As You Say

“I wasn’t his best friend….”




Do your words have an underlying meaning? Most people are honest and genuine. But at some point, every one of us will fib. It’s human nature. It’s a  natural process for us to try and cover up or transgressions for the sake of being caught and embarrassment. Whether it be that you ate the last of the ice cream, cheated on your taxes or commited murder. As your explaining your actions of what you did or didn’t do, you’re thinking about it. Because of that, what really occurred may come through in your body language as well as the  words you speak. Admission of guilt by way of subliminal language. Words used for further deception but instead can be recognized as signals. In many ways, Merritt was telling us in his interviews I did it. 

“And she had one hell of a temper”

“I may not be the nicest person in the world”

“Financially we were doing very well”

“Joseph’s family are the ones who lost the most from all this, no question. But financially I lost everything” [This is an utter disgusting show of disrespect to the family. Whether guilty or innocent, screw your financial plight, four people lost their lives]

“I told the police everything I knew”

“I didn’t know Summer was learning Spanish, but I did know she had had tried to learn French and Italian before. That’s what she was like, she went through little phases and fads.” [Yet, with detectives, he could not even remember her name but knew this tidbit].

“I’m definitely the last person who saw him”

“I was the last person Joseph saw”

“Joseph loved her, to death”

“Joseph was probably one of the nicest people [shaking head] I had ever met”

“He was definitely planning for the future”

“We were looking forward to the future”

“Exactly which time [Joseph left the meeting] I don’t remember, it was fairly blurry [laughs]”

“We met for an hour-and-a-half for lunch”

“I don’t personally [short pause] remember that phone call”

“‘Joseph had a very particular walk, it sounds strange, but he moved like a duck and that man didn’t. There is absolutely no possibility that was him” [I’m going to explore this statement at a later date because I feel it is part of something much more devious]

“They found the car about four days after they went missing, so who knows what they could have found if I’d have reported it straight away.” [This is an odd statement. If he is referring to the house, wouldn’t they find the house the way it was on the 15th verses the 4th? Or, was Chase giving away a little too much subconsciensly].

“I am the least violent man on the planet.”

“I’m just going to do the damn [Polygraph] test, so they can forget about me and focus on something that might actually help find him.”

“Summer was a very jealous person and she didn’t like anybody from outside of the family taking up Joseph’s time and attention.” [Shows motive for brutality]

“And she had one hell of a temper. I remember once I went round to their house to fix Joseph’s washing machine. It got to mid- afternoon so I ordered some pizza for the family. Myself and Joseph sat down at one table and the boys sat at another separate one, where Summer had put out little plates with a slice on each and a knife and fork. I grabbed a slice with my hand and started eating. Summer went absolutely crazy she started swearing and cursing, saying I was teaching her children bad manners.” [Poor Chase got yelled at by big, bad Summer. Now, let’s look at this in it’s totality. No one eats pizza with a knife and fork, NO ONE. It’s like suggesting someone eating a sandwich or hamburger with such. It’s ridiculous. Summer was not some uppity, high class rich girl. She was from a regular, blue collar SoCal family where people ate pizza with their hands. This is absurd. Second, Chase suggests that Summer, who just scolded him for teaching her children “bad manners” cusses him out in front of her kids. Kind of hypocritical, a double negative. Something isn’t right about the story. If it happened, he grossly embellished it].

Kaye: Is this how you suspected it would end, in the desert like that?

Merritt: Honestly….[Looking up, a sign of deceptiveness] I had no clue.

“I don’t remember a great deal of it, I was in the house…..3 minutes, I think”

“We just want to find Joseph




In testimony detective Dugal said that while him and his partner det. Frisk noticed that Merritt referred to Joseph and Summer in the past tense. I have come across many murders where the killer would describe his victim this way. One such case was this The Sohom Murders The wife of the killer who helped him cover up the murders referred to the victims in the past tense as well.

Something else to be noted is what Fran brought up, Merritt’s mention of Summer’s supposed stance about capital punishment in the midst of being interviewed by the detectives. What the hell? It’s completely bizarre and off the cuff.

Maybe they asked him what she was like. I picture his response being  along the lines of this: “His wife?  S….Shannon? Samantha…..Ssssomething-or-0ther,  yeah she was a bitch, but Joey just loved her to death. Well, they had problems, she wasn’t giving it up, if you know what I mean. She was a prude. He told me everything. I was his best friend. She didn’t approve of eating with your hands or corporal punishment. Joey just followed her lead always, always. He really didn’t know what he was doing with the fountains. I pretty much had to do it all, figure it out. He was generous, very much so, just sometimes, not enough. We worked that out though. Did I tell you he was my best friend? I mean, I was even at their wedding.”

Here is some very in-depth reading on Chase Merritt and Statement analysis.

Voicemails and Phone Tag

When DA Michael Ramos stated Merritt’s story was “all over the place” it was no exaggeration. Specifically his account of the phone calls. Merritt himself stated that he wasn’t really clear about what happened after the meeting, yet recounts that he and McStay discussed business in the phone calls. The last call at 8:28, he had to rely on his girlfriend’s memory. Interesting. Also Chase could not recount what he did the following days or where was, at least until he is on his way to the house on February 9. Interesting. You would think his memory would be very clear and that he would actively searching for his missing “best friend” who was also primary source of income.

Now, watch closely.

Q Was he able to tell you whether he remembered what he did
the rest of that evening?
A I asked him. He said that he watched TV, and then later
he told me they didn’t have TV at the time, so he must have been
watching a movie at his residence.
Q Did you ask him about statements that he had made
previously that he received a call from Joseph at about 8:30
that night?
A Yes, I believe we did.
Q Are you familiar with those statements?
A Yes.
Q Do you know he said that?
A Yes.
Q Did you ask him about that statement?
A Yes.
Q What was his response?
A I believe he still said that he received a call and did
not answer it. He saw Joseph calling, but he just let it go to
voice mail, did not answer the phone.
Q Did he tell you that that was really his wife’s memory
and not his?
A I believe he did say that.
Q And he was just saying that because he was relying on her memory?

Chase told detectives he just let it go to voicemail. We have yet to hear evidence of this being true. He has made one statement very early in the case to a news reporter about the voicemail and that is he heard “Restaurant sounds”. Something is very, very wrong with this account about having to rely on Jarvis’ memory and the fact his friend is missing. Since we know the account of him watching a movie when the call came through is wrong….where was he and exactly when did he listen to that voicemail???  It will prove most important. Why? Because it will prove that Chase was lying even more.




Confused? I was too because for the longest time, the whole voicemail thing and the “Restaurant sounds” really bothered me. For me, I always thought voicemails could be left if the phone was off. So not the case. Let’s revisit something that we all have looked at so many times before.


A The next phone activity is at 9:32 P.M. on February 4th.

Q I’m sorry, 9 —
A 9:32 P.M. is the next activity that generates a cell
Q Okay. That’s — you used the term the second time, “that
generates a cell tower”?
A Correct.
Q Was there any activity during that time period, that
almost three and a half hours, a little over three and a half
A There are. If you can bear with me while I count here.
Q Sure.
(Brief pause.)
A I count six incoming phone calls that go — are routed to
voice mail, according to the description here on the AT&T
Q And were those calls — those are calls coming into the
defendant’s cell phone?
A Yes.
Q Was that from a number identified to you as belonging to
Katherine Jarvis?
A This particular number, no. I don’t know who it belongs
Q So, you didn’t receive an identification?
A Not for that particular number.
Q It’s all the same number?
A Five of the, five of the six incoming calls are from the
one number. And then there’s one phone call from a different
Q What happened to those calls? You said they didn’t
generate a cell tower. Why not?
A If they didn’t generate a cell tower, there’s a number of
reasons for that. The phone could be off, could be in airplane
mode, could be out of range of a cell tower. So, there’s
several reasons why that could have taken place.

Six calls, 2 different numbers, all of them to voicemail, none of them are Joseph McStay’s. Interesting.

Q Backing up to February 4, is there any record on the
defendant’s cell phone records of a call received at 8:30 P.M.
from the victim?
THE COURT: From who?
MR. DAUGHERTY: From the victim, Joseph McStay, Sr.
THE WITNESS: At 8:30 P.M.?
Q (By Mr. Daugherty) Right.
A No, sir.
Q Sir, is it your opinion that the phone was either off or
in airplane mode at that time?                                                                                                                                  A That’s what it appears, in my experience.

McStay never left a voicemail on Merritt’s phone. He lied. Merritt never knew that Joseph’s phone called his because it was turned off. No missed call would show. He probably read about in news reports. So he had to make up this story and conjured Jarvis, whether knowingly or not, developed the “watching a movie” story.

The six calls that Merritt’s phone recieved were after he turned it on and he ignored them. Why on earth did he ignore the calls? What were on those voicemails?

Q Was there any attempt to contact the victim, Joseph
McStay, Sr., by the defendant after February 9th, 2010?
A Going through February 15th, it doesn’t appear there was
any attempt to contact him after the 9th.
THE COURT: There was an attempt on the 9th, though?
THE WITNESS: After the 9th, there was no attempt to
contact the defendant.
MR. DAUGHERTY: The defendant or the victim?
THE WITNESS: I’m sorry, the victim.

Chase Merritt also told detectives he left voicemails for Joseph McStay.

None were found.




149 thoughts on “As You Say

  1. Interesting post, Cornelius. I think your bang on about Merritt making up the “restaurant noises” on the voice mail because he had no idea about the call. I imagine that there was a lot of communication and conversations between Mike Merritt and SB from the 9th on, trying to figure out what happened. Merritt would be closely monitoring the investigation and trying to do damage control. He was in CYA mode. And that out of those conversations the idea that maybe J and S went to a restaurant evolved. Later it changes to a voicemail he ignored.
    Lots of food., eh? Pizza, restaurant, groceries and eggs, popcorn. Dinners with Merritt and his family. Knife and fork. The male end of the electrical cord looks like a fork… and was most likely sheared off with a knife.
    I’m probably reading way to much into it.

    He did make a call at 9:32. He called the number that left the 5 voicemail. Those messages must have been left on his phone from before he disabled the phone and not in the few hours he was travelling and in Fallbrook.

    9 Q After that 9:32 P.M. voice mail, is there any activity on
    20 the defendant’s cell phone between 9:32 on the night of the 4th
    21 and 7 A.M. on the morning of the 5th?
    22 THE COURT: Well, the 9:32 P.M. is not a voice mail, is
    23 it?
    24 THE WITNESS: No, it shows an outgoing call from the
    25 defendant’s phone to a phone number that he had missed five
    26 phone calls from.
    27 THE COURT: Right. And that was a completed phone call?
    28 THE WITNESS: It appears to be.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. So the phone records were incorrect, then? We saw phone records that say Joey called him. These were a lie?
    Basically, there were 6 calls, 5 from an unknown number, 1 from a known number (Joseph?) but they weren’t actual phone calls, they were voicemails received during the time the phone was off or in airplane mode, so Chase was clearly lying about looking at his phone and seeing Joseph call. But, it doesn’t say one of the numbers was t Joseph – just that it wasn’t Jarvis. It also doesn’t say whether Chase left voicemails or not. Are you pulling this info from transcripts???


    • Troll, the prosecutor seems to know five of the calls were from Jarvis. This is why he brings her name up while questioning the witness. Clearly, this witness was not as prepared as he should have been.

      So why would Jarvis be so frantically trying to get in touch with CM? I think the State may show – likely through her testimony – she was worried because she knew the meeting with Joey didn’t go well.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Troll, I think JM phone record is accurate. The last number his phone dialed at 8:30ish on Feb 4 was Merritt’s phone.
      For some reason it didn’t connect to VM or Merritt’s phone. There is no record of that call on Merritt’s phone records.
      I’m speculating that that last call dialed rang long enough to be registered on JMs call log but was disconnected before it could register as being received on Merritt’s phone.
      More speculation, when Merritt heard about the last call on JM phone log, he lied saying he it went to VM.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. And I agree completely – who wouldn’t remember the night before your best friend shows up missing? Unless you were in a rage – things get blurry in rages.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Actually the witness didn’t say which of the phone calls, the 5 or the 1, were that of the unknown number. Also that neither was Joseph McStay’s. McStay’s phone called Merritt’s but it did not connect.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Here’s another doozy:

    “Merritt also told investigators be did not like Kavanaugh and stated, “If I were ever going to commit murder, it would be with him,” referring to harrru ug Kavanaugh. At the time of Merrites statement, NO evidence of foul play was found in the McStay family disappearance which would warrant a statement from Merritt.”

    Liked by 2 people

  6. “I am aware Merritt previously brought notes to an interview with SDSO investigators where he used the notes to direct the interview on subjects he wanted to talk about. Merritt used the notes as a reference throughout the interview. Merritt mentioned the book he wrote to investigators so he could bring a copy to the interview and again have notes for the interview. I am aware that Merritt had mentioned writing a book to other involved parties of this investigation.”

    Do we think LE found the book? He finished 7 chapters.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Selective Memory for the 4th!!

    “Mr. Merritt was able to recall, have a good recollection
    of everything that occurred from the time he got up in the
    morning, until approximately 1700 hours. After 1700 hours he
    didn’t recall, basically, anything that occurred. And he
    indicated that his best recollection of anything after that
    would have been off Jarvis’s memory.”

    Liked by 3 people

    • True Crime

      You got it right. So I guess his memory on the 4th worked like his phone, it shut off at 5pm that say but came back on at 9:32pm! If it wasn’t such a serious matter I would laugh at his phone and his mind working the same way!

      Liked by 6 people

    • Yes, and remember that CJ lied to an investigator about that 8:30pm call and didn’t tell the truth until they confronted her later. I wonder if she has been offered use immunity to testify against him.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. I would bet there is far, far more than we in the public are aware of as said by many here. I do believe CJ knows far more than has been said and she was afraid and is now talking. I also think it’s possible that Merritt’s family knows very little and has been kept in the dark along with being fooled by CM.

    My bet is that CJ was given immunity and she is talking, but telling the Merritt’s little, trying to keep the peace because of her children. Just my thoughts no actual proof but strong feelings.

    Liked by 6 people

  9. To be fair I want to post this so as to say I am not ignoring contradictions. Because the very same witness contradicts himself about voicemails going through.

    “Okay. Now, turning your attention to February 8th, what
    1 did your analysis of the defendant’s records that day reveal?
    2 Well, let me ask you this, ’cause we are, we’re drawing
    3 near on lunchtime.
    4 Between 7:36 A.M. and 1:31 P.M., is there any activity on
    5 the defendant’s —
    6 A Between 7:36 and 1:31?
    7 Q Correct.
    8 A There is one, one incoming call that goes to voice mail,
    9 does not generate a cell tower, though. So, there’s no location
    10 information.
    11 Q Why would that be?
    12 A It could have been off, airplane mode, out of range.”

    So here the VM goes through when off.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I’m still amazed he let his hatred for Summer shine through even though he knew he was a suspect. He had no understanding how he would come across to others. He seemed to think he would garner sympathy for himself. It was particularly egregious (and stupid) when we all knew she had been murdered along with her little children.

    Liked by 4 people

        • I have searched and searched for a link and can’t find it. It is probably defunct as some of the McStay links are. I’m sure many that have been around from the beginning remember.

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        • Summer’s mom spoke of them in past tense in this article. I think that Summer had told Joey she did not want CM around anymore. They both probably figured out about checks CM had written. This probably enraged CM and that is why Summrr was struck in jaw so many times. CM did not like her mouth. I also remember something about how CM was mad because Summer wanted Joey to pay attention to young kids over his older son. That could be why GM also had so many hits to head. I think CM had a weird love affair with JM (one sided) and murdered the family because he knew it was over. Money too played into it but also jealousy. Just my opinion

          Liked by 1 person


    Was just listening to the John and Ken radio show again from the preliminary hearing. Very telling when Chase’s face turned beet red when the description of the diaper still being on the skeleton with the mother on top. It’s not emotion he felt, it’s his recollection and the detail that the detective was able to tell, something he never thought would happen. He was reliving it at that moment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The article says a six week rash of burglaries, so the break-ins started about two or three weeks after Merritt helped the McStays move to Fallbrook. Some of the thefts were carefully cased, others just smash and grab. Most of the burglaries were close to exits to the main highway.
      To me the the timing seems too much of a coincdence for Merritt not to be involved in at least some of the preplanned ones. But to be fair, I did read there had been many prisoners who were released from Southern Calfornia jails in the weeks preceeding the crimes.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Merritt in February 2010: “”I would just prefer to have no comment to any press right now. We want to find Joseph.”

    Yet he never searched or helped family search…

    And…”An acquaintance who knew Merritt in the 1980s told News 8 he has a checkered past.

    “I think police should look at him and anyone associated with him,” the female acquaintance said. She asked not to be identified.”

    Liked by 1 person

  13. TrueCrime

    Interesting about the thefts. Here’s a thought to consider. Someone riving in a utility truck like CM had wouldn’t be thought of much for stealing tools in a neighborhood. Most people would just think it was a utility worker in the area working for a utility company. So I don’t think they would even be noticed or very little attention paid to them being in front of houses or driving in the area. Interesting thing is that CM if stopped by LE in the area, he would have an excuse by saying he was going or coming from his friend and business associates home. I wonder if LE has any records of people who were stopped on dates of thefts that were in the area on those days. I wonder if LE matched any of the records to see if CM’s was in the area on days of the thefts.

    I know this is way out there, but isn’t it interesting that the date of the article about all the thefts in the Fallbrook area was published on January 27, 2010. That was the very day the SDSD said the entry on the McStay’s computer was entered about children and travel to Mexico

    I just found that ironic. .

    Liked by 2 people

    • And also wasn’t Chase at the home in Fallbrook on multiple days the week leading up to February 4th? I had heard 3 days possibly? That would be something wouldn’t it if he could be tied to any of those thefts.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. This comment was on a forum. I am wondering if anyone knows if Chase ever claimed the “restaurant noise” VM or if that is just rumor? If he did, then that would be about three stories he came up with regarding that 8:28 phone call, i.e., I ignored it, I answered it and it was all business talk being two stories so far.

    09-09-2011, 11:31 PM
    Can anyone post a link which shows CM stating as a fact that Joey actually left a message when that very brief call was made ? TIA…

    “Back at the beginning of this case,it was reported that there were 2 calls made by Joey to CM. One call was around 7:30 ish, and they actually did speak.CM said that they talked about business. The other call was around 8:30 or so, and CM said that he missed the call and it went to voicemail. He only said that there were background noises that sounded like the call came from a restaurant. So, 2 calls. Some posters thought the second call was a pocket call,butt call,an accidental call…. Not a real call…

    Liked by 1 person

  15. If chase was in the home in the days leading up to the murders, I think we can assume that while working in the home, he often thought about how easy it would be to take this family out and cover it all up. I can’t help but think that as floors were being pulled up, etc, he saw this an an opportune time. I believe the incident with the pizza likely happened in the days before. I believe summer may have made a comment, but I doubt she flew into a swearing rage. I can see her saying something like, “Chase, civilized much? Can we pray before eating, maybe try to be a good example to the boys and not scarf down the food, like you’ve never eaten?” I think the fact that chase paid for the pizza, was likely because Summer said something about Joseph not paying for it, because that’s all Joseph did was pay for dinners otherwise and chase owed them, not the other way around. I think Chase couldn’t handle the fact that summer was bold and Not afraid of him. I also think that he was likely hanging out on their computer, every so often to maybe plant to search for Mexico, and to access the needed passwords. Perhaps he was over there working, to pay off his debts to Joesph, but after becoming so enraged at Summer being so bold, just decided that it would be so gratifying to end Summer. Also, what’s the #1 way you can likely hurt a mother ? Messing with her kids. It seems like Joey may have been a necessary evil – and he likely justified it in the moment that he allowed summer to disrespect him and never stood up to summer and stuck up for him. In the end, I believe he regretted taking Joseph out because of the guilt he had knowing Joseph truly was one of the nicest people on the planet to Chase Merrit and others. I think he has a definite lack of guilt for hurting Summer and I can’t help but think of that carries over to their 2 babies, too. I wish Chase would just be honest. Don’t go out fighting it. Bask in the truth- it will set you free, even if you are locked inside of a jail cell – you can still choose to do right and be free in your heart and soul, Chase Merrit.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I would also question if he did buy the pizza. He was helping (according him) with the washer and he was in their house. It seems to me he was trying to paint himself as this wholesome guy helping out a friend.

      Funny thing is, after I did the post, I found myself eating pizza having to use a knife and fork simply because the pieces were too big to handle. I still don’t buy his account. Sets my bs meter off.

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      • I have serious doubts about him buying the pizza. He was always broke and I think he was trying to make himself out to be the good.guy. I’m not buying it for a minute.

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  16. I don’t know about the burglary thing. The report states they have fingerprints and DNA. Chase’s would be on file, they would have matched. Unless they didn’t search through a statewide database.

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  17. It looks like the blog owner finally woke up to and realized her blog was taken over by some of the same old theorist from another defunct blog. The old blog owner and his people did nothing but cause trouble spread more bs and caused their own demise. Now they are over there with some Merritt family members mixed in and they are taking over that blog and continuing to try to damage the case with misinformation and lies. Anything to discredit the truth that they can’t and won’t accept while continuing to cause more problems.

    People need to stick to the facts and evidence at hand. The trial will answer questions and maybe then they will admit the truth and admit the evidence when put together adds up has and has produced the truth of what was done and by whom.

    Liked by 4 people

  18. I am fairly confidant none of those posters are family members. Family would be more defensive and aggressive.

    However I am confidant that 2 of the posters (Rose, Madison and/or Dave) are the same that were stalking Patrick back in 2012. Baker’s “Investigators”.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Murphy,
      I don’t think it’s as much as they think Merritt is innocent it’s that they think Michael is guilty. If Merritt is found guilty then it blows their theory out of the water about Michael being complicit. They’re convinced that Michael and/or Susan are involved, they just can’t decide how. They also hang on Baker’s every word, regardless of how asinine it is. They’re the type who regardless of what the jury determines, will always believe Michael and Susan have done something. If they kept an open mind and weren’t so flipping stupid their ignorance would almost be funny. Seriously, who believes a damn word out of Baker’s mouth and why?? He’s not the least bit credible.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t know, JustMe. Rose seemed very happy when CM hired the last two attorneys and has been consistently nasty when someone posts that he/she believes CM committed this crime. I know how she and Madison feel about MM and SB.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Murphy,
          Rose and Madison do get very nasty when anyone says a word about Merritt being guilty. With them he has his only little fan club so they very well could be related. I wonder if Jennifer is also related? She acted the same way as them any time something happened in his favor, or maybe she’s just plain crazy!

          Liked by 2 people

  19. Fran

    It’s not that they shouldn’t have a voice (Merritt Family and Friends), it’s how they use the voice. The McStay Family members have all spoken out throughout the investigation and for over six years. But they have been visible and voiced there concerns and problems in the past. The problem is the Merritt’s hide and speak out in disguise not allowing people to know their identity so they won’t have to put up with all the harassment the McStay’s had too.

    What’s good for the goose and if the McStay’s had too and still have to put up with all the attacks and harassment, then the Merritt’s need to standup and take there medicine for there comments and stop hiding. If they truly believe CM is innocent then standup and tell the world don’t hide and try to throw blame on others or the innocent murdered victims and their family. If they can’t standup for what they say then I don’t believe they really believe what they are saying and are only trying to sway the public and create doubt and not reveal the truth.

    Sorry those are my opinions. For the family of an accused murderer of four people two of them 3 and 4 year old little children, to hide their identity and accuse the victims and their family only shows me they’re cowards and don’t seem to confident in CM being innocent.

    It’s what I said before, if they really believe CM is so innocent, then standup and quit hiding. I didn’t see the McStay’s hiding like cowards!

    Liked by 4 people

  20. Bennett and Taylor have both spoken publicly about believing Merritt is not guilty.

    I hear what you’re saying Jay and I agree that hiding and spouting lies or twisting the facts is cowardly. And I’m also curious as to who these commenter’s are and what are their true intentions . But at the same time I wonder if everyone over there only posted comments that we agreed with, would we be asking them to reveal their identity, or would we just be nodding our head in agreement.
    If there is one thing I’ve learner from stalkers like Repulsive Blogger, it’s that a person can never be too careful on line about giving out personal information.

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    • Fran, I’m not really concerned with the identity just the BS they spout. So if they are going to lie and spin the facts, then they should own up to it! I don’t think they have to agree with us and they can surely believe in innocence, but don’t give half facts and claim they are the whole truth. Don’t make up false information and flat out lie and claim evidence is all wrong without any proof. Don’t tell everyone what to believe about the facts and evidence, people aren’t stupid and can think for themselves, and then if they disagree with them they attack the family and victims. That’s what I object too!

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  21. CM’s girlfriend at the time he was arrested definitely used to write on the RB blog, as MM. Other family members did too but didn’t identify themselves – although one sister did call in the RB radio show when Taylor was on there. MM is the only one who identified herself and defended him by going into some detail about a friendship (with a couple who are mentioned in the warrants). How RB got her to quit smoking and a bunch of other wonderful stuff he did.

    All I have to say is that a killer can have two sides, that is why he fooled so many people for so long. Although some of us were not fooled…

    Liked by 1 person

  22. From Baker’s book listing on Amazon…

    “Baker is no longer officially involved in the McStay case but continues to monitor Internet activity and has served notice that he will respond swiftly to any continued defamation or libel.”

    I haven’t seen anything remotely close to the above. Has anyone else?

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    • Who puts that for a description? Is he afraid that he will lose credibility? That he’ll look bad? LMAO. He’s a public figure, there’s nothing he could do.

      His whole book is libelous to so many.

      Liked by 2 people

      • He should be concerned about what he’s said about others and not the other way around. I’m hoping once the trial is finished we see a string of lawsuits against the liar.

        Liked by 3 people

    • You can’t sue or claim libel or defamation when people are responding or criticizing his comments and lies not to mention all the false and half truths he has put in print or spoken. He would end up be counter sued for a frivolous lawsuit and he would lose.

      He put himself out in the public wanting attention and used libels and defamatory comments of his own and even published a book of lies. So for him to try to take any legal action would be an outright joke. He would end up being laughed out of court and he would clearly lose any legal action for libel or defamation.

      He lost from with his biggest problem being the fact that he apologized in print in the public forums and in media interviews for writing a book of lies and misinformation and offering refunds because of how wrong he was in the book and his facts. He also admitted he made fake emails and documents to damage the victims.

      He has no chance of any legal action. He by his own admissions and printed words is a liar and fraud !!!

      Liked by 4 people

  23. True, Corn. How dare he talk about libel after all he has done to these victims. He wrote that the McStay and Aranda families didn’t want the family to be found, and that Summer killed Joey, staged the crime and took the boys. And so much more.

    I think the McStay and Aranda families are the ones who should sue…HIM!

    Liked by 4 people

  24. The scary thing about Baker is that he’s got both time and money and he’s not afraid to use them in order to get what he wants, including revenge. He also has has just enough people who’ve bought in to his bullshit that will help with his dirty work. He needs to stay under the rock he came from.

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  25. There is not an ounce of sincerity, sympathy, empathy, nothing emotive from the defendant. I agree Merritt’s Freudian slips, body language and outright lies are indicative of guilt. Talks about Joseph in the past tense. His misogynistic vitriol toward Summer even after she’s found dead. Never mentions the children. Never says he’s sorry they are gone, that the family was beaten to death. You don’t have to be guilty of a crime or even like someone to be sorry anyone could be taken so horribly. Merritt is void of humanity to have any compassion and so not sorry the family was murdered. He’s sorry he got caught and is trying to snake his way out and play games with the system. But it’s catching up and the clock is ticking toward Justice for the McStays. Can’t let this dangerous freak baby killer back on the street, he needs to get gone!

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Scratching my head!

    Is anyone curious like I am why there are only three comments posted on that other blog in the last week?

    It seems that it may be possible that a number of people here were right when they deduced that it was possible that the number of people on that blog commenting are not the true number of different people they claim. It seems there very well may be only a few people using a multitude of different names. Kind of reminds you of another blog in the past.

    It might also be possible that the people there are all of the same family or group wanting to cause confusion and distort the facts and evidence in the case. It is extremely odd that all of a sudden the total number of all the supposed bloggers there just all of a sudden stopped posting at the same time. Or could it be they are continuing to violate the blog owners rules and their posts are being deleted because the bloggers are hell bent on attacking the McStay Family members and have no verifiable proof of there comments and unfounded accusations and their attempts to distort facts and the evidence.

    I think the blog owner has done the right thing by stopping all the people trying to disrupt the truth with all their out of this world theories and outrageous misinformation along with the total disregard of the facts and evidence presented. They claim there is a conspiracy that involves the McStay family members, the SDSD,, the SBCSD, the SB District Attorney and some of the media in order to convict the accused. They claim that experts in the various fields are wrong and they are part of this grandiose so called conspiracy.

    Now they have proven they are nothing more than part of the problem in this case and not part of the truth and certainly they aren’t seeking to understand the evidence but just want it gone!

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  27. Jay,
    I was wondering what happened over there as well. Once Jennifer had another hissy fit and stomped off the conversation stopped. She was one of the main posters and kept alot of the conversation going. I think that daveij got banned (rightfully so) and Madison and Rose aren’t capable of forming their own topics to discuss unless it involves bad mouthing everyone except Merritt. If Jennifer returns then the crazy talk probably will as well.

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  28. Jay may be right about family/friends posting there. Upon reviewing Blink’s site in the comment section, there is a poster named “Gold Prospector” with the very same avatar Dave has. Dave on more than one occasion claimed to live in or near Riverside. The Poster named “Golddigger” who posted here and claimed to know who “Jerry” was, posted from an area near Riverside.

    On another note, a poster “Rose” was also on Blink’s site posting against RB.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I confirmed a while back that gold prospector and Dave were/are the same person. I don’t remember reading Rose’s posts on BOC. I’ll have to go back and read.

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  29. The Rose on Blink’s site is not the same person as the Rose who comments on Duly’s blog. Blink’s Rose primarily posts about the Kyron Horman case.

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  30. Uploaded to YouTube yesterday. From a Norwegian psychic.

    Sounds like he thinks the family was threatened and forced from the home and killed at the graveside.


      • I think he’s saying that because of the house not looking like a crime scene. That they were abducted and made to stay quiet because the children were threatened. But I think if that were the case we would see more evidence of them being controlled. Hands and feet tied mouths taped. If Merritt was driving he couldn’t controll them. What’s to stop them from rolling down the windows and screaming their heads off? Or one parent opening the door and escaping the vehicle with both children?
        Or more than one perp was involved…Seasoned crime scene investigators have concluded they were killed in the home by one man.
        Maybe Merritt knew about and used oxi clean to scrub away the blood. IDK

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes, when you think of the little details like that – plus if the timeline is correct with the pulling out of the driveway at 7:47 and then going back into the home at 8:05 – likely not going to bring entire family back into the home to write the checks.

          Liked by 1 person

  31. IIRC the search warrants mentioned Merritt as saying in an interview that “Summer didn’t believe in corporal punishment.”
    Was that in the Feb 17th interview that took place in the meeting room of his RC apt building? An odd even startling thing to say when the family was assumed to be missing. It’s sinister and evil considering what we know of how the family died.

    Here’s the Wikipedia definition :
    “Corporal punishment or physical punishment is punishment intended to cause physical pain on a person. Common methods include spanking, paddling, and caning. Corporal punishment is commonly inflicted on minors, especially in home settings, but can also be used on adults, particularly prisoners in some countries.”

    When my children were little, like 3 or 4 I tried spanking them a few times. But it felt so wrong and didn’t help much in the long run. I had to take a step back and come up with more logical consequences for bad behaviour.
    I don’t know how anyone can hurt children, it’s inhuman.

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  32. I found it in the prelim transcript

    Detective Troy is discussing the interview he and Detective Fisk conducted with Merritt on Feb 17,2010.

    Q When you interviewed the defendant, did either you or
    22 Detective Fisk or both of you notice anything about the
    23 defendant’s pattern of speech when he talked about Joseph?
    24 A Yes.
    25 Q What did you note?
    26 A There were several times — in a homicide interview
    27 whether we’re just in a missing persons or a homicide interview,
    28 when we’re talking to a person we’re listening to what they’re
    1 telling us and trying to make sense of everything.
    2 There were several times that Charles Merritt used the
    3 past tense when he referred to Joseph or Summer McStay. There
    4 were also times when he used present tense, but he frequently
    5 would use past tense.
    6 Q In fact, didn’t he say there on the 17th that Joseph was
    7 one of his best friends?
    8 A Yes.
    9 Q Didn’t he say that Joseph definitely loved Summer?
    10 A Yes.
    11 Q And didn’t he say she was a verbal person — was a verbal
    12 person?
    13 A Yes.
    14 Q And she didn’t believe in corporal punishment?
    15 A Yes.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. “Maline said after Friday’s hearing the evidence doesn’t hold up, and the reason the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department didn’t arrest Merritt in the four years the case was in their jurisdiction was due to the lack of evidence supporting an arrest.”

    Here’s another article about how rare it is for a murder case without bodies to go to trial.


  34. Maline thinks the evidence doesn’t “hold up?” He is just doing what many defense attorneys do – blow smoke. He knows the only opinions about the evidence that matter are the juror’s opinions.

    Liked by 2 people

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