It’s In The Blood

I started to do some background research on the Merritt family. Only so much can be gleaned from looking at pictures on Facebook or my own collection. Pictures really don’t tell a thousand words I’m afraid. It’s a fallacy. Would it surprise anyone that Chase had upwards of 12 siblings? His Grandfather had 9 siblings and Great Grandfather had 13. Busy people.


Bennet Davis Merritt, Chase’s Grandfather


I am a huge American history buff. So when I came across this nugget, I had to pass it along. This about Chase Merritt’s Great Grandfather, James Wesley Merritt.



James Merritt & Susan Cartwright Family

An entire, fast-paced book could be written about the lives of James Wesley Merritt and his wife Susan Cartwright. In fact a master’s thesis has been written about a part of his life. James was only one year old when his father was accidentally killed at a Whig political rally in the fall of 1840 in Jones County, Georgia. Twenty years later he enlisted as a private in the First Georgia Regulars with the Confederacy. His unit left to join the War in Richmond, Virginia.

While in Richmond James was admitted to the Chimborazo Hospital #2. After discharge he enlisted with the Thirty-fourth Battalion Virginia Cavalry – with which he served until the end of the War, eventually being elected as a lieutenant. His two brothers also served as lieutenants – one with the Forrest Escort and the other with the Georgia Sixty-fifth Infantry.

None of the men of the Thirty-fourth Battalion were slaveholders, but they fought valiantly for the South. They were the tip of the spear for Lee’s invasion of Pennsylvania. With JEB Stuart they laid siege to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania – the northernmost penetration of a major Confederate force during the War Between the States. They fell back to join Lee’s forces for the third day of the battle at Gettysburg.

James surrendered his detachment near Durham Station, North Carolina, when General Joseph E. Johnston surrendered in April 1865. The Yankee force that took James’ surrender forced him to put his hand against a tree and they shot a minié ball through it for having raised arms against the Union – maiming him for life. He then walked back to Trenton, Georgia – a distance of 450 miles. Eight months later he married his sweetheart, Susan Cartwright.

After another year James and Susan left Georgia for Texas, as many did, to escape Reconstruction. When they left he was counseled that if they ran into any difficulties to tell people that Orrin Beck of Tippah County, Mississippi, was his uncle and that Bedford Forrest was his cousin. Orrin’s sister was Miriam – the mother of Bedford. James and Susan were the parents of ten children – eight of whom left a posterity.

James was convicted of killing his wife’s cousin (husband of the eldest daughter of Preston Ford Southern) Joel F. Brown in Millsap, Texas, in 1897 just a week shy of James’ 58th birthday. It was a premeditated murder, but with extenuating circumstances*. The man he killed was the head of the Parker County KKK. James was received at Huntsville in 1889 to serve a four year term. He was #17719. After serving two years Governor Joseph D. Sayers gave him a full pardon in 1901.

*Preston Ford Southern died in 1878, nearly nineteen years before Joel F. Brown’s murder. In his will Preston states that his son-in-law had created a scandal for him. Whether the scandal was the same one that led to Joel’s murder is unknown. If not, it may have been for a similar reason. There is a complete trial transcript available at the court house in Weatherford, Texas. It describes how Joel had a sexual interest in his cousin Susan Cartwright Merritt. As the head of the Parker County KKK, he involved the Klan in trying to run Merritt off. They delivered threatening “white cap” notices to him. Joel even tried to turn Merritt’s own sons against him and there is an account of them stoning their father at his instigation. The bottom line is that the murder was premeditated, but the jury probably felt Joel deserved what he got. Instead of murder Merritt was convicted of manslaughter, served half of a four-year term and was given a total pardon by the governor.

James died in 1928, and his wife died in 1930. They are both buried in Sturdivant Cemetery in Palo Pinto County, Texas – the same cemetery in which Joel F. Brown and his wife Lucinda Jane Southern are buried. Lucinda died in 1917. Joel also served the Confederacy in a Texas Cavalry unit.

Impressive. Gettysburg was considered to be the most significant battle in American history. James Wesley Merritt may have not been a war hero but to me all those men went to battle with absolute valor. 7550 men lost their lives over 3 days. It was a bloody end to a very tumultuous war.

But I wonder, did James Merritt’s killing in the war between the states harden him, enough to kill again? Was it easier to murder Joel Brown?

Did Chase Merritt kill before the McStay family murders? Was it easier to bludgeon children?

200 thoughts on “It’s In The Blood

  1. Very interesting reading Corn. I thought perhaps the scandal that Preston refered to was that James surrendered his detachment. That may be why he chose to walk the 450 miles back to Georgia, as penance. Just a thought. If James and Susan were engaged prior to James enlisting his surrender might be viewed as a disgrace by Preston?
    I agree that killing in battle most likely hardened James, making it easier to kill a civilian during peace time. From what I have read and seen in the movies and historical reenactments is lots of fighting at close quarters with rifles that weren’t very accurate because the wood would warp, homemade bullets, etc so the soldiers needed to use their bayonets to finish off their enemies. Probably lots of ptsd amongst the surviving soldiers and civilians whose towns and fields were transformed into bloody makeshift battlefields..
    Im not sure what extenuating circumstances means. I would think the only safe way that James could have taken out a kkk leader who made public threats that he definitely planned on killing him was with stealth and planning. He would need to make sure he was not accompanied by his posse and hopefully unarmed and completely unprepared. Ugh. It most likely came down to kill or be killed.
    On that note I think there can be no comparison between the crime James was convicted of and the crimes his great grandson Charles is charged with today. I do not believe the McStay family presented a mortal threat to Charles Merritt. I do think he may have killed before though.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can see a shared resemblance to his grandpappy Bennett.
    An interesting peek into American history. No doubt many Americans born here will have some horse thieves, moonshiners, and brothel owners/workers in their woodpile.
    Does Chase have any elder family members still living and if so, have they spoken to the media about the charges against him?

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Interesting. I remember people said it was either a monster that did this, or someone the children could identify.

    Remember thinking the person is a monster either way.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, sadly, a monster either way. If it was pre-planned, one could spare the children by taking them to someone else, they could cut and dye the boys hair, cover the birthmark, and keep them out of public’s view.

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  4. Btw, Corn’s historical entry that mentions Georgia…I confess to looking at posts at RB’s where rose or someone posted the cost of the McStay house, and then I tried to watch the home video of the family driving (buffering was crap so I lost patience). Anyway, they comment on how pretty, and I thought how dry and scrubby. Sorry, but living in the South it is so green, with so many varieties of full, lush trees. And a house near my dad’s neighborhood on 10 wooded acres, natural springs, a nice covered rv park, I think over 4000 square feet, several car garage, a separate work shed, all for $170,000. And hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. It’s no ‘trailer’. Property taxes are cheap, and if you’re a senior you pay none. You can drive to the Gulf of Mexico in 4 to 5 hours and be on sugar white soft sand.
    Oh, must be able to handle humidity, and hear “let me hug your neck”.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Your right I remember the first time we drove from Louisiana to Florida.
      I was amazed at how green it was.
      Very Beautiful and beaches on the Gulf incredible.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Ah neat Pearl. So are you still in Louisiana? Now that was some humidity for me! Loved the Audubon zoo, the carrillion bell tower. Avery island, konrico rice mill…was a bit spooked seeing nutria for the first time, but loved seeing the cypress knees. Just feels so mystically ancient. Later I will have to post a song in honor of Louisiana. But I have to get home and decompress. Had a shit of a morning by my attorney’s office, dealing with my wreck that happened two years ago where the woman that drove into my vehicle and broke the gas tank and my seat while driving on a suspended license are treating me like the criminal, so I’m in a I hate people mood right now. Harshed my mellow indeed.

        Liked by 4 people

        • To your earlier post D’lil, you could say the Fallbrook area is a bit drab and scrubby but the surrounding areas and hills provide sweeping views of valleys and wide blue sky. The area is really pretty green and a nice reprieve from the sprawling nearby cities of San Diego and Orange County. SoCal is really for the most part, a desert. But there is a whole lot of everything out here, the beaches, mountains, skiing, Hollywood, wineries, employment, gateway to Mexico and Vegas. And nothing beats our weather!! My only complaint is all the PEOPLE. The freeways out here are murderous.

          Liked by 3 people

          • Hi ya Corn. Thanks for the description. It is amazing due to your state’s size that it seems like you could drive one hour (barring traffic) in any direction and it would feel like a vacation spot! I did get to visit a friend in San Dimas, so spent most of my visit close by in LA and Orange County. I loved my time there. I thought people were very friendly and enjoyed the different accents from folks that were from other countries. I did keep asking my friend “where are the black people?” I swear it was like looking for unicorns. I’m used to blacks in my community having grown up in Kansas City, Mo and living in Birmingham. Often I’m the only anglo in stores or restaurants I stop in. I’m always told to have a blessed day when I’m being waited on.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Yeah I forgot to add, depending on your proximity, you drive for an hour in any direction and be in a completely different environment. It’s weird, I live in a predominantly White town but work in town that is predominantly Black and Hispanic, 10 minutes away. I really think we are still a hundred years away from economic equality.

              Liked by 2 people

        • Funny we had a similar situation and it was a right of way issue. He walked away with over 100k. Got caught lying about injuries he got in a bar fight. All kinds of strange stuff. Clearly was expecting much more. Insurance didn’t want to fight it. Waited exactly till the last month to file. So his payoff no doubt went to chiropractic bills, his attorney and the doctor that did 3 nosejobs. It was insane considering the police report said no injuries. But I feel for you.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Thanks Justice. It’s maddening isn’t it? I should learn to not answer my phone before I’m planning to eat either. Considering my expenses were $5k and my attorney gets 40% and my attorney said last week I could “buy a nice dress” wth?!! Just throws me back the last time I had an attorney and my then husband of 15 years decided to divorce me, the alimony/maintenance offered and what I got I told him you couldn’t get a cheap whore for that per month!! Then in the mail yesterday I got the docs saying I could cash out early on me ex’s pension. Wow, I could take a lump sum of $1638 or, do the life annuity of $8.17 a month. My ex’s “Becky Chang ” ‘with the Asian hair’ he brought over from China is getting better than this no doubt when she met him while still married to me. As my old granny would say, ain’t that the shits?!

            Liked by 3 people

  5. *Oops, no taxes for my county for seniors for their primary residence, don’t know about what other counties taxes are. Y’all come down and sit a spell.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ah neat Pearl. So are you still in Louisiana? Now that was some humidity for me! Loved the Audubon zoo, the carrillion bell tower. Avery island, konrico rice mill…was a bit spooked seeing nutria for the first time, but loved seeing the cypress knees. Just feels so mystically ancient. Later I will have to post a song in honor of Louisiana. But I have to get home and decompress. Had a shit of a morning by my attorney’s office, dealing with my wreck that happened two years ago where the woman that drove into my vehicle and broke the gas tank and my seat while driving on a suspended license are treating me like the criminal, so I’m in a I hate people mood right now. Harshed my mellow indeed.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry for the double post, didn’t think that could happen. Happy Friday the 13th. Now the theme of Northern Aggression here is

      And for Pearl

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  6. All that donated money (I’m sure it’s in the $100k range by now, smh) and those greedy Laspisa’s are spending it so frivolously.

    4 hrs ·
    The Laspisa family have an opportunity to share Bryce’s missing information on a billboard for two months. It will be located at the 5 freeway near Lake Hughes Road, in Castaic, CA, where Bryce went missing. This is a highly traveled route for both trucks and cars. Our hope is someone will see this billboard and can provide information to help find Bryce.
    The donations needed are: $1800 for creating the billboard and $1000 for each month. We’re getting a 65% discount because we are going through We Help the Missing organization. Any contribution would be greatly appreciated.
    We continue to have hope that Bryce will be found.”

    Get a tall glass Rick.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. I know there was some discussion recently about the Bonsall Bridge pings, or alleged pings. Here’s the old article from IIRC:

    So, interestingly, this article was taken down immediately after the McStays’ bodies were found in Victorville. Does that mean the article was false, or could it be that those pings actually were true and that Chase could have tossed their phones and maybe Summer’s purse off of the bridge and they could still be there.

    As a side note, I thought it was interesting when Corn posted Merritt’s g/f Mechele’s FB cover page with her on the Bonsall Bridge, weird actually.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Here is another interesting aspect to think about. Could Chase’s truck be parked here in this video. I found this over a year ago, and I know this has made the rounds on the various FB pages, and I’ve scoured it trying to see if maybe Chase’s truck was there (video taken February 7th, 2010) at Nessy Burger down the street from the Avo home:

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Not sure if you all have seen this, which was a post one FB by McGyver right after Chase’s arrest:

    McGyver J. McCargar Thank Doreen Walsh & Ann Mary Hanna .. Closure would b good. not sure of the evidence they hav, but hope it’s good.. Looking forward to hearing the detail as it goes to trial.. Would b ironic and a testament to Summer’s intuition, as this guy was specifically the reason she called me week b4 to complain, and reason they had me come out to their house those days prior .. he likely knew I wouldn’t b there the Thursday they were reportedly killed.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Merritt could have read the text messages on Summer’s phone, if it wasn’t password protected, and learned McGyver wasnt expected to be at the house until Saturday which was the 7th. Merritt’s phone is pinging away in RC and Ontario Saturday morning until 3ish in the afternoon. I’d have to check the time line to be sure.
      What if, instead of the purse and phones getting tossed near the bridge they were in the trooper. Pinging wherever the trooper was hidden until the batteries went dead. I think Merritt kept Joey’s phone. Maybe he tossed Summers stuff in a garbage can down in Ysidro?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Good thoughts. Do you think it is likely that LE know where Summer’s phone was pinging until the morning of the 6th, Saturday (the 7th was Super Bowl Sunday).

        So the 6th was the date that Merritt buried the bodies, Saturday, then where did he go from there…do his phones ping?

        Liked by 2 people

        • Im thinking Special Agent Boles may have triangulated the last pings for both Joey and Summer’s phone, if SDSD didnt already have them done.
          I did spend time studying the Bonsall bridge area on google earth, looking for a place the trooper could have been hidden off the road. IIRC there’s an old camp ground off the old highway that I thought he might have parked the trooper at.

          Liked by 2 people

      • My mistake the 7th was Sunday, Saturday was the 6th.
        From the time line at WS, which I think is ok to post here since we are private? If its not ok just delete it Corn. Thanks.

        Saturday, Feb. 6, 10:46am to 1:30pm – CM cell phone pings in Victorville & Oro Grande. On February 6, 2010, Merritt’s mobile phone made ten cell phone calls from the Victorville area. Six of the ten calls pinged on an AT&T cell phone tower closest to the location of the McStay graves near Victorville. A forensic review of the data showed Merritt’s phone was located to the east of the cell tower in the same area where the bodies were buried. Merritt has a sister who lives to the west of the cell tower. She told investigators that Merritt had not been to her house since 2009. From Preliminary hearing (page 85-86) – first phone activity is at:
        10:46am – contact tower in Victorville area near Interstate I5. Next activity at
        11:30am thru 11:52am contacts cell tower in Oro Grande, north of Victorville in the High Desert, near Interstate I5.
        11:53am – cell tower a bit south, back near Victorville.
        12:49pm – contacts a cell tower in Victorville area.
        1:30pm – contacts with cell tower in the Oro Grande area.

        10:59am – The last four texts to Summer, including two messages from Dan Kavanaugh, an associate of Joseph McStay, arrived on Saturday. The final text message registered at 10:59 a.m., presumably just before the mobile phone’s battery was exhausted.

        Feb. 6, 3:14pm to Feb 7, 10:35am – CM cell phone disabled.

        Feb. 6 – Dan initiated a transfer of $2,000.00 from Joseph’s Paypal account into his account.

        Liked by 1 person

        • He could easily have gone to Fallbrook to do clean up and other things with that gap of time.

          I wonder if it is at all possible he dropped the Trooper at the border on the 6th Feb. but it wasn’t towed until the 8th?

          Liked by 1 person

          • I have always had my doubts about the SDSD taking the word of a rent-a-cop. Wished they’d checked the video for the 4th through the 8th. Perhaps they did. We never know until trial. The cops are allowed to withhold info if it may make a perpetual screw up somehow. We shall see.

            Liked by 6 people

          • I’ve heard that that mall parking lot is frequently used by people making a day trip into Mexico and that they dont always retrieve their cars by 11 pm,and that mall security doesn’t always call a tow truck right away, instead they might wait a day or two.

            Liked by 4 people

                • Q How many times did he call the victim, Joseph McStay, Sr., on February 6th?
                  A I’m sorry, say that again.
                  Q How many times did he call Joseph McStay, Sr., on February 6th?
                  A I don’t see any calls to him on February 6th.
                  Q From Saturday, February 6th at 3:14 P.M., until Sunday at 10:35 A.M., February 7th, is there any cell activity on the defendant’s cell phone, any tower activity, any activities?
                  A You said February 6th, from 3:14 P.M.?
                  Q Correct?
                  A That’s his last call of the day on February 6th. His
                  first call of the day on February 7th is at 10:35 A.M.
                  Q So — and there’s no activity between that time period? ANo.

                  ^^ So, interesting that he also did not try to contact Joseph. So going with the theory that he left the Trooper at the border on the evening of the 6th, it’s like he wrapping things up. The Trooper being the last task he needs to do after burying the bodies.

                  Maybe the security guards were CYA when they said it was towed the same night on the 8th so they didn’t get in trouble?

                  The 8th is also do-able but a much tighter timeline.

                  Liked by 5 people

                  • And the 7th is also possible re dropping the Trooper off at the border. If the security was much more lax than we previously thought based on their statements to LE that they always towed the same night.

                    And that is his last call of the day on that particular
                    Q So, last call on February 7th was 5:17 P.M.?
                    A Correct.
                    Q When was the first call on February 8th?
                    A 7:26 A.M.

                    ^^ So 14 hour window of time on the 7th.

                    Liked by 3 people

                    • Here Brugos states that cars are typically towed when they are left overnight or longer.

                      When asked why this missing persons’ case was immediately sent to the homicide division, Brugos said, “Because it’s so out of character for an entire family to disappear.”
                      The family’s vehicle, an Isuzu Trooper, was discovered afterward in a tow yard near the Mexican border. Tow company workers told officers that the sport utility vehicle had been towed from a parking lot located near the international border.
                      For Brugos, it was another sign of something amiss.
                      “Cars are typically towed from those locations when they are left overnight or longer,” said Brugos. “At best it would be considered irresponsible; at worst, something more sinister.” Investigators seized the vehicle immediately.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • That comment by Brugos really indicates to me that it wasn’t towed on the same day that he left it there. More likely the 6th or the 7th. Both dates having no phone activity for 20 and 14 hours respectively.

                      Liked by 3 people

                  • I know SB LE says the border video crossing was unrelated but I’ve always thought it was a strong possibility that CM may have taken the boys beanies and a jacket of Summer’s and paid some family to wear them. A family that was crossing the border. Of course there’s no way to prove or disprove that theory, although it would tie in nicely with the Internet search for travel documents was staged theory.
                    It’s not too much of a stretch for me to believe Merritt would take a gamble and after dropping off the trooper, hand out $50 to a family and ask them to wear a jacket and hats.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • I’ve always felt that it was a coincidence. It’s the busiest border crossing in the world. One day I googled videos of the pedestrian crossing and in the first video I saw the back of a woman in a white coat with long dark hair. That settled the question for me. 🙂

                      Liked by 4 people

                    • Merritt would have to know how poor the video would be, that they wouldn’t have other camera angles. It was a shock to me. It’s also possible that their are other cameras and that for whatever reason this was the only video released.


      • Sunday, Feb. 7, 10:35am to 11:17am – CM cell pings in Rancho Cucamonga. Per Preliminary hearings – page 91
        11:46am to 4:06pm – contact cell towers in Rancho Cucamonga and Ontario areas. Per Preliminary hearings – page 91
        3:47pm – contact between victim’s cell phone and defendant’s cell. Per Preliminary hearings – page 91 – call originated from defendant’s cell (2 calls). Feb. 4th is the last time CM leaves voice message for Joey.

        5:17pm – last call of the day – contact with cell tower in Rancho Cucamonga. Per Preliminary hearings – page 91

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  10. If Joey’s phone was password protected, then how did Merritt make that call from JM phone to his own cellphone at 8:28 pm, either accidentally or purposely?


    • I don’t think it would have been password protected like the phones are now with the smart phones where you can add a password which unlocks the screen to use the smart phone. I think in Joey’s case the phone would have been a password to access VM, but to dial out you wouldn’t need a password.

      Liked by 3 people

  11. The air here is thick with cottonwood fluff, drifting like cherry blossom petals.

    Merritt may have had access to other vehicles so its possible he drove another car on his trips to Fallbrook. He may have parked it at the the P&R or the subdivision entrance closest to McStay’s back fence and walked from there. Unless he drove right up to the house and parked on the street like he had every right to be there. I think there might be more video surveillance from other nights showing suspicious activity but maybe its not the white truck.
    It must have been nerve wracking hopping over the fence with Bear and Digger barking. He probably brought them steaks and tossed them over the fence before climbing over himself, or met them at the side gate.
    The sun was setting around 5:30 so if he left RC at 4 ish and allowed time for walking from wherever he parked he would have arrived just as it was getting dark. I suppose neighbours didnt notice lights going off and on, he probably just left the kitchen and family room lights on with the blinds closed. I wonder if Mike noticed if the lights were left on when he was first there. Chase didn’t want to go upstairs. The whole upstairs, except for the two bathrooms and laundry room was carpeted, it’s the only reason why I think there was no one killed up there. Especially in the master bath because of the carpeted closet and bedroom. Surely blood would have stained the carpet. Its horrifying and sad to think what the children may have experienced. Maybe JM was attacked first which brought SM running down the stairs and she was attacked and CM had to go upstairs to bring one or both of the boys downstairs. Afterwards at some point before the bodies were buried he had to go upstairs for the towels and the robe.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. FYI. as rick reported earlier my husband and others would be receiving emails regarding me and/or my response to one of his post. But darn, as of yet hubby hasn’t received anything to read with his morning coffee. Dude ain’t got shit on me because I’ve done nothing wrong!

    Liked by 3 people

    • My husband has been patiently waiting as well for a knock at the door but so far Baker,et al are just flapping their gums as they sit in their house that mommy gave/leased them. All talk, no action. Gee, that’s a shocker!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Its bizarre how Faker posts whatever the hell he wants and calls it “facts and truth” but he demands from everyone else who questions him proof links verification as well as a real name and email address.

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  14. What’s so goofy about the blob is he criticizes people on their grammar when in fact he is one of the worst with such poor grammar. He then claims as you all pointed out wants links to prove the innocence of the Laspisa’s. But when it comes to he and his dummies they claim innocence for CM and ask for proof of guilt. That my friend is called a double standard and the goofball is full of that!
    They don’t have to prove anything but everybody else is required to in his world of standards. Sounds just like all the conspiracies he claims with no proof just his lies.

    Liked by 5 people


    If anyone had any questions or doubts about whether he has a single ounce of decency in him, he proves to you he does not!

    Now do you have any questions about his wife why every part of his life and hers are open to scrutiny just as he does to anyone else. If Becky Baker had one once of decency or compassion in her body she would put a halt to his lowlife actions and she wouldn’t want any part of it. But with her mouth shut and eyes open she does nothing and that is a clear act of condoning him and his blog.

    Wake up people she is no better than him and he certainly could care less about her or anyone else. It’s all about Rick Baker and his ego! He thinks this helps him when in fact it does nothing but solidify what everyone knows about his uselessness to mankind.

    Sorry Becky but you belong with him!


    • I really don’t know about Becky. She seems not be into social media at all. My husband would know none of this or even see Facebook posts from our family if I didn’t show him. My landlady refuses all modern tech. She has a landline and an address. Wait, she does have voice mail on her telephone. 🙂

      My point is that there are many people who shun social media. She may be completely unaware of his actions as far as we know.


      • Becky Baker has been involved from the start. According to Patrick she was involved when Rick Baker was suppose to do a book with Patrick. She was involved with the interview of Michael McStay on the radio program she and Rick had in Southern California in 2011. She ridiculed Michael and denigrated him right along with Rick on the air and on his blog then.

        She has been all over their website and cancer blog or whatever that is. So to say she doesn’t know what is going on or doesn’t condone or allow it is completely false. Do you really think she has no idea or allows him to just control all the assets and money that is hers not his other than by his marriage to her.

        Becky Baker would have to be one of the dumbest people in the world not to know or have any idea about what he does. She is computer savoy and as I said was on their website and blogs. Go back and find the audio recording of the interview and comments she made along with him about Michael. You will see a completely different Becky than you are talking about.

        Liked by 2 people

        • You have a point. I get what you’re saying. Is it possible that she too has been suckered in by his con?
          I’d really like a good inside look at that relationship. From a psycho-social aspect. I think it would be fascinating.


          • I recently had the opportunity to speak to an ex-GF of a well documented sociopath. She was “duped” by him but she saw right through him and eventually left. But some people see who they want to see sometimes.

            Liked by 3 people

            • That’s close to what I’m thinking. When I was young I was involved with someone who was sooooo charming and convincing I was swept up into his world. I figured it out eventually but it did take some time. I was vulnerable and that amazing confidence was attractive.

              It was a hard lesson. If one was very protected and never had that experience before it’s easy to fall into step with the con man.

              I’ve seen a lot in my years. You’d be surprised at the ways we can fool ourselves because we need what we think we need. “Think” being the key word.

              Liked by 3 people

              • Yes, what I was told is that people who are sociopaths have a sort of extreme attractiveness to them. Like Bonnie to Clyde or the murderous duo, Myra Hindley and Ian Bradley who together killed up to 17 children in England. Reminds me of the movie Natural Born Killers. That allure to the other’s craziness is attractive.

                Liked by 1 person

      • When Rick was slagging JP and his family and threatening to contact their employers, Rick said it was with Becky’s blessings! According to him she gave her full encouragement. Of course he’s a liar, but he did put her name out there.

        Liked by 2 people

  16. Looks like someone told him in no uncertain terms to back off and stop accusing the Laspisas of fraudulent donation collections. He writes that it’s all his idea now that his curiosity has been satisfied with all his questions answered.
    Faker has no shame what so ever. He must know that people are watching his blot and yet he continues to lie. Its ugly.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Fresh wound on his hand
    Spoke about Joseph in the past tense
    Stated he didnt like Summer and
    that she didnt believe in corporal punishment
    Was the last person to see Joseph
    Was the first person at the house
    Accessed Joseph QB account
    Wrote and cashed numerous fraudulent checks on Joseph account
    Owed Joseph $30,000+
    Gambling addiction
    Tried to cancel QB while impersonating Joseph
    His story is/was all over the place
    Quotes about remorse forgiveness murder were found in his notes
    His phone pinging at the gravesite 2 days after they were last heard from
    Had intimate knowledge of the area of the graves
    DNA on the steering wheel and console control knobs in trooper
    Phone uncharacteristically disabled for hours at a time
    He lied about the last phone call
    Didnt want to touch anything while he was in the house
    A truck consistent with his was seen on the video surveillance of the neighbours on the 4th
    Did nothing to help find the McStays said
    He didnt want to get involved
    Extensive criminal record…..
    Add to the list

    I’m thinking Chase was always the only suspect because in the probable cause affidavit the detective states “Chase was the only person in the investigation with direct knowledge of the high desert,” which we know isn’t true. There are others.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Here’s an idea to clarify the situation with Becky. Now everyone should look up and copy all the comments that are suppose to be from Becky. Print them out exactly as they are written and do not add or alter them in any way.

    Then send them snail mail to “Becky Baker Personal and Confidential” along with a little note saying something like,the following. “I just thought you might like to have all your comments in writing”. Do not in any way threaten or make any negative comments, just let her see her comments that her name is on or said to be from her.

    Now what does this do? Well either she will say nothing which can then be assumed she is well aware of them and condones them or she will deny she wrote them and blame it on someone else or say it’s a conspiracy. The one I believe will happen is that Rick will lose it and accuse people of lying or harassing Becky. He will say it’s all a conspiracy to get at him. The final thing that could happen is that Becky will own up to have written all of them and she agrees with Rick. There is also the fact that Rick may write acting as Becky, but anyway of these will let him know he is being copied and people have evidence of what he has done.

    Finally Becky may (if she didn’t know) learn what is really going on and maybe she will (if she is decent at all) put a stop to Rick and his deceit, harassment and bullying of people.

    It will definitely be interesting to see the outcome or reactions.


  19. Becky’s Fall said to be on May 15th

    Now to all you skeptics of what I’m about to say, just remember how Rick Baker always plays the sympathy card. When he is caught or needs to change peoples attitude toward him after he is caught lying again. He then comes out with something to do with Becky and her condition. Doesn’t anyone see this recognize how he plays the public?

    Now answer this for me please. If Becky fell and she is in stage 4 of breast cancer as RB claims, isn’t she monitored by doctors or medical personnel? So when she fell, she gets back up and she is only a little sore. But he doesn’t think this is serious and didn’t take her to the doctor or hospital to be sure she was injured and it was not visible and could be damaged internally?

    IF IT IS SO SERIOUS a case of cancer you can’t tell me doctors don’t want to be made aware of anything that could cause injury or aggravate her medical condition. If RB is so concerned and with all the monitoring he does of everyone else’s business and all his and her writings about Becky and her cancer, where is his concern? WHY DIDN’T HE TAKER HER TO THE DOCTOR OR HOSPITAL TO BE SURE she didn’t injure herself and they couldn’t see it or she was unaware of being injured? He has made so much of his caring about her but with a serious fall (as he has just said) HE DOES NOTHING TO BE SURE SHE IS NOT INJURED!

    Sorry, but this to me is nothing but a “tug at your heart strings story” to stop the criticize from his attacks on the Bryce Laspisa Family. I feel strongly that he was warned to back off or legal action would be taken if he didn’t the stop his lying and harassment in the Laspisa Case.

    I think he was taking heat for his lies and attacks on the Laspisa Family and people saw through him because of all the lies and bullying of the McStay Family. So RB had to find a way to stop the heat so he came up with this so innocent sounding story to play people like he always does. It’s just what I said a “tug at your heart strings: STORY!

    So my bet is the story will change if he here’s about this comment or someone asks him questions like these and he realizes he’s caught lying again.


  20. Sylvia,

    Well for one thing if you address the envelope to Becky Baker or her maiden name as RB says she uses and it’s marked “Personal and Confidential” he has no right to open that mail or it would be federal mail fraud. Next you are correct unless she answers in video it is hard to prove it is her responding. So if RB and Becky Baker want to prove she really is the person saying and writing, then they would prove it with a video. Remember RB always demands proof from everyone else so it is not wrong in asking for proof of Becky’s so called knowledge of what RB says or that she wrote the past articles and comments.

    So simply by not proving it’s Becky that is proof enough for me that it’s RB making this all up and using her name and writing it as from her.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree. Video or it didn’t happen. As if Baker ever backs up a claim with proof. It’s only us that he requires proof from. I took a peek over there today and is still SSDD. What was that claim he made about opening a new blog because he’s being drawn back into the case in a “different capacity”?

      He’s off his rocker. Dude needs to be committed.

      Liked by 3 people

  21. RB’s thread about Mike McStay staying about the graves BS…I’ve pointed this out before to RB one on his blog that he in fact says the same thing in his own book – twice – about them being found in shallow graves.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ive always thought the most logical explanation for Mike’s comments about shallow graves was that Mike had been talking with detectives and LE, and of course Tim Miller. Mike and Tim and Steph all must have talked about what the drone operators were looking for…living people or shallow graves and patches of disturbed soil, imo.
      Same with the video surveillance camera, I think LE asked Mike not to say anything about what might or might not be on the tape, so he just said it stopped working or didnt work from midnight of the 4th until the 15th. That eleven day period suggests to me that LE may have analyzed and found more video evidence of Merritt being at the house in the week and half before the welfare check by police.

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  22. Maybe they need to look at their own immoral leader Rick Baker. When it comes to being a liar Rick Baker is the all time best at lying. But they don’t see that because it doesn’t fit what they want things to be. They wouldn’t have anything to talk about then other than the facts of Merritt’s guilt. That we know RB won’t allow to be discussed.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Jeez these people are desperate. Now they’ve got Mike and Merritt working together. Snipped from a longer comment. The copy and paste missed the first bit. It says Blink verified this commennt about Mike’s jealousy as coming from an insider. Bullshit I say.

    ly member’s post before allowing it to remain on her blog. The person made it very clear that Mike hated and was very jealous over his brother, wife, and THE BOYS. Dangerous, classic narcissistic/ borderline personality disorder. Remember Mike’s bike ride video that mimicked Joeys? … he’s still jealous!! Imagine how bad that jealousy was when Joey was alive, living in that beautiful 2-story home, and Mike’s wife was on FB asking for “help.” Somewhere Chase comes in… Did he just help bury them because he acted on a big lie that came from Mike? Did he believe the lie because they really were drug trafficking/money laundering? Or is he a killer? Mike has been doing this since Rick’s old blog…. Every time and ONLY when the thread was about him, that same day he’d change his profile/cover picture to him with the kids… “father of the year image.” This is a mind game he’s playing with his wife because he knows that Erin knows “something.” I think Erin is stuck between doing the right thing and her love for her children. (My opinion only)


  24. Just remember that most of the commenters there are RB himself. He may have 3 or 4 actual people on his blog and you can rest assure that any new names are RB just trying to make it seem like he is getting new followers. It’s really a blog of him talking to himself and using made up names and nothing more than that.

    I use to read there but I got tired of the same old lies and out of this world psycho’s and now I just laugh when I hear what’s being said there.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Yes, maybe as many as 5 but that’s it. Truth be known, before I closed the blog the daily visitor ranking was in the triple digits (not page views, but unique visitors) yet there was about 8-12 of us regulars posting. Every now and then one of the not so regular would post and then not again. I think Sheila and Kimmy said they just liked to read and that’s fine. But Rick, and I’m sure others, are posting as various people to hide their true numbers. This was done on the old blog where everyone posted as anonymous. Rick has a few loyal posters, 99, Rose and Madison. I think at least one of these individuals is the same one who stalked Patrick and the Joseph look-a-like in Spring, Tx.

      Liked by 5 people

        • Possibly but I wouldn’t put money on it. If any one the family members were posting now, I think we would know. If they were posting I think it would be blatant. Granted, these posters aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed but I believe the family members and a close friend would be very revealing in who there were. I have talked to, listened and read enough of these people’s statements to believe they are not there.

          This is why I, and others, should not longer be concerned with this idiot. I am working on something specific to Baker but I have very limited time to concentrate on it. The blog will open back up eventually and Rick Baker will again, eat crow. It’s all strategy and has been that way for the last month. I have all the chess pieces almost in place, so to speak. Last week, if you googled “Rick baker blog” what would come up in your search would be this blog at the top and Rick’s was 7th or 8th. Some posters here can vouch for that. Today, he’s at the top and we are number 2. In reality, since Rick came back, he has posted numerous posts about everything and anything in an attempt to “come back” and be All Things McStay. But there is something he hasn’t yet realized.

          The old Sheriff hasn’t retired, and he’s still in town


          Liked by 6 people

  25. What in the holy hell?


    IMG_0443My wife, Becky Baker, will turn 53 on the May 24th.

    Her birth certificate will claim that she is really 58, but, I have found a way to reverse aging, at least in years.

    Wanna know how?

    Becky was born in 1958 which will make her 58 next Tuesday. However, I have simply refused to acknowledge this age because of two terrible life events in her recent past.

    Her first husband was killed – along with her father – in his plane in 2003. Devastating and sudden. I have no idea how she must have felt or coped. While grieving, a local man, a chiropractor, offered to help her by giving her free adjustments to relieve her stress. A con man and an abuser, he very quickly took over her everyday life and then her finances. She had become a victim, like the ones she read about in magazines: Women, who feared for their lives, enduring the threats and verbal abuse, never knowing if it will end in their deaths. Becky is a strong woman, but was no match for this kind of subhuman. For the next three years he reigned over her and absconded with most of her retirement. More money than most of us make in a lifetime. She feared him greatly. An evil man was he. His name was Dr. Jeffrey Schmidt, and he was truly satan incarnate.

    A number of us had decided to intervene and save Becky before Jeffrey Schmidt killed her. We all helped her break free of this demon. But, he continued to haunt her in her dreams. His death threats never far from front of her mind. She could still see that look in his eyes, the kind that seems to show someone else inside another’s body. It took years for her to feel safe again. Then one day, Dr. Jeffrey Schmidt, put a .357 handgun (one he had bought with Becky’s money) to his head and blew it all over the ceiling of his house in Colorado Springs, CO. I rejoiced at the death of this incubus, only wishing that I could have been the one to pull the trigger. Becky was finally free. It was then she began to heal.

    Becky always told me that she had thrown away those three years and would give anything to get them back. So, you know what? I gave them back to her. Subtract 3 years from her birth year age.

    The second terrible life event you all here are familiar with and may be related to her first. Her stage 4 breast cancer. It is probable that her cancer took life in her body as a direct result of the fear, anxiety and stress of being controlled by Schmidt. It has taken another 2+ years of her life. From not being able to bend down to put on her own shoes, to using a walker, to regaining her strength, to where we walk 3 miles together now daily. I believe she is healing. Still, I am giving her back these past 2 years on next Tuesday. No one deserves to have them added onto their lives. No one.

    So, on Tuesday, May 28, 2016, Becky will turn 53, not 58. Can I do this? I just did. Maybe you should try it if you’ve had terrible life events like Becky has. After all, it’s your life, and isn’t a number just a number?

    Happy Birthday to the love of my life and always my #1 hero


    • Did I not say above in my comments that he would come up with another “heart string tugging story”! The man is nuts! He is so predictable!

      He always makes up some pour me or Becky story to tear at the heart strings when he is being discovered for the CON MAN HE IS. He lies so much he believes his own lies. Now if you read that story it really makes him out to be a hero. He is a hero in his story because he was one of the people that “saved Becky”! Oh boy what next?

      This guy lives in fantasy land and makes up more stories that in his mind make him a hero! He talks about Becky being his hero when in fact the story is written by him to make himself the real hero. What a louse he can’t even let Becky have one second of praise without him taking it away for himself.

      This man is truly sick and should IMO seek professional help. If I were Becky I would be absolutely afraid of this man!

      Liked by 3 people

    • I had worsening vision, turns out I had cataracts before I was 50. It’s frustrating when you can’t see well. I still out of habit enlarge the screen/font size.

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    • Incubus… an evil spirit at one time thought to lie on persons in their sleep; especially : one thought to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women—compare succubus.

      In this story, as in every story he writes about harm coming to Becky she is an innocent, more than innocent, so completely unaware as to be asleep. The abuser is not a man, but an evil demon.
      Sounds like the plot of a B movie, Harlequin romance novel to me.


    • Yes, shows his violent tendencies, but he has bonded irh Merritt, birds of a feather…
      And another thing!!!! Becky and Rick have posted that her cancer was from poor eating habits, junk food, and the evil soft drink industry, BUT now, it’s the stress of her being some old poor penniless widow who got fleeced by an abusive chiropractor that caused her cancer. Because yanno, the first thing to try when going thru grief is having your spine manipulated! …not say, oh yoga, meditation, grief counseling, reiki, church/temple/synagogue, friends. Grade A Flake with a side of flakey sauce with toasted flake topping.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Perhaps liability has finally become a concern? It seems as if he has changed his posts to give the impression they have less. Compared to a time he was circling the globe on his dime.


    • It’s scary and he is probably breaking confidential information if it is true.
      Families of Suicide victims in many cases keep it off the Internet.


    • Indeed. I was floored to see that entry today, and then realized if his wife was duped by a chiropractor, then she has a “type” she goes for …enter Rick. And why would she want her now husband going on the web to post THAT? It’s embarrassing, shameful and just nobody’s business why does he keep doing this? I haven’t been online much due to getting paperwork done, but I did see that gawdawful Laspisa mess and then back pedaling.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I shut it off after 45 minutes. Ugh. Couple of things I noted :
      Baker said he received threats and when questioned by George, he dismissed the threats as not being very serious. And this I find interesting based on what we now know. Baker says “The threats were attatched to money stolen from Joseph’s account after they disappeared.” Was Merritt threatening Rick or did Rick feel threatened by Merritt? Or were the threats of a more legal nature coming from people that Rick was falsely accusing of having committed theft? The reason I ask if the threats were from Chase (I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you) Merritt is because of the second thing I noted :
      Baker spoke very fondly and positively about Joey in this interview. That changed with the discovery of all four family members being found in graves in Victorville. And Rick’s opinions and theories about Joey and Summer have become even more vile, since Merritt’s arrest. His blog is now, more than ever before, dedicated to slandering the McStay’s and producing as much damning evidence as possible of their guilt and deserving to be bludgeoned to death, particularly Mike and Summer. Any evidence that points to Merritt’s guilt is dismissed and down played scrutinized to a ridiculous standard when compared to what passes for fact about Summer and Joey’s dirty deeds. All that to say, again, I do believe that Baker does feel threatened by a Merritt associate, otherwise wouldnt he have a much more successful and popular blog if he really was sincere in talking about the facts and actual proven evidence of the case? Or am being a bit of a conspiracy theorist myself?

      Liked by 1 person

      • He has posted that Merritt used him. Grain of salt I know. He also backed off his theory that Merritt dug the graves. After 99 went on about how ridiculous that was.
        I think it’s more likely he still has a source he doesn’t want to loose.
        But anything is possible.

        Liked by 1 person

  26. Tonight I was at kfc and the music inside was pretty cool, throwback to the easy listening of the Delfonics

    Couldn’t help hearing “didn’t I blow your mind” and relating it to his Becky Got Scammed entry. Wait, she’s his hero, hmm, but she apparently is unable to manage her own money so let a bone cracker do it. Why hasn’t he written a book about that? How to do an intervention the Baker way.

    Liked by 3 people

  27. Oh for the love of Pete, that idiot also tweeted his link to Becky got fleeced, or his subtracting years of her age. What next? Wife – hey next installment be sure to tell everyone how I got the clap that time I hooked up with a gigalo on the cruise ship but I’m your hero. Then tell the time I had that botched tummy tuck but slept with the surgeon for a discount and I’m your hero. Later the time I shoplifted dog leashes but had the charges dropped because I did a porno with the manager and I’m your hero. Then be sure that you always make me a victim of every decision I ever made. And shouldn’t a writer know it’s heroine since she identifies with the female gender?

    Liked by 4 people

    • The caption under the picture of the house with Joey’s truck in front of it says it was taken March 2, 2010. Note that there is no newspaper near the back tire.


  28. Can’t find anything on it, most likely because it isnt true. FWIW, I think Shannon is a family member.

    Luna says:
    05/19/2016 at 2:15 PM
    If I remember correctly, the crosses and memorial in the desert was put up by a church out there, mainly led by a member who turned out to be a sex offender (possibly a child molester, but I can’t remember exactly). I can’t find anything on it when googling. Rick probably remembers.


  29. What direct evidence does the prosecution have? For sure Mike and Susan’s interactions with Merritt, and the woman at MSM who received the forged check. The customer service guy at Intuit who was on the phone with Merritt. The neighbour of Chase and Michelle who heard Merritt say something suspicious. Are Merritts notes about remorse forgiveness and murder concidered direct evidence or circumstantial? What about the bank employee who spoke with Joseph on the fourth? McGyver and Gina?
    In that CBS8 interview with Dan it sounded like to me that Dan had never met Merritt, just going by the way Dan asked about “the welder in Victorville”.


      • Hi ya Sylvia, I know a couple that moved up around that area a few years ago and she referred to the town as “Victimville”. Irrc I think she had her purse stolen at a Walmart.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Not sure when DK met CM but IIRC Susan and Michael along with DK, CM and a friend of Michael had a meeting withing days after February 15th 2010 to decide on how EIP was going to go on. They met in person IIRCC. So DK may not have met CM in person prior but he did meet him in person at the meeting.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So that was just after the search warrant for the house and truck was executed? There may have been fountains near completion and or ready to be shipped that they felt pressured by. . CM must have been spinning his bs about needing money in order to get those fountains to the clients.
        Is this the meeeting that Faker says happened on the 7th or 8th? What a wretched meddler he is.

        Liked by 1 person

        • No IIRC that was the first meeting they had and it was about the 1st week of March 2010. Because after that meeting is when Michael registered the new assumed name Earth Inspired Joseph never registered that name only Earth Inspired Products and


          • All of the registration information has been online before and can be found in the Orange County Clerks records.


          • Ok. Just to be clear, you’re saying that they got together around the third week of February to try and figure out what do with EIP ongoing business. Then two weeks later in March they have another meeting. Mike may have received legal advice between the February and March meetings about how to carry on the business in Joseph’s absence and the registration and new website came from that. Also its a way to preserve the old business records and keep everything separate.
            Personally, I don’t find anything untoward or shady about Mike doing that. IMO he was making the best decisions he could at the time. His decisions would have also been influenced by whatever stories Merritt was spinning about how EIP was run.

            Liked by 3 people

            • No that’s not what I’m saying about the meeting. There was only one meeting around the end of February 2010 or the first week of March 2010 that was when it took place. Michael then registered the new name and SB opened a bank account in that name. That is what has been reported and that’s what the records show. To be clear there was “one” meeting that I recall.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Ok now I understand 🙂
                SB opening a seperate account and MM registering the company in a slightly different name all makes sense to me what with EIP and JM’s bank accounts being frozen.
                From what I’ve heard Merritt managed to wrangle 5k from SB. I can almost hear him putting the pressure on her with stories of being crunched for time, unfinished fountains, cant pay my rent, short on supplies, MSM needing to be payed. .. Yada yada. Meanwhile he was on a two month gambling spree all across southern California.

                Liked by 2 people

                • Again you are correct it was reported and CM said he had no funds to go to Saudi Arabia but then he later claimed he went to finish the fountain installation that was sold there. It was reported that SB gave him $5,000 which is what Joseph at allotted for the trip in the sales cost.

                  So from all that it’s clear he went and he was paid for the trip. He first said he paid the cost but never got paid. Then it came out that he was paid the $5,000 SB. So with all that it shows CM was trying to pull another con saying he wasn’t paid the money when in fact he was.


                  • Wait, you’re saying you believe he went to SA? SBSD has said he never went far from south California area. He was on probation at the time and would have needed all kinds of clearance to leave the country. I bet he never told M&S he was on probation for grand larceny, although surely LE would have told them that? Maybe they had so much faith in Joey that they thought “If he’s a friend of Joey’s he must be ok despite his record. And he’s been so helpful checking on the house and volunteering his own time and money to finish those fountains” .. All his lies of course. Which is why I’m asking when they fired him because I’m thinking his working for Susan (the bank account was in her name so all money would come from her) wouldn’t last too long.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • What I’m saying is CM said he went to SA and even Patrick said CM told him he went to SA. Now did he go, I don’t believe he did, no, just that that was what he said. He then said SB and MM cheated him out of $5,000. I believe CM told SB and MM he needed that to go to SA and they gave it to him and he never went but lied and said he did.

                      Liked by 1 person

  30. The story he spun in the daily mail is probably a good blueprint for how he talked about Summer and Joey to Mike and Susan. He took advantage of their uncertainty and grief and sowed doubt and confusion where he could. He pretended to know J&S much better than he really did.
    He was my best friend, we did lots of stuff together, he told me things he didnt share with others, i.e.I have secret knowledge. She was ok but could be a real bitch, their marriage was on the rocks, maybe she was having an affair or poisoning Joey. Joey was such a good guy he just wanted peace but there was no pleasing Summer.
    When the FBI took over a month later in April is when he made that storage locker payment,maybe cutting off and replacing the lock.
    When did he stop doing business with Mike and Susan?


    • Fran,

      I agree with you that is most likely exactly what CM told SB, MM and other family members and friends. I think he tried to convince people that Summer was trying to poison Joseph. I think he made up a number of stories and RB used a lot of what CM told him. So they both lied and tried to point their fingers at Summer. We know that RB is still doing that and repeating the same old lies that he and CM have told forever.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Well yeah, thats the really creepy and evil thing about RB and CM lies, concidering how the family was found. I could believe that CM just was able to exploit a vulnerability of RB, that he is want to believe that women are prone to be evil and wicked, what a boon for Merritt, and so his lies influenced RB and confirmed what he already believed at first. But RB continues to tell the same vile lies and worse, . He continues to align himself and his words with the monster who is accused of killing them in a horrifically brutal way. There has got to be some serious karma coming for Baker messing with the spirit world like that.

        Liked by 1 person

  31. If he failed to maintain employment and or absconded from the country or left the country without permission from his probation officer he would have violated his probation. If he left the country legally there would be a paper trail. Since his trip would have been work related Joseph, as his employer, would have had to apply and vouch for him. Then there is the work visa he would have needed, not just a regular visitor stamp on his passport. This may have taken months to set up.


    • Rick is posting the John C. letters to support his claim that Summer was involved in loan modifications? He also says the defense have all these emails which are basically just two people speculating and opining about what may have happened.
      The last news article that came out gave some quotes from Maline, or maybe it was McGee, anyway one or the other of them said, and I’m paraphrasing, they were going through the case discovery looking at minute details and the earliest they can see being ready for trial is end of this year. Iff they are going to chase every lead and lie that Baker and Merritt (hmmm BM.. Bowel Movement ugh gross shit storm ) have put forward about all the other people involved its going to take forever. We may be waiting for another year and a half. 😦

      Ive been following the Bosma murder trial and I think the jury has seen and heard a
      ton of very compelling evidence that will convict bith accused and put them away for a very long time. Interesting to note that one of the accused lawyesr at first gave media statements saying there were alternate explanations and his client was innocent the police have come to the wtong conclusions etc. Now after close to 4 months of testimony and exhibits, with one of the accused taking the stand in his own defense in a last ditch effort to pin it on his partner and get a reduced srntence (I don’t remember, I can’t recall, they’re lying) , its still not clear which of the two actually pulled the trigger. But its my opinion the jury will give both of them life sentences. Then they both will stand trial for the murder of Laura Babcock, who went missing in July 2012.


    • I only now just noticed that Baker had posted that John C. had won and that Baker was supposed to remove all those emails. Instead he posts more and discusses with 99 that “someone” should post the emails that John’s wife wrote.
      Absolutely contemptuous behaviour. How RB can dare to call anyone out for their online behaviour is beyond me. The hypocrisy is staggering.
      I sure wish we had one post that was open to the public to speak truth to the Repulsive Blogger.


  32. Telling:

    One of the most telling things about Baker and his crew are evident in their actions.

    Bakerbots and Merritt family members had nowhere to go and spread their lies and hatred, then a new blog comes along, “The McStay Files” Dead Money and Deception. So all the lost soles take over that blog and start spreading their lies and fantasies. But then that blog owner gets wise to all the junk and lies being spread on his/her blog and they crackdown on what is allowed to be posted.

    Then along comes Baker and he starts a new blog where all the lowlifes run to be free to spread all there lies. Merritt family members also flock there spreading propaganda and complete lies to taint the case and mislead anyone they can into believing CM didn’t murder the McStay’s .

    But Bakers blog is a failure although he lies about it and how many people read there, he only has few ignorant followers along with Bakers sub-ego’s that he posts under. Now you can tell he and the blog are failures because he has to make up stories and wild theories in order to get people to read his lies. He re-posts old lies and his wild fantasies along with his fake documents all of which have already been proven to be nothing but junk to try to get more readers and idiots to follow him.

    It just shows how desperate and pathetic he is just as he uses his own wife and her supposed cancer to gain sympathy for himself and his needed attention. He can’t do anything decent or moral so he attacks everyone and anyone he feels like spreading lies about in order to bully and disparage them so people won’t believe the truth they speak of. This is a sick and desperate man who is a nobody and bullies and attacks others with his relentless harassment while he tries to be a somebody.

    Liked by 5 people

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