theories to be posted on his blog. It just proves his lack of credibility and any real search for the truth. If he was credible at all he wouldn’t allow the stupid and totally unbelievable and fanatical stories these goofballs post on his blog. It just goes to prove the old adage of being judged by the company you keep. I just don’t know witch this applies to as being associated with, is it Baker or the nuts on his blog that are the loons.

    Liked by 4 people

  26. I do hope that Just Me and her family are OK. That new fire in San Bernardino is out of control. I-15 is still closed and it starts at Hesperia. We have not heard from her today. I am thinking positive that all is well with her and her folks.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Are you talking about the Blue Cut fire? It’s out of control. 30k acres burned so far. The 15 freeway has been closed since sometime yesterday, which is unheard of. Something like 80k people evacuated. They had to ground the tankers because of the turbulence over the fire. So scary.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, Sylvia the Blue Cut Fire. Absolutely tragic. People that read this blog and do not live in CA have no idea of the fear involved with fire. It is a pure hell experience to say the least. I lived through it a few years back and after you make sure your pets and kids are out of harms way, you sit and think about how our houses encompass things that we have acquired our whole life. If your insurance is not enough to cover rebuilding you are SOL. Many people that have homeowners insurance do not have enough coverage to rebuild their home, let alone replace their belongings. You could still have to pay for home furnishings that you bought on credit, even though they are gone. The whole scope of it is heartbreaking.

      Liked by 6 people

  27. I hear you Mo. Way back when we lived on a ranch and a wildfire was just on the other side of the mountain, we were prepared to evacuate. Listening to the news all night and hearing propane tanks explode on other ranches. Nerve wracking.

    Liked by 3 people

  28. It looks like half the mountain range is on fire. I heard it burned from Devore to Wrightwood in less than 12 hours. About 25 miles. That’s incredibly fast for a fire. A friend of mine has a brother who lost his ranch house and 7 horses. THAT’S HORRIBLE. I hope they can save Wrightwood and the other little towns there. What a sight it must be from Victorville. Why does it seem that the Cajon Pass seems so cursed as of late.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Oh how tragic. I can not even imagine living through that. People that have horses rage about how they are just like big dogs and have such wonderful personalities. They are all unique. I know people that have lost their home and possessions to a wildfire. They did not have enough insurance to rebuild their home. Only enough coverage to clear their lot which is mandatory. Talk about starting over again from scratch. When you are 60 years old that thought is overwhelming to even consider. What is amazing to me that a lot of the times we never hear how these fires started. I know about lightning and dry lightning but that is somewhat rare. How are they all started? Cigs thrown out the window? Unbelievable. Who would ever do that. It truly blows my mind the mentality of the people that we are forced to live with.

      Liked by 2 people

  29. Here’s a map of the burn from 1:30 today. I think the red squares are probably houses burn. You can see part of the town of Lytle Creek has burned (lower center) and the upper canyon where Steven Geisler’s truck was found. It seems the middle fork to the left, the more pristine part, was spared. God help those people.

    Liked by 4 people

      • I saw the Summitt Inn ruins on the news tonight. It is so unfortunate. People that live there were interviewed and they said that they had never experienced anything like this. I must admit going through something like this makes one put everything in perspective. I can not even imagine making up things about deceased people and their surviving members. So many of the accusations and complete fabrications about this crime that come from that “beyond belief” blog (good term Cornelius) are so hateful and disgusting. You truly have to wonder about their mental health. It is like they are all nuts over there and finally found an outlet to express their insanity. Can you even imagine having one of those weirdos in your family? Brother, sister, father, mom, etc…

        Liked by 3 people

  30. Hi guys,
    My family and I are safe and so far haven’t had to evacuate. My daughter is out of school for the rest of the week because of the fire so I’ve been trying to keep her inside and occupied.

    It’s a really strange atmosphere around these parts right now. Having the freeway shut down is akin to not having a microwave or cell phone. Lol

    Thank you for thinking of me, I do appreciate it. Xoxo

    Liked by 8 people

  31. Something tells me Bessie would not be too pleased with this:


    Most know what I think of “Bessie” and Trish at Webseluths. The damage they have caused me, and especially Becky, is unforgivable. However, cancer is evil, as I know firsthand. This was posted at WS, and I wanted to bring it here so our readers can pray or donate if they so desire.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What, his five followers that have no money. Yeah, right. Just calling the poor woman his “arch enemy” shows that he has absolutely no empathy for others. There was no need to say such a thing. It is a completely passive, aggressive opportunity and something to post on his blog.

      Liked by 3 people

        • You are right, Cornelius. That statement makes no sense. He is the victim, yeah right. What about all the crap he has said about Mike McStay and his family? Now that is unforgivable damage.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Also how about all the crap Baker said on the WS Radio interview with Trish. Then Trish interviewed Patrick McStay and she apologized to Patrick for allowing Baker to lie and spew his venom all over her blog and radio interview. Trish was taken in like many others and she was truly sorry for what Baker did to the victims and their families. I’m sure that’s some of what Baker is mad at Bessie for because she was with Trish and also apologized to Patrick. So I’m have no doubt Baker is talking about that radio interview and it’s still there and he can’t do anything about it. WS should re-air the interview now so people that haven’t heard it can here all about Baker and his lies.

            Liked by 4 people

  32. Seems kind of funny that Baker would post an article about his own followers 😉


    This is a very good article about Internet trolls in general and McStay trolls specifically. We have seen this here, for the past 5+ years. Here is the article.

    Liked by 4 people

    • And he’s changed the title of his previous whiny rant from “Jason Parmelee and his clan accuse me of being a homosexual …” to “Jason Parmelee and his filthy harem…” bwahaha
      I think reading here really burns him up! Is this guy obsessed with sex or what?

      Liked by 4 people

      • I think he is truly jealous because more people read this blog than his. There is more to talk about here. He is just rehashing topics that have been discussed years ago and sometimes even posting the comments that were made years ago. Cornelius puts a lot of time and thought into coming up with different ideas to discuss and it shows.

        Liked by 7 people

        • Thanks Fran. It’s a very long article but the first few paragraphs say it all. The sad part is, is that they are the epitome of the trolls described in the article. Baker has published people’s information. He has gotten his followers to stalk people. He has trashed the family of a murdered family. He is a very sick man.
          Cognitive dissonance much?

          Liked by 5 people

          • Sylvia I read the whole article. I have to agree 100% with your take on it. The article is all about people like Baker and his cronies. Complete bullies and they go after the deceased and their family and friends. I have no idea why he even published that. He must not have read the whole thing.

            Liked by 5 people

            • Yes, that was absolutely no one’s business. I feel so bad for Jonah. That was definitely an all time low for Baker. You can tell he has no empathy for young children. What if someone published dirt on his two boys? Or how about his daughter and why does she not like her dad? He even wrote a book about it but portrayed himself as the victim.

              Liked by 2 people

              • He’s always the victim. That is part of the ego-centric personality. I have someone like this in my life. No matter what happens, it’s all about them. They are always the victim because to be otherwise would be to admit fault. Their egos won’t let them be wrong. For example, I once failed to tag this person on a photo. You’d think I’d given away the nuclear codes. It got so blown out of proportion it was ridiculous. But, now that I’ve stopped communicating with this person “Facebook has become a negative place” for them. Seriously? Drama is also a big part of this type of personality imho. They freaking feed on it.

                Liked by 5 people

              • Mo I don’t think it would bother Baker at all if people were to write things about his children. Why would a person (i won’t call him a man or father, he doesn’t deserve those titles) who wanted to get his children out of his life so he wouldn’t have to pay child support even care. He has proven what he is like and who he cares about and that’s RICK BAKER!

                Liked by 5 people

                  • Well this circumstance just shows why people do not believe Baker and his drama. His son came to live with him and Becky because his mom broke his arm with a baseball bat because he did not do the dishes. Baker found out and brought his son to live in North Carolina. Baker talked about it and posted numerous pictures of him and his son having fun. Then after just a few months, Baker sends his son back to Durango to finish high school with his friends. Now my question is this: If you have a supposedly abusive parent, why would you even send the kid back into that environment? That makes just no sense at all. So the question is: Was mom abusive, which Baker claims she was and he got custody awarded by the court in Durango. Or was the whole thing just smoke and mirrors to slam the mom? Normal people just scratch their head and wonder. Baker makes no sense to rational thinking people.

                    Liked by 4 people

  33. I’m going to call Dr. Phil and let’s get you Corn and Baker to hash it out there 🙂 🙂 🙂

    But seriously, that’s not a bad idea. Maybe Patrick and Mike McStay could come on board lay it all out for the good Dr. I’m sure he’d have some choice words of advice and admonition…I mean, it’s a great subject, harassment of murder victims families. That other case too that you were just posting about…

    Sigh, I guess that can’t happen until after the trial…?

    Liked by 5 people

    • I think years ago the Dr. Phil show did try to get a hold of Mike McStay. Does anyone else remember that? Mike replied that he was not talking to the media and thanked them. This was early on when the family first went missing. I think Mike burned out with the media. Then Baker published his book and more untruths were being talked about. Baker has been a total nightmare for Mike.

      Liked by 3 people

  34. I think cutting off all forms of communication between Baker and themselves was the smartest thing the McStays and Arandas could have done. Unfortunately Baker and his loonies took the opportunity to talk smack about some of them but good for them for not responding. I think their silence is what pisses off Baker the most, especially Mikey’s silence. With the BS that Baker has spewed I don’t know if I could have remained as quiet.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have been waiting for McFadden to lose it and finally have enough and confront him directly. Baker will never go to the trial. He is too chicken. If I was Susan I would have a hard time holding back. I would want to smack him in the face. All the horrible things he has said about her whole family. I am waiting for someone to sue him. He should not be allowed to get away with that kind of trash talk on the internet and that book of lies and speculation.

      Liked by 4 people

      • You’re right. He’ll never show up at the trial. He’s made it impossible. His creepy followers might though. I’m going to do my best to be there. But I may only be able to go a couple of days. I want to hear the prosecution lay out their case.

        Liked by 4 people

      • It would be very interesting to see Baker show up at the trial. He is hated by so many he would probably have to disguise himself for fear of what could happen to him. I would also wonder if the SBC would find away to file charges against Baker and arrest him. Also there are many people who live in Cal that could have him served with lawsuits if he appeared at the trial. But then he may think this would be his perfect way to get the media to pay attention to him. He seems just that dumb. Kind of like he acts about any publicity is better than none and would think it’s all about him and he could talk about himself. LMAO

        Liked by 4 people

      • Her mouth spews such garbage I did not even want to copy her lingo onto this blog. Remember she is supposed to be an ER physician. No one believes that. A doctor would never talk like that. Poor Matty has maggot mouth. She is filled with hate. How uncouth. Who even talks like that?

        Liked by 2 people

        • I love the pic of Matty K but even that is a little too flattering. Lol

          There’s not a physician on earth, emergency room or otherwise, who has the time or inclination to read and/or post on a pointless blog such as Baker’s. Hey Matty! Delusional much?

          Liked by 3 people

          • Yes, Just Me. She is a total nut job. It is so comical how she always comes to Baker’s defense with her maggot mouth. A real man would squelch that crap. A woman with a venomous mouth is defending him. A complete worm. It happens all the time. Every time. You could set a watch on how Matty goes to bat for her loser blogger buddy. If you look up Matty Kline which is her moniker, that is an actual woman that is now 83 yrs old and she is Swedish and appeared in Bonanza. Her name is Inga Swenson. She is very beautiful. Mattie only wishes. Complete loser. She definitely has a mental health problem.

            Liked by 2 people

  35. Mo, were you suggesting that Deirdre the Baker nut is actually Deirdre Fulton the online columnist? I’d have a real hard time making the connection between those two.


    • No Deirdre the nut is not Deirdre Fulton, that I am aware of. I did not see that name mentioned at all. If you go to the link about Bill Gore above and read the other links it offers, she mentions numerous last names but that is not one of them. If you read the link she states her real name.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I just looked up Deirdre Fulton, Anonymous. She is definitely not Deirdre the nut. Deirdre the nut writes horrible broken English with numerous misspelled words and unfinished sentences. Read the link and you will see. You will get a headache reading her writings.


        • I just found another Bill Gore blog by Deidre the nut. Definitely not the same Deirdre as the columnist. Not even close. Thanks for clarifying.

          Liked by 3 people

      • Cornelius, in golf talk, that is just par for the course. Baker, ex-golf pro and earned $00 dollars on the pro golf circuit. The info used to be available online when Baker first wrote his book. Now it has been removed. Ping supposedly sponsored him. Yeah, right. Not buying it for one second.

        Liked by 2 people

    • So let me get this straight, You (we) are on Welfare, overweight, frequent Walmart, spew venom (that one LMAO) and are stalking Baker and his wife. I don’t recall any of this. I mean, of course, to be pumpley that’s almost half of the american population. It’s not uncommon at all. 100 years ago this was desired. What happened? Even by 2016 standards, this is the standard. In fact it’s pretty much accepted. Media has a way of brainwashing.

      The brain is very sexy. That’s attractive. I lose desire to engage with someone within 20 seconds if we can’t talk on the same level. Age, weight and looks fall away if you can’t speak intelligently and hold yourself to an intelligent argument.

      F*ck you and your bullying – and dated – attempt to one-up one of my supporters.

      If you can name call or attempt to try and demean someone on a simple flaw that most people have, then you really are a piece of shit and most likely share these same ‘qualities’ my friends do. In reality, you don’t know any of these people. But we know you from your writings, we know what kind of person you are, your heart. You provided that.But, you can’t see us, and we can’t see you, long time traveler.

      How perfect you must be, without blemish.

      You can can kiss my white-cheeto-eating-fat-ass.

      Liked by 6 people

    • Thanks, Baker needs to hear it. He treats people like crap. I can not even believe that he was any kind of a pastor. He was only in it for the money and for the women because he got the boot from the church because he was married and had an affair with a parishioner. He is an adulterer. Tell us about that one Baker. How did all that happen?

      Liked by 6 people

        • Yes he did. He moved to Hawaii and went to a theological college that was owned and operated by his current girlfriend’s parents, at that time. She became his wife. Wife number one.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Always knew he was a coward. He runs from everything when he can’t win or others figure him out. That may be why people think he’s gay because he runs and acts like a sissy. Maybe that’s why he isn’t bothered by committing crimes, that’s because he gets the pick of men there. lol


            • You might be right anonymous because he never seems to win. I have not seen him win yet. Just look at all his failures and arrests. So I guess he’s what you call a LOSER.


            • Hey! Don’t insult the gay people that way. My dear friend is a black belt. His gay ass can beat the hell out of most people. 😆😉

              Baker is a coward of the highest order, to be sure. He’s also a hater. It must be miserable to live with that much hate in yourself everyday for everything.

              Liked by 5 people

  36. One thing that each and every one of us can be proud of is we are posting on this blog for all of the right reasons. I am more than proud to be associated with not just this blog but the person who started it. I sleep very well at night knowing that the McStays, living and deceased, support our efforts and know that we have their backs. Too bad the same can’t be said for them.

    They can say whatever they want about me because their opinion means nothing. Zilch.

    Liked by 6 people

  37. OMG! I think Agent Dumbass might be on to something. LMAO!

    While I am here Jason on the contact list owns a electrical co. in San Clemente which is spook because Joseph had a electrical cord around his neck. And Big on the contact list used to live on the same street in San CLemente

    Liked by 4 people

    • She is brilliant. She is the only one commenting on that blog so far today. I think between Agent, Matty and 60daysin(same person, different alias) nobody goes there anymore. Those two losers ran everyone else off. The Agent is out in left field and the other one is just evil. Weird blog he has there now. They crucify us for going there and reading and then commenting here but they are doing the exact same thing. How would they know what we say about them if they did not read here? Maybe osmosis? Just like Sylvia I will make it easy for them to understand. Osmosis is:
      “The process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.”

      Liked by 3 people

    • If he puts “Mcstays” in his address he will get more hits. He wasn’t getting an honest read in his stats because people were searching for Rick Baker the Hollywood costume designer. I see it in my feed. The difference his blog and this one is we have more return visitors, whereas he has more one time visitors.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Even putting McStay in the web adress won’t help him with securing return visitors. He needs interesting and intelligent content. And, he needs to back off from banning and insulting people and assuming they are all trolls when they ask questions. His current lot of regular commenters are just plain dense and seem to lack basic reading comprehension and logic skills. Imo.

        Liked by 3 people

      • His current blog is a blog. He used his old blogspot address with a forward on it to the wordpress blog which he has had for awhile. It says wordpress on the bottom of the page. He must have done the forward to reach all the people that used to come to his blog. He has lost his old followers because of his lack of content. He does not think Chase committed this crime and keeps going after Mike McStay. He will not post any comments that people make if they question anything he posts or disagree with him. He claims they are trolls and calls them that. People are sick of his attitude. The comments he does post are just stupid and they all support his opinion. That is not what people are interested in. It is not a true conversation and very one sided. The handful of people he does have are not worth conversing with. He also does not come up with any kind of interesting topics to discuss. It seems to be just Rose posting old stuff with the link to the article. It has been six years and people have read all that stuff numerous times. Bottom line, no one cares about his take on this crime. He is history.

        Liked by 6 people

        • I believe, as well as most of his ‘followers’, know Chase is guilty. It was clearly laid out in the prelim and now it’s a matter of time. These people are angry no one else has been charged with anything. “Boo hoo, they didn’t nab my guy”. Suck it up, bitches, this is real world stuff.

          Liked by 9 people

          • He used to have some really good people come to his blog and comment. They were intelligent and were interesting to converse with. He also insulted a lot of really good people when he started in about how corrupt LE is and how he thinks they suck. A lot of people from before had people in their families and friends that are some form of LE. Who wants to hear him slam your people over and over. Him and the Agent, just today, claim the FBI is shady. There might be some rotten apples in LE but to label them all corrupt is ludicrous and makes him appear very simple minded. IMO. The whole conspiracy thing and Chase is a fall guy is just to way out there for the majority of people.

            Liked by 5 people

          • Yep. When Rick was saying the McStays were alive on the 7th and Mike drove the trooper to the border I challenged him with the ping evidence and check forgery. And he agreed that Chase’s phone pinging at the grave and the computer activity that placed Merritt in the home Feb 4 were very damning. IMO Baker knows Merritt is guilty, which makes the activity on his blog all the more disgusting. He’s a fraud through and through.

            Liked by 5 people

  38. He bought Facebook followers, too. Look at his posts from a month ago and more – 4 likes, no comments. Then his latest post has like 800 comments lol
    He is so weird.

    Liked by 4 people

      • He also makes things up and lies. People are onto him. He is a drama queen, plain and simple. He throws out a bone and will not explain its source. He just says wait for the trial. That gets old. He wants people to believe things are true because he says they are. It does not work that way with intelligent people.

        Liked by 2 people

  39. It does read like Merritt was in the McStay home using the computer on the 8th. Was he looking for email passwords so he could cancel QBs? Did Joseph’s phone have a password protected file where he kept all his passwords, and he wanted access to that file? The Feb 8 internet activity at the McStay home might be useful for establishing the time of when the trooper was dropped at the mall. Was it early in the day, early in the afternoon, or later in the evening after the 107 min. call to QB. Merritt called QB again at 8 am the next day.
    I really hope they nail this guy to the wall.

    From SBSW 14-1593
    A forensic examination was conducted on the computer hard drive belonging to Joseph McStay. The forensic examination was conducted by the Hi-Tech Crimes division of the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department. The examination revealed that on February 8th, 2010, the internet to the computer was accessed and the address of 17037 Brookhurst Street, in the City of Fountain Valley. Investigators determined this location has a total of five suites and one of the suites to the location belonged to a former customer of EIP. Another suite was occupied by T-Mobile, with a customer service center and sales department. Based upon my training and experience, I know suspects in murder investigations will take victim’s phones in order to discard them or alter evidence within the phones that may incriminate the suspects. Cellular phones commonly known as smart phones, such as the Google phones owned by the victims, are typically password · protected which would protect a suspect from being able to access the phones. A way to gain access to the phones is to take the phones into the cellular phone provider’s customer service store, which in this case would be a T-Mobile such as the one at 1703 7 Brookhurst Street, and have a store employee access the phones for them. On September 20th, 2014, investigators contacted the loss prevention agent for T-Mobile which worked the 17037 Brookhurst Street store. The agent stated any surveillance video recordings of the store for February of 2010 would already be erased. The agent stated there would be a record in the businesses’ database if any store associate accessed the victims’ account to assist in accessing a locked phone or making any changes to the accounts. The agent suggested I contact the Law Enforcement Relations Group (LER) for T-Mobile to request the records check. On October 13th, 2014, I contacted the LER and requested any records or documentation of any associate accessing the victims’ accounts or any changes in the account status. I was aware on December 27th, 2013, search warrants were authorized for the call detail records and subscriber information for both of the victims’ accounts. The search warrants were also authorized for any customer service records, though the information the loss prevention agent described was not supplied to investigators. I spoke with LER and they requested an additional search warrant for any records concerning associates accessing the accounts in order for them to provide the records.

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    • Who else but the killer could have been in the house using the computer on the 8th? When Mike and Merritt first checked the house all the doors were locked and a back window was left open a crack so it appeared like the McStays had left the house locked up and driven away somewhere. But we now know the family was murdered in the house so it had to be the killer who locked the doors. And AFAIK no one had an extra set of keys to the house in case of emergency. Now there have been houses broken into in that sub division, I would have to search the Fallbrook Village news for the dates, but I think they occured in the year after the McStays “disappeared”. But the McStay home didn’t appear to have been broken into, the TV and laptops and expresso machine and other valuables were still there.
      So imo when Merritt used the computer he left another calling card.

      Liked by 4 people

      • I think that Chase parked the Trooper on another street in their subdivision. He was at their home many times and he knew that no one ever came over. With the Trooper not in the driveway out front, if someone did come to the front door, if no one answered, they would just assume that the family was not home and would not investigate further. I do not think he took any bodies with him after the massacre on Feb. 4. I think he came back on the 5th to clean things up and move the bodies. He probably was so freaked out by what he did that he left after he went on their computer. All Summer’s and Joe’s friends and relatives lived at least one hour away. They would not just stop by. They would have called first maybe even for directions to the house.

        Liked by 2 people

        • I think he returned to the house in the first hours of the 5th, just after midnight. I agree Mo, Merritt knew their friends wouldn’t be popping in for a visit announced.
          Supposedly, someone dropped off realty papers to the house on Saturday?


          • Leaving all the bodies in the house for awhile makes sense with all the coffee grounds, eggs on the counter and dirty diapers being staged in the home. It was to get rid of the odor. SD LE never walked cadaver dogs through the home. They only had search and rescue dogs sniff around the house and back yard. The local news showed the dogs working the front yard. One of them was a really cute little beagle girl that is known for search and rescue endeavors here in San Diego. She is very talented.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Right. And yet over all the bad smells was the smell of fresh paint. All of those detectives who first showed up at the house, especially the young guy who forgot to search the garage, will never approach a missing persons case the same way. Big learning curve there.

              Liked by 2 people

  40. Mr. Bigshot did it again. Voir Dire tried to enter the conversation about Joseph’s illness and her comments were promptly deleted because they contained constructive criticism of a poster making a diagnosis without seeing the patient. But now the bozos are free to criticize Susan for not acting sooner knowing her son was ill so it’s all good. @@
    Rose has misinterpreted the meaning of Dugals comment about the family crossing the border. He said it was possible but not probable concidering the evidence found before and after the video. Rose wants to know what the evidence was after that makes it probable they did cross the border.
    Someone else is reminding them that Rick has evidence it was Mike and Merritt that parked the trooper at the border on the 8th so the family was most likely dead by then and so they couldn’t be on the video.
    Reading there is like listening to a bunch of drunks rambling.

    Liked by 4 people

      • I believe the comment has been removed by Baker. “Ocean Breezy” was talking about how Joseph’s mystery illness could have been caused by ED and his taking viagra. Voir Dire did not go along with that comment and in typical Maeve fashion quoted about how in the medical field, people should not diagnose others without seeing them and so on. Ocean claims to be a cardiac nurse. Voir Dire caused conflict and the other gals were up in arms so Baker removed the comment. That is how he does. If you ask questions or not agree with his favorite fans postings, then you can not comment. That is why people do not even go to his blog or comment there anymore.

        Liked by 3 people

  41. Damn! MattyK is actually a male. I certainly can’t say he’s a man because there’s not a man on earth that would speak about women in such a despicable way. Well…except Baker, of course.
    MattyK, you really are a little bitch, aren’t you?

    MattyK says:
    08/20/2016 at 2:10 PM
    No I don’t think so. My wife has sold Uggs has for 12 years in her botique. Summer’s one pair looked thrashed and my wife says that is a result of much wear. She’s an UGG expert, I can attest to that.


  42. “MC says:
    08/20/2016 at 4:53 PM
    there will never be peace in the henhouse as long as rick is around and discussion on this blog. there is a reason why the rooster and hens spend so much time here copying and pasting and working to discredit discussion. it’s the only place left that still allows for public discussion about all aspects of this case and all its shady players and doesn’t push the chase is guilty crap down your throat. it’s the only place where the trolls haven’t been able to overtake the admin and control the discussion. pay attention to what they bawk the loudest about for that is where the truth lies.”

    A Troll discussing Trolls on a blog of Trolls. How does that work really?

    This site is where truths are discussed. We have a built in Bullshit meter. Multiple lies and accusations are discussed there and mostly dropped because there is nothing to support them. With little effort, your BS is easily evaluated and discredited. We don’t “spend so much time” to point out the fallacies. You actually sound so foolish and gullible it’s quite comical really.

    So please tell us, enlightened one, what tangible evidence has Captain Dick and yourselves produced?Where’s the real discussion? Where is the “proof” that Rick boasted he had that proved Mike and Chase dropped off the Trooper at the border??? Why aren’t you challenging him?


    Liked by 5 people

    • Overtake the admin… Paranoid much? They probably think that we delete comments and control discussion here and have infiltrated all admins on all blogs lmao. And receive a monthly stipend from Mike and Patrick to do so. Ffs.
      Conspiracy nutters, just because that’s how Ricky runs things at his blog doesn’t mean that’s how it works everywhere.

      Liked by 3 people

    • I have to agree with that Cornelius. There comments are hilarious. Just this AM they have 40 yr old Joe taking Viagra so regularly that it made him physically ill. Meanwhile, Chase said Summer and Joe had not been intimate in over a year. It is outrageous. How would they like it if they were deceased and someone set up a blog and looked at every single aspect of their life under a microscope and made ridiculous and inflammatory accusations about them? I wonder how pristine their past is. We know Baker’s because he has been exposed and he still will not crawl back under a rock.

      Liked by 3 people

      • As far as Joseph’s “mysterious illness” goes, just read up a bit about asthma. It is inflammation of the bronchial tubes. That makes it hard to breathe and get enough oxygen into your system. You could get chest pains, shortness of breath, etc. Plus he was under tremendous stress. He was supporting his wife and two toddlers and the sole breadwinner of his family in a self-employed business. They just bought a $300,000+ house and were doing a remodel. He had two business associates that were giving him major problems. Chase was a crook and owed him tons of money. His work turned shabby. Dan was bullying Joseph for more money. Their is a long list. Maybe Joseph was even intuitive about what did eventually happen to his family. These are plenty of reasons for me to have somewhat of an explanation for his “mysterious illness”.

        Liked by 4 people

        • I have to agree with you Mo, and it’s what I’ve always thought. Asthma exacerbated by stress and and intutive forewarning of danger. As well I think Summer had an intial bad feeling about the street but became enthusiastic after talking about the short term investment possibility with Joseph.

          Liked by 3 people

    • I like your new moniker from our AK friend. That is cool. Filthy Harem from AK. We went from hens to gorgeous harem ladies. Harem ladies are the pick of the king or prince and they are always exceptional beauties. What a wonderful compliment. Baker is clueless. Please pass the grapes!!!

      Liked by 3 people

    • Anon:
      Since MattyK and MC had such kind words for Mo and myself I vote for sharing. I want to know exactly what kind of a f*ck nugget I’m dealing with. Or you can email the info to Corn and he’ll forward it to me. Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think Cornelius knows. It is not that other one, Cornelius. He is computer savvy enough with all these hidden VPN’s that I am quite sure he knows. There are other people that read this blog that know also. They may not comment but they do read here. They are friends.

        Liked by 1 person

        • She is from a long time back and has been very instrumental with all these blogs. She has brought a lot of hurt to the surviving McStay family, especially Mike, Susan and Patrick. She is brutal. I will not disclose her name on the internet. She would probably commit suicide and I do not want that responsibility on my shoulders. She is extremely unstable and a former druggie. She is just like Baker. They are lucky they found each other. It is quite a story. I wish I could be a whistleblower but it is not my MO. I am sure she will be included in a lawsuit for defamation of character after the trial.

          Liked by 4 people

          • By the time I first visited Rat Bags blog, which would be early last year, everyone was plain anonymous. I don’t remember any screen names being used except Rick’s and maybe a few others, but none that stand out.
            There’s a big difference between suspecting about a family member of being involved in a crime which is almost par for the course, especially early on in an investigation, and slandering, insulting, wishing them harm and ridiculing their grieving process and ceremonies. There’s no excuse for any of that. And now that we have learned through the prelim that no family members were involved or had knowledge of the crimes there is no excuse for continuing to try to implicate any of them. But they do and they make up bullshit stories just so they can sit around and continue to cause harm.
            I really do hope that after the trial there is a way charges can be laid because something tells me RB won’t ever put away his vile obsession with the McStays.

            Liked by 4 people

      • They are all such drama queens. Hopefully they will let Maline and McGee know this little tidbit of discovery and get their bad boy released. Baker will fly in from NC and he and the Agent will take Chase to lunch and the Agent will be competition for Mechele and around and around they go. Maybe the Agent likes country western dancing. Chase is quite good at it, from what I have read.

        Liked by 2 people

  43. Look at the little icon next to the following user names. What do they all have in common? Hint: All 8 are the same bat-shit crazy person.
    Agent 99
    Matty K

    Liked by 2 people

    • Just Me you are right. If you go back to older comments, Agent 99 has a different color icon. Could they have had a falling out with the original Agent and now that same person with 8 aliases is using her moniker? Wonders never cease. I believe that happens when the user has the same email address but changes just the name before posting their comment.

      Liked by 2 people

        • I’ve always felt it was only 3 with an occasional drive-by. Someone found a dumped PC in a report and they all think it “MEANS SOMETHING”. That think tank is about to go into overload with all their info.

          Liked by 4 people

        • I found this old poem and wanted to share because Baker needs to take a close look at himself.
          The Guy in the Glass
          by Dale Wimbrow, (c) 1934
          When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf,
          And the world makes you King for a day,
          Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,
          And see what that guy has to say.
          For it isn’t your Father, or Mother, or Wife,
          Who judgement upon you must pass.
          The feller whose verdict counts most in your life
          Is the guy staring back from the glass.
          He’s the feller to please, never mind all the rest,
          For he’s with you clear up to the end,
          And you’ve passed your most dangerous, difficult test
          If the guy in the glass is your friend.
          You may be like Jack Horner and “chisel” a plum,
          And think you’re a wonderful guy,
          But the man in the glass says you’re only a bum
          If you can’t look him straight in the eye.
          You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,
          And get pats on the back as you pass,
          But your final reward will be heartaches and tears
          If you’ve cheated the guy in the glass.
          In grateful memory of our father, the author, Dale Wimbrow 1895-1954
          Page maintained by Peter Dale Wimbrow, Jr.,,
          pelf means: “money, especially when gained in a dishonest or dishonorable way”

          Liked by 5 people

        • They talk about us posting here all day not having a life. Well, there’s several of us posting here, but when you have one person with several aliases that means that one person will just sit there for hours posting with names she pulled out of her ass to see who writing it. And we don’t have a life? Sista please!

          Liked by 5 people

    • And when you figure out that they are all the same person, it gets rather scary. Talk about multiple personalities and answering her own comments. It is absurd. Remember the reason for this is just to keep Baker’s blog relevant. That ship has sailed and sunk.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Fran that is way over their heads. The only thing they might understand is the last line “You are an idiot’. Some things are just too deep for them. You did not offer the easy definitions.

      Liked by 1 person

  44. Hmmm…speaking about multiple aliases, there is a high profile blogster who created some aliases on her blog and began responding to her own posts. When it was figured out and she was confronted, she had a meltdown and started stalking people on the Internet and threatening them. Scary.

    Cornelius, without a doubt, your blog is one of the most sane I have come across. Thank you for all the effort you put into your work here.

    Liked by 8 people

    • Thanks Murphysings for recalling that. Some people can really become unhinged. You just have to wonder where their heads are at. You also do not want them after you. I appreciate Corn’s blog with good conversation and interesting thread topics and non-hostile people.

      Liked by 4 people

    • One would think that for someone who just got married at her advanced age, she would be too happy just loving life to spend her time digging up dirt about innocent people and slandering them with made up lies.

      Liked by 2 people

  45. “Bip says:
    08/21/2016 at 11:10 AM
    So apparently Mike McStay was at the home on 2/9/10, and had maintained that he was not?! If that is accurate, it is a *shocker*. And we know that CM had said all along that he was there that same day, 2/9/10.

    To me, this seems to dovetail nicely with the prospect that the duo may have also been together the prior day, 2/8/10, the day it seems that the Trooper was left (staged?) at the border. But I must be misunderstanding something, because only one of the two individuals is incarcerated and being prosecuted for the murders. So confused.”

    So confused. Well, let me explain it to you. Obviously the detective misspoke. Are we to believe that Chase went to McGyver’s house as well, because there is testimony of that. Errors are going to happen. Mike was not in Fallbrook on the 4th, 8th, 9th or 10th. But Chase Merritt was. Funny how you can focus on a minor error and look completely past all the evidence pointing squarely at Merritt.

    There is/was no Chase/Mike duo.

    More truth is coming that will shine a greater light on Charles Ray Merritt.

    Liked by 4 people

    • His extensive criminal record shows he was very experienced with burglary and thieving. He knew all about how the the law investigates those sorts of crimes. I’m sure he learned many tips and tricks in his various prison stints.

      Liked by 4 people

    • I know it’s an old post but do you have the phone records with GPS data or location data to show where Mike was that month? I know he said he drove by the 4th or 6th of February.


  46. With Merritt’s criminal history being what it is, I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for them to comprehend that he killed the family. He might put on a good show occasionally but really, he’s not a good guy.

    Let’s compare Merritt’s history to Michael McStays. Yes that’s correct, Michael has never been arrested for any crime, let alone this crime.

    Liked by 4 people

    • What those people did and still continue to do to Mike McStay is so over the top bullying. The things they have said about him and his family would be unbearable to live through. Look at how low life they act over at the “beyond belief” blog when someone says something about them, including Baker. They need to just stuff it and get over the fact that LE has not found anything on Mike McStay. Three LE agencies have investigated this crime, SD, SB and the FBI. Do not even start with your stupid conspiracy cover up crap because it makes no sense to rational people. That is one of the reasons no one reads Baker’s blog anymore. It is just tiresome. Their claims that LE is corrupt is unrealistic also. Those people are such outcasts and misfits. My question to them is “If LE is corrupt, as you claim, who do you call for help?” I bet you call LE. Usually people that speak bad about LE are criminals or former criminals themselves.

      Liked by 4 people

    • Also not so hard to figure out why a con and criminal like Baker stands up for Merritt. Two cons and criminals of a kind. Baker just thought he could make a lot of money off his fellow criminal buddy.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Yes, there is a new book in the works. When he hooked up with Farrell that was the agenda. Now that Farrell is gone and hates Baker, I am sure the book is still going to be published. Hopefully this time he will have an editor that helps with sentence structure and spelling. His first book was something that could have been written by a second grader in today’s age. It was atrocious.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I truly believe this is the reason that Farrell was harassed by the court. The prosecution wanted him to turn over all evidence and they were adamant about it. It was because of this new book deal that Baker had going on. Now Farrell saw the real Baker and can not stand the SOB. That is the same thing that has happened with everyone else that has ever hooked up with Baker. People end up hating him. He literally leaves people in his wake.


          Liked by 2 people

  47. Wasn’t so hard to figure out where Mike McStray was on the feb 9 because he spoke with his father around noon according to the reports. Do all these idiots really think that the SBCSD didn’t check cell records and pings for were Mike was on feb 4 through feb 15, 2010. Patrick said he called Mike and asked him to go to his brothers house on the 9th because he was worried about them. Do you really think the SBCSD didn’t know all this and that Mike spoke with his dad on the 9th and had no idea at that time that his brother and family were missing and he told Patrick he was to busy to drive to Fallbrook. No one but the killer knew they were missing (and dead).

    Liked by 5 people

  48. This! You hit the nail on the head, Mo. I’d love to see their histories. I can guarantee each and every one of them has some skeletons they don’t want coming out of the closet.

    Usually people that speak bad about LE are criminals or former criminals themselves.

    Liked by 3 people

  49. I ponder this crime often and wonder if Chase did it why would he risk being caught on camera multiple times? That is way too risky. 

    I keep going back to what Mike said about driving by their house on the 4th or 6th of that February. I’m not buying the whole he was upset or frantic and screwed up the dates because he certainly wasn’t in any rush to go check on them when his dad begged him to.


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